magic eye doctor

Chapter 574 The Legendary Blood Race

Chapter 574 The Legendary Blood Race

Saying goodbye to Python Jiao, Le Yun no longer lingered in the mountains, and went over the mountains without stopping. It took less than half a day to arrive at a large town on the Bingcha line from Ynan Province to Z Province, and reconnaissance found suitable Time, take out the motorcycle from the space and run on your own.

She planned to rush the road at night, and waited until she arrived in Ying County, Dezhou, Y South Province, before resting, but the plan could not be changed, probably because the road surface was too bad. Shortly after riding after dark, the rear tire of the motorcycle unexpectedly blew out, so she had to stop Check the vehicle down.

A child with strong hands is not afraid of the sky and the ground. He repairs the tire on his own, checks it, and finds the cause of the tire blowout. There are half-old and rusty nails stuck on the rear wheel. It doesn't look like someone deliberately put it on the road It should have fallen on the ground somewhere, and the wheel ran over and unfortunately sunk into the tire.

There are various riding tour guides with the riding experience of ALICE friends. It is normal to encounter various problems on the road. A flat tire is a common occurrence. For cyclists, the problem of the scooter on the road is the most common One of the common problems, so it will be mentioned in the experience of cyclists on the Internet.

Le Xiaoxiao made preparations when he set off from Z province. He found the place where the tire was leaking, pulled out the nails, used a special brush for car repair to clean the break, then applied glue, put on the film for tire repair, and repaired the inner tube. , Even the outer tire is repaired, so as not to accidentally squeeze a sharp stone through the crack and puncture the inner tube again.

After repairing the tires, re-inflating the air, and trying to ride the bike without any problem, I continued on the road. I only rode for more than two minutes. Considering the road problem, I found a safe place to climb back to the space to rest.

At night, Le Yun slept very deeply and fell into a strange dream. In the dream, the sky was wide and the spring flowers were blooming. Cangyou's voice read the book to her all night. The sound of the book was echoing, and I couldn't help humming. Overnight, some knowledge was stuffed into my brain. Those things were too... far away, and I don't know if I would have the opportunity to experience them in person.

Staring at the dark sky for a while, I got up to observe, the gifts sent by various sects and the aura of the treasure I got from the python were gone, I turned on the flashlight excitedly and looked at the space, the space was as expected , it widens again!
Probably because of the lack of spiritual energy in the space before, so even if she lost the ancient knowledge with spiritual energy and planted a lot of medicinal materials in the space, the space would not be widened. This time, there are birthday gifts and gifts from the python, which were only exposed before. Half of the large flowerbed finally revealed the true colors of Mount Lu, and only a few wolfberry and red jujube trees made the flowerbed extraordinarily huge.

Not only did the flower bed appear, but Bai Wu also moved a distance to the other side. In terms of width, Bai Wu was probably not far from the edge of another flower bed.

On the whole, the wider width is not too large, however, it is better to have a wider width than to keep it the same.

Le Yun jumped up excitedly, ran around the flowerbed, happily rolled twice on the grass, and happily ran to take care of the space crops.

The little fox takes the hole in the dragon's blood tree as his home, and stays with the little black monkey in the tree hole every day. When the little human girl gets up and has fun, he sits in the tree hole and admires the little girl's joy and sees her hard work. , he grabbed the little black monkey and fell from the tree, and also went to help pick tea, silver flowers, and fruits.

People are in good spirits at happy events, Le Yun is in a good mood, and she works hard. She manages space crops, washes her face, eats fruit for breakfast, scouts for no one outside, carries her car out of the space, and rides a motorcycle.

Even if she had finished the most difficult road the day before yesterday, because the roads were all winding mountain roads, it was a test of skills, and there were more and more vehicles, so she tried her best to stay away from Gaoligong Mountain. In the main mountain group, on the way to Ying County, I found a place where no one was there to hide the vehicle, took out a large backpack and a large suitcase full of stuff, tied it to the luggage trailer, and ran to an intersection to wait for the bus. , take the bus to Yingxian.

