magic eye doctor

Chapter 604 One more solution

Chapter 604 Solve Another One

After Ms. Wei's work is completed, it is equivalent to completing a diagnosis. Le Yun is also very relaxed. She completes the consultations in hand one by one. If she can get it done, she can happily implement her other plans.

Ms. Wei was about to resign, and she didn't leave anyone to play. She sent her downstairs. In addition to making an appointment with Ms. Wei that day, she also made an appointment with Zhou Shao, and she has an appointment tomorrow, so she is not free these days.

Wei Qiumeng didn't want the little girl to send him off. The little girl was very moved by sending her to the bus because she was afraid that she would not find a way to send her out of the dormitory building in person.

After waving goodbye to the little girl, Ms. Wei took her luggage and took the bus around the school to make a circle in Qingda, then went out of the west school gate, found her car and drove home.

After seeing Ms. Wei away, Le Xiaoxiao saw that it was less than ten o'clock, so she sent a message to Zhou Shao and asked where he was.

Zhou Shao received an appointment for a follow-up visit from the little beauty of the Immortal Doctor School, and made preparations early. He set off for Qingda University early in the morning. He arrived at the west gate of Qingda University after 60:[-]. Green University.

He brought personal guards on Mondays and Tuesdays. It was the first time for the three of them to enter the university. In the spirit of visiting, they followed the map route and slowly enjoyed the scenery of the school.

The little girl made an appointment with them after 10:30. Zhou Shao guessed that the little girl might be busy in the middle of the morning, so he didn't bother the little girl when he arrived at Qingda University. He was going to approach the school dormitory area while admiring it. Just contacted the little girl.

Before 10:30, he received the girl's contact information, and Zhou Shao hurriedly wrote back to tell her that she had arrived near the school's east playground.

After contacting Shao Zhou, Le Yun knew where he was, gave a route suggestion, and stayed near the Huan School bus stop.

Zhou Shao took the two guards on the school bus to the dormitory station according to the little beauty's instructions, got off the bus, and saw the petite and exquisite little girl standing by the roadside, happy to meet in the past, not seen for many months, the little beauty's S-curve It is more obvious that you can go to any station at will, and it is the right eye-catching body that sees the car parked.

Successfully meeting with the cute and fiery little beauty, Zhou Shao couldn't help complaining: "Your school is good, but it's not good that you are not allowed to carry large luggage. I originally brought some fruit, I can't bring it in, I can only put it in the car."

"It's also for the safety of students that they don't let people bring large luggage. I'm afraid that there are dangerous goods hidden in the luggage." Le Yun giggled. Qingda's inspection is very strict, so the security in the school is safe and reliable.

Zhou Shao also understands that strict inspections are for the safety of students.

Classmate Le led Zhou Shao to Xueba Building, and introduced some campus attractions as she walked. Although she hadn't visited the whole school's attractions, she did not prevent her from explaining it to others.

The dormitory building with outstanding people, symbolizing the spirit of the school's students' hard work, stands on the ground, like a wise scholar, quiet and introverted, and a little voice is heard from time to time, which adds to its popularity.

When students come in and go out, they are basically neatly tidy, unless they have just returned from exercising or are going out to exercise, they only wear sports clothes. Generally speaking, students living in the building are also worthy of the title of academic masters. They not only pay attention to knowledge, but also pay attention to knowledge. Pay attention to the meter.

Zhou Shao and Monday and Tuesday were all well-dressed. They followed the little girl up the stairs. When they met a student, the three of them nodded and smiled friendly. When they went to the fourth floor, they entered the girls' dormitory with the little girl. She was surprised by the stack of books on the wall.

Put aside the backpacks you bring on Mondays and Tuesdays. You cannot bring large luggage into the school. The gifts such as fruits that they bring are not brought into the school at all. They only bring a set of clothes that the young master may need to change and wash private belongings.

Le Yun greeted the three men to sit first, and poured them tea. The tea is medicinal tea. After boiling, put it cold and warm, and the entrance is warm without burning the throat.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, Zhou Shao wisely took off his excess coat and laid the corpse in the widest part of the small living room. He also felt very shy and was so nervous that he lay like a zombie.
On Monday and Tuesday, I stayed not far from the young master, nervous and excited.

