magic eye doctor

Chapter 625 is about to give birth

Chapter 625 is about to give birth

Being forced to eat a bowl of eggs with brown sugar and ginger soup, Le Xiaoxiao's heart was broken. In order to make her father and Aunt Feng happy, she couldn't say that she didn't like it, but said it was delicious.

When you are full, pack your luggage carefully, move the things you brought back into the room where you put them in the refrigerator, and take out some seafood to prepare a big meal in the evening.

After packing my luggage, I sneaked to the backyard to look around. The pig at home that had been raised for more than a year was sold. Only two pigs were left that were bought in December last year. Large flocks, six animals flourishing.

After walking around, Le Yun was in a good mood. She ran to the backyard to chop seven or eight corn seedlings, and went home to cook the corn cobs to eat.

There are early and late-ripening corns. Zhou Qiufeng knew that Xiaolele likes to eat corn. The corn in the garden in front of the house and behind the house is planted late, and the corn in other fields can be harvested soon after the double harvest. It is too old to eat tender corn.

Le Yun cooked the corn cobs and ate them, and eagerly rushed her father to buy meat, made noodles by herself, waited for her father to buy back the meat, chop the stuffing, and then make dumplings. She was busy making hundreds of dumplings when the sun went down. Then process the seafood.

When the sun went down and the people who were robbing were about to finish work, classmate Le packed up his tools, took a shower, and took a generation of dumplings to pick up Grandma Zhou for dinner.

Dad Le hurriedly pulled the girl: "Lele, Chunmei is on vacation. Because of your Aunt Feng, she has a special opinion on our family. If you go there and quarrel with you again, it's not good, I'll go."

Zhou Qiufeng disagreed: "Brother Le, what are you afraid of? It's her business that Chunmei doesn't like us. You don't need to follow her all the time. Lele, you just do things according to your mood.

"Xiaofeng, don't encourage Lele, Lele likes to fight the most." Lele wanted to cry, but his little padded jacket was the best person to fight and solve the problem. Xiaofeng also supported Lele to fight. That's right to her liking.

"Humph, Dad, when did I become someone who likes to fight? I don't use fists for things I can quarrel with, and I don't fight for things I can solve with fists. Dad doesn't love me anymore. I'll go to Grandma Zhou."

Le Yun protested and ran away with a bag of dumplings.

Xiao Lele slipped away, and Zhou Qiufeng smiled and touched her stomach: "Shanshan, you will learn more from your sister in the future. We don't take the initiative to bully others, and we can't be afraid of others if they want to bully us. When it's time to fight back, we must fight back."

Le Dad silently shut up, yes, his wife supports the little padded jacket and the little jacket, what else can he say?Don't say anything, just do what you have to do.

Because it was getting dark, the people in Shuangqiang also stopped working one after another. There were people coming and going outside, and Le Dad picked up the crutches again. He used the crutches to carry pig food to feed the pigs, chickens and ducks. His little padded jacket didn't tell him to throw away the crutches, so Have to hold on for the time being.

Brother Zhou and Sister-in-law Zhou helped Cheng Youliang's family with double robberies at around three o'clock in the afternoon. Zhou Tianming will be a sophomore in high school when school starts. reward.

Zhou Chunmei was watching TV with the air conditioner blowing in the lower room. Grandma Zhou fed pigs, chickens and ducks. She was sweating all over. "Lele, when did you come back? Your dad said you won't be home until tomorrow."

"I'll be there after noon, Grandma Zhou, have you missed me? I miss you very much. I know you're at home, so I'll come and see you." Le Yun dragged a bamboo chair and sat down beside Grandma Zhou. , and then took over Grandma Zhou's group fan to help drive away mosquitoes.

"Why so fast?"

"I flew to Changshi by plane, so I came back quickly." Le Yun gave the dumplings she made to Grandma Zhou: "Grandma Zhou, these are the dumplings I made in the afternoon, give it to Uncle Zhou, you can go to my house for dinner in the evening. "

"It's expensive to take a plane." Grandma Zhou held a bag of dumplings and was very emotional. Xiaolele was diligent in her hands and feet, and she made food as soon as she came home. The cylinder has not been touched yet.

"The air fare of more than 1000 yuan is not too expensive." Le Yun just answered, seeing Zhou Chunmei coming out of the lower room, she smiled brightly: "Sister Chunmei."

When Le Yun came, Zhou Chunmei didn't want to show her face at first, but after hearing that Le Yun came back by plane, she couldn't resist and decided to go to see it.

Walking out of the living room, she saw that Le Yun, who was sitting in the room, was no different. She was still wearing ordinary casual clothes. She was greeted by a smiling face surnamed Le. She felt uncomfortable and could only respond, "Yeah."

Grandma Zhou carried dumplings to put in the refrigerator, Xia Long went to help people to snatch them, and at Cheng's house for dinner at night, dumplings will naturally be kept for tomorrow morning.

"Le Yun, isn't my aunt at home?" Grandma didn't care about herself, Zhou Chunmei pretended to be casual and asked Le Yun that her aunt was pregnant and gave birth to a child and also had the right to divide the property of the Le family. Le Yun would definitely be angry when she found out. Still smiling, it must be her aunt who went to the county for an examination and was not at home.

