magic eye doctor

Chapter 622 Who is more ruthless

Chapter 622 Who is more ruthless

Jia Ling was escorted downstairs, and when she saw the Procuratorate's car, panic flooded her heart like a tide.

The detectives would not let her waste time, put her on the car and press it on the seat, and the detectives would monitor her from front to back, left and right, so that she would not have the chance to move around.

She was escorted into the car, placed in a confined space, and there were people with guns beside her. Jia Ling was terrified of fighting, and her legs were shaking uncontrollably.

The weather was hot, so she was wearing a skirt, a blue dress with a white background, and the skirt reached her knees. She didn't wear high-heeled shoes at home. She originally wore a pair of sandals and slippers. fell and became barefoot.

There is no thread, the legs tremble irregularly, and the muscles vibrate like an electric shock.Her lips were also trembling, her breathing was fast and disordered because of fear, and even her teeth were making the 'clucking' sound that people make when they grind their teeth.

The detectives and prosecutors took Jia Ling's panic in their eyes and didn't speak, which made her suffer psychologically. When they returned to the procuratorate, they got Jia Ling off the car without saying a word.

They deliberately did not enter the procuratorate through the side door, and parked in front of the main gate, so that the suspects could see the majesty and inviolable sanctity of the procuratorate.

Seeing the heavily guarded police C team in front of the procuratorate, Jia Ling trembled even more. When she was being held on to the doorstep of the procuratorate, she couldn't bear it any longer. She rolled her eyes and fainted softly.

The two detectives raised Jia Ling so hard that she lost her feet and "walked" with Lingbo's micro-step floating steps to enter the procuratorate and directly into the torture room.

The security personnel were fully armed and put Jia Ling on the chair, pinched the person, pressed the back, and woke the person up to face the reality.

Jia Lingchu opened her eyes, but her vision was blurred. She was stunned for a while, and then she saw clearly the eyes of a row of people in uniform sitting in front of her, her eyes widening, she almost held her breath, and mechanically turned her head to look to the side. , there are people on both sides, and then look at the people in uniform sitting behind, still carrying guns.

The room was surrounded by uniformed police officers, all around her, all eyes on her, she wanted to faint, but she didn't, she turned her head with difficulty, even swallowing saliva was difficult.

The suspect turned his neck to look around, his body on the chair seemed to fall apart at any time, and he seemed to be extremely nervous, his eyes panicked, and his expression horrified.

So the prosecutor solemnly shouted, "Jia Ling—"

Hearing her name, Jia Ling looked up in horror, her chest heaved sharply, her eyes rolled back, and she fainted.

"Have you fainted again?" A whole room of people looked at me and I looked at you, with a helpless look on their faces. Back then, they had the guts to harm others, but now they don't even have the courage to face them.

What if someone faints?

The two of them stepped forward and pinched the person in the middle and the back again, and forced the fainted person to wake up. It is impossible to rest before confessing. After confessing, it is permissible to faint and fall asleep. .

Jia Ling was woken up by the pinch, and once again experienced the process from dazed to awake, from dazed to huge panic, and the panic was more serious than the first time.

"Jia Ling-"

"..." The same as the first time, when he heard the name, he fainted again.

The members of the task force were no longer surprised, and they woke him up again. Jia Ling experienced another terrifying process from ignorance to panic.

Then he fainted again in the sound of the name, woke up again and was frightened again, fainted again in the call of fame, woke up again and fainted again, fainted eight times in less than half an hour, and each time he passed out, It's getting shorter and shorter, and it's getting easier to pinch people.

When she fainted No. 11 times, she probably fainted too much and was numb. She didn’t faint when she heard her name again, she just bounced. It's shaking like a pendulum.

Finally not dizzy ah.

Everyone who admired the suspect fainted more than a dozen times, let out a long sigh, and then fainted, they should consider calling a doctor to give her a sedative shot.

The person is no longer dizzy, so take the time to ask for a confession: "Jia Ling, confession will be lenient, and resistance will be strict. If you don't take the initiative to confess, it will be harmful and not beneficial to you. Zhao Li, Guo Furong, and Zhao Danxuan surrendered. Originally, the death sentence was changed to life imprisonment. Mrs. Zhao Guo Furong was originally sentenced to more than 15 years, about ten years in prison. In prison, Zhao Li voluntarily surrendered because he understood the importance of surrender, and won the opportunity of a light sentence.

