Chapter 626
Having a baby is a big event. Dad Le and Zhou Qiufeng were worried at first. When the girl came back, the couple was very calm and Lele was by their side. What were they afraid of?
It has to be said that the couple has a mysterious confidence and trust in their girl.

It was four hours after Lejiabao's van arrived at the county seat, and the temperature was not that high. The county seat was three or two degrees higher than the countryside due to the dense construction.

Considering that there are many people in the hospital and it is difficult to keep luggage and items, Lejia first went to a hotel close to the maternity hospital to book a room, sent the luggage to the room, and only brought a backpack with essential items to the maternity hospital for inspection.

The driver first took Le family to the hotel to book a room, and then sent them to the gate of the maternity hospital. Le Yun paid the fare and gave an extra red envelope according to the custom. The driver would not take the initiative to ask for a red envelope when sending pregnant women to the hospital for delivery or delivery. A red envelope will be given for good luck, and both parties are very happy.

In order to act realistically, Dad Le was still leaning on crutches. When the driver left, there were no locals nearby, so he carried the crutches and helped Zhou Qiufeng to enter the women's hospital with the girl to register and go for an examination.

After a preliminary examination and a color Doppler ultrasound, the doctors said that the cervix had not been opened, and the child would not be in labor for the time being, and there was no need to be hospitalized.

Zhou Qiufeng is not afraid of natural birth or caesarean section. It is Le Yun who suggested caesarean section because she ate too many products while helping Aunt Feng to recuperate. To get a knife, it takes a few stitches, and it is better to have a cesarean section than to have a knife on both sides. Anyway, she has prepared the medicine early to ensure that the wound after the cesarean section will heal in three months as if it had not been sectioned.

No need to be hospitalized for the time being, the family happily went downstairs again. Just after going down the last stairs, they unexpectedly met a couple head-on, and they were both startled when they looked at each other.

"Qiufeng?" Li Xiaodong stared blankly at Zhou Qiufeng, who was being supported. His eyes first fell on the man beside her, then moved to her and landed on her big belly. His face suddenly changed color, and his breathing became chaotic.

Ma Yuanyuan, who was with Li Xiaodong, first noticed the man next to Zhou Qiufeng when she recognized Zhou Qiufeng. The man had good features and fair skin. He was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt with the hem tucked into his trousers. He was energetic and handsome, what do you think? Like the elite of the white-collar class.

No matter how she looked at it, the men around Zhou Qiufeng were more handsome than her ex-husband Li Xiaodong. After thinking about it, she turned to look at Li Xiaodong, who was now her own man. Li Xiaodong was also wearing a white shirt.

I don't know. In comparison, Li Xiaodong is a lot worse than the man Zhou Qiufeng is now around. Ma Yuanyuan is so jealous, how can Zhou Qiufeng marry a good man, a woman who can't have children?

can't have children...

She remembered the fact that Zhou Qiufeng couldn't have children, and she smiled again, and looked at Zhou Qiufeng with a smile, and was about to ask Zhou Qiufeng if she came to do a pregnancy test to poke Zhou Qiufeng's heart, when her eyes fell on Zhou Qiufeng and bulged high on his stomach, a stiff smile.

" can't have a baby?" Ma Yuanyuan screamed like a ghost, Zhou Qiufeng was pregnant, how could it be possible?How can a woman who can't lay eggs get pregnant?
Le Yun supported the new mother, always guarding against falling or being bumped into. She saw Li Xiaodong and Ma Yuanyuan approaching, but the two of them didn't pay much attention to the road and walked straight forward. The guy without long eyes hurt Aunt Feng.

Fortunately, the two of them stopped subconsciously when they were about to bump into each other, she was too lazy to care about the two scumbags, and as a result, a scumbag woman bumped into them, Le Yun immediately became unhappy, and went back directly: "Who said I am Aunt Feng? Can’t give birth? It’s clear who is the real problem now, but some people just like being a dad and helping others raise their children. That’s because they have a big belly. I don't know who the child is, so I can only lie to a fool to be her husband. There's nothing I can do about it. Whoever tells that kind of woman to have no looks, can't do anything other than take off her clothes and lie down on the bed and hum a few times. "

Seeing Zhou Qiufeng's big belly, Li Xiaodong's face was already extremely ugly, and when he heard the words "who has the problem, it's clear now", his muscles shuddered. When he heard that someone likes to help others raise children, his chest was blowing like a blower , the rapid ups and downs of the drum, Zhou Qiufeng is fine, doesn't that mean that he has a problem?