Zhou Shao's witty lying on the corpse made Le Yun very funny. When someone Yan wanted to be stabbed with needles, she always asked her to roar twice. Compared with Zhou Shao, she was much more obedient.

The patient is very good. She also saved her saliva, took out her medical tools, spread out the bottles and jars and medical needles, and first applied disinfectant to Guanyuan and Zhongji where Zhou Shaoren's vein was injured, to eliminate the poison several times, and wipe it clean. The skin, and then apply the ointment, and apply a thick layer of gray medicine.

After that, Zhou Shao swallowed a large amount of pills, poured two bowls of dark concoction, twisted needles, flying needles, gold needles and silver needles, and confines his stomach and dantian area. The needles were stuck on him one by one, arranging a beautiful pattern.

On Monday and Tuesday, their eyes widened, and they couldn't take their eyes off them, but what surprised them was that the little girl put a beautiful needle pattern on their young master, patted her butt, and left, leaving their young master alone, she herself After washing my hands, I sat and drank tea leisurely.

The two young guards were very depressed, and Zhou Shao was even more puzzled. The little beauty gave him so many pills and drank the medicinal soup. At first, he felt that his stomach was going to be pierced, and his chest seemed to be hot and melted. When the little beauty gave him a needle, It wasn't hot anymore, and I didn't feel anything other than that.

The little beauty told him not to practice cultivation for the time being, so he could only look up at the ceiling, tacitly calculating how many steel bars, several bags of cement, and several squares of sand per square meter.

He originally used acupuncture and moxibustion, which might have caused some suffering. However, the fact was that the weather was calm and the waves did not even come out. It was not until the corpse lay down for about half an hour that he felt a new sensation. The heat flows to the Ren Meridian and stays for a long time at Guanyuan and Zhongji. Those two acupoints are warm at first, and then itching slowly.

The itching was very light, like a feather brushing the skin. The itchiness made him want to laugh. At first he endured it, he couldn't help it, he laughed alone.

A shirtless man is lying and laughing, and the picture is particularly shocking and terrifying.

"Young master?" You were confused by the smirk of the young master on Monday and Tuesday, the young master will not be stupid, right?

"Hey, it's so itchy, hehe--" Zhou Shao also wanted to laugh, but it was so ecstatic that it was difficult not to laugh.

"Laugh as much as you like, and there will be a time when you want to cry." Le Yun smiled and held a cup of tea, and looked at Zhou Shaozhu leisurely. The more people look at him, the more handsome and charming he is, and when he smiles, he is as warm as the sun.

"Little beauty, can you make people not itchy? It's so itchy, hehe..." Zhou Shao wanted to ask the little beauty to be merciful, so that he would be less itchy. trembling.

"It can't stop the itching. Right now, a trace of medicinal power is roaming the Guanyuan and Zhongji acupoints, stimulating the damaged nerves at the acupuncture points. Later, I will use the medicinal power to rush the acupoints. At that time, the muscles, tendons and bones will be crushed inch by inch. It hurts, you have to be strong."

"Little beauty, is there any way to relieve the pain?" On Monday and Tuesday, I was in a cold sweat. The little beauty said that it was very painful. It must be very, very painful. What if the young master couldn't bear it?
"There are ways to relieve the pain, but I can't help you young master to use pain relief techniques to relieve pain. Acupuncture points for pain relief are equivalent to stagnant or slow blood and infuriating qi, which is not good for your young master. Keep the acupoints and meridians unobstructed and repair speed. Faster, and more beneficial for the future. If your young master can't bear it, I have to use acupuncture to relieve his pain."

"Heaven's general will be appointed to the people, he must first suffer...hehe...I'm not afraid of pain, hehe..." Zhou Shao originally wanted to say, "Heaven's general will be appointed to the people, he must first suffer his will and work hard. Muscles and bones", he could stand it, but Nai He was so itchy, he couldn't help laughing.

On Monday and Tuesday, I heard that suffering from pain will help the young master to cultivate in the future. Even if he feels sorry for the young master, he will not ask the little beauty to help the young master to relieve the pain and reduce the pain.

Zhou Shao was laughing and laughing, blushing like a shrimp, laughing until he was out of breath, he couldn't help laughing, but he still didn't move or roll.

He was laughing, but the medicine applied near his dantian was slowly absorbed.

