magic eye doctor

Chapter 627 I'm Sorry, Dad

Chapter 627 I'm Sorry, Dad
Zhou Qiufeng Le's father followed the girl's words and walked out of the stairs, walked out of the half-open hall and out of the hospital building. Hearing Li Xiaodong's roar, Le's father was still a little worried: "Lele, will they fight?"

"Dad, the wicked have their own grind, let's leave ours, don't mind their business." Le Yun smiled and urged Dad to leave quickly, the scumbags can fight better, but can't fight... um , she can only say that Li Renshui and Ma Xiaosan are true love.

Zhou Qiufeng pursed his lips and smiled, Xiaolele is really an arrogant man. He slapped Ma Xiaosan in the face and slapped Li Zizai's loud mouth, causing the two of them to short-circuit their brains, and they didn't know who to settle.

It has to be said that Xiaolele really hit the dead end of Li Renshui and Ma Xiaosan. Li Renshui was most concerned about the problem of children. When she and him had no children for a few years, he was afraid that his problems would not be able to raise their heads from now on. Come on, he won't check for anything, as long as she goes to check and finds out that there is something wrong with her, she immediately puts all the reasons for not being able to have children on her shoulders, and his family members despise her everywhere.

Who dared to say that Li Xiaodong can't do it before, he will definitely hit people in the mouth, but today I meet her. She had a little problem at the beginning and is still able to conceive a child. The facts are more convincing than anything else. Li Xiaodong himself wondered if he was It's really hard to have problems.

Ma Xiaosan's death point is that she is a chicken, but she has to face her face. She can be a chicken, but others say she is a chicken. Ma Xiaosan is a bitch who is addicted to being a chicken. Li Xiaodong must be aware of his romantic nature, but he is deaf and dumb because Ma Xiaosan gave birth to a son for him.

Li Xiaodong was told by Xiaolele that he had a problem in public. He stepped on his painful foot. With Li's scumbag personality, he would be furious every minute. Even if Li Xiaodong and Ma Xiaosan couldn't fight in the hospital, they would not fight and quarrel after returning home. always unavoidable.

The scum and the little three love to fight, and it is their own business to break the sky. Zhou Qiufeng didn't want to stay to watch the scum dog bite the dog, so he stayed away happily.

His little padded jacket and his wife looked like they were afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Le Dad was also deeply speechless. His wife and children wouldn't let him care about what would happen to the two of them. He also wanted to go far away. Whether he could fight with Ma Xiaosan was because he was worried that after Li Xiaodong and Ma Xiaosan had a fight, they would push the fault to Zhou Qiufeng and run to find trouble.

Leaving the maternity hospital, Le Dad took out an umbrella from his backpack and opened it to help his wife shade the sun, protecting her to walk along the shaded street.

Le Yun's hearing is very good, and the voices from the women's security hospital couldn't escape her ears. When Li Renzhao questioned Ma Xiaosan, Ma Xiaosan was beaten and howled. Leah, the dogs and the men turned against each other, let’s fight, let’s fight, it’s better for the scumbags to beat each other to become disabled!

Of course, she also understands that Ma Xiaosan can't beat Li Renji. Li Renji is a man with a tendency to be violent. When she was a child, she saw Aunt Feng being beaten by Li Renji and her whole body was injured. At that time, Aunt Feng She was beaten with blue and purple patches all over her body, but she didn't dare to let Grandma Zhou know when she returned to her parents' house. Because it was inconvenient to apply the medicine in some places, she even helped Aunt Feng to apply the medicine.

Aunt Feng suffered inhuman torture for a period of time, and then jumped out of the fire pit, even if her sister-in-law often made irresponsible remarks behind her back at her parents' house, she would not be beaten inexplicably.

As for successfully provoking the war between Li Renji and Ma Xiaosan, Le Yun has no guilt at all. Those two villains are not good things. When her grandfather was alive, she not only took the pulse of Aunt Feng, but also of Li Renji, right. Li scum said that avoiding alcohol, smoking, spicy food, and anger may be able to fulfill his wish to hold a child.

What her grandfather said to Li Renshui actually meant that Li also had problems with his body, and it was difficult to ask for a child, but Li Renji and the Li family didn't take it seriously, they only thought that Aunt Feng could not give birth to children.

She was young at the time, and she still couldn't feel the pulse accurately, so naturally she couldn't be sure if there was anything wrong with the scumbag. Later, she saw it less often and couldn't feel the pulse. After her eyes had a strange scanning function, she did not meet Li Xiaodong, nor did she observe it. Looking at Li Xiaodong's torso map, I'm still not sure whether Li Xiaodong's scumbag is infertile. When we met today, she scanned the scumbag's body. Li's scum has infertility, which means that the son he has raised for several years is actually someone else's. .

