magic eye doctor

Chapter 664 The Lost Huamian Palm

Chapter 664 The Lost Huamian Palm
The little girl and her ancestor sat on the bed of the Luohan, the head of the Ji family and the elders of the various clans also took their seats one by one, Wei Mian and Ji Xingle went to the side to pick up the water shell and tea set, the Ji family brewed the tea by themselves, and Wei Mianli personally gave it in front of the Luohan. The little guests make tea and serve the fruit kiwi.

Le Yun drank tea before and after meals, and her stomach couldn't hold it, so she had to drink it hard. She drank two teas in a row, and only a little of the third tea, so she could chat and have a reason not to put it in her stomach. Irrigation.

Ancestor Ji asked about the situation of the elders in the little girl's family, and then asked whether the journey to Qindi was smooth, whether there was any discomfort in the soil and water, unsuitable diet, etc. after arriving at Ji's house, and also asked how the little girl's two friends were feeling. Thank you very much. The little girl took a detour to Qi County and so on.

When it came to detouring Ji's house, he finally cut the topic to the point. Wei Miangong asked the little girl to help the ancestors in the family get a pulse of peace.

Le Yun smiled and said, "I have felt the pulse of the old man before, and the hidden dangers on the back of the left shoulder of the old man will not be eliminated, and the pain will not be relieved. Even if he takes honeysuckle and chrysanthemum tea regularly, and eats mung bean porridge, it can detoxify to a certain extent. Alleviate the pain, but not cure it.”

The shock in the hearts of the Ji family's two generations of patriarchs and the clan elders was not revealed, but they suddenly sat up straight and listened attentively.

Ji Xingle's gaze fell on the little girl. In addition to the surprise, there was a deep surprise in her eyes. The little girl knew where his brother's secret injury was just by feeling the pulse. The medical talent was no longer the possession of a ghost, but a shock like a ghost and a ghost. Shiki has a unique talent.

The most shocking was Wei Mian. At this moment, he didn't know how to describe his mood. The little girl not only knew the location of the ancestor's secret injury, but also knew what the ancestor ate and drank. How did she diagnose it?

Ji Xingye's eyebrows moved slightly, and sighed softly, "It really is an amazing doctor. The old wounds of the little old man for many years can't be concealed from your discernment. There must be few diseases in this world that can escape the grasp of the little girl."

"You are too old, I am not omnipotent," Le Yun shook her head: "Injuries and poisons that have lasted for more than 20 years, there are too many uncertainties, more than 50 years, I will be able to diagnose them in the first place in the future , It’s hard to say if it’s more than a hundred years old, if it happens to be beyond the scope of my knowledge, it can only be explained as a mysterious event.”

"What's the little girl's opinion on the little old man's secret injury?"

"You have been injured on the back of your shoulder. According to the scope of the injury, it should be a palm injury. The palm is directed from left to right, half of the palm is on the shoulder blade. It is a bit old. It is estimated that it is more than 25 years old and less than 30 years old."

"..." The little girl revealed the precise location of the ancestor's secret injury in one sentence. The Ji family head almost stood up, moved slightly and sat upright, listening intently with the clan elders.

Wei Mian looked at the little girl in shock: "This, can you also diagnose the pulse?"

"Yes," Le Yun nodded calmly without being proud: "People or things are alive, so are the bones, flesh, pores, etc., all of which have their own unique characteristics, and damage will be different for each place. When diagnosing the pulse, you can capture subtle changes, and based on their different changes, you can determine where the injury is.”

"The little girl deserves the title of a little genius doctor. My child has been stabilizing my injury for several years, but there is nothing I can do about it." Ji Xingye didn't care about his injury, and pointed to the junior on the side with interest: "Be responsible for my health. It's the little child next to the little girl, do you think my child's medical skills have entered the room?"

Seeing that the old man said that Wei Mian was a "child", the head of the Ji family and others had a calm expression. They were all children in front of the ancestors, not to mention that they were not in their old age, even if they were the age of Yi, compared to the ancestors. All are children.

Ji's family is very calm, but Le Yunchao is not calm. Can you imagine the joy of an old man in his eighties or nineties pointing at another old man and saying he is a "child"?

Le Xiao, who was not calm, wiped his forehead and heart, and said with a serious face: "This elder's bone and blood are eroded by the smell of traditional Chinese medicine, and there are several parts of his fingers that are slightly different from ordinary people. At first glance, he can tell that he is an old Chinese medicine doctor who is good at acupuncture and moxibustion. According to the shape of the fine end of the finger, the sum of the number of acupuncture and moxibustion for the patient should not be less than [-] times. The experience is experienced, and the medical skills have reached the peak that can be reached by traditional Chinese medicine. The name Xinglin National Hand is worthy of its name, and it should be reserved to the outside world. It has long been famous at home and abroad.”