After he laughed for more than half an hour and the ointment was absorbed, Le Yun picked up the medical needles again, added more than a dozen needles to his body, added another gold needle near his dantian, and took a few more. .

"It will hurt soon, you guard your young master, if he can't bear it and wants to roll around, press one of you on his thigh and the other on his shoulder, be sure to hold him down, don't let him roll and touch the needle. "

After taking away a few needles, Le Xiaole happily put the needles into the sterilized bottle, clapped his hands and left, and left the young master of the Zhou family to the two young people to take care of her.

On Mondays and Tuesdays, they were facing a big enemy. On Monday, they ran to the direction of the young master's head, and on Tuesday, they sat on the side opposite the young master's knees, making preparations to stop the young master from chaotic movement at any time.

Zhou Shao is particularly bitter, can you not remind him, tell him in advance, he will be nervous too!
He only urged a little hard, and within a minute, he felt what is called "pain". At first, there was a scalding air flow from Dantian to Ren Meridian, and it first reached Zhongji Point. The meridian is damaged and blocked, and the airflow rushes to the middle pole, just like a raging fire, burning blazingly, the meridian is convulsed by the burning, as if being torn or sawed bit by bit by some force, the pain spreads unstoppably to the whole body.

At first, he held back his movements and said nothing, only the spasms and tremors of his limbs twitched, and soon, the pain rose sharply, and his whole body was sweating like a torrential rain.

Zhou Shao closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and endured the torment, but the pain was so fierce that he couldn't help but force, biting his lip, and a trace of blood oozing out.

He couldn't let go of his teeth, and let out a suppressed, painful "um" sound, intending to roll.

"Young Master, you must hold on." Seeing trembling on Monday and Tuesday, he quickly put his hand on the Young Master.

Zhou Shao wanted to hold back and stay still, but he couldn't help himself, so he just wanted to roll around to relieve the pain.

Press the shoulders and legs of the young master on Mondays and Tuesdays, and don't give him the opportunity to move around. When the young master struggles lightly, relax a little, and if the reaction increases, press it again.

Zhou Shao was in dire straits. Classmate Le calmly finished choosing the dishes, then took out the fish and a few pieces of meat from the refrigerator for processing, and finally coated a spare rib with concoction, then wrapped it in flour paste, and baked it in the oven.

After sorting out the ingredients to be used at noon, he walked over to Young Master Zhou with his short legs to observe. Young Master Zhou was tormented very hard by the pain, and the effect was also great. His damaged Zhongji acupoint was vigorously repaired and rejuvenated. A little bit of toughness, including Renmai is also becoming tougher.

The medicinal force dredges the Zhongji acupoint, while repairing the middle extreme acupoint, it rushes towards Guan Yuan, repairing the damaged place with the force of destroying the dead and pulling the rot, and performing strong cleaning and repair.

Zhou Shao, who had just calmed down a little, was devastated again.

After observing for a while, Le Yun threw a word of "yes", walked to the oven with a small hand behind her back, turned the grilled pork ribs, kept roasting, turned it several times, lowered the temperature, and let it slowly Bake, unplug the power of the rice cooker, and go into the small kitchen to cook.

The girl's small kitchen often smells fragrant, but she doesn't dare to be distracted on Mondays and Tuesdays. She carefully guards the young master, and becomes nervous or relieved as the young master changes.

Zhou Shao was devastated by the huge pain for more than half an hour. The huge pain that was like destroying the sky and the earth finally eased. He was almost collapsed from the pain.

The young master finally stopped making a fuss. He wiped his sweat on Monday and asked hopefully, "Young Master, are you alright?"

"I finally understand what it feels like to live and die. It's so ecstasy." Zhou Shao exhaled, letting the sweat flow, and his voice was weak.

On Monday and Tuesday, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the young master was fine. The two quickly washed their hands, took out the towel from their backpacks to wipe the sweat of the young master, and quickly took the young master's clothes to help the young master cover his body.

Le Xiao classmates in the kitchen cooked the vegetables in a leisurely manner, cooked them well, went to the small living room to turn off the power of the oven, observed Zhou Shao again, went back to wash hands, took off the apron, returned to the living room to give Zhou Shao massage, massage for a while, Take away a part of the medical needle and press the acupoint again.