If you refuse to explain, once you are convicted, it will be the death penalty, because you are the one who directly poisoned, which means that you killed He Ziqiong and Yan Feixia with your own hands. You have made great contributions to defending the country. You killed his mother and grandmother and caused him great harm. His request to execute the death penalty on you immediately is within a reasonable range. Justice and morality are not on your side. No, they will be shot in less than a month. "

"Jia Ling, confess and accept Cong Kuan, resist Cong Ya..."

"Jia Ling, your daughter Guo Furong confessed that you not only poisoned Yan Xing's mother and grandmother, but also gave Yan Xing a chronic poison..."

"Jia Ling, your granddaughter Zhao Danxuan confessed to the criminal act of embezzling Yanming's property with you. Zhao Danxuan voluntarily handed over the property and deposits you bought from Yanming's house with the money..."

"Jia Ling, Zhao Li accused you of being the mastermind behind the plot to kill Yan Feixia and He Ziqiong when he confessed to the crime. You came up with the idea..."

"Jia Ling, Guo Furong also told you to put medicine in Yanming's wine and climb into Yanming's bed, which made Yanming mistakenly think that he was drunk and mistook you for He Ziqiong to have a relationship. Later, you poisoned He Ziqionghai and succeeded in ascending the throne..."

The prosecutors slowly bombarded Jia Ling in turn, telling Jia Ling one by one the motives for the crime that Zhao Li's family confessed to when they turned themselves in and the facts that Jia Ling was the mastermind.

Jia Ling couldn't believe it at first, how could her biological daughter betray her?How could her granddaughter betray her?

It is understandable that Zhao Li put the crime on her, because Zhao Li is not related to her by blood, but Guo Furong and Zhao Danxuan are her biological daughter and granddaughter, and they are related by blood. Guo Furong and Zhao Danxuan came up with many ideas, and she just cooperated with the Zhao family to do the crime.

Because Guo Furong is her own daughter, even if He Ziqiong and Yan Ming gave her a job when she was most helpless and provided her with a source of life, the Yan family never looked down on her, and she chose to help her daughter without hesitation. Yan Feixia poisoned her daughter to be Zhao Yixiong's wife. In order to allow her daughter's children to inherit Zhao's property in the future, she helped Zhao Yixiong win the management of Feixia Group, and poisoned He Ziqiong. Successfully occupying the Yan family to control Yan Ming, so that Yan Ming will no longer ask about the whereabouts of Feixia Group and Yanxing, and provide Zhao Yixiong and grandson Zhao Zongze with the opportunity to control Feixia Group.

In order to help her granddaughter and grandson, she transferred Yan Ming's money one by one and poisoned Yan Xing. She worked so hard to plan for her granddaughter and grandson. Her own daughter and granddaughter also blamed her.

Being pushed out by her own daughter and granddaughter to bear all the charges, Jia Ling shivered with hatred, a face stained with tears turned from white to blue, from blue to white, her eyes from shock to despair, and then to extremely vicious.

Those accusations and facts were like bombs bombarding her heart round by round, her heart was being bombarded in pieces, her ears were buzzing, her chest seemed to be exploded, and she trembled and heaved.

He couldn't roar if he wanted to, couldn't scold him even if he wanted to, even his mouth was stiff, Jia Ling bit his lip and bit hard, a salty taste came out of his mouth.

The blood stimulated her brain, Jia Ling's confused thoughts became clearer, and finally she couldn't stand the bombardment of words: "No, it's not like that, it's not like that, it's because Zhao Li and Zhao Yixiong don't like Yan Feixia's ability and want to get wealth, so she gave birth to Harmful heart, the medicine was given to me by Zhao Li, and let me put it in Yan Feixia's medicine, I didn't know it was poison at first, I thought it was just medicine to make people sick and weak..."

Jia Ling yelled and yelled, and the prosecutors stopped the language bombardment, first recorded her chaotic dictation, and when she roared, panting and crying, she would question her on a regular basis.

Jia Ling hated Zhao Li and her daughter for making her a scapegoat, and was unwilling to be the sheep to be punished. She took revenge on how Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, father and son, mother and son, wanted to be their own inner responders, and how did the Zhao family plan to poison Yan Feixia. confessed.

A group of staff felt chills all over. Foreign Minister Zhao Li looked at Sven, but he didn't expect it to be a beast in human skin. He was a doctor, because he was afraid that Yan Feixia would become the master of the Zhao family after giving birth to a child, and let his son go out. No idea, she even gave Yan Feixia the medicine when she was pregnant with Yan Xing. The original intention was to prevent Yan Feixia from having a child after the miscarriage, and then let Zhao Yixiong and another woman have a child and bring it back to Yan Feixia. keep.