After arriving at the county seat after noon, Le Yun had a quick lunch. Le Yun took a taxi and headed straight to the port town where Ying County borders Myanmar. It took more than an hour to arrive. She went through the exit formalities at the border station of the port and said she wanted to leave the country to gamble on stones. , and declared the huge sum of 700 million in the lockbox he was carrying.

In fact, Myanmar has opened a convenient door for the country of Great China, allowing Chinese people to apply for a visa on arrival. Therefore, even if she does not go through the entry and exit procedures, she can go to Myanmar by plane, train or car and then apply for a visa. Entry and exit procedures are also carried out in China, mainly because she needs to spend a lot of cash in Myanmar. If she does not declare at customs, it is smuggling, so it is better to declare at customs first.

Because you have a passport, and you enter and exit the border normally, it is very simple to go through the formalities at the border guard station in your own country.

Myanmar and Ying County are only separated by a river. Crossing the river is Myanmar. After going through the exit procedures in Ying County, it takes a few kilometers to officially enter the territory of Myanmar. Leyun goes to the Myanmar port again to go through the entry formalities and declare the property she is carrying. for the record.

The stone gambling industry in Myanmar is supported by the Chinese people. There are many Chinese businessmen who travel to and from Myanmar every year. It is common for Myanmar to enter the stone gambling industry with a large amount of cash. No one will stop the large amount of taxes. One chapter is knocked down, and the money is warmly welcomed into Myanmar.

After getting the entry visa, Le Yun didn't stop for a while, left the border inspection port, and found a car chartered for a living and headed to Mina, the capital of Kebang State, Myanmar.

Kebang State of Myanmar is adjacent to Dezhou, China. Mina is the capital of Kebang State, the trade center city in northern Myanmar, and the largest jade producing area in Myanmar. In Kebang, it is only 50 kilometers away from Mina.

Classmate Le went from Z to Y southern province and went abroad to run in Myanmar according to his own plan. Hei Jiu and Shen 12 stayed in Chaxian for one night as planned, and drove along the CZ line the next day. In Province C, the two of them hurried on their way, stopped and walked on the road, and waited until the [-]th before entering Province C. It was so slow, it mattered not, and they moved into the first county in Province C.

The two brothers were very leisurely. They wandered the streets every day, and they knew all the roads in the county. No. 13 was no exception.

The brothers returned to the station, immediately checked the "little eyes" they had installed, and analyzed the pedestrians traveling between the hotel and nearby. After some survey and comparison, they found a suspicious pedestrian in Sanba.

After the two were busy, they were about to go out for a walk. After receiving the secret contact from the team members, they were busy looking at the information. It turned out to be the news from Team Liu. They said that they found that Little Loli had left the country from the border guard station and went to Myanmar, and asked them where they were. where.

"Little Lolita went to Kebang?" Shen Shiliu was in bad shape, and almost threw away the notebook in his hand.

"My God, which pot can't be opened for little loli?" Hei Jiu hugged his head and wailed. The border between Myanmar's Kebang and Ynan Province has always been unstable. At the same time, the border line and Z Province The border line was also unstable, so the captain had to temporarily put aside the protection of Little Loli and secretly rushed to the border line to perform the beheading mission.

Before leaving, the captain explained repeatedly to prevent Little Loli from approaching the border. Little Loli wanted to lead people to Gaoligong Mountain to solve the problem. Because non-ordinary people were involved, they had no choice but to let her play the trick of "crossing Chencang on the Mingxiu Plank Road in the dark". , As a result, Little Loli succeeded in secret crossing, but what would she do if she went abroad directly after entering Ynan Province?
Could it be that after Xiao Loli solved a batch of unusual tails, she was tracked down again. She wanted to take the tails to Myanmar to solve them?

"Sixteen gods, what do you think Little Loli wants to do?" Hei Jiu rubbed her temples in pain. Little Loli asked them to go back to Beijing on the CZ line. Little Lolita actually not only threw off the stalking tail, but also deliberately threw them away.

