magic eye doctor

Chapter 609 Confrontation

Chapter 609 Confrontation
Facing Yan Xing's thunderous question, Zhao Li and Zhao Yixiong turned pale little by little.

Some things have already disappeared without a trace in time, and even they themselves have forgotten it. Suddenly being mentioned by Yan Xing is like a thunderstorm in the clear sky. They were shocked and lost an inch. They still hoped that Yan Xing was just guessing. What kind of direct evidence, but when Yan Xing said that He Ziqiong was buried, he took out the remains and sent them to be tested. The two of them turned ashes, and cold sweat rolled down from their foreheads.

Yan Feixia had joined the party, so after her death, her body was cremated quickly, and naturally no traces would be left. However, they didn't know that He Ziqiong was actually buried!

When He Ziqiong died, they were fighting for the management right of Feixia Company with all their might, so they ignored the process of handling He Ziqiong's body and thought it was a normal cremation and burial in the ancestral tomb of the Yan family.

A small loophole can be fatal.

Zhao Li held the table hard to keep his balance, and struggled to the death with difficulty: "Xiao Longbao, what are you talking about? Your mother and grandmother have always lived in your grandfather's house, and are taken care of by your grandfather and nanny, even if it is an abnormal death, the most It's possible that the poison is also your grandfather or the people who come in and out of your grandfather's house, as well as the medical staff in the hospital, and it has nothing to do with us."

Zhao Yixiong also said frequently: "Xiao Longbao, I am your father. I love your mother so much, how could I be willing to hurt her, and what reason would I hurt her?"

"Oh, the reason?" Yan Xing was extremely angry, and he sneered coldly: "You all lost your conscience just for your wealth, Zhao Zongze is the biological son of you and Guo Furong, you cheated after marrying my mother and raised them outside. Xiaosan Guo Furong, after my mother gave birth to me, you also gave birth to an illegitimate child, Zhao Zongze. For the sake of the illegitimate child, you cooperated with Jia Ling, poisoned my mother and my grandmother, and made Guo Furong your sequel. Jia Ling occupied my grandfather's house. You are afraid that I will grow up and inherit my mother's inheritance and want to poison me. I have a great life and escape death every time. If you fail to poison me, you keep doing evil behind your back, asking me to wipe your ass and destroy me. Fame, I am afraid that my grandma's family will take back the directorship of Feixia Group, and you secretly cultivate cronies and transfer the company's property."

"Xiao Longbao, we have no blood relationship with Jia Ling. Jia Ling has suspicions, so you can't impose the crime on us. Xiao Longbao, I am your grandfather, you are your father's flesh and blood, what reason do we have to harm us? You, don't be deceived and mutilate your own relatives." Zhao Li vehemently denied that he had any interest in Jia Ling.

"You have no blood relationship with Jia Ling, your grandson Zhao Zongze has it, Zhao Zongze was born to Guo Furong, Guo Furong crawled out of Jia Ling's belly, Guo Furong and Jia Ling are biological mother and daughter, Guo Furong gave birth to a child for you Grandson, you and Jia Ling are in-laws."

Yan Xing stared coldly at his scumbag grandfather: "A dozen years ago, I knew that I had been being poisoned with chronic poison, and it was Jia Ling who poisoned me. Where did Jia Ling's poison come from? Because my relatives Grandpa, you used to be a doctor or a Chinese medicine practitioner. It's too easy to play tricks on one's medicine and food. You conspired to poison my mother and grandmother, and you cooperated perfectly.

Do you think I will tell you without proof?Over the years, my uncles and I have collected all the evidence that should be collected. The DNA tests of Jia Ling, Guo Furong, Zhao Zongze, and Zhao Danxuan, the paternity test of Zhao Yixiong, Zhao Zongze, and Zhao Danxuan, my good grandfather, you and Zhao Zongze, and your son. , and my DNA identification, Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan’s DNA identification, my mother’s hair and blood, my grandmother’s remains, and my and He’s DNA identification, there are as many identifications as there should be.

In addition, there are also evidence and witness testimony about Jia Ling having sex with others when he was young, giving birth to an illegitimate daughter and giving it to the Guo family for support. Jia Ling and Guo Furong were secretly discussing the murder plan. There are also witnesses who rented a house outside when my good father cheated on Guo Furong, and some special evidence.