Saying that he likes to help others raise children, doesn't he mean that the children born by Ma Yuanyuan are not his own?
The more he thought about it, the more horrified Li Xiaodong became, thinking that the son he raised might not be his son at all, his mind went blank.

"Lele, the children of the family should be civilized." The girl was protecting her new mother, and Le's father was very happy, but when he heard the next sentence, "Striping off what?", his face flushed with embarrassment. Children say that things like that between men and women are embarrassing.

"Pfft-" Zhou Qiufeng couldn't help laughing out loud. Seeing her ex-husband and his mistress, she originally wanted to walk over as if she didn't know each other. Anyway, everything about Li Xiaodong had nothing to do with her. She also had a home and wanted to be a mother. Revisit old accounts.

Moreover, Li Xiaodong saw that his stomach changed greatly, but he pursed his mouth tightly and did not speak again, indicating that he also wanted to pretend to be confused. She did not want to destroy the love between her ex-husband and Ma Xiaosan. She leaned forward and pierced that layer of window paper, she was about to choke back, um, but before she returned her mouth, Lele chokes first.

Hearing Xiao Lele's words that Ma Xiaosan only hums in bed, Zhou Qiufeng only felt that the description could not be more correct. Ma Xiaosan was originally a meat seller, and he was best at humming in bed.

She smiled and supported her waist: "Brother Le, Lele is right, some women are that kind of people, except for taking off clothes for men to sleep with and spending money, they really know everything. No, she doesn't even know whose seed she is pregnant with, she has a bag of grass in her mind."

"Zhou Qiufeng, I will fight with you!" Ma Yuanyuan was ridiculed that she would only please men on the bed, and she trembled with anger. She was jealous of Zhou Qiufeng's second marriage and married a very handsome man. Jealousy and jealousy were in her heart, and she rushed forward. Rush, hit Zhou Qiufeng.

If the child in Zhou Qiufeng's stomach was knocked out, would she still be proud?
Ma Yuanyuan had a weird smile on the corner of her mouth, rushed forward at the fastest speed, raised her feet, bent her knees and slammed forward, preparing to give Zhou Qiufeng a hard blow to the stomach.

When Le Dad saw the woman rushing over like a madman, he was terrified, and instinctively turned sideways to block Zhou Qiufeng with his body. He was faster, and his girl was faster.

Ma Xiaosan rushed towards her, Zhou Qiufeng hugged her stomach subconsciously, and at the same time a flower flashed in front of her, Xiaolele stood in front of her, she was startled: "Lele..."

She originally wanted to say "Le Le happy get out of the way", but before that sentence was finished, she blocked the new mother's music rhyme, raised a brilliant smile at the woman she bumped into, and gently reached out and patted it out.

That slap was light, lighter than a mosquito slap.

The small slap gently blocked Ma Xiaosan's knee. The owner of the hand was very considerate. He gently rubbed her knee, and then pushed forward hard to push away the leg of the hit person.

Then the petite girl jumped vigorously, waving her arms, bowing left and right, and her small slap slapped Ma Xiaosan's face like raindrops.

Jumping up and down, jumping up and down again, jumping up and down again, and even chasing Ma Xiaosan for a step, and slapped Ma Xiaosan for more than [-] times in the blink of an eye, only then did Le Yun stand contentedly, blowing a small slap: Woman, do you want to bump into my Aunt Feng and want me to have an abortion? You first ask if my slap agrees or not, and if you want to slap you, just tell me, my aunt will fulfill your wishes."

Lele made a move as soon as he disagreed, and Zhou Qiufeng Le's father was also stunned, staring, but couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

Li Xiaodong was also stunned. When he recovered from Ma Yuanyuan's words, he saw that Ma Yuanyuan bumped into Zhou Qiufeng, and was so frightened that he lost his soul. If Ma Yuanyuan bumped into Zhou Qiufeng's child, he would intentionally hurt someone and would be imprisoned!
When Zhou Qiufeng jumped out of someone to stand in front of Zhou Qiufeng, his heart almost flew out of his throat before he was relieved, the next second, the little girl pushed Ma Yuanyuan away, jumped up and hit someone, because the movement was too fast, so fast His brain can't keep up with thinking.