"My brain capacity is limited, I don't know what Little Lolita wants to do, maybe the captain can guess one or two." Shen Shiliu held a thin notebook, and he was reluctant to catch a little Lolita back and hold it for a meal, Little Loli Li said that after taking people into Gaoligong to solve the problem, she would take the opportunity to return to Beijing directly, but she left everyone and went abroad alone. Isn't that sending sheep into the tiger's mouth?

"What should I do?" The two asked in unison after looking at each other for a while.

Due to special reasons, they absolutely cannot go abroad, which means that they cannot immediately enter Myanmar from the border to secretly track the whereabouts of Little Loli to protect her. Now they can only send other people to Myanmar to protect her.

They asked the same question in unison, and Hei Jiu Shen [-] stared with big eyes and small eyes for three seconds, and immediately contacted the liaison in the team to give back his position and the purpose of Xiao Loli going to Y Nan Province before, and then , Immediately collect the luggage, and rush to Y Nan Province for a while to wait to pick up the little loli.

The two of them reported their whereabouts to the team. The liaison staff in Beijing almost wanted to cry. The captain was in a state of no contact. To a certain extent, the little loli and the captain in Z province could complement each other. Attracting part of the attention, so as to contain some people who are just about to move, and as a result, little Lolita left people to run in the most dangerous way, is it equivalent to sending people to be a target?

Some of the soldiers guarding in the garrison area started the second plan left by the captain while grinding their teeth angrily, and gave the hidden team members a task to immediately rush to Myanmar to protect a careless little boy. "national treasure".

When Yan Dashao's teammates were dispatching troops, far away in Europe, in an ancient castle located in a mountainside manor in the famous European Alps, the owner was drinking afternoon tea with guests from afar on the lawn in the courtyard.

The owner of the castle was a handsome man, very young, with thick, wavy, soft blond hair, azure eyes as blue in the clear sky, and fair skin, the blue beneath his skin in the sun. The blood vessels are looming, and it is also a typical European blue-blooded noble blood.

A handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes is sitting in a golden chair, and in front of him is a quaint wooden table with gold edging, covered with woven flower tablecloth cushions, snacks are served in gold and silver plates, and even the tea set for afternoon tea is inlaid. With bright jewels, sitting opposite him was a beautiful lady with an Asian face, with long black hair scattered, wearing a Southeast Asian gauze dress, with gold, silver, and jade bracelets on her wrists, and an emerald necklace wrapped around her neck.

The handsome blond man was standing next to the family waiter, pouring tea for the young gentleman and the guests, and after serving the tea, he stood aside with his hands down.

"Honorable lady, please drink tea -" The handsome and handsome young man invited the guests to drink tea. His magnetic voice was full of magic.

The glamorous young woman held up the teacup with her slender hands, and drank the tea slowly, half a cup of tea, and a small snack.

The sun was shining warmly on the earth, and the grass was green. One was a beautiful woman and the other was a handsome guy. Even the desserts were so exquisite and delicious, everything looked so beautiful.

When the tea was almost finished, the glamorous young woman wiped the corners of her mouth with a paper towel, and asked gracefully and indifferently, "Count Ryan, how do you think about my proposal?"

"Du Miaomiaodan from the East, my answer remains the same. I'm not interested in your proposal, let alone cooperation." The young earl held the teacup with distinct knuckles, and his blue eyes reflected when he spoke. The light of the sun, the whole person is so mysterious and charming.

"Is Earl Ryan not interested in the reward I propose, or is he not interested in the purest girl's blood in the world?" Miao Miaodan spoke fluent English and confidently negotiated with the young earl.

"Ms. Miaomiaodan lacks sincerity. When you ask me for help, in the words of the Orientals, you use me as a spearman. I don't want to be used by others to provoke the Oriental monks for no reason, and become a contract breaker that is rejected by thousands of people. By."

"Count Ryan, I've honestly explained the cause and effect, and I didn't deceive. That villain is really not a monk, but someone who knows the monk's family, because my child's father's family also has a little friendship with her. I and I It is inconvenient for the mother's family to take action in person. If the children are not involved, my family does not need to invite the earl to help. After all, the girl's blood is too rare and attractive, and my family is reluctant to share it with others, because my mother's family and the earl I am happy to cooperate with the Earl and give up most of the benefits because of the deep connection of the family."