The evidence of derailment and murder has been collected, plus the fact of embezzlement of public funds, tax evasion, the motives and charges of murder and murder, at the moment of going to court, do you think you can still get out of the crime?None of you, all of you involved in the murder, can get away. "

"'s not me!" When Guo Furong heard Yan Xing say that she and her mother Jia Ling were biological mothers and daughters, a huge panic hit the sky and she trembled all over. I can't run away." The tense nerves could no longer bear the fear, and he screamed in a collapsed, lying down on the table softly, and fainted.

The collision also overturned the cup, the water poured out and splashed on her clothes, and the cup rolled out and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

The sound of the glass being crushed to the bone was deafening, and the old lady Zhao screamed "Ah" in fright.

Zhao Danxuan and Zhao Zongze were already stunned by what Yan Xing had said, their brains were blank, they looked like an induction robot when they heard the voice, and they still kept their stupid, unfocused eyes.

Under Yan Xing's condescending cold eyes, and in front of all the evidences that Yan Xing had counted, Zhao Yixiong was beaten completely, his heart was flustered, his lips were trembling, and it was difficult to even open his mouth.

Yan Xing knew everything, all the hope in Zhao Li's heart disappeared, his legs were trembling, when he saw the cold eyes of the young man, his stiff spine was crushed, and he sat weakly on the chair, sweating, Rapid as a shower.

Zhao Zongze watched his grandfather hunched down as if he had drained his strength. When he saw Yan Xing looking at him, he screamed in horror: "Yan Xing, what they did has nothing to do with me, I was still young, I didn't do anything. You know, it has nothing to do with me..."

Zhao Danxuan was so frightened that she couldn't even make a sound when she wanted to say anything, her muscles were twitching, like a drowning person who just got a chance to breathe and could only pant.

"You think you're all right?" Yan Xing stared down at his illegitimate scumbag brother, his murderous eyes locked on Zhao Zongze, revealing a murderous intent colder than the blade: "Have you forgotten how many things you've done to harm the world? You raped Schoolgirls, deliberately buying murderers and hurting people, there are countless vile spots, and in the end, your father and son threatened the victim, and the victim kept all the evidence, just waiting for the chance to beat you to a dead end.

Those old things may not beat you. However, don't forget what you did to my great grandma last year. You borrowed the poisonous ginger slices from Wang Yuxuan's hand and sent them to my great grandma in an attempt to poison my great grandma. You Do you really think you're doing something insane?Fortunately, the sky has eyes, my great-grandmother did not die, and my uncle's family found evidence that you murdered my great-grandmother.

Wang Yuxuan is a direct witness to the matter of you sending the poisoned ginger. If you were in a relationship, Wang Yuxuan might not testify against you. Unfortunately, you are too vicious. Wang Yuxuan will always hold you down. You actually drug Wang Yuxuan so that she can't have a child. Just rely on you to calculate the Wang family. Even if you hide the villa you bought with public funds for Wang Yuxuan and don't confess it, the Wang family will not stand by you.

I forgot to tell you that the old man of the Wang family became ill when Wang Yuxuan helped you to get rid of the dirt. It was very serious. The Wang family was busy begging the righteous granddaughter of the Chao family to save her life. Will the Wang family and Wang Yuxuan hate you?
Zhao Zongze, you have done so many depraved things, do you think you can escape this time?
And Zhao Danxuan, don't think it has nothing to do with you, there is no direct evidence that you participated in the murder, but you still have three houses in your hand, and you still have several million deposits, all of which were transferred from my grandfather's house by you and Jia Ling Part of the property and public funds taken away from Feixia Group, you can't escape and go to jail.

This is also very good. Your family of six is ​​all in prison, and Jia Ling is added, and there are seven people in a nest of snakes and rats. When you are in the air, you can chat together, talk about ideals, and talk about life, and you will not be lonely. . "

Yan Xing spoke very slowly, so slowly that every word could be heard clearly, Zhao Zongze's pupils were dilated in circles, and his eyes almost burst.

"No way..."

Zhao Zongze's reason was instantly overwhelmed by fear, and his eyes were bulging. He and his elders were so secretive, how could he possibly leave evidence?He did not believe and could not accept that horrific fact.

Zhao Danxuan originally had a bit of luck, and felt that everything had nothing to do with her. She had no public account of the Feixia Group, nor was she directly involved in the murder of the old He family. With a few houses and millions in savings, you can still live your own life.

However, Yan Xing was more terrifying than a ghost. Even grandpa didn't know that she was holding several houses and bank cards that she hadn't taken out, yet Yan Xing knew it perfectly.

