magic eye doctor

Chapter 665 Divine Reappearance

Chapter 665 Divine Reappearance
What did the little girl say?
Wei Mian suspected hearing hallucinations, and turned her head to look at her nephew, the head of the clan, and the elders of the various clans. Seeing the other party looking at him with an expression like a testimonial, he seemed to be asking "Do you think it's possible?" At that time, he decided that he didn't see those guys and turned his face. Looking at the little girl seriously: "Little girl, what did you just say about the willow branch bone surgery?"

"Yes, the bones of elm and willow are the most easily calcified. The willow and elm used for willow osteosynthesis are the same." Le Yun is very calm, there are more willows in the south, and more elms in the north. The effect of using elm for bone grafting in the north is better than that of willow. Better, because elm grows in the same environment as northerners, has similar habits, and is easy to assimilate.

"Has the little girl done switchgrass surgery?" Wei Mian's eyes lit up.

"There was a case in Beijing last year, and it was a leg bone. At that time, there was a lack of some medicinal materials, and the assimilation was relatively slow. The guy can only walk on crutches now, and it is estimated that he will not be able to jump around until this winter." Le Yun really wants to advise someone Brother Bing can endure for some time, try to wait as long as possible to announce recovery, otherwise the old professors from the General Military Academy will definitely run to catch her and discuss osteosynthesis with a certain brother's leg.
"That's great, Xiaoyu, what are you still doing? Go cut the branches immediately." Wei Mian was overjoyed, roared at his nephew, and changed to a friendly and gentle face when talking to the little girl: " Little girl, can you let me watch while you perform bone replacement surgery on our ancestors? In fact, I have secretly studied switchgrass and used mules for experiments, but unfortunately it failed.”

"Senior is interested in watching, but the operation process of switchgrass osteosynthesis is not mysterious. The real mystery is the medicine used. Without the corresponding bone-setting medicine, no matter how perfect the operation is, the operation will not be successful." She will be stolen from her teacher. Her biggest reliance is actually medicine, not various surgical techniques.

The little girl was not afraid of others stealing teachers or learning scriptures. Wei Mian was pleasantly surprised and immediately asked what surgical supplies were needed and when the surgery could be performed.

Le Yun will go to Wei City tomorrow to join the team participating in the youth competition, so she can't delay it. She said that the elm branch asked the Ji family to prepare, and then let someone help her carry her backpack in the guest room.

The head of the Ji family originally wanted to cut down the elm tree, but was sent by the head of the Ji family to help the little girl get the backpack.

There were no special requirements for the operating environment, and Ji Xingye did not move the place. Wei Mian turned on the light, but it was not bright enough, so he went to find a [-]-watt light to hang up, and then invited the ancestor to the most spacious room in the center of the hall. Take a seat and place a coffee table left and right where the little girl stood, and put surgical tools and medicines for the little girl.

After moving the large items into place, he brought clean bowls and basins and put them on the table. Then he carried his medical box, took out the gauze, cloth strips and some plaster cloths and put them on a plate for bandaging.

Le Yun took back the medical needle on the back of the old man of Zhaji's family, disinfected him first, and made minor adjustments to the sitting direction of the old man. Because the backpack had not yet arrived, he moved a small stool to sit and chat with the old man.

Patriarch Ji returned to the guest room where the little girl lived as quickly as possible, and asked the female visitors to take out the little girl's bag. He took it and ran back to the courtyard where the ancestor lived at the fastest speed. At this time, The effect of lightness kung fu was revealed, and it took less than 8 minutes to come and go.

He brought back his backpack, and Le Yun took his belongings and sat on the bed of the Luohan, took out things from the big bag and small backpack, took out some bottles, jars, copper pounding bowls and a small incense burner for burning incense, and asked the Ji family to pack it. Firewood ash, burning aroma house.

The little girl was dispensing the medicine. Wei Mian stretched her neck to watch, as if she was afraid of missing it, she couldn't bear to blink her eyes, and said silently: This medicine is Huoxiang Ruxiang Muxiang cinnamon cohosh, that is Tianma, Dandelion, Wang Bu Liuxing , thistle, ginseng...

Identifying the medicinal herbs from the taste, I was completely dizzy when I was arguing and arguing. The little girl had seven or eight bottles on it. Originally, it was difficult to distinguish the fragrance.

An old man who has passed his old age silently looks up at the sky, people from generation to generation, he is old, and his nose is useless!
The little girl was busy, and the old master of the Ji family and the clan elders also came back and carried back a few elm branches, the thick ones were as big as a man's small arm, and the thin ones were as thick as fingers. After putting down the elm branches, a few old people smoked incense and sterilized them. Come and watch the little girl how to dispense medicine.

