magic eye doctor

Chapter 573 Mysterious Treasure

Chapter 573 Mysterious Treasure
Le Yun shouted like a spoof, and ran away, running away from the entrance of the stone cave, so that she could sit and wait in her spare time.

After less than half a minute, the water flowing out of the cave was intermittent, and then the water splashed loudly on the stone wall. Soon, in a splash of water, a black and white python flew out. The stout body burst out from the cave like a black and white tornado.

The black-and-white python stretched its head in the air and looked at the little human girl who had been here a few months ago. She was sitting in the place where she often basked in the moon, wearing green flowery clothes, and smiling at herself with a round face, that smile. Bright and warm like the sun on a sunny day.

It stretched its neck and moved to the side of the little human girl, its body moved out of the stone cave, circled in circles, and soon formed a big circle, its neck sank a little, and its huge head stretched out to look at the human children , and rubbed her huge head on her shoulder, the little girl's breath smelled better and purer than the previous time.

Le Yun sat and let the giant python look around her. When it had enough research, she retracted her body and only looked at herself with her head supported. She opened her backpack and held out a bucket that used to contain pure water but now contains space well water. His eyes were full of crescent moons: "Brother Long, I have something to do in this province, and I have come here to tell you some good news. The dragon soul grass fruit I brought back last time has sprouted, and the seedlings seem to be very healthy now. Accidents should not die."

The big python blinked his huge eyes. The little human girl planted the dragon soul grass. It was really amazing. She was also very trustworthy and came to tell him the news.

"Brother Long, I brought a bucket of water like last time, can you drink it?" Le Yun hugged the bucket, unscrewed the lid, and smiled at the black and white python as if offering a treasure.

The python's eyes lit up, and he opened his bloody mouth, waiting for a drink.

The black and white python was too tall. Le Yun stood up, raised the bucket, and poured water into the big mouth. The mouth was so big that it felt like it wouldn't get stuck even if it swallowed a sideways buffalo.

A bucket of water was poured into it, like a bottomless pit, and it flowed down the python's throat into his huge stomach without even seeing a blister.

After drinking a mouthful of pure water, the python stretched its neck contentedly and looked at the little human girl, her coiled body spread out, her tail stretched out into the cave, all the way back to the cave, when only her head was left, she kept looking at the little human being. girl.

When the python retreated into the cave, Le Yun thought he wanted to go home and go to sleep. Seeing it kept looking back, she was stunned, and hesitantly put forward her own understanding: "Brother Long, you... do you want to invite I'm going to your cave as a guest?"

The big python nodded slightly, the little human girl was quite smart and could guess what he meant.

"Wow, can I visit your cave?" Le Yun's eyes shone brightly. There was a lot of spiritual energy in Python Jiao's cave, so there must be treasures.

The black and white boa constrictor lowered its head a little, turned around and retreated into the cave, with its neck and head retracted into the cave.

"Wow, that's great." Le Yun jumped three feet high, grabbed the backpack, stuffed the bucket into the backpack while running, ran to the hole, put the backpack on her back, and burrowed into the cat's waist.

The black and white python had a sturdy body and squeezed the water back to both sides, so that there was no water in the middle.

Le Yun was bold and daring, the cat burrowed into the cave with a waist, quickly followed the python, and walked the way it squeezed the water.

The python walked backwards, and the light followed from the outside to the inside. After that, the light became weaker and weaker, and soon it became dark and numb. The python does not need light to see things, and Le Yun can also see at night. Too clear, she still took out a flashlight to illuminate.

The cave is very deep. After walking for more than 100 meters, it has not reached the end. After walking for about 130 meters, the front becomes spacious. It is a belly cave with a height of about [-] to [-] square meters. On the stone wall, an area is full of shiny stones, those stones are the Dulong jade mine!

The stone wall of the Dulong jade mine collapsed at the top of the cave. The cave was dark and faint, about the size of a bucket, and a stream of water about the size of the mouth of a bowl spewed out. There was a pit where the water flow hit, and there were several hundreds of pieces. The Dulong Jade is heavy to thousands of pounds.

This is not the most amazing thing. What is even more amazing is that the stone wall that has not collapsed and the tunnel goes deep. The opening of the cave is about ten meters wide and six or five meters high. The bottom of the cave is in the shape of a gentle slope. There is a shallow layer of water on one side.

Seeing the Dulong jade vein, Le Yun's eyes lit up, can she take some away?Looking at the black hole again, the spiritual energy inside is as rich as a rainbow, and there is a sparkling light, which is truly charming.

The black and white python retreated to the wide area, turned around, and swam toward the black hole. His huge body slid through the shallow water, winding like a dragon, and the pen-walking dragon and snake must be like that.

