magic eye doctor

Chapter 621 Arrested and brought to justice

Chapter 621 Arrested and brought to justice
Hua Shao stayed at home for one night, took the flight back to the capital on Monday afternoon, went to Xuan Shao for dinner in the evening, Xuan Shao and Hua Shao had a friendly chat, and called Le Xiaomei in the evening to tell her about the result of the negotiation with the vampire, The compensation from the Ganger family to the Hua family is a bank transfer, which will be in place on Sunday morning, and other claims will be delayed for a few months.

Monday is the 17th, and colleges and universities in the capital are mostly entering exam week, with only a handful of schools about to have their summer vacation or official summer vacation.

When Qingdao entered the final exam week of professional subjects on Monday, it was full of tension, and even the champions who experienced life in school felt it.

During the day, classmate Le kept rushing around in various exam venues. He was as busy as a spinning top. In the evening, when he returned to his own one-third of an acre of land, he had time to catch his breath. When Saburo received a call from Master Xuan and said to help her get a claim, she was so happy, she couldn't be happier with empty gloves.

She has room to eat spiritual energy, and there is a little fox who wants to eat metal and spiritual energy objects. She is under a lot of pressure, so, if the compensation is in place, of course she will accept it with a smile, and naturally it will not be all in vain. Treasures, exchange pills with Xuan Shao.

It was too early to say anything before I got the things. After Le was excited, he still devoured his books. The next day, he gave Yang Tuhao acupuncture in the morning, and then he was busy with exams.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu are also very student-like. They go to exams or listen to lectures every day. As for how many points they can get in exams, they are not worried. They are just pretending to be.

The clock ticks and turns, the days go by, and it's Thursday again.

On this day, the sun was extraordinarily hot, and it was bright and dazzling in the early morning, and in the middle of the morning, the hardened pavement directly hit by the sun felt hot to step on.

At the moment when the temperature was getting warmer, the vehicles of the procuratorate drove into the railway staff compound and went downstairs where Mr. Yan lived. A group of policemen and prosecutors with live ammunition climbed outside Yan Ming's residence and knocked on Yan's house. door of home.

The summer is hot. If it is not necessary, few people are willing to go out to bask in the sun. Everyone prefers to stay at home with the air conditioner to escape the heat. Yanming goes out for a walk in the morning and then goes home. He first sits in the study for two hours until the temperature rises and goes downstairs, the living room Turn on the air conditioner, everyone can enjoy it, and it can also save some electricity.

Aunt Jin made cold jelly in the morning, took a few out to eat in the middle of the morning, and made the sour plum soup to relieve the summer heat. Just made the sour soup and put it in the refrigerator to wash her hands and wanted to sit down and rest, but when she heard a knock on the door, she ran quickly. Look, when I opened the door and saw the police officers in uniform at the door, I was shocked: "You are..."

"We belong to the Procuratorate. We need to ask Mr. Yanming and Ms. Jia Ling to cooperate with the investigation on some work matters. Is the old gentleman at home?" It must be the Yan family's nanny.

"The old gentleman and wife are at home, please come in—" Aunt Jin was nervous, but she politely invited the staff to enter the room, and opened the door fully.

Yan Ming drank the jelly made by Aunt Jin, and his heart was also refreshed. He squinted comfortably against the sofa. When he heard Aunt Jin talking to someone that he was looking for him, he stood up immediately, walked over the sofa, and waited for the prosecutor's office. people.

Jia Ling thought it was not enough to drink the jelly, so she asked Aunt Jin to pretend that she had just made the sour plum soup. After it got cold, she drank the sour plum soup while watching TV. She didn't care when she heard the door slamming. During the investigation, her heart suddenly panicked, and she hurriedly put the sour plum soup on the table, and even knocked some over. She didn't care to wipe the table, got up, and stood beside Yan Ming in a panic.

Jia Ling came over, Yan Ming didn't have time to worry about what she was thinking about. Looking at the door, a group of people in uniforms soon filed in. The clothes came in two colors, one was a criminal policeman, there were five people, and the other was a The uniform of the prosecutor of the procuratorate, a total of two.

Prosecutors and criminal police officers were solemn, and their steps were sonorous and powerful.

Jia Ling panicked when she saw the detective with the national emblem on her hat. She was afraid, because Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze came to investigate the case.

When the prosecutor and the criminal police first entered Yan's house, they quickly looked at the environment and knew what they were doing. They walked in front of Mr. Yan without looking away, and the leading person in charge showed his work certificate: " Mr. Yan, we are the special investigation team of the procuratorate and the criminal police. Team members, we need to investigate some matters with Mr. Yan and Ms. Jia Ling, please cooperate."

