magic eye doctor

Chapter 610 Difficult Choices

Chapter 610 Difficult Choices
When Yan Xing left, Zhao Li and Zhao Yixiong stared at the tall and straight mountain-like back, still trembling and unable to calm down. When the figure stepped out and the door was closed again, the spirits of their strong support collapsed, as if they were drained. He was so strong that he couldn't even move his fingers.

Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan were trembling all over.

Guo Furong fainted from fright, but was spared a huge mental blow. Mrs. Zhao was unfortunate. She didn't faint, but she was already scared.

When eight uniformed police officers rushed into the reception room and saw the appearance of the six members of the Zhao family, no one sympathized with them. Four people in prison uniforms carried Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze to the detention center.

"..." Zhao Li watched his son and grandson being dragged away, his heart ached like a knife, but he couldn't do anything, and he was more worried about his grandson's future.

For the fainted Guo Furong, the prison guards were also very human. No sound.

The criminal police did not urge the four Zhao family members, and when they calmed down from their state of shock, they sent the Zhao family away from the reception building and sent them to the gate of the guard.

The four Zhao family walked from the reception building to the gate of the detention center under the supervision of the prison guards to receive the detained items, and then walked out of the gate under the supervision of Police C and returned to the car parked outside. The whole process only took one breath to support. So when they got back to their private car, the strong breath dissipated, and they went limp again.

When they came, the family thought that there was a sign of relief from the He family, and gave them a chance to negotiate a solution in private. people's future.

Without others, the four people who were overwhelmed by fear collapsed, and they lost the strength to even move, let alone drive home by themselves. After sitting for a long time, Zhao Danxuan shivered and called to ask for the driver to drive home.

Being sent back to the villa on behalf of the driver, Zhao Li and the three female members were still shrouded in panic, and the fear did not disappear. Mrs. Zhao and Guo Furong were supported by the nanny into the living room. The nanny and domestic helper were also very winking. When he arrived at the employer's family, his face was very bad. The servants who served the master washed their faces and wiped their hands, brewed tea, placed drinks and fruits, and quietly walked away from the living room.

Back at his home, Zhao Li's heart still seemed to be soaked in ice water. It was icy cold, and his heart was full of despair. Yan Xing's sentence "Whether Zhao Zongze, Zhao Danxuan has a future or not is all within your thoughts". The ultimatum for them is also... a threat.

He understood the hidden meaning of Yan Xing's words. If they refused to plead guilty in court, then Yan Xing would not only send all six of their family to prison, but when they were released, they would also suffer his personal revenge. .

For the crime of embezzling public funds, their son Zhao Yixiong and grandson Zhao Zongze will be imprisoned for three to six or seven years at most. As long as the granddaughter and them hand in what they can return, they will basically not be implicated;

Yan Xing grasped the evidence and accused them of intentional homicide. He and his son were not sentenced to death or sentenced to life imprisonment. Even if his wife and Guo Furong were not the first mastermind, they were also accomplices or cover-up crimes of refusing to report, at least three years. The grandson and granddaughter were young at the time, completely unaware, and naturally had nothing to do with them.

Because the grandson is also the mastermind of the embezzlement of public funds, he will be imprisoned for several years, and only granddaughter Zhao Danxuan can stay out of the matter. However, Zhao Danxuan has also concealed several apartments and money in private. Yan Xing also knows it, and even Zhao Danxuan cannot completely Out of the whirlpool, the only way to avoid prison is to turn over the money and the house to the court.

However, even if Zhao Danxuan didn't have to go to jail, if Yan Xing had hatred in his heart, he would never let Zhao Danxuan, Zhao Zongze, or Guo Furong go.

It's easy to make one person die these days, especially if it's not difficult for rich people to make one or two people disappear. It's not difficult to buy someone to kill someone by fighting. The person who kills someone may only be manslaughter, or let someone else The appraisal said that people with mental illness do not need to be punished in the end, and they can also buy people to manipulate alcohol to cause alcohol poisoning, or to cause car accidents.

He is a doctor, and he can kill Yan Feixia and He Ziqiong if he acts first matter.

Yan Xing actually thought of finding out the cause of death of his mother and grandmother, and also found evidence. Based on his hatred for them, if he did not give him a satisfactory explanation, he would personally avenge his mother and grandmother, and let everyone involved in harming his mother and grandmother. His grandmother's people buried his two closest relatives with him.