Le Yun was stunned for a while, then continued to walk, after walking for more than ten meters, turning a small corner, the front suddenly became clear again, this time it was a real clear light.

In front of it is a wide cave. The rock is quartzite, extending like a terraced field. The left-hand side of the cave is the main backbone of the terraced field, and the terraced field is shaped according to it.

There are traces of artificial excavation on the stone wall, and there are also beautiful stone carving symbols painted on the wall, painted with bright colors, some symbols have been corroded by the years and some spots, while the side of the terraced ridge is slightly lower, and the water flows from the darkness. Comes out, only a very thin layer.

The black and white python swam to a spacious place and looked back at the little human girl, and continued to march forward, holding his head high, like a king cruising his territory.

Le Yun scanned the stone wall pattern and understood why there was so much light. Those quartzites are very pure ore, and some of them can be directly made into jewelry.

The python was still moving forward, and she also advanced along the slate-like ground like a terraced field. She walked about thirty meters long. The terraced field narrowed, and a groove like a mountain stream appeared. After the groove, it was flat like a terraced field. After that, the terraces became wider again, with stone walls on one side, and soil on the other side, and a huge deep pool was exposed on the ground where the stone walls and the soil were connected.

When Le Yun saw the water pool, she immediately moved far away, walked towards the edge of the high end of the terraced field, and took a flashlight to take a picture of it.There are still quite a few fish, the largest weighing at least ten pounds, and the small one as wide as a palm, swimming in the water in a graceful manner.

The giant python swam to the edge of the pool, pouted into the pool, all its long body plunged into the water, and stretched out its neck to look at the little human girl.

"Brother Long, didn't you tell me to go into the water?" Le Yun wiped off her sweat when she saw the python floating in the water.

The python nodded. Good things are under the water, and you won't be able to see them if you don't go into the water.

"Brother Long, I don't know how to water. What I fear most are deep pools and large lakes." Le Yun saw the pool, her calf was stiff, she heard that she wanted to follow her into the water, she was sweating, she was afraid of water!Even if you don't want to admit it, you have to admit that shitty fact.

The python was shocked. Humans can't use water?Looking at the way the human child dared not approach, he had to believe that the little girl was really afraid of water.

Silently, staring at the little human girl for a few times, he sank down and plunged into the deep pool.


The black and white python dived into the deep pool, and Le Yun wiped away the sweat silently, feeling that there was something good under the water, but, as a human who can't understand water, she can only sigh.

She sighed countless times and looked around with a flashlight. There were treasures in the deep pool. She couldn't set foot in it. She could only look at other places. very beautiful.

There are many weathered and corroded roads on the stone walls, and there are potholes in some places.

Le Yun held the flashlight and walked inward along the stone wall. When she came to a place, she put the headlamp on top of her head, took out her gloves and put it on, grabbed the stone wall and crawled against the wall like a gecko. Four meters high, he climbed into a pit, leaned on his stomach and probed inside, gasping for breath in shock.

The hole is only two meters high, but it is actually very wide inward, at least ten meters wide. There are many pottery, stone tools, and animal bones in the cave.

The pits and caves are clearly the caves where the primitive inhabitants lived in the ancient times.

Lying at the entrance of the cave, Le Yun jumped up vigorously, climbed into the cave, and watched carefully. The pottery was somewhat rough, some delicate, with round belly and pointed bottom, some flat bottom, narrow neck, and no neck, and some simple patterns. , some patterns are complicated.

There are not many pottery pieces. There are more than [-] complete pieces. Some [-] pieces are incomplete and some fragments. There are only [-] or [-] stone tools. Others have been weathered and broken. The teeth or claws of large animals such as tigers.

Le Yun's heart was beating "bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang bang."

After picking up the complete pottery, sweep up all the broken pieces and put them in a basket and throw them back into the space. Then pick up stone tools such as knives and axes. There is a stone pit with a circular groove, which should be a stone pot. The petrified teeth, claws, and bones were pulled out of the animal bones.

Pick up all the things in the cave, climb down along the stone wall, hold the lamp head and shoot around, and then climb to another stone cave about twenty or so apart. Half a meter high, the cave is full of symbols and patterns, and there are several pottery and bronze wares piled in one corner.

The shape and pattern of the pottery are incomparable with the pottery in the previous caves. It is beautiful in shape, exquisite in pattern and very delicate in depiction. The bronze ware is a cooking tripod, bowl, cup, and bronze ware with rust and defects. .

Le Yun said nothing, picked it up, and stuffed it back into the space.

The other small caves were found to have nothing spiritual, and one end also came to an end, and then walked back, far away from the deep pool. The diameter of the pool is more than 30 meters wide, irregular, and it seems to lead directly to the underground river.

