magic eye doctor

Chapter 605 You haven't given me medicinal food for a long time

Chapter 605 You haven't given me medicinal food for a long time

In order not to be left too far by Little Lolita, the Eight King Kong of the 16th grade Chinese and Western clinical class works hard every day. If they don’t go to work on weekends, they go to the library to study. The boys walked together, and the team was very neat and spectacular.

On Saturday, the boys were also soaking in the library. When the monitor Guan Yunzhi received a notification from Little Loli that they would go to the housekeeper to pick up fruit at night, they knew that Little Lolita gave them gifts again. The good news was announced to the class when it was time to go to dinner.

The Eight King Kong got excited, rushed back to the dormitory building, ran to the dormitory management office to get back five large boxes, returned to the dormitory, gave one to Bian Yuan, and gave one to the boys in the military training class to share, they one for yourself.

While the Eight Kings were enjoying the fruit happily, the beautiful young man, the young master Li Shao, the great genius, and Chen Shuyuan returned to the Xueba Building after a busy day, and took bundles of books from the car to the girls' dormitory on the fourth floor on the east.

The four students carried a bundle of books upstairs and a bundle of books downstairs. The ones that were brought upstairs were books borrowed from the new gang, Little Loli. Master's car, he has moved to the campus of Xie University, and it is rare to have time to return to Qing University.

After moving the books, the four school masters sat in the little loli dormitory and enjoyed the tea service of the cute and sweet little loli, happy like a fairy.

Sixueba sat for 10 minutes, and at six o'clock, he was called by Mrs. Wang, Professor Wan Teng, to go downstairs to help move things.

Mrs. Wang went to Europe with the delegation and did not return to China until mid-June. After returning to China, she was quite busy. Recently, she was either lecturing at school or was invited to teach and direct performances elsewhere.

The biggest gain of Mrs. Wang's European trip is that she buys and buys every time she goes to a capital or metropolis of a country. She buys a lot of clothes and sends them back to her home country. She has accumulated them. Now that she is a primary school student, she also resolutely packs clothes and the like. for elementary school students.

The four academic bullies worked hard again, and moved a few boxes to the fourth floor in the east with Professor Wan Cheng.

Le Yun was frightened by her mother, she took the box back to the bedroom, and secretly burst into tears. There is a wife who loves to buy and buy.

Her heart was broken. However, Mrs. Wang happily took care of the elementary school students, and ravaged the pink and tender snow dumplings until her face turned into a shrimp face before letting her eat the whole thing.

Professor Wan Cheng turned a blind eye to his wife's behavior of occupying primary school students. There was a primary school student, and his wife was abroad when he was visiting. After this, he was absolutely convinced that as long as the primary school student was not with his wife, There is absolutely no need to worry that the lady will leave him and run around the world.

The professor and his wife did not inform their little grandson to join in the fun in the primary school dormitory, and they didn’t feel guilty at all. They happily ate a meal in the primary school dormitory and chatted with a group of academic bullies until ten o’clock. The old professor and his wife took the four academic bullies away. Don't allow them to occupy the precious time of his primary school students.

Classmate Chen burst into tears in his heart. He finally returned to Qingda with great difficulty, and he wanted to chat more with little Loli, but he was blown away!

He slept in the dormitory of the great talent at night, woke up early the next day as if he was climbing in the middle of the night, and went to the fourth floor of the east with the great talent Minister Li and the president of the beautiful young man to have a loving breakfast on the fourth floor of the east, and packed a piece of toast. .

The talented Li Shaoda also got a piece of bread. For fear of being robbed by others, he and Senior Chen retreated first. After going downstairs, he didn't send Senior Chen, and he fled away with something in his arms.

The two of them left, so the beautiful young man was blessed. He enjoyed the massage and acupuncture of the cute little dumplings. He made a beautiful body massage and acupuncture package. He took a pill back to the dormitory to take a shower and went to work refreshed. own work.

Le Yun looked up at the sky for a long time after seeing off brother Chao, and felt that she was very busy!Fortunately, the backlog of things at hand is being solved one by one, and there is no increase. If there is no increase, she will go crazy every day in addition to looking for medicine and helping people see a doctor.

She didn't have time to sigh too much, stretched her waist and stretched her arms, packed up, carried a backpack and went out, took the garbage with her hand, threw the trash can downstairs, and hurried to the west school gate by bicycle.

The car was still parked in the school, he stepped out of the school gate, looked for a while, caught the figure of Jiang Shao's personal bodyguard, walked over, and found Jiang Shao's car.

The Jiang family's car was parked at the far side of the square outside the school gate. Jiang Yi and Jiang Er were looking for the little girl. When she saw the little girl coming, she opened the car door and waited.

Le Xiaoxiao trotted to the side of the car, climbed into the car, and saw the handsome Jiang Shao with his beautiful Danfeng eyes tilting his head and smiling at himself, baring his teeth maliciously: "Jiang Shao, you recently Are you in love, with such a heart-warming smile?"

"No," Jiang Shao smiled and denied it, and Danfeng's smile continued: "Seeing the little beauty, her eyes are full of beauty, and she can't help but be elated."

"Are you sure you're not lying?"

"It's absolutely true," Jiang Shao smiled like the wind lightly: "In addition, I want to say, little beauty, you haven't given me medicated food for a long time, I miss your medicated food, I can't eat well, can't sleep, look, I'm thin again a little bit."

"There is a medicated diet," Le Yun said with a small smile. She opened her backpack and brought out a bag: "This is the roast chicken made by my unique recipe. Would you like to try it?"

"Yes!" Jiang Shao didn't even hesitate, he simply stretched out his hand neatly, took the bag in his hand, and moved quickly.

After the little girl got into the car, Jiang closed the car door and stayed beside the car with Jiang Er. Hearing the little girl and the young master were discussing what to eat, they drooled silently. They also missed the medicated food made by the little girl.

She gave the roast chicken to Jiang Shao, and Le Yun took out two large packets of pills from the bag and gave them to Jiang Shao: "This is the medicine of Jiang Da Shao and Jiang Er Shao. The symptoms of Jiang Shao two brothers are the same, and there is still a distinction between the severity. Therefore, even if the same medicine is used, the dosage is slightly different, Jiang Ershao's situation is slightly heavier, and the amount of the medicine is a little more, I have put a label on it, and it is generally not confused."

Major General Jiang took the medicine in his hand and held it in his arms, and Danfeng's eyes overflowed with gratitude: "Thank you little beauty."

"You're welcome, I will do my best after receiving the consultation fee. This is my job." Le Yun readily accepted her thanks, and instructed her to take medicine again, and to avoid the problem. After all, she did not stare at Jiang Dashao and Jiang Er. Less medication, unable to grasp the details of changes, be careful.

Major General Jiang took the doctor's orders into his heart. He wanted to invite the little beauty to drink tea and go shopping. She had a patient in the afternoon, so he did not waste her time. He chatted in the car for half an hour and sent the little beauty back. School, don't leave until you can't see the little beauty's back.

Back in the other courtyard, Jiang Shao immediately arranged for the escort to send the medicine back to his hometown and hand it over to the two brothers. Some matters should be taken sooner rather than later. Taking advantage of the fact that no one knows the details, it is safest to send the medicine home for the brothers to take. When people perceive that they are prepared, it is inevitable that there will be unforeseen circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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