"Here, Aunt Feng is at home. When I came, she told me to hurry up and come back. What's wrong with Sister Chunmei looking for my Aunt Feng?" Le Yun pretended to be stupid, and Zhou Chunmei asked her if her new mother was at home. Asked her if she knew about Aunt Feng's pregnancy, and wanted to know her attitude towards Aunt Feng's baby.

at home?Zhou Chunmei was stunned, Le Yun agreed with her aunt to have another child?She didn't believe that Le Yun really agreed that someone would compete with her for the family property, and asked, "My aunt is about to give birth, right?"

"Yes, Aunt Feng's due date is the end of this month."

Le Yun didn't look unhappy at all when she spoke, Zhou Chunmei was puzzled and asked reluctantly, "Le Yun, do you want to be a younger brother or a younger sister?"

"Whether it's my brother or sister, I will tell you quietly, my aunt Feng has a baby boy in her womb, and I will have a younger brother soon." Le Yun happily revealed the gossip, seeing Zhou Chunmei's face changed It's ugly. As if I didn't notice it, I saw Grandma Zhou put things out and jumped up: "Grandma Zhou, let's hurry over there, my dad will wait for me to go back and fry seafood."

At the end, he waved his little hand at Zhou Chunmei: "Sister Chunmei, Grandma Zhou went to my house for dinner, you don't have to worry, I will send Grandma Zhou back in the evening."

Zhou Chunmei looked at Le Yun, who happily said that she would have a younger brother soon, like a thunderbolt. Le Yun didn't mind her aunt having a child and competing with her for the family property?When was she so generous?

Do not believe.

She really doesn't believe that Le Yun can accept the child born by her stepmother, especially a boy. The girl is married, so it makes sense that her aunt gave birth to a boy. Son, can Le Yun accept it?

In shock, when she heard that Lejia had seafood in the evening, Zhou Chunmei remembered the delicious seafood that Lejia gave to their family during the Chinese New Year and the first month, thinking that Le Yun called "Sister Chunmei" to ask her to go to Lejia with her. Zhileyun just told her to pick up her grandmother.

In an instant, my lungs exploded with anger, knowing that she would not call her at home, what does Le Yun mean?She wanted to catch up and kick a few times, but she didn't have the guts, she gritted her teeth angrily, and stared at Le Yun's back, until she saw Le Yun helping her grandma out the door, she still felt angry and kicked her own house. The slate edge of the patio was a few feet away, and then I rushed to see what to eat at my house.

Looking through the refrigerator for a while, there is meat and vegetables, but you need to make them to eat them. Zhou Chunmei almost grinded her teeth through the back teeth. She was so angry that she took eggs and vegetables to the kitchen to cook. simplest.

After a dinner, Zhou Chunmei finished her meal with anger.

Brother Zhou and Sister-in-law Zhou came home from dinner at Cheng Youliang’s house. He didn’t see his mother, and asked the girl that he was going to Le’s house for dinner, and Zhou’s brother went to Yueqing’s house.

Lejia's dinner was very happy. The Lejia girl could cook, and cooked three delicious seafood that can be eaten by pregnant women. She also fried green vegetables.

When Brother Zhou arrived at Lejia, he saw the girl of Lejia suddenly realized, no wonder he picked up his mother, it turned out that Xiaolele came back.

Dad Le saw that his brother-in-law was coming and went to get watermelon to eat.

Brother Zhou sat for a bell at Lejia. Grandma Zhou carried a bag of pills when he left. Brother Zhou also took away a bag of packaged seafood. The mother and son went home happily.

Brother Zhou didn't tell his wife and girl that Xiaolele made health pills for his mother. His wife is a stingy woman who always thinks about others giving her things to flatter her, but she never gives up what she loves. Liu Tong knew that Lele gave his mother health pills, and if she didn't steal it, she would steal some for herself in secret.

Grandma Zhou took a pill before going to bed. She slept very soundly that night. When she woke up the next day, she felt that her body was very light and her sore waist was much more comfortable. She was happy and her face was full of smiles.

Le Yun checked the body of the new mother, and it was still a few days away from giving birth, so she was not in a hurry to go to the hospital. She made nutritious soup at night and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, she got up early in the morning to make breakfast. What does the aunt eat at home to raise the baby, and go to help aunt Cheng Youde Liu's house to cut the rice.

The rice from Cheng Youliang's family was ripe one or two days earlier, so it was harvested first, followed by Cheng Youde's family, Liu Lu's family, and then Zhou Ge's family, Le's family, and Zhang Poluo's family.

Everyone helps each other, divides labor and cooperates, and works faster.

Cheng Youliang took care of his own seedling fields in the morning, and could help his cousin in the afternoon.

Cheng Youde Liu's sister-in-law, Zhou Ge and others went to the field, and they were shocked to see that the Lejia girl had already arrived one step ahead of them, and she had also laid down a circle of rice. How can children's energy be so good, so fierce, where do they put their faces in the prime of life?

In the end, a group of elders decided that Xiao Lele was actually strong enough to let her cut more rice. They wouldn't be jealous of her quick hands and feet.

It took three days for Cheng Youde's family to harvest rice, pear fields, and transplanting rice seedlings. On the 27th, he helped Liu Lu's family to grab it.

Classmate Le only worked for Liu Lu's family for half a day. At noon, Zhou Qiufeng saw red and there were signs of labor. Le's father and girl immediately packed a van to go to the county town for labor, and handed over the family to her mother-in-law to take care of them.

(End of this chapter)

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