Li Xiaodong stared blankly at the little girl and slapped Ma Yuanyuan. He didn't even know where in the world the thought of stopping him went, and he was in a daze like a fool.

Ma Yuanyuan pinned all her grievances on her knees, fantasizing about hitting Zhou Qiufeng's stomach hard, knocking Zhou Qiufeng to the ground covered in blood. Seeing that she was about to succeed, she was suddenly blocked by something. At that time, she only felt her knee numb. , and then a strong force hit her, and she was literally pushed back.

Just taking a step back, there was a human face shaking in front of her, and then she heard the sound of "pop", and her left cheek was aching hotly. She hadn't figured out what was going on, but her right cheek was hurting hotly.

Her face first turned to the right, then she was slapped to the left, then to the right and then to the left. With the crackling sound, the left and right cheeks alternated with burning pain, and she couldn't see anything at all. , in front of a flower.

She stepped back and almost fell, and when she finally staggered to stand, she felt a burning pain in her face, and when she reached out to touch it, it hurt like a needle stick.

Ma Yuanyuan was dizzy after being beaten, but she didn't react for a while, she looked forward in a daze, and it took a little effort to see the girl in front of Zhou Qiufeng. It's you!"

"The enemy is your aunt and me, so I can teach you that Aunt Feng is now my father's wife and my new mother. Aunt Feng is carrying the baby brother I have been waiting for so long. You If you want to do something bad, you have to ask me if I will answer, and I will tell you clearly, if you dare to hurt the child in my Aunt Feng’s womb, I don’t mind sending you to the hospital for three to five months.”

Le Yun admired Ma Xiao's thirty-something mouths, but she still couldn't react. She was in a good mood. She held her head high and proudly announced the issue of Aunt Feng's ownership. Li Xiaodong was a scum. The cheater and his family bully Aunt Feng. The Li family treats Aunt Feng as a root grass. Aunt Feng is now hurt by someone.

Ma Yuanyuan knew Le Yun, but not Le Yun's father, because she had only seen Zhou Qiufeng taking Le Yun to sell things on the street, and she had also seen Zhou Qiufeng and Le Yun traveling to and from the county by car. Zhou Qiufeng had quarreled with her when she brought Le Yun. She has a deep memory of Le Yun.

"Your dad... Dad's wife?" Li Xiaodong mechanically turned his head to look at the man beside Zhou Qiufeng. In shock, his eyes turned into copper bells: "You... you are Le... lame?"

"You are the cripple, your whole family is lame!" Someone called his father an insulting nickname in front of him, Le Yun rushed forward in anger, jumped up, raised his hand and slapped Mr. Li's mouth: "You ungrateful white-eyed Wolf, you have a problem and you can't have children, and you blame my Aunt Feng for not being able to have children. You use the money your wife earns to raise a woman who is a chicken outside, and when you go home, you beat your wife to force her to divorce. Now you see my Aunt Feng remarried and pregnant. After having a child, you two vicious men and women want to cause my Aunt Feng to have a miscarriage, you black-hearted beasts will be struck by thunder sooner or later!"

After scolding him, he turned to his side and smiled at his father and Aunt Feng: "Dad, help Aunt Feng to go first. I will block these two people, lest a pair of dog men and women make trouble and hit Aunt Feng's stomach again."

Lele is sloppy, Lele's father is confused, and he is not good at dismantling the platform, so he can only stay by the side. When he sees some people upstairs and downstairs, he wants to ask Lele to go, but he is afraid of making the girl unhappy, so he is struggling. , when he heard the little padded jacket asking him to take Qiufeng away first, he responded in a hurry, and helped his wife out.

Le Yun walked a little behind to prevent the two scumbags from suddenly bumping into each other, and their hearts were sinister, especially because the two were shameless dogs and men. aunt.

Some people were arguing, so naturally some people came to watch. The people watching the fun didn't quite know what was going on. When they heard the little girl's scolding, they finally raised their eyebrows. The wife gets divorced, and then she meets the scumbag's ex-wife and her future husband, a pair of dog men and women who want to harm the child in the scumbag's ex-wife's womb.

After figuring out the whole story, the people who came to watch the lively scorned scornful dog men and women did what they should, and grumbled "shameless" in their mouths to accuse the dog men and women who wanted to harm people.