Wei Mian is an expert watching the doorway, while the elders of the Ji family are laymen watching the fun, watching the little girl make two bottles of medicine after a busy meal. She put away the unnecessary items and put the medicine bottles on the table. , Arrange the two sets of scalpels, then chop the wood section, cut out a piece half the size of a small palm and two thin branches, take out a small jade file and polish it finely.

After polishing the branches until she felt that there was no problem, Le Yun applied ointment to the cut branches, put them in a clean bowl, wiped her hands, put on gloves and a mask, and took medical needles to seal the acupoints on the back of the old man of the Ji family. , and point a few more acupoints to do the disinfection work again.

After a few minutes, the observation can start, and the needles are inserted again. A few needles are stuck on the black-purple palm print, and soon black blood seeps from the needle end, the blood is thick like grease.

Wei Mian quickly sucked the poisonous blood away with a syringe and stored it in a glass bottle for research.

As the black blood seeped out, the slap print slowly turned red, and finally turned red.

To force out the poison in the flesh, Le Yun pulled out the needle in Zaba's palm, took the scalpel and roasted it at the tip of the candle flame, and made a precise cut on Mr. Ji's shoulder blade.

Wei Mian stood on the back of the little girl's right hand, and watched and studied earnestly. The more she looked, the more surprised she became. The little girl made her shots as fast as lightning, and she grasped the strength of each knife perfectly. Moreover, she really did not see blood after sealing the acupoints to stop the bleeding.

The little girl was very fast, slashing left and right, like opening a skylight for jade when gambling stones, opening a square window and two strip windows on the shoulders of their ancestors, the skin and meat were opened, revealing a piece of bone and A section of two ribs.

One of the bones on the shoulder blade is dark purple, and the bone around the dark purple is gray and white, and it feels as if it will be weathered at any time. The dark purple on the ribs varies in shades.

The Ji family and others took a few glances and took a half step back, feeling a deep pain in their hearts. In order to protect their cultivation, the ancestors have always sealed their true power and internal power. These years, when they were inexplicably tortured by cold poison in autumn and winter, they had to carry it hard. He never made a sound, just because he didn't want them to worry.

Peeling out the bone that had been penetrated by the poison, Le Yun didn't even blink an eye. She changed the knife and scraped the ribs for the old man of the Ji family.

Wei Mian stood opposite the little girl, next to the ancestor, holding a glass bottle to pick up the poisonous bones scraped by the little girl, the little girl kept swinging the knife, almost cutting off a rib half a layer thick, and then again. Cut the other rib, scrape a large hole in one rib, scrape the poison off the rib, and then cut off the shoulder blade.

It was actually an excision. A piece of dark purple bone was cut off from the scapula, and some periosteum and nerve tissue attached to the bone were stripped away, leaving only a thin layer of nerve tissue and membrane.

Wei Mian has no words to describe her feelings other than admiration. The little girl's hands are like eyes. She cut off the bones and removed the nerve membranes that didn't hurt a little bit, nor did they hurt any blood vessels. She waved the knife like eating. It is as natural as drinking water.

Le Xiaoxiao didn't know what Mr. Wei was thinking. If she could read his thoughts, she would roar three times, look at her eyes, look at her eyes, look at her big eyes.
Surgery hurts the eyes the most, especially the step of separating nerve tissue. She dare not blink at all times. Is it easy for her?

It is not easy to make music, remove the bone that was occupied by the poison, take off the gloves, take the medicine and apply it to the ribs and the elm branch, press a slender elm branch into a rib gap, apply the medicine, and then Press the other elm branch into the pit of the other rib, apply the ointment, wait a few minutes for the ointment and the bone to solidify, and then apply another layer, apply several layers, and turn the peeled flesh over to cover a rib. , start sewing.

One surgical window is sutured, and then the window opened on the other rib is sutured in three to four layers, and then the scapula is attached.

Ji's family observed the little girl's bone-setting, and found that when she scraped the bone, she left a socket for the eye socket. When the bone was set, the elm tree bone could be caught just right, so that the tree bone and the human bone were combined. On the shoulder blades of the ancestors, everyone looked at the little girl with only one word: clothing, a capitalized clothing.

No one said a word. Everyone watched the little girl wield a knife to cut flesh and bones, watch her apply medicine to fix her bones, and watch her fly needle and thread. Until she finished the last stitch, everyone woke up like a dream, and the operation was completed?