In view of what Li Renji and Ma Xiaosan did to Aunt Feng back then, Le Yun felt that there was no need to be a good person to help Li Renji to conceal the truth. She had to tell it so that Li Renji knew. There will be thorns in the heart.

If Ma Xiaosan stopped messing around with other men from now on, life might not have changed much. If Li Xiaodong found out that Ma Xiaosan was still restless, cracks would gradually appear in the couple's relationship. If Li Xiaodong could bear it, only It can be said that the scumbag Li has become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. She admires her to the ground, and she will never make small tricks to destroy the relationship between the scumbags, and let them be bitches and dogs for a long time.

Listening to Li Ren scum beating Ma Xiaosan and listening to Ma Xiaosan's howling, Le Yun's heart is particularly refreshing. Back then, Ma Xiaosan ran to Li's family and Li Ren scum's family beat Aunt Feng and told Li Ren scum to kill her. Now Finally it was her turn, tit for tat, retribution.

As she got farther and farther from the maternity hospital, her voice gradually became softer. Classmate Le had no regrets. When she heard someone shouting blood, she guessed that Ma Xiaosan had a miscarriage!

She observed that Ma Xiaosan was pregnant again, probably a little over two months old. It was when she was most vulnerable that she was beaten by the scumbags of Li, so it was no wonder that the child could be saved.

She doesn't feel that she is murdering innocent lives. Children born in such a scum family will only be educated to become another scum in the future, which is equivalent to increasing the burden on the society.

Ma Xiaosan was punished, and Le Yun happily walked with Aunt Feng and Dad. When she was tired, she found a place to sit, then walked slowly, walked slowly, and found a lot of things, mainly Zhou Qiufeng The clothes I bought for Yueqing and some things that children need.

The Lejia family was happily shopping, and Li Xiaodong stayed in the operating room full of worries. After waiting for an hour, the rescue operation was over. The hospital informed the family that the pregnant woman had a prolapsed uterus, a torn ovary, and a ruptured liver. She had to be transferred to the city hospital for surgery. .

Li Xiaodong was completely blinded. He just bumped into Ma Yuanyuan's stomach a few times. How could he be hurt so badly?He used to beat Zhou Qiufeng until he vomited blood, and there was no liver rupture or any rupture.

He was slow to respond, but the hospital was not slow. He contacted Haoshi Hospital to receive patients, transferred the pregnant woman who had miscarried, arranged for an ambulance to be taken to the city, and asked the family to sign a bunch of letters to send the family and the dangerous pregnant woman away.

Grandma Zhou Man only got the news from Grandma Zhou that Zhou Qiufeng was going to give birth in the county town in the afternoon. Her old man ran to Yueqing's house and discussed with Grandma Zhou how much to prepare ginger wine for the child. She was still worried. Grandma Zhou wanted to take care of both Zhou's family and Le's family. She was afraid that she would be too busy by herself, so she took the initiative to help, and together with Grandma Zhou, she helped Le's family keep the house and take care of the livestock.

Although the village chief Zhou is a little old, his body is still relatively tough, and he also helps people in double robberies. He approves of his mother-in-law's decision to help Lejia look at the house.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, went to the county women's hospital for an examination and also called home to report that he was safe. Grandma Zhou and others were not too worried, and looked forward to the birth of the child soon.

The Lejia family went back to the hotel to rest for a few laps. In the evening, they had a good meal and then went for a walk. When it was getting dark, they hurried back to the hotel and went to bed after having a late night snack at eleven o'clock.

Pregnant women are usually hungry. Zhou Qiufeng has to get up every night to drink milk or eat something. Because of the caesarean section the next day, he cannot eat for eight hours before giving birth. When he woke up hungry that night, he endured no snacks.

I also had labor pains that night. The next morning, my cervix opened two fingers, which also proved that I had reached the natural birth period.

Dad Le Yun felt that if he had breakfast by himself, Zhou Qiufeng would look at him and wanted to eat, and he would endure it and feel uncomfortable. The father and daughter did not eat breakfast. They brought inpatient items to the hospital after six o'clock and found the reserved bed.

The hospital shifts shifts at 08 o'clock, and then there is half an hour of ward rounds and other work at first, and the doctors who start the day shift at 30:[-] will officially work.

Because there was an appointment in advance, it was not long before Bao Ma arrived at the house in the morning. The night shift staff received the urine bag and disinfected it. When the day shift completed the handover, they prepared Zhou Qiufeng for the pre-abdominal delivery, and moved to the operating room at nine o'clock.

The hospital did not allow family members to enter the delivery room. Le Yun wanted to follow her but was refused, so she had to wait outside.

When the door to the passageway to the operating room was closed, Le Dad was nervous and restless. He sat up and walked around, turning around, sweating all over.