When Yan Feixia was pregnant with a child, Zhao Li secretly supported Zhao Yixiong and Guo Furong in messing up the relationship between men and women, preparing to have a child. His plan was that Yan Feixia would be very sad after the miscarriage, and then take advantage of her mental blow to Zhao Li. Carrying back the child that Yixiong gave birth to outside, Yan Feixia must feel pity for the child she brought because she lost her own child, so that the child can be properly nurtured by the He family and Yan family, and it is logical to get Yan Feixia and Yan family. the property of.

But it is not as good as the sky, Yan Feixia did not have a miscarriage, and the child was still born smoothly. In less than a year, Guo Furong also gave birth to an illegitimate child. In order to let the child born by Guo Furong return to Zhao's house, Zhao Li obtained Yan Fei in an upright manner. The company Xia founded, the family planned to poison Yan Feixia.

The Zhao family dared to be so bold because Guo Furong's mother, Jia Ling, worked as a nanny in Yan's family, and Guo Furong hooked up with Zhao Yixiong because her mother asked the Yan family to help her introduce her work when she was a nanny at Yan's family. For the sake of the nanny, Guo Furong, who was introduced by the nanny, was recruited into the company founded by Yan Feixia to do reception work.

Because Guo Furong worked in Feixia's company, and through her relationship with Yan Feixia, she met Zhao Yixiong one after another, and Guo Furong also had a desire to climb wealth, so she hooked up with Zhao Yixiong and engaged in clandestine affairs.

The reason why Jia Ling was able to work as a nanny in Yan's house was because her ex-husband was a worker from the Ministry of Railways. She and her ex-husband and Yanming's wife, He Ziqiong's natal family, came from the same place and were from the same village. The ex-husband and Yan Ming also have a connection, which is regarded as an acquaintance.

Jia Ling's ex-husband had to be laid off because of a serious illness. He spent all his money on medical treatment. The family life was difficult, so Jia Ling went to work hard. Later, Yanming learned that Jia Ling's family was in difficulty, and he negotiated with his wife He Ziqiong to hire him as a nanny. In order to help Jia Ling's family, Jia Ling was able to enter Yanming's house.

Jia Ling went to Yan's house as a nanny to solve the problem of financial resources. After her husband died a few years later, she devoted herself to taking care of the Yan family's daily life at Yan's house. Later, Yan Feixia was also taken care of by her and He Ziqiong when she conceived and gave birth to a child.

Because Jia Ling is Guo Furong's own mother, Guo Furong wanted to be in the position, so the Zhao family naturally asked Jia Ling to be the inner responder. For her daughter to marry Zhao Yixiong, Jia Ling would let her grandson become the grandson of the Zhao family in an upright manner. The righteousness was left behind, and the Zhao family coddled and drugged Yan Feixia's food, and manipulated the medicine, making Yan Feixia's body worse day by day, and eventually died of the chronic poison's corrosion.

Yan Feixia was killed, Zhao Yixiong married Guo Furong, and Zhao Zongze recognized his ancestors.

The Zhao family and Jia Ling were not satisfied, and they planned to poison He Ziqiong. There are two, one thing has been done before, but it was done again. Jia Ling and the Zhao family succeeded in taking He Ziqiong without knowing it. After being poisoned, Jia Ling was able to become Yan Ming's wife and control the Yan family.

Zhao Li and Jia Ling cooperated inside and outside, and they did it perfectly. Who would have thought that Jia Ling, who received the great favor of the Yan family, would be so ungrateful. Zhao Yixiong, the husband of Yan Feixia, would disregard the relationship between husband and wife and conspire with the three families of his family. His wife, mother-in-law, and even his own son were not spared.

Zhao Li and his wife, Zhao Yixiong, Guo Furong, and Jia Ling are all guilty. Zhao Li and Jia Ling are the most guilty. Zhao Li is the first origin of all conspiracies, and Jia Ling is the first executor.

Zhao Li's insidiousness and insidiousness also made the staff secretly creepy. The most terrifying thing in the world is a doctor like Zhao Li, who clearly wears the coat of an angel but has a black heart, which really kills people. No one knows how they died.

A transcript was made for two minutes. The staff asked every detail they could think of and sent Jia Ling to the detention center. In order to prevent Jia Ling and Guo Furong and Zhao Danxuan from colluding with each other, they were detained separately. Furong Zhao Danxuan knew that Jia Ling was arrested and brought to justice, so as to collect more evidence secretly.

Because Jia Ling didn't bring any clothes, the detention center provided the detainees' clothes for her to wash. The prosecutors also called the Yan family responsibly and told Mr. Yan to help his wife with some clothes and daily necessities. After all, Mr. Yan is still Jia Ling now. 's family.

(End of this chapter)

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