magic eye doctor

Chapter 666 Improper Troubleshooter

Chapter 666 Improper Troubleshooter

The old ancestor showed a rare expression like a life without love. All the elders of the Ji family snickered quietly. After laughing enough, they helped the old ancestor to sit on the Luohan bed, moved the bed and put the quilt behind the old ancestor's waist, and then placed the quilt behind the old ancestor's waist. Put a pillow for the ancestors to rely on.

Because the operation area is not wide and the difficulty is not very big, after the operation, Le Xiao was not so tired that she wanted to fall asleep like the previous few times. Because her eyes were still sore, she sat down and closed her eyes to rest, and asked Mrs. Wei Mian to help her use it. sterilized surgical tools.

Ji Xingye led the younger generation to gently move the table and chairs back to their original positions, and then sat with the little girl.

Wei Mian took the tools used by the little girl during the operation to her own workshop in the west wing to clean, disinfect, wipe it clean, put it in a clean tray and send it back to the main hall of the upper room, and then bring it to the little girl. Wash your hands and face with warm water.

After resting for more than half an hour, Le Yun's eyes became slightly refreshed. She put away her medical tools and washed her hands. She originally wanted to propose to go back to the guest room to rest.

After drinking the hot tea, the elders of the Ji family invited the young guests to rest. Instead of returning to the originally arranged guest house, they arranged a guest room in the east wing of the yard where the ancestors lived.

Le Yun was not polite either. She entered the east wing, and the host provided hot water. She took a bath and meditated to sleep. Anyway, she would come back tomorrow morning to observe the injury of the old man of the Ji family. Handsome Guy and Liu Handsome Guy, they are so big they can't be lost.

Little Lolita went to see the senior Ji family. Yan Xing Liu Xiangyang and Ji Shao played chess and chatted. The two sides killed several times. Go and cut fists.

Liu Xiangyang was so happy, he moved to a bench and watched people cut off while nibbling on melon seeds. The youths of the Ji family and a few clan elders watched from the corners of their eyes, for fear that the two of them might not be able to grasp their fists. The disaster affects the fish in the pond and the Liu Shao.

Yan Shao and Ji Shao were in the yard. You came and I went back and forth. Dozens of moves were tied with each other.

After the sweat was collected, the two young masters returned to the hall to play a few more games of chess, and had an overnight supper. Young master Yan Shaoliu offered to rest, and Master Ji sent the two guests to the Western Court to stay overnight.

When the guest fell asleep, Ji Shao walked to the east courtyard, crossed the two courtyards, and arrived at his long-term residence. The accompanying guard asked, "Young Master, you and Yan Shaoqie, who is better?"

"It's hard to tell the difference." Ji Shao touched his chin: "I feel that Yan Shao didn't do his best, and I also have reservations. One thing I can confirm is that after the last meeting, Yan Shao's strength has made a qualitative leap. To be able to tie with Lan Si Shao Fang Shao, the current Lan Si Sha Fang Shao is not desperate, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of Yan Shao.”

The youth guard of Ji's family secretly clicked their tongues. At the last meeting, the parents and elders said that Young Master Yan's qualifications are good, but it seems that the age of entering the ancient sect of cultivation seems too late. It is inevitable that a late start will inevitably lead to a late step. The disciples of the Xiu Gu Wu faction slowly moved away, but after only a few years of effort, Young Master Yan seemed to be catching up with their young master, showing that Young Master Yan was talented.

Back in the yard where he lived, Ji Shao washed and went to practice quickly. The little beauty had probably rested at the ancestor's side, so he would not disturb the ancestor's cleaning, and he would go to ask for peace in the morning. .

The ancestors could not lie down and sleep, so the old Patriarch Ji and the two clan elders accompany them in the main hall and let the others go to sleep.

Ji Xingye sat down for a while, and meditated cross-legged, and the meditation did not end until the dawn of the East.

It was very early in the morning in the central Qin area, and it was convenient for Zhong Dong to reveal the fish belly white at more than four o'clock. Because the ancestor was awake, the three people who were on duty at night accompanied the ancestor to take a walk in the yard to get some air.

After walking for a few laps, Wei Mian and Ji Xingle also got up. Wei Mian went to the west courtyard to fetch hot water, took care of the ancestors, wiped his body and changed his clothes, cleaned up and drank a cup of healthy cordyceps soup.

Ji Xingle washed and rinsed with a few juniors, also drank a bowl of hot soup, and sat in the main hall to study, waiting for the little girl to get up.

They sat at five o'clock, Ji Xiaoba brought two small guards to greet the ancestors, and saw that the ancestors were wrapped in cloth strips, wearing only one sleeve in the jacket, very like the clothes of the lamas, guessing that the little beauty found out Ancestor's dark disease and surgery were performed, and he was very happy.