"Hello, I will do my best to cooperate with anything that needs my cooperation." Yan Ming took the certificates of the two responsible persons, read them, and handed them back with both hands.

The two officers took back the evidence and said, "Thank you for your cooperation." The two detectives moved forward quickly, grabbed Jia Ling with the speed of slashing grass with a knife, clasped her handcuffs with a clatter, and held the person from left to right.

The speed of the criminal policeman was fast and agile, and he captured the suspect in an instant. That speed made Yan Ming unable to react, and Aunt Jin was even more shocked.

Jia Ling didn't react when she was handcuffed. When she was held, she staggered and struggled violently: "I didn't break the law, why did you arrest me?"

"Jia Ling, you have been arrested. This is an arrest warrant issued by the procuratorate." The prosecutor took out a certificate and showed it to the lady, with the name and date of birth of the arrested person written on it.

"Why arrest me, I didn't kill and set fire, why arrest me, Big Brother Yan saved me, I didn't break the law, Big Brother Yan—" Seeing her name on the ID card, Jia Ling's face was full of horror, her face turned blue all of a sudden, and her voice was full of fear. Crying to Yan Xing for help.

"Mr. Yanming, this is the arrest warrant of your wife Jia Ling, please keep it." The prosecutor handed the arrest warrant to Mr. Yan.

Yan Ming's hands trembled, took the paper order tremblingly, grunted in his throat, and asked in a trembling voice, "Excuse me, what crime did Jia Ling commit?"

Jia Ling cried out in fear, "I didn't break the law, I didn't break the law! Big Brother Yan saved me, I never broke the law, woohoo, I didn't break the law, Big Brother Yan saved me..."

"Mr. Yan, your wife's crime is serious. One is to transfer your family's property to Zhao Danxuan and Zhao Zongze, and the other is..." The prosecutor looked at the terrified and trembling lady: "Second, Jia Ling was involved. The big case of murdering Ms. He Ziqiong and Ms. Yan Feixia more than [-] years ago... Mr. Yan!"

Before the prosecutor could finish his words, he saw Mr. Yanming fell backwards. With quick eyes and quick hands, he rushed up and hugged the old gentleman, preventing him from falling.

Yan Ming was supported, and the paper in his hand floated out to the ground. His face was as pale as a piece of rice paper, with no blood at all. His eyes were still open, and his mouth was full of breath.

When Aunt Jin heard that the prosecutor said that his wife had murdered Mr. Yan's original wife and daughter, she felt like she was struck by lightning, and she didn't react at all.

When Jia Ling heard the second accusation, she trembled violently like an electric shock, her eyes widened to the limit in an instant, her eyes were full of terror, her mouth was half open, only to let out her anger.

Hearing that Jia Ling was suspected of murdering Mrs. Qiong and her daughter, Yan Ming's world collapsed in an instant, his eyes were black, he couldn't see or feel anything, he didn't respond even if he was supported, like a dead man .

The detectives didn't panic. They had predicted this possibility long ago. They held Jia Ling back to one side and stood in a relatively empty part of the hall.

The prosecutor helped Yan Lao to the sofa, let him sit down, pinched him, stroked his chest and back, and after some effort, Yan Lao's eyes moved, and his mouth opened and closed for breath.

He opened and closed his mouth several times, his breathing became a little smoother, and his eyes could blink normally. His originally dull eyes slowly turned red, and his whole body trembled, and the amplitude became bigger and bigger.

"Mr. Yan, this case also needs you to make a record. You are not for yourself, even for the justice of your deceased wife and your girl. Besides, you still have a grandson Yan Xing, you must take care of your only grandson. You yourself." The prosecutor saw that the expression on the old man's face was getting more and more wrong, and he was afraid that he would go out of breath, and hurriedly brought out the most important person in the old man's life to stimulate him.

"..." Yan Ming's mouth opened and closed, opened and closed a few times, ah escaped voice: "Xiao Long Bao, Xiao Long Bao... woo, I have no eyes, it was me who led the wolf into the room, it was all my fault, it was me who was blind. Eyes..."

Yan Ming was heartbroken, Jia Ling was hired by him to be the nanny, he and Mrs. Qiong trusted her so much, who would have thought that Jia Ling would have hidden evil intentions and killed his girl and his wife...

Thinking about it this way, when Mrs. Qiong was ill, when he was drunk and mistakenly took Jia Ling as Mrs. Qiong and slept in his arms, Jia Ling must have plotted against him and made him feel ashamed of her. When Mrs. Qiong was gone, He insisted on marrying Jia Ling despite the obstruction of the He family. Who would have thought that the person beside his pillow was one of the killers who killed his beloved wife and daughter!