Yan Xing followed the surname of the Yan family, and now the old account has been found out. He only hates the Zhao family. Even if he gives birth to a child in the future, he will not be able to recognize his ancestors and return to the Zhao family. His son Zhao Yixiong is in prison. No, I don’t know how old I will be when I get out of prison, I don’t necessarily have fertility, and even if I can give birth, no woman would be willing to help give birth to a child. So, Zhao Zongze is the only incense heir of the Zhao family, and he can’t afford to gamble. .

And Yan Xing's hidden meaning was so naked and told them that if he made a wrong decision in one thought, then he would make Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan have no future, which is equivalent to ending the Zhao family.

Zhao Li didn't dare to gamble, let alone gamble with his grandson Zhao Zongze. The Zhao family can't be defeated. If they want to keep the only incense of the Zhao family, they all have to go to jail. Accidents, even they may not escape, will suffer Yan Xing revenge to die in an accident.

With Yan Xing's cleverness and behavior, he wanted to take revenge on them, and he could do it without anyone noticing, leaving no evidence. Even if they guessed that Yan Xing did it, but there was no evidence, no one could do anything. Not him, and even they were charged with slandering the soldiers.

Yan Xing's words were still in his ears. Zhao Li was desperate, except for despair. His son and grandson established a parent-child relationship. The shares of Feixia Group in his son's hands would be taken back by the He family, and they would also be imprisoned. If you don't hand over the deposit, it may lead to murder for your grandchildren. If you hand over all of them, even if Zhao Zongze or one of them will be released from prison in the future, how will he live?

In a trance, he remembered what Liu Sanshao conveyed to them when he went to Qing University to find Yan Xing last year, saying that the He family would find Guo Furong and mother and son to settle accounts sooner or later. The tax evasion and evasion of the Cha Feixia Group is only the beginning, and the biggest trick is left behind.

Yan Xing seemed to have given them a choice, allowing them to choose to admit their guilt or not to admit their guilt, but in reality, there was no choice. They had no choice but to admit their guilt.

At this moment, Zhao Li later realized the determination of Yan Xing and the He family. Yan Xing and the He family are serious this time. They will not give up unless they seek justice for He Ziqiong and Yan Feixia. The Zhao family wants to keep it. The Zhao family's incense continued, and the He family had to be satisfied. The premise for Yan Xing and the He family's satisfaction was that all those involved in the calculation of He Ziqiong and Yan Feixia would stay in prison.

Because of the understanding, even more despair.

Mrs. Zhao had lived a comfortable life all her life, and she was suddenly frightened, her mind collapsed, her body was in a daze, she was in a trance, and she was in a daze. When she returned home, she was still sitting like a sun-softened clay statue, sitting without a seated appearance. , muscle trembling.

Guo Furong wasn't much better either, her brain was empty, her hands and feet didn't obey, she subconsciously wanted to drink water, but her hands were so weak that she didn't succeed in holding a glass of water several times.

Zhao Danxuan was also frightened, and without outsiders, she wept bitterly.

The family of four was in panic, and the family was gloomy and gloomy.

Zhao Li sat paralyzed, his face changed from dead gray to blue and white, and his eyes were full of pain. After sitting for nearly an hour, he finally made a decision: "You guys, will return your hands. I will take out all the house and savings that I haven’t taken out, and then pack up. Tomorrow… we will surrender to the crime…”

"Don't... No, Dad, you can think of a way... There must be a way, right..." Guo Furong bounced up like an electric shock, and sat down again in panic.

"Shut up!" Zhao Li's temples jumped with anger at the woman with long hair and short knowledge: "Useless things, because of you, a woman who can't stand on the table, our family is ruined, and you still want to hold it now. If you don't let go of your property, do you think that if you don't hand it over, Yan Xing will be helpless? If you don't go to jail, what awaits you is Yan Xing's most ruthless revenge, which will make you die without a place to be buried, not only you, but also Dan Xuan and Zongze, including Yixiong and I, will only die if they don't go to jail."

"..." Mrs. Zhao hadn't recovered from her fear. She heard her wife's stern shouting, her chest heaved sharply, and she couldn't make a sound when she opened her mouth. She opened her eyes in horror, desperately trying to He opened his mouth, but he could only make a "ho ho" sound in his throat, and he could no longer speak.