They were still in shock. The little girl cut off the suet thread and put down the crochet hook, and then applied medicine to the wound that Ji Laozu sutured. First, apply one type of ointment, then another, about a finger thick, and so on. It condensed into a gel. A thin bamboo film was taken out of a bottle to cover the surface of the ointment, then it was sealed with adhesive tape, and then wrapped with gauze. After that, the medical needle was taken back, and a few elm branches were cut off and given to Mr. Ji's left shoulder. The back is fixed with a homemade simple splint and wrapped with cloth strips.

After finishing the last step, Le Yun wiped her hands with a clean gauze, put some medicine on her eyes, and saw several old people staring at her, she was startled: "Senior, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Ji Family Head and others shook their heads in unison, and Wei Mian immediately responded: "There is a problem, a problem, little girl, when the bones are connected, should the bones be separated from the head and tail?"

"The head and tail can be divided. If the head and tail are not divided, the speed of assimilation of the tree bone will be slower. The head and tail of the tree bone will assimilate faster according to the principle of human bone growth. The direction of the head and tail of the tree bone depends on the position of the bone. Below the heart, the tree One end of the bone root is facing up, and the parts above the heart are viewed in specific positions, such as the shoulders and ribs, with the spine and sternum as the benchmark, and the root of the tree bone toward the spine and sternum."

Le Yun didn't hide her secrets, just like the old professors at the General Military Academy asked her about switchgrass osteosynthesis.

Wei Mian was about to continue to ask, when she found that the old ancestor closed his eyes and did not say a word, and shouted nervously: "Old ancestor, old ancestor—"

He called several times, and Ji Xingye opened his eyes and asked lightly, "What's wrong?"

"..." Wei Mian choked, and Patriarch Ji approached: "Old Ancestor, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, I'm meditating, what are you doing to wake me up? Go away, don't disturb the little girl to scrape my bones." Ji Xingye glanced at his great-grandson, disgusting his nervous appearance.

"Old Ancestor, the operation is over. The little girl put a splint on you. You haven't responded, which surprised us." Ji Patriarch sighed secretly, and at the same time he couldn't help sweating. , this concentration is also very good.

"Hey, the poison is over? Why didn't I feel it?" Ji Xingye glanced at his left shoulder. There were two branches on his left chest, which were wrapped around his back with a cloth. He was surprised, but he didn't feel any pain. Ah, it was just a little itchy at first, I thought I would have to learn to scrape the bones, so I simply meditated and waited, but I didn't expect the little girl to have completed the bone scraping operation in such a little effort.

"Senior, you don't feel it now, but you may feel it a little bit tomorrow. Three days from now is the best time for the joint between the tree and the bone. If you can’t lie down, you can only stand or sit to sleep. After three days, change the side medicine and ask the senior who studied medicine in your family to put a plaster on you, and you can always try to sleep on your right side.”

"Oh, I can't lie down to sleep, no problem, I can sleep even while sitting." Ji Xingye readily accepted the doctor's advice, didn't it mean that he couldn't lie down for three days?

"Within half a year is the calcification period of the tree bones, you should take care of it, you should not bump it, you can't beat it. You have an old Chinese medicine practitioner in your hometown. You must say goodbye to that oily jerk for a while."

When it comes to spicy, there is a saying to describe it: people in Hunan Province are not afraid of spicy food, people in Province A in C Province are not afraid of spicy food, people in Qin Province are not afraid of spicy food. Strings of red chili peppers hang in front of every door. There is a famous dish in Qin Province that uses chili peppers as ingredients.

Ji Xingye was dumbfounded for the first time: "Little girl, absolutely can't eat spicy food?"

"Yes, you can't eat it," Le Yun confirmed very seriously: "There is one herb in the medicine I use that is in conflict with chili, so it must be avoided, even if it is as spicy as the slightly spicy hot pot in C province. , you can’t keep your mouth shut and can only eat one or two mouthfuls of vegetables made of the big green peppers grown in the greenhouse. Don’t think about Chaotianzi and Mijiao, they are the roadblocks that prevent you from recovering from old age. ."

Thinking that he will not be able to eat spicy food for half a year, Ji Xingye swallowed his saliva silently.He knew that the little girl wanted him to avoid it, and he must eat a few more bowls of chili in the evening to satisfy his addiction. Now... alas, I can only sigh with excitement.

Ji Family Master and others held back their laughter. The ancestors had no other hobbies, that is, there is no spicy food, and the ancestors were not allowed to eat spicy food. Isn't this cutting the hearts of the ancestors?

(End of this chapter)

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