At the same time, there was another one who entered the operating room. She was a pregnant mother who had a caesarean section because she could not give birth. She entered the operating room a few minutes before Zhou Qiufeng. The family members were equally nervous. We're all here.

After waiting for less than 10 minutes, the baby of the pregnant woman in the advanced operating room was sent out. It was a cute baby girl, and the family members picked up the baby and watched it around.

After another ten minutes, Zhou Qiufeng's baby was also sent out of the operating room. The nurse asked the family to confirm the gender. Dad Le's hands were shaking and he didn't dare to hold the child.

Le Yun rushed up and hugged her brother wrapped in a small jacket, and bowed gratefully to thank you: "Thank you, my mother is she okay?"

"Bao Ma is very good. She is still undergoing suture surgery. It will take about [-] to [-] minutes to come out." The family member of the mother is a lovely girl. The nurse sister likes it very much. She can't help pinching the little girl's face and smiling. After answering the family's questions, he went back to nursing work.

When the door was closed, Le Yun carefully sat down with her brother in her arms. The younger brother was very big, with a big head and not very dark hair. Because he was just born, his skin was wrinkled, but the proportions of his facial features were very standard, and he would definitely be a little beauty in the future. man.

Holding my younger brother, my heart is very happy: "Dad, look, my younger brother looks half like you and half like Aunt Feng."

Lele hugged her brother, Le Le's father sat next to each other, and looked at the monkey-like child in the swaddle. She couldn't help thinking that when Lele was a child, she held the girl in the crook of her arm, her heart was full of sorrow and joy, and her tears flowed down: "Lele , little padded jacket, I'm sorry, Dad, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry..."

An older man burst into tears, and the family members on the other side couldn't understand the reason, and looked at the father and daughter and the child they were holding.

"Dad, why are you crying? You're fine, I've never been sorry for your little padded jacket." Le Yun's nose was also a little sour, and she didn't understand why her father cried.

"I'm sorry, I was useless and couldn't protect you back then. When you were born, your father was still lying on the hospital bed. I don't know when you were born. I didn't know you existed for half a month after you were born, and I never hugged you You... I'm sorry... Dad has wronged the little padded jacket..."

Dad Le couldn't cry himself. When he broke his leg and was in the hospital, Le Le... was born early unexpectedly. For a long time, he didn't know that his own flesh and blood came to the world when he was most vulnerable, and it was more dangerous than him. After birth, he had to stay in the incubator of the hospital, and he might die at any time. It was half a month after he knew that he was a father.

In his life, because he didn't listen to his parents, he broke his leg and became disabled, which made his children almost unable to survive, and because of his inability, his parents died of fatigue and illness.

He owes his parents too much, and owes his girls too much.

Lele's father hugged the child, thinking that when Lele was born, he didn't have a hug in time, he felt that he owed her, and he felt guilty, and the tears could not stop.

"Dad, I don't blame you, I just blame that woman for being too cruel and vicious." Le Yun's heart was aching and aching. Her birth was actually the most unbearable accident. It was probably the kindness of her grandparents that touched the sky, and finally To save her a little life, let her live.

She never complained about her father, she only complained that a certain woman was too vicious and cruel, without caring about her father's deep affection for her, and cruelly abandoned her father and ran away with her money.

She knew that her father loved her very much, that her grandparents never angered her because she was the child of such a poisonous woman, and they treated her like a jewel and worked hard to support her.

Because grandpa and grandma have passed away, Le Yun can't repay, the only thing she can do is to be filial to her father, to spread branches and leaves for Lejia in the future, to continue the incense of Lejia, so that the spirit of grandparents will never die.

"Woooo-" The girl was too sensible, the more uncomfortable it was in Le Dad's heart, he couldn't hold it any longer, and cried like a child.

Even though her heart was sour, Le Yun held back her tears and comforted her glass-hearted father in a soft voice: "Dad, don't cry, just wipe your tears and hug your good son, you see how good your son is, safe and sound. It's quiet, so cute. Dad, if you cry again, I'll take a picture of you with my mobile phone, and when my brother grows up, I'll show him that you were crying with joy when he was born, and let him laugh at you."

"...The little padded jacket threatens Dad... Dad..." Dad Le burst into tears. He heard that he was going to take a picture of him to leave evidence, so he quickly wiped his tears and choked to protest the immoral behavior of the girl who threatened him.

"Dad, there are handsome guys and beauties watching you cry." Her father's Jin Doudou couldn't stop it, and Le Yun had no choice but to kindly remind her father that his embarrassing appearance was seen by others.

Papa Le raised his head in hindsight, turned his neck to look around, and saw another group of people looking at him. At that time, his face was "feeling" with a fever. He stayed for a while, jumped up, and rushed to the bathroom with a backpack on his back to wash his face.

(End of this chapter)

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