Some nurses heard the noise coming from the stairwell, took time to look, found that the people were scattered, and hurried away again.

Li Xiaodong was slapped and slapped. He turned his neck and looked at this and that. He couldn't understand why he was being scolded as a man or a woman. It was only after a while that he remembered what the little girl surnamed Le had scolded. His face turned from white to blue, and he turned his head angrily and grabbed Ma Yuanyuan's hair: "Tell me, who is the child?"

Li Xiaodong looked like he was going to eat people, Ma Yuanyuan was terrified, her tongue was knotted and her teeth were chattering: "You... don't you believe me..."

"Give you one more chance, whose child is the child?" Li Xiaodong was so angry that his eyes were about to burst. He grabbed Ma Yuanyuan's hair and pushed Ma Yuanyuan against the wall with his knees on Ma Yuanyuan's stomach.

Li Xiaodong was ruthless, and her eyes were slightly red. Ma Yuanyuan was so frightened that her teeth were fighting, and she wanted to shrink into a ball in horror: "I...I don't know, I don't know...It hurts, ah—"

When she said she didn't know, Li Xiaodong was so angry that his chest exploded, he pulled Ma Yuanyuan's hair up and slammed his knee into Ma Yuanyuan's belly: "Bitch, you steal wild men outside and are pregnant with someone else's wild seed, want me Help you and your wild man raise wild seeds, you treat me as a fool, a rotten woman, I treat you as a treasure, you keep cuckolding me, rotten shit, rotten shit..."

Ma Yuanyuan was beaten in the stomach and screamed like a pig in pain. She was also scared out of her shell by Li Xiaodong. Li Xiaodong had violent tendencies. When he was caught and raped in bed by Zhou Qiufeng, he felt ashamed. Bleeding was also hospitalized.

Because she gave birth to the child that the Li family wanted so much, Li Xiaodong never beat her. She always had the final say at home. After so many years, she also forgot the fact that Li Xiaodong was a ruthless person.

When she was severely beaten by Li Xiaodong, Ma Yuanyuan tasted the heart-piercing pain and was so scared that she almost fainted, but her hair was pulled and her stomach was hit, and the pain was so painful that she couldn't faint.

"Don't... hit, I'm wrong... I'll never sleep with... other people... woo woo, ah-"

The pain went on and on, Ma Yuanyuan couldn't stand begging for mercy, she begged for mercy, Li Xiaodong hit harder, with a few hard blows, Ma Yuanyuan's body trembled violently, blood gushed out from her thigh, and ran down her leg.

The people watching the excitement were about to leave, but when they heard that the pair of dogs and men seemed to be in the opposite direction, they stood aside watching the play and saw that men were beating women, but no one went to fight. Men or women who steal people outside will be scolded by the public. Yes, and it is quite normal for men to beat their wives in the countryside. People say that couples fight at the head of the bed and make peace at the end of the bed. Many couples come here for slapstick all their lives.

Seeing that a man is beating so hard, some people can't stand it and persuade them to stop beating. When they hear a woman begging for mercy, they all shake their heads. A woman steals a man, and it's not even one, maybe more than one. Which man can Tolerate?
I didn't persuade, and I couldn't bear to watch, a few quietly walked away. Someone found blood on the woman's calf and shouted, "Stop beating, she's bleeding!"

Hearing that Ma Yuanyuan was bleeding, Li Xiaodong's irrational brain became clearer. He looked down. Ma Yuanyuan was wearing a skirt to cover the lower part of her knees. The blood was found on her calf. There was a lot of blood flowing down like water. Not lightly, he picked up Ma Yuanyuan and ran upstairs.

Several people on the stairs stepped aside. Li Xiaodong rushed to the second floor with Ma Yuanyuan in his arms and called the nurse. The nurse heard the shout and ran to the woman. Seeing that the woman had fainted and there was a lot of blood on her legs, she hurriedly called for help and sent them to the inpatient department together. Immediately give first aid and send for examination.

Check it out, Ma Yuanyuan has a miscarriage!There are signs of intrauterine bleeding, and immediately sent to the operating room.

Li Xiaodong followed to run before and after, his face was sometimes blue and sometimes white, when he heard the child was gone, he sighed as if relieved, and then his face was gloomy. Whose son is Dangbao?
Li Xiaodong felt like a cat scratching in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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