"No, I don't want to go to jail, please let me go, I'll give you the money back, okay, brother, we were born by a father, I'm your sister, let me go, I'll never be greedy for you again I'll give you the money, I'll give it back to you..."

Since entering the reception hall of the Detention Center, she has been in a state of fear and fear. When Yan Xing pointed directly at the key points, the psychological defense line was broken. Zhao Danxuan retreated back in fear and sat down, looking at Yan Xing in horror, like a lamb about to be slaughtered. help.

"Let go of you? Yes, you will return all the things that you occupied." Yan Xing smiled coldly: "Don't try to transfer your property, your every move is under the supervision of the court, and the whereabouts of your property are also under surveillance. It doesn't matter if I don't take the initiative to return it, the court will help me get it back.

Even if you transfer it and don’t get it back, it’s fine. You have to see if you have the fortune to endure the wealth and honor that doesn’t belong to you. The most fearful thing is to have a life to occupy your property and endure it without life. "

The young man smiled coldly, like frost coming into the world, and the air was a bit gloomy invisibly.

Zhao Danxuan Zhao Zongze looked at Yan Xing's face, his heart seemed to be caught by a hand, and it was extremely difficult to even breathe.

Mrs. Zhao was almost out of breath and shivered badly.

Zhao Yixiong was so frightened by Yan Xing's ruthless expression that his heart was about to burst, his body was stiff, and his muscles were trembling.

Zhao Li had never felt so desperate. He thought that his grandson would be able to go out for a year or two at most. However, who would have thought that Yan Xing would have all the evidence, and that if there was evidence of the most secretive matters, their entire family would be wiped out.

If Yan Xing and the He family were ruthless, even if Zong Ze squatted for a few years and then went out, I'm afraid... his life would be at risk.

Thinking of the consequences, his voice trembled in horror: "Xiao Longbao, please let go... Zong Ze, okay? We will bear the wrongs we made... We will accept our punishment, please let Zong Ze and Dan Xuan go. , we are wrong, Zong Ze is innocent, please see that Zong Ze and Dan Xuan shed the blood of the Zhao family just like you, and leave a root for... old Zhao Zong..."

"Dad, you you..." Zhao Yixiong was horrified, but his father admitted it?
If Zhao Danxuan was struck by lightning, grandpa... admitted to murdering Yan Feixia and He Ziqiong?

"Whether Zhao Danxuan and Zhao Zongze have a future is up to you all." Yan Xing felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. Up to now, his grandfather's heart is still only the illegitimate son of Zhao Zongze, and he still wants to help the old Zhao family. , Hehe..., he will leave a root for the old Zhao family, but only one root!

"..." Yan Xing's tone was resolute, Zhao Li knew that if they refused to admit that what happened back then made him dissatisfied, then Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan would be retaliated sooner or later, and they might die without a place to be buried. When I came to the center of grief, I couldn't help but tear up. After planning for so long, I did things that hurt heaven and reason. In the end, I didn't get what I wanted. I also took the whole family in, my reputation was ruined, and the evening festival was not guaranteed.

Zhao Yixiong's face was gray and defeated, and only his breathing proved his horror and panic.

Yan Xing took a deep look at the six members of the Zhao family, turned around, and walked straight to the door. He knew everything he should have known, and there was no need to stop. Among the six people in the room, there was his sister who was in the same blood, and he had the most blood relationship. His grandparents, grandparents and father, however, those are not his close relatives, but his mother-killing enemies.

Since childhood, his grandparents never regarded him as a grandson, and his father never regarded him as a son, but only regarded him as the key to his interests. Before, he had no chance to cut off the blood relationship, but now, that blood relationship can finally be cut off.

The hatred of killing my mother is never shared, and the hatred of my mother and the hatred of my grandmother must not go unreported.

When he walked to the door, Yan Xing opened the door and stepped out of the reception room resolutely. He never looked back, and there was no need to look back. From then on, the Zhao family and him were incompatible enemies of life and death.

Outside the house, the summer sun was shining all over the earth, and it was a little dazzling.

Hei Jiu and others heard the clutter in the reception room, and no one listened to the corner, until Captain Yan walked out of the door, Hei Jiu and Yao Yaoling accompanied the captain back to the lounge, and several people in prison uniforms quickly entered the reception room Supervise Zhao Yixiong and his son and the family members of the Zhao family, so that the Zhao family does not cause trouble for the detention center by committing suicide.

(End of this chapter)

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