Before the python came back, she sat on a flat place and waited for about half an hour. There was a loud bang in the deep pool, splashes of water splashed, and the black and white python burst out of the water. Its long body swayed in the water and slowly swam towards the shore. , making the water waves roll.

Le Yun jumped up and ran forward, cheerfully telling the cave owner: "Brother Long, Brother Long, there are some things in the small hole here and there that you think you shouldn't need, I will take them, and I will make a suitable pill for you in a few years. Medicine, I will send you the medicine pill as money for those things."

The big python glanced in the direction pointed by the little human girl, and couldn't be more calm, she liked the broken copper and iron over there.

Swimming to the shore, he stretched out his neck and stuck his head out for about four or five meters. He was close to the ground, opened his mouth, and spit out something. Accompanied by the sound of jingle, there were several crystal-like things on the ground, some golden ones. A bowl of blue and green agate, a string of pearls the size of a pigeon egg, a jade pendant inlaid with emerald green, a jade lion the size of a fist, an opal the size of a fist, a jade Buddha the size of a football .

He spat out something, rolled his long tail backwards, and landed a large golden box that had to be carried by an adult man.

The golden box was about one meter long and sixty centimeters high. The lid was closed well, and there was a beautiful small golden lock on it.

Le Yun's mouth could be filled with a watermelon, but when she closed it with difficulty, she stuttered: "Long... Brother Long, is there a place to bury treasures in the pool?"

Oh my god, all the pythons slipped out are treasures!

The treasure he spit out is incredible. The gold box is real gold, and there are treasures in it, because there are various rays of light, which are dazzling.

The python put down the golden box, its tail fell into the deep pool again, stretched its neck and shook its head, drilled down, plunged into the water again, and dived again without making a sound.

"I, I..." Le Yun wanted to cry, but Python Jiao didn't agree and went diving to find a baby, but she could only stare blankly, woo, I must learn to swim in the future, I have to learn to swim, I have to learn to swim, and three important things are said. all over!
She made up her mind to learn to swim, but when she saw a deep pool a few meters away, her calf twitched again. I'm afraid, that green and faint pool is the most terrifying!

Silently, she wiped away the shameful tears, dragged her stiff legs, and carefully moved to the pile of treasures brought out by the python. She was afraid of falling into the water, so she sat down tremblingly with sweat and studied the gold box.

The gold bowl with the shortest age is the golden bowl. It was made in the late Ming Dynasty. The oldest one is a jade lion. The jade lion should have been made in the Liu Han period. .

After studying the small lock of the golden box for a while, Le Yun found a copper wire from the space, pushed it into the keyhole and gently pried it. After a few turns, she pulled it hard to successfully open the small golden lock.

Take off the small lock, there is water in the seam between the box cover and the box body, bite it tightly, carefully open the cover, revealing a box of treasures, agate, emerald, jade, pearl, ruby, sapphire, amber, and gold Jewelry made of silver.

Water seeps into the box, and the gold and silver jewelry is dipped in the water, shining brightly.

"..." Le Yun was dumbfounded, what is this all about?
After staring blankly for a while, he carried the box to a higher slope, changed his gloves, counted the jewelry lightly, took the things out of the box, and placed them on the ground.

Treasures are all semi-finished products and finished products, some are polished and have not been inlaid, some have been inlaid, pearl bracelets, gold and silver jade bracelets, hairpins and hairpins, agate strings, ivory, etc., and some pearls, precious stones, jade and jade without strings. piece.

Take out all the things, pour out the water in the box, put the things back in the box, and put the golden bowl and several other things into the golden box.

After packing up, Le Yun sat on the ground and waited, left and right, before the python came back, took out a pack of pills from the space, counted a dozen of them to keep for herself, and put the extra in her backpack.

About ten minutes later, the water surface of the deep pool made a loud noise again, and the black and white python emerged from the water again, and its tail curled up again, and swam to the shore. Only a golden box, and a large cauldron that is half a person high.

That tripod was a big bronze tripod, with three legs and a round belly, two ears, and a beast head on each leg. It was engraved with seal script inscriptions.

The golden box was the same size as the golden box that was brought out for the first time, and it was golden.

No matter how strong her mental endurance was, Le Yun felt unreal. She opened her eyes and opened her mouth. After 30 seconds, she regained her sanity: "Brother Long, come up and sit down, let's... chat." If you don't Chat and she'll break down.

The black and white python slowly climbed ashore, dragged its water stains and slid to the side of the little human girl in a large circle, and stretched its head to be next to the little girl.

"Brother Long, you moved out so many treasures, I'm frightened, I need to suppress the fright." Python Jiao has been psyched, Le Yun complained bitterly, while touching the backpack, took out the pills, unpacked them, opened the golden box, and took out In the golden bowl, pour the pills into the golden bowl and hold them up for Lord Python Jiao to eat.