Xiaobazi did a good job, and successfully invited the little girl from the Immortal Medical Sect to free the ancestors from the cold and poisonous sea. The elders of the Ji family were also very pleased.

Le Yun slept well. Originally, the body clock didn't wake up until five o'clock. Because of the slight sound of footsteps in the yard, she naturally woke up when she heard the sound. She got up and meditated. She slowly left the East Wing room at 05:30 .

Ji Shao had been waiting for the little girl for a long time, and when she saw her getting up, he diligently ran to pick up water and wash supplies with his personal guard, took care of the little girl to wash and rinsed, and then invited him to sit in the room.

Ji Family Master and others were also polite, and invited the little girl to come to the seat.

"..." Le Yun silently looked at the elders of the Ji family, sat on the Luohan bed, entered the countryside and became a custom, drinking Cordyceps soup.

After the little girl drank the cup of healthy soup, Ji Shao brought two guards to set up an oversized table in the hall, and then went to pass breakfast.

Breakfast was delivered quickly, including roujiamo, red steamed pork, rolled noodles, beef patties with chopped green onion, pancakes, pot stickers, oatmeal, spiced soy sauce tofu brain, and spicy paste soup.

The traditional breakfast in Guanzhong is filled with a large round table.

Ji Xingye greeted the little guests and packed himself a bowl of porridge to drink, lest others wait for him.

A group of old people gave themselves full courtesy, but Le Yun had no choice but to put in a small bowl of tofu brain first, and put some noodles and a small piece of cake on a plate, and then took a meat bun to eat.

The old master Ji and others also chose their favorite flavors. They have a large appetite. The little girl will be full after drinking a bowl of bean brains and a meat bun. They each eat five or six buns, and two bowls of spicy paste soup or porridge. You can also eat beef patties or pot stickers.

When the elders finished their breakfast, Ji Shao led someone to remove the dishes from the table, put on a clean tablecloth, and brought tea and fruit.

After a full meal, the Ji family chatted with the little girl and asked her if she was free after the sports competition. They sent the boys to accompany her to see the scenery in various places in Qin Province, or if they were planning to find medicinal herbs in any mountain in Qin Province.

Classmate Le has long coveted the medicinal materials from many places in Qin Province, but she is busy. After the youth competition, the case of Yan Shuai’s scumbag father’s house will be tried. Yan Shuai will return early. She also has no time to stay in Qin Province. Back to the capital to prepare for the National Games report.

She told the truth that she didn't have time to play in Qin Province, and when she was free to go to Qin Province to find medicine and needed help, she would help Laoji's house. After chatting for a long time, she asked Mr. Wei for an empty medicine bottle and went to the east wing to get it. The medicine that Ji's father changed after three days.

Her medicine bottle was bought, almost an antique. The most important thing is that the structure of the bottle and jar is tight and airtight, and the sealing is excellent, so she is reluctant to give it away.

Put the appropriate amount of medicine into the bottle, Le Xiaoxiao returned to the main hall of the upper house with a small backpack that he often did not leave his body. Eat one to clear the residual poison.

The Ji family originally gave the old ancestor three pills as a gift from the little girl, and the ancestor's health improved. Before taking the little girl's pills, the old ancestor was well nourished and tortured by cold poison every year. Skinny.

The little girl gave the medicine again, Wei Mian put the bottle in her medical box like a treasure, stood beside the ancestor, and looked at the little girl with a smile: "Little girl, our little eight said that the little girl likes jade, our family There are quite a few, how would you like to appreciate it?”

"No, senior, don't tempt me to be fooled. I know your family wants to discuss Biyundan with me. I still say what I said before. The main family does not have a complete set of pills and medicinal materials so I don't need to talk about it." Mr. Wei rushed to himself. With a thief's smile, Le Yun knew what Ji's family was thinking, and made up her mind not to work hard.

"Little girl, my family has some pill recipes. That's good. Let's show the prescription to the little girl and discuss it later." Ji Xingye calmly asked Wei Mian to get the prescription.

Wei Mian nodded, went in through the small door leading to the inner room, and turned back after a few minutes, holding an inconspicuous gray wooden box, he put the box on the table, opened the box, and then opened a jade The box, opened the jade box and carefully took out a thick kraft paper bag, placed it on the table and opened it with another layer of oil paper, and then opened it layer by layer, and finally revealed a stack of cotton paper.

Lifting off the oiled paper protecting the cotton paper, Wei Mian held a stack of manuscripts in front of the little girl and showed her.

The cotton paper is high-quality cotton paper, and the characters are small-case characters with a brush. The characters are correct and full.

Glancing at the top page, Le Yun wiped her fingers, opened the first page to read the second page, opened the second page to read the third page...