Everyone in the Ji family was secretly relieved that the little girl had such a high evaluation of Ji Mian, who specializes in medicine, and it was enough to prove that Ji Mian's years of study were not in vain.

"Little girl Miao Zan, how dare I pretend to be the national champion of Xinglin in front of you, I only have a little knowledge of Qi and Huang, and I can't do anything about the secret injuries of the elders of the family. I am really ashamed." Wei Mian felt ashamed of her lack of medical skills, and cupped her hands in shame: " The old ailment of my ancestors has been brought back to life by the little girl who is tired."

"Little girl, you see, this child of my family blushed because of your praise." Ji Xingye teasing his grandchildren is quite natural.

Wei Mian's face was reddened by the ancestors again, and her neck was thick. She looked at her toes helplessly. It's not good to be young, and she was always joked by the ancestors.

"Senior, your child isn't blushing, it's looking good and ruddy." Le Yun wanted to cover her face, but it's okay for the old man to make fun of his grandchildren. She's an outsider, so embarrassing.

After being silent for half a second, he added: "Senior, I'm very curious, how many generations did you live in your hometown? The sixth generation or the seventh and the eighth generation?"

There were smiles in the eyes of everyone in the Ji family, all of them were silent, Ji Xingye smiled deeply: "Just from my generation, it is the sixth generation in the same house, if the brothers from my father's generation are together, it is the seventh generation, the little eight Xiangxin. That generation is my grandchildren, Xiaoba'er is an uncle and elder in this family, and he is a higher generation in the Yanshi branch, and he is a grandfather."

Covering her face, Le Yun wanted to cover her face and then became fiercely jealous. Seven generations are in the same house. There are estimated to be thousands of people from the seven generations of the same clan in the Ji family. How prosperous is that.

"I'm still pretending that I haven't asked that question. The Ji family is Ding Xingwang. I'm really afraid that one day if I accidentally offend the Ji family, whoever raises their arms and swarms hundreds of people will be beaten to death." In such a big family, if anyone yells at the bully and responds in groups, hundreds of people will swarm up and scare people into the urine.

"The Ji family's self-cultivation and practice of martial arts is to keep the family's inheritance unbeaten and not wantonly bully others. Besides, who dares to touch a little girl, you can bring down a large area with a wave of your hand, not to mention a few hundred When a number of people besiege you, even thousands of people are just pretending to support the scene, but in fact, they can't help you at all."

"Senior, you hold me too high, a master like you, keep your breath, close your pores, even if I sprinkle a few poisons for a while, it won't work, you have enough time to kill me Several times. Senior, please let me show you the dark wound on your back, we will chat happily later."

"Okay." Ji Xingye answered readily, moved off the Arhat bed, and took off his gown while standing.

Wei Mian quickly moved a round stool and placed it in front of Luohan's bed, where the young couple faced each other, allowing the ancestor to sit down, making it easier for the little girl to check her injuries.

The little girl wanted to examine the dark wounds of the ancestors. Ji Family Master and others quickly stood up and rushed to the side. In order to make the light brighter, they even brought candlesticks.

Ji Xingye took off his jacket to reveal his tight muscles. He was tortured by secret injuries all the year round, and he always insisted on exercising and cultivating.

Considering that the little girl was still a child, he tied his clothes around his waist, sat down on the Luohan bed, and turned his back towards the little girl.

Ji Family Master and others stood in a row, holding candles to illuminate, Wei Mian stood next to the Arhat bed, waiting to pick up and deliver things to the little girl at any time.

Le Yun moved off the Arhat bed and put on her shoes, took off the backpack she was carrying across her shoulders, took out the jade box containing medical needles and put it on the Arhat bed, opened it, took out the needle cover and the medicine bottle from the box, and took the medicine first. A layer of medicine was applied to the part of the back where the shoulder blade and the ribs were connected, and then the needles were taken to pierce it down. 72 needles were inserted in a row to form a circle.

Everyone in the Ji family stared at it silently. After a while, they saw that there was a piece of skin in the middle of the place circled by the little girl with a needle. It was a small piece at first, and then gradually widened. A shape like a slap appeared, no fingers, just the shape of the palm.

The palm print is not complete, but an expert can tell at a glance that it is a right hand print, or that of an adult man.

Wei Mian was embarrassed: "This palm print has not disappeared!"

At that time, he personally treated the wounds to the ancestors. Naturally, he knew what injuries the ancestors had after the assassination, and what they looked like. At that time, the ancestors were not injured at the beginning of the assassination, and it was not until three days later that a black man appeared behind him. palm print.

Several elders of the Ji family worked together to seal the acupoints of the ancestors and then force the poison. It took seven days to force the poison out of the body, but the poison was still lurking in the ancestors. No wonder the cold poison has been inexplicable over the years. When the attack occurred, even if he checked in various ways, he only knew that the ancestors were poisonous, but he did not know where the poison came from.