Press the acupoints, retract the needles, press the acupoints, retract the needles, repeat several times, and retract all the medical needles: "For the time being, you can lie down for three or five minutes to take a bath, rest for a few minutes to eat, and have another acupuncture in the afternoon."

The three comrades were overjoyed and nodded "Mmmm".

Le Xiaoxiao put the medical needle cover on the small writing table and entered the small kitchen again to make the last fish soup.

Zhou Shao lay down for a few minutes, and while the little girl was in the kitchen, got up and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

Mop the sweat stains on the ground on Mondays and Tuesdays, wait for the young master to take a shower, wash the mop, mop the floor again, dry the ground with a dry cloth, clean up, wash your hands, and sit down.

Le Xiao classmate brought the food to the table, four people, six dishes.

After one time of acupuncture, Zhou Shao felt that all his strength was exhausted. He was very hungry, and he ate like a wolf. After eating four bowls of rice, he could stabilize his stomach.

On Monday and Tuesday, they wanted to help wash the dishes, but Le Xiao did not let them work. Instead, they cleaned up the dishes and the small kitchen, and accompany Zhou Shao to drink Xiaoshi fitness tea.

After chatting and chatting for an hour and a half, Zhou Shao lay down on the corpse very autonomously. This time, he did not take off his clothes. He lifted his shirt to reveal his lower abdomen.

As a doctor, Le Xiaoxiao applied ointment to Zhou Shao again, inserted needles, and created a beautiful needle array for him to practice.

Zhou Shao practiced according to his words. At the beginning of the exercise, he only felt that his whole body was smooth, and the Ren pulse was no longer uncomfortable. He was pleasantly surprised.

Le Yun waited until the time was almost up, retracted the needle, and happily packed up the medical tools: "OK, you're done, you can practice faster than those handsome men without any pressure."

Zhou Shao sat up straight, quickly pulled up his shirt and jumped up, turned his back to tidy up his clothes, and then turned around after tidying up his appearance, his eyes were clear, and his voice was like alcohol: "Little beauty, I don't want to say thank you. Love, I remember it."

"You're welcome, but I received the consultation fee, and I had to make up the medicine fee because you gave me so much Cordyceps, so I don't need to pay any more medicine fees, and I won't give it back." Zhou's Cordyceps was delivered to her. The heart has gone up, so there is no need to make up for the cost of medicine.

"Little beauty said that, I'd rather be respectful than obey." Zhou Shao originally wanted to say that the medicine fee is the medicine fee, and the cordyceps is a gift.

Classmate Le smiled and asked the three of them to sit first. She cleaned up the medical tools before going to wash her hands, made medicinal tea, drank two cups, gave Zhou Shao another pill, and then drank tea.

After drinking tea for half an hour, he went back to the bedroom and offered a packet of pills to Zhou Shao: "This is a special medicine for warming and nourishing the meridians. Today, acupuncture and moxibustion have repaired the middle pole and Guan Yuan of the Ren meridian. It is like a new life. The first few days It is still relatively fragile and needs a period of warm cultivation, during the warm pulse period, you can practice normally, try to avoid violent impact or strong force collision, it is recommended to retreat for one or two months."

"I will retreat in a few days after I go back." Zhou Shao readily agreed. Retreat practice is common to them, and practicing for a month or two is just a trivial matter.

As a doctor, Le Yun did her best, and told everything she was instructed to do, and she didn't ask about the things that shouldn't be involved. She asked Zhou Shao to drink a few more cups of medicinal tea and take them downstairs with luggage and trailer.

The four of them took the bus around the school to the west gate and then walked out of the school. They went to Shao Zhou to pick up the items in his car. Shao Zhou carried four boxes of imported fruits and four boxes of dried seafood. Two boxes of the most famous dried fruit in the north were collected.

On Mondays and Tuesdays, the gifts were put on the luggage trailer, tied firmly, and the little girl dragged the luggage cart into the gate of Qingda University before returning to the car and returning to Zhou's courtyard.

Le Xiaoxue took the gift back to the dormitory area by bus, dragged the car to the boys' dormitory area, and tidied up on the lawn first. Pack a portion of each fruit and dried fruit into a box and keep it for yourself. Other fruits She put the dried fruit box at the housekeeper and told the boys in the class to pick it up at night. Of course, she also politely gave the housekeeper a piece of fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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