There are about thirty pills in a bowl, the white is a little gray, and the fragrance is fragrant.

The big python opened his mouth wide, rolled his tongue, rolled the bowl of pills into his mouth, swallowed it without burping, and rolled his tongue, meaning: Is there anything else?one more bowl.

"Brother Long, the pills I have on hand are limited, and I don't have any more. The ones just now are more pure than the last one." A big head approached, Le Yun touched her nose, and pointed to the golden box and the big pill. Ding: "Brother Long, what are you going to do after you move out so many things?"

The python blinked, stretched its neck, and pushed the box a little in front of the little human girl.

"give me?"

The big python nodded, retracted his body, raised his head, and spat out a letter slowly.

Happiness came too quickly, Le Yun looked at the golden box, looked at the python Jiao, and found that the expression of the python was very cute, she stretched her arms around the slippery snake, and leaned over and kissed him on the eye: "Haha. "Brother Long, you are so kind!"

The big python who was kissed by the little human girl: "!" When did humans become so... enthusiastic? !
"Brother Long, Brother Long, I have received the gift. I am looking for medicine to concoct pills. I will help you concoct a pill that suits you. After you take pills, you can stop eating meat and have less blood on your body. Qi, it is beneficial to Feixian." Le Yun's happy eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and she was almost dizzy, clinging to the python to call her brother.

The black and white big python is next to the little human girl, one person and one python cuddle with each other, full of warmth.

Le Yun hugged the python and laughed for a while. She studied the lock of the golden box again, found the weak point, picked the lock in the same way, removed the small lock, opened the box, and found a box full of china, with a round belly of cloisonne. Pots, azure-glazed plates and bowls, blue jade pots and spring bottles, small pots with Doucai Tuanhua, blue-and-white plum vase, small slag buckets in the gaps of the porcelain, tea saucers, and poured pearl agate and other small things to fill.

The big python glanced at it, but he didn't have much interest. He couldn't eat or drink anything. He could only look at it.

Le Yun, who was stunned again, slowly took out the porcelain pieces one by one and put them all on the ground, then poured out the water in the box, put the porcelain back in the box again, and covered it up.

I went to see the big cauldron again. That cauldron was amazing. It was a thing in the late Spring and Autumn period, and it was the oldest of all the treasures. I went around the treasure twice and hugged it hard. If I could pick it up, I would throw it away immediately. Return to your own space, then collect the gold box, throw both chests of treasures into the return space, turn around and look at the stretched neck of the big python with a splendid smile.

The objects disappeared one by one, and the big python was full of shock. He looked at the little human girl for a while, his neck stretched longer and longer, and he went around the little girl. He couldn't guess where she hid the things, so he pushed her hand away with his head. , look at her palm, still no!
"Brother Long, don't look for it, you can't find where I'm hiding my things, I'll tell you quietly, I'm hiding things here," Le Yun pointed to her head: "This is an almighty who has achieved the right to help me. A secluded place to hide things is probably in a certain orifice. It can hide hundreds of big boxes like just now, but not everything can be hidden. Some things can't be hidden. If I die, I will hide it. The things will disappear with the destruction. This is my secret, and Brother Long wants to keep it secret for me."

The black and white python stretched its neck and looked at the top of the little human girl's head, but still couldn't see anything, and couldn't sense any strange power, and finally understood why she felt that the little girl didn't bring something last time, but she could take it out again. he eats.

The big python stretched, turned around, walked forward slowly, walked to the place where there was the Dulong jade mine, rolled its long tail, fished out a few shiny dulong jade stones from the puddle, and threw them in front of the little girl.

Following Le Yun, who stopped by the python, she stared blankly again, and there were many stones piled up in front of her in trance.

The big python gave the stone to the little human girl, held her head high, and happily marched out of the cave. At the exit, she deliberately cut off the water flow so that the little human girl walked in front, and he blocked the water at the back.

The well-cared-for Le Yun trotted in front of her with her short legs, and ran out of the cave with a ding ding dong.

The black and white python swayed to the place where the sun was shining through the leaves and coiled up to bask in the sun.

Le Xiaoxue sat next to the python and took out apples, pears, and melons to share with him. He didn't eat them, she ate them herself. What.

She accompanies the python Jiao to talk for a minute, seeing that it is getting late, carrying her own backpack, carrying a hatchet and waving its claws with the python.

The big python watched the little girl get into the woods, and felt that her breath was so far away that she could no longer smell it, and it was coiled in a circle. The little girl said that it might take a year or two to come back again. There is no time for cultivation, not even a year or two. long time.

(End of this chapter)

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