The black handprint on the back of the ancestor disappeared by itself after the poison was forced out, and the Ji family also disappeared. I didn’t expect that the palm print would be seen again after more than [-] years, and the print was as clear as before, showing how overbearing the poison palm is .

Everyone in the Ji family held their breath first, and then took a deep breath, keeping their hatred for the raiders in their hearts and not letting their emotions show.

The palm print was light red at first, and soon the color deepened little by little, from a very light red to a deep red, to a reddish red, and finally to a jet black, shiny and shiny.

When the color of the palm print is stable, Le Yun is infinitely melancholy: "The legendary Huamian Palm, there are still people who can practice small success. He is also a ruthless person."

"Isn't it iron sand palm?" Ji Yele was surprised to observe the palm print on his brother's back, and the more he looked, the more puzzled he became. The palm print was so red that it turned purple.

"No," Le Yun shook her head, pointing to the palm print on the old man's back: "The iron sand palm is poisonous and also fire poison, the palm print should be red, even if it is serious, the middle will be black, and the edges will still be red, this hand print The color of the edge is black purple with a little red. This kind of palm is the black-boned cotton palm long ago. It belongs to the cold poison palm. At the beginning of the middle palm, there will be no traces, and it will take at least three or five days to appear. When the palm print appeared, the poison had already penetrated into the bones."

"I've heard of Huamianzhang. Huamianzhang appeared in the three southwestern provinces before the middle of the Zhu Ming Dynasty. After that, it disappeared and never reappeared in the rivers and lakes. Even the ancient Wu family thought it was long lost. I heard that Huamianzhang was extremely difficult to practice. Ten people practice often results in nine deaths and one disability." Ji Xingye is very calm, there is a record of Hua Mianzhang in the ancient martial arts family, not a secret technique of martial arts, but only a record of famous martial arts.

Everyone in the Ji family has also read the classics of the Ji family, and naturally knows that there is a "huamianzhang", because the Huamianzhang disappeared for hundreds of years, and no one thought that it would go up.

"The legend is like that. It takes at least ten years to get started by soaking your hands in poisonous water when you practice cotton palm. You may be poisoned at any time before you practice it. Nine times out of ten, it's not an exaggeration. Palmers only practice one hand, and the other hand is non-toxic. When the Huamian palm is practiced, the small one is dark purple with red infiltration, and the large one is dark black without a hint of red. The traces of a few shallow phalanges are like the marks made by a skeleton hand without flesh and blood."

"The little girl is very knowledgeable, and her hunting skills are beyond the reach of my generation." Ji Patriarch felt this, and even they, as ancient cultivators and ancient martial arts families who have passed down thousands of years, only know the names of certain exercises. , but the little girl was able to explain it clearly, which shows how profound the master behind her has learned.

"I only heard the name of many things," Le Yun turned her gaze to the black-bone palm print and touched her chin: "Senior, the Huamian Palm poison on your old body is implanted into the bone, and it is useless to only remove the poison from the flesh and blood. You need to start from the source, remove the bones and scrape the poison, and replace a bone. After the bone replacement, your activities will be restricted for at least half a year. You and your seniors in your hometown need to discuss when the surgery will be performed."

"Must be scraped and replaced?" Wei Mian and the elders of the family looked at each other and asked hesitantly, "Is there any other way?"

"No more now," Le Yun spread her hands: "Although the poison has invaded the bones within half a month of the palm, it won't be too serious. If you know that it is Huamian Zhang, the right medicine can also draw the poison out. The poison and the bone are integrated into one. What can't be brought out is that the old senior has a fractured shoulder blade in the middle of the palm, and the poison seeps into the inside from the gap and lurks deep in the bone. These seniors will have a hard time every autumn and winter for a while."

"Isn't it just scraping the bone, what's all the fuss about? In ancient times, Guan Yunchang scraped the bone for healing. It's a good story, so why don't I follow the example of the ancients." Ji Xingye really wanted to give the junior a lesson. Yes, there is a saying that long pain is worse than short pain, it is better to suffer once a year than to suffer once a year.

"Old Ancestor, scraping bones is fine. The problem is changing bones. Where can I find the bones that are completely suitable for you in a while, and when I find a matching bone type, the little girl may not be free." Wei Mian spread her hands and changed bones. It's not as simple as cutting meat. You must first find the source of the bone. As for plastic bones, practitioners like Ji's family can't use it. The place where the fake bone is replaced is easy to become a dead zone, and there are huge hidden dangers.

"Bone, there are ready-made ones in the wall of the Ji family's house. If you take a section of elm branch and chop wood into bones, it may not be worse than human bones."

(End of this chapter)

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