She, too frightened, lost her voice.

After being scolded, Guo Furong was so frightened that she held her breath. When she heard that Yan Xing might retaliate and let herself die, her courage was about to burst, and she shivered like a sieve.

"Wow," Zhao Danxuan was afraid of being retaliated by Yan, and when she heard grandpa said she would die, she was so frightened that she cried out: "Grandpa, I will take out all the money for the house, I don't want it, I don't want it..."

Zhao Li was originally upset, and he was even more displeased when he heard the cries, but fortunately Zhao Danxuan still knew the importance, so he endured not to scold: "Danxuan, your father and I can't escape, at least we have to sit for more than [-] years. , Your grandma and your mother have at least five years, and your brother will be in prison for a few years. If you go to surrender and return everything to the Yan family, it may be locked up for a few months at most, and then the Zhao family will count on you. guard.

This is also the land that Yanxing's mother bought. Even if you don't take the initiative to hand over the property, it will be forcibly taken back to Yanxing by the court. We still have a house and some land in our hometown. You and your brother will go back to take charge, and your brother and sister may support each other. If you can make a comeback, with your brothers and sisters in your hometown, your grandma, mother, and father will have a place to stay if we can come out. "

When the father-in-law said that even the house he lived in had to be handed over to the court, Guo Furong wanted to scream against it, and Zhao Yixiong also had half of the house, so why should he hand it all over?She also has a share of the property rights belonging to Zhao Yixiong, and even handed over the house she has lived in for more than [-] years. What else does she have in the future?
Mrs. Zhao also wanted to object, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make a sound.

Zhao Danxuan has long been helpless, and grandpa just nodded his head when he said something.

The granddaughter is more obedient. Zhao Li didn't say anything about her fault. After saying a few words, he asked the family to immediately get the property and savings that they had never been willing to take out. Don't blame him for not reminding him.

Zhao Li has always been the head of the family, and his expression is particularly gloomy. No matter how unwilling Mrs. Zhao and Guo Furong are, they are afraid of death.

Zhao Danxuan ran the fastest. She was still young and didn't want to die. As long as she didn't die, there was always a way to get money to live. With the idea of ​​paying back the money for her life, she ran back to her room and rummaged through the cabinets. Find it out and hurried downstairs to give it to Grandpa.

Zhao Li looked at the real estate certificates of his granddaughter, all of which were bought within the last ten years, three suites, with a total value of more than 5000 million. Needless to say, he also knew that most of the money for buying the house was transferred from Jia Ling to Danxuan from Yan's family. Part of it was transferred to her by her father from Feixia Company.

Mrs. Zhao also has a property in her hands, which her son bought for her, with her name written on it, and a private bank card. Even if she is reluctant, she can only give them to her wife.

Guo Furong still has a second apartment in her hands, and her private deposit is only about one million yuan. She is holding private property and private property money. Her heart is bleeding, and when it is handed over to her father-in-law, she almost wants to get it back.

Zhao Li looked at the house certificates of his wife and daughter-in-law, his temples throbbed violently, and it took a lot of effort to restrain himself from cursing. When Dan Xuan comes back, I will help you bring things back to your hometown, and the clothes you bring to the detention center should be ordered, and go to the procuratorate tomorrow morning."

Angry, Zhao Li was so angry that he shared the bed with his wife for the rest of his life. Unexpectedly, his wife would buy a house privately behind her back. Guo Furong spent the family's food and the family's money, and took his son's money back. What do they want to do when they buy private property with their sons, and one or two buy private property with their husbands behind their backs?Do you want to raise a little white face?

He was afraid that he would not be able to help but want to smash things and people, so he went upstairs after leaving a sentence, locked the things he had collected in the study, and went downstairs with a vengeance, and called the bank outside the villa.

Mrs. Zhao, Guo Furong, and Zhao Danxuan were frightened by the roar, and did not move for a while, until Zhao Li slammed out the door and ran back to the bedroom like a frightened bird.

The Zhao family's nanny and domestic helper are very strange. The four members of the employer's family have no one to eat. They have to eat quietly, waiting for the employer's family of four to eat and hot dishes at any time. .

(End of this chapter)

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