The little girl was opening the manuscript, and everyone in the Ji family was quietly accompanying her, even breathing light and long, lest they disturb the little girl's thoughts.

Le Yun read it very carefully, even more detailed than scanning a book. When she saw page No.19, she couldn't help but frown. She shook her head silently when she saw page No.80. She wanted to read it patiently. After finishing the 230 seven prescriptions, I can't bear to look directly at them.

The elders of the Ji family looked at the little girl's frowning and frowning expression, and their hearts were cold. When she read the last page, the Ji family master asked luckily, "Little girl, is my family's pill recipe complete?"

"Senior, did your family copy this recipe from your own family, or did it come from outside?" Le Yun slowly smoothed out the handwritten recipe and placed it on the oiled paper and handed it to Mr. Wei.

Wei Mian took back the transcript and wrapped it up again.

"It's a handwritten copy from the family's handed down bamboo slips." Ji Family Master answered truthfully.

"Not to mention the twelve vacancies in the prescription, there are a total of 23 medicines, which should be missing or blurred on the bamboo slips. Later generations guessed and filled them in. There are 41 medicines with wrong quantities, and [-] medicines were picked. The time and the way of handling it are not right, so this transaction is out of the question.” Le Yun resolutely refused, it was Zhang Canfang, and there was still a huge loophole, and she didn’t want to be a tinkerer to help others fix the leak.

"..." Ji Xingye looked at his brothers, looked at his younger generation, and saw everyone's face... sad, only deeply moved, he calmly motioned to Wei Mian: "Go and get another prescription."

"Yes." Wei Mian put down the manuscript in his hand, quickly stepped inside, took out a wooden box and placed it on the table, opened it, there was also a jade box inside, and then it was still a kraft paper bag with waterproof oiled paper inside, and finally He took out a stack of rice paper and showed it to the little girl.

The rice paper is slightly yellowed, which shows that it is relatively old. The writing in one hand is more vigorous than the previous one, showing the majestic momentum of the back of the paper.

After reading the first one, Le Yun flipped it upside down on the table, and then took a page and took it away. The rice paper is thinner than cotton paper, only about [-] sheets. After reading it, it was neatly arranged, and she put it on the oiled paper and returned it to Mr. Wei: "This is the pill for washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow. There is no problem with the pill recipe."

The little girl finally didn't frown or shook her head. The little hearts of Ji's elders who had been beaten up and down before finally got some comfort. If the family's collection of pill recipes is all problematic, let them have a good face.

Wei Mian saw the old ancestor cast a glance and understood, and quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Little girl, how sure are you to make this pill?"

"Senior, you should ask 'how many pills can I get in one furnace', this little beauty will either not make pills or medicine, and she will be successful if she decides to make pills. Of course, if the medicine furnace is not strong enough and the high temperature melts, That's not a question of my medical skills." Ask her how sure she is?Of course it is 100% sure.

"Little girl, I can't talk about the transaction just now. Let's talk about this. The Ji family asks you to refine the sutra and cut marrow pills. Will the little girl go to the Ji family's collection room to collect the deposit first, or will she share a part of the finished pills?" The time is ripe, Ji Xingye Decisive decision, Biyundan does not have to be discouraged if it is not possible, you can first establish a friendly and stable friendship, and then ask the little girl to supplement the Danfang.

"I'm not interested in washing scriptures and cutting marrow pills. I am only interested in rare treasures and exotic herbs. I want to ask me to refine and cut marrow pills. The master has to find all the medicinal materials. , you have to explain to me in advance whether there is a medicine stove, some old antique cauldrons contain too much mercury or lead, so they are not suitable for refining medicine."

Ji Patriarch and the clan elders secretly rejoiced, saying that when all the medicinal materials are found, the little girl will be asked to start alchemy.

The little girl said that she would look at the Ji family's remuneration when she prepared the alchemy. Ji Xingye still felt that she had to pay a deposit first, and asked Wei Mian and her brothers to fetch a small bronze cauldron, a box of golden pearls, and a book from the Liu Han period. Two volumes from the handwritten paper "Book of Changes".

Bronze cauldrons are hot pot-style bronzes that are listed as treasures by the state. Golden pearls are also rare jewels among pearl varieties. The handwritten paper books of Liu and Han Dynasties are naturally precious, and the deposit for the three items is very valuable.

Seeing the antique treasures with aura of light, Le Yun's eyes flashed with small stars, and she happily admired it for a while. She slidly stuffed the pearl box into the belly of the small tripod and wrapped it up, and stuffed the book box into a small backpack. Inside, I happily drank tea and said goodbye.

The elders of the Ji family sent the second door to the yard next door, and the four elders, Ji Shao and Wei Mianji, personally accompanied the little girl to the house where Wei Mian lived.

(End of this chapter)

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