Yan Ming's spirit collapsed and he cried bitterly. Every word he said was to tear his heart apart once, and the pain was hard to bear.

Mr. Yan's grief was like a mournful eagle's cry, Aunt Jin's heart trembled a few times, and her mind returned to the cage. She didn't care to think about what was going on, and rushed to the old gentleman's side to help him caress his back.

The nanny came on stage, and the prosecutor handed Mr. Yan over to the nanny to take care of him and retired.

Jia Ling was held by the two criminal policemen, her hands and feet were shaking like a sieve of sugar, and she walked a few steps while being held, her legs were weak, and she lost her strength like cotton.

The two criminal policemen supported Jia Ling and carried her together. After walking a few steps, Jia Ling made a few noises like bubbles in her throat and shouted hoarsely: "I didn't kill, I didn't harm He Ziqiong Yan Feixia, what do you have? The evidence says I killed someone..."

"A dead duck has a hard mouth," the prosecutor replied in a cold voice of disdain: "Zhao Li and Guo Furong surrendered to the procuratorate and confessed that he and you, inside and outside the company, had poisoned the food and Chinese medicine that Yan Feixia He Ziqiong ate and drank. The procuratorate passed the I collected evidence, got real evidence, and proved it to be true, by the way, Mrs. Yan's first wife, Ms. He Ziqiong, was buried, so you should know what it means."

"...No, I didn't, it wasn't me, I didn't do it, it was done by Zhao Li and Zhao Yixiong, not me..." Jia Ling heard about He Ziqiong's burial and was overwhelmed by huge fear, and shook her head desperately in denial.

"Your daughter Guo Furong also personally testified that you had poisoned you. You worked hard to become Mrs. Yan, and secretly transferred the Yan family's money to Zhao Danxuan and Zhao Zongze. The motive for the crime and the transfer of property, as well as the witnesses, were murdering people. It doesn't help that you deny it."

The prosecutor stated the facts in a calm and unhurried manner. Jia Ling did not surrender herself, so she would definitely struggle. She wanted to break through her psychological defense line. It was necessary for her work to give some blows when necessary.

"No, you are talking nonsense. Guo Furong is my goddaughter. She must have been threatened before she said I poisoned. It must be Yan Xing who threatened Guo Furong and Zhao Li, forcing them to admit the crime against their will..." Jia Ling died. denied the mother-daughter relationship.

"Your denial is useless, there is a scientific basis, the DNA of your paternity test with Guo Furong confirms that it is a mother-child relationship, and there are witnesses to prove that you gave birth out of wedlock in those days, and handed over the child you gave birth to Guo Furong's adoptive parents to raise, and the Guo family also It was proved that Guo Furong was adopted, and a DNA comparison was made. Guo Furong is not blood related to the Guo family. As for Guo Furong's father, you may not have guessed that we have also found someone. He testified that he had sex with you. In addition, , Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze have also done a paternity test, it is a biological father-son relationship, you have murdered Yan Feixia in order to make Guo Furong come to power, you have a motive for committing the crime, there is a factual basis, and you are convicted."

"I didn't... I didn't..." Jia Ling's hoarse scream became weaker, and the denial was so pale, panic took over all reason, and all the muscles in her body were trembling.

The criminal policeman walked out of Yan's house, holding the lady whose legs were soft like noodles, and the prosecutor was behind. He turned his head and glanced at Mr. Yan. There are so many, I just hope that Mr. Yan can listen to it, and he will only think about making Jia Ling of the Zhao family plead guilty, and then be able to hold on strong enough. If Mr. Yan can't think about it for a while, maybe he will do something stupid.

Aunt Jin's heart is like fifteen buckets pumping water up and down. She doesn't know how to analyze those corners.

Yan Ming was so remorseful that he wanted to commit suicide immediately to apologize to his wife Qiong and the girl. When he heard what the prosecutor said to Jia Ling, he seemed to have heard it but didn't, so he stared straight at the door, his eyes sluggish, the muscles jumped, and the blue veins on the temples throbbed.

He sat stiffly, even though the door was closed, his eyes still fell there, his eyes were out of focus, empty, and without bright colors, like dusty beads, gray.

After sitting for a long time, his stiff body collapsed little by little, and he slumped on the sofa, his pea-sized eyeballs flowing out of his sockets.

Teardrops streak.

Tears were silent.

That face, despair and sadness.

Aunt Jin saw that the old man was distraught, and didn't know how to persuade him. She went to fetch water and wet the towel to wipe the old man's face. The old gentleman wiped his face once, and wiped his face again every once in a while, silently working as a tear-wipe worker.

(End of this chapter)

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