"Ms. Miaomiaodan doesn't have to go to great lengths to tempt me with the blood of young girls. I won't cooperate with you. The monk contract has not expired. My family and I don't want to be cannon fodder. Wrong, if you really want to talk about bloodline, your bloodline is barely related to a branch of the Zmish family, and it has nothing to do with my Revno family."

Earl Lion firmly rejected the proposal of cooperation from the glamorous young woman. It is undeniable that the blood in the veins of Miaomiaodan is very attractive, but the survival of the family is more important, and he cannot bet the survival of the family on a completely unpredictable partnership. .

More than a hundred years ago, the monk contract agreed that 300 years would be a period of peace. Now just over 100 years have passed, and monks from all over the world have recovered due to recuperation.

The blood clan lives in the West, and after years of recuperation, even if it is far from its heyday, it can be regarded as recovering its vitality. However, most of the young people in the blood clan are of mediocre aptitude, and not many people have good talent. The best thing to do is not to get involved in the war between monks.

"I dare to say that the blood of that girl is the purest blood in the world. Drinking a cup is better than drinking a hundred liters of ordinary blood. Drinking one person may raise the ability of the blood race to a higher level. Blood is also uninteresting, it can be seen that the vision is really high."

"No matter how delicious the blood is, it has to endure. For this reason, Ms. Miaomiaodan's family must have lost a lot of manpower. I will not consider this matter again. Ms. Miaomiaodan please come back, and there is no need to talk about it in the future. Cooperation, I do not do business with tigers for skin."

"It's really shocking, Earl Ryan is not interested in cooperation, and I won't bother you anymore."

Earl Ryan refused to be firm and could not cooperate with him. Miaomiaodan no longer insisted, drank the last cup of tea for the guest, and got up to leave.

The young man standing beside the earl sent the guests from the east out of the courtyard, and kept sending the lady out of the manor. He went outside by car before returning. Because the earl was basking in the sun with his eyes closed, he stood by and waited.

Miao Miao Dan left the manor, changed the route when he was about to arrive at the town where he was staying, bypassed the town, went in the other direction, drove for about an hour, and arrived at a manor not far from the mountains, which was bigger than Earl Ryan's manor. Smaller, a small manor.

The people in the manor politely received the lady from the East who had visited the owner three days ago, please go and meet the owner of the manor.

Miao Miao Dan stayed in the manor for several hours, and was sent out of the manor by the young people of the manor and drove away when it was almost dusk.

After Ms. Miaomiaodan left, Earl Ryan ignored all the sounds from the outside world and slept peacefully and peacefully.

When it was almost sunset, a young man entered the courtyard to report the matter. Seeing that the earl was still resting, he went to chat with the earl's first guard, and the young man quickly guarded the earl's side.

When the sun was sinking from the top of the mountain, Lean slowly opened his eyes, his blue eyes turned to blue and black, he got up gracefully, straightened his clothes, and walked to the castle calmly, his magnetic voice soft like the evening wind: " Abner, any news?"

"Yes, Lord Earl," Abner followed the young Earl and replied respectfully, "The lady from the East left the manor and diverted to visit Baron Auston and stayed in the manor for three hours. , presumably there may be some kind of agreement, because the lady's expression is very pleasant."

"It is estimated that old Aubrey is not at home, and that guy Auston has made his own decisions again." Ryan smiled sarcastically, looking up at the clouds in the sky: "Abner, book a ticket for tomorrow, I will go to Myanmar. and Thailand."

"Your Majesty, have you changed your mind?"

"No," Ryan denied: "I won't cooperate with Miao Miao Dan. In order not to let the idiot of Auston drag down the blood clan, I will go to Southeast Asia and warn the Revno people not to form alliances with their messy gangs and destroy them. The matter of the treaty, so as not to bring disaster to the blood clan."

"Understood." Abner bowed and stepped back to arrange the itinerary for the Count to prepare for the trip.

Ryan watched the clouds drifting away in the sky, and pondered for a few seconds before entering the manor castle.

(End of this chapter)

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