magic eye doctor

Chapter 671 Convergence

Chapter 671 Convergence
Coach Ou expressed his sadness. A little student didn't show up in time. If he hadn't known that a certain classmate had arrived in Qin Province, he would even suspect that the little guy had released his pigeons again.

A classmate failed to arrive at the high-speed rail station in time to meet, and he couldn't let others wait. He and the coaches of the delegation took a group of young team members who were arranged by the organizer to pick up the bus and took the bus to the hotel arranged for the athletes to stay.

A delegation from City T also arrived at the same time, and the two teams traveled together by bus.

The bus dedicated to the young athletes is a special bus, which takes the two youth representative teams to the hotel and then returns to the high-speed rail station to pick up other teams.

The National Games stipulates that athletes should report at the designated point two days before the competition. The youth competition starts on the 18th, and the athletes must arrive in advance. The 16th is the specified day for the final report, and the representative teams from provinces and cities far away from Qin Province will be on the 14th. , The 15th has arrived in Wei City, but the athletes from the provinces and cities that are relatively close are slightly behind.

The hotel designated by the organizer to arrange accommodation for athletes is a special hotel designed for athletes participating in sports competitions. City gym is very close.

Coach Ou and the colleagues who led the team brought the team into the hotel, arranged the players' dormitories first, and then asked colleagues to supervise the team members' luggage. He hurried out of the hotel with his mobile phone and went outside to pick up a late classmate.

When he got to the downstairs of the hotel, there was another delegation on the bus, and the young athletes went upstairs with their luggage. He was afraid that some elementary school student would enter the hotel among those people and look for it with his titanium alloy eyes wide open.

When he was looking for someone, three low-key Great Wall sedans drove to the front of the hotel building, one of the cars in the middle got off, and the two cars in front and behind did not move.

The driver of Ji's family waited for the little girl and the two young Jun Shao to get out of the car and drove away slowly. By the way, he took away the treasures that the little girl had picked up. The little girl was going to participate in a sports competition. , Ji's family lives in a nearby hotel, and it is safer for them to help take care of the luggage.

Coach Ou, who was looking for someone, saw a little girl in cropped slacks among the three people brought by the vehicle, galloping close, and slapped the little girl's head: "My little grandfather and aunt, I almost thought You are missing, where did you little guy run around and forget the time?"

Rubbing the little guy's head, he was in a great mood, he couldn't bully that beautiful boy from Chao's family, he could squeeze the potential of the boy's baby sister to the fullest. When our high-speed train arrived at the station, the beautiful young brother called me and asked me if I had received you. You said you were a little guy who ran away without seeing anyone. Your brother was reluctant to talk about you. Ineffective, you said that I provoke someone and even got shot while lying down, in order to comfort my heart hurt by your brother, you must break a record for me, or I will go back to your beautiful young brother to reason."

When she was killed by touching her head, Le Yun wanted to cry. Everyone who was taller or older than her or her elders and teachers always liked to touch her head. She didn't want to be rubbed like a puppy all the time.

Hearing the coach's complaint about his lack of integrity, he secretly rolled his eyes: "Coach, people just admire the culture of Qin Province, so I went to the West City Antique City out of curiosity, and there were too many cars on the way back, so I wasted time, don't keep touching my head, okay? , I'm not a child, if you touch my head again, it will cause me not to grow taller, I will tell my brother Chao that you didn't take good care of me."

A certain teacher rushed up and rubbed the little loli's head, Yan Xing Liu Xiangyang couldn't bear it with Teacher Ou, and he couldn't push the guy's claws away, pushed the sunglasses to his forehead, poked him with his eyes, and stabbed him hard. Poke, poke hard.

Coach Ou made the first move and rubbed the little guy's head like the elegant young man from the Chao family. When he saw it, he retracted his claws and nodded solemnly: "Oh, there's a traffic jam, right? If it's blocked, just block it, everyone is safe. When you arrive, just go to the hotel with me to arrange accommodation."

He squinted at the other two tall and mighty young men, and when he saw them reset the sunglasses again, he expressed satisfaction: "Well, I know that I am wearing sunglasses, so I am careful, don't forget to wear your brand."

Yan Xing, who was carrying the clothes and backpack for Little Loli, flew out of her eyes and stabbed a certain coach with a knife from behind her sunglasses. Relying on the fact that she was with the group coach, she yelled, hum, be careful when he put on eye drops, and told Little Loli to exercise The project is too good and easy to attract attention. Let her retain her strength and don't work too hard.

Yan Xing was still very rational. He hid the indignant little person who jumped up and down, hung Little Loli's big backpack on his wrist, and took out the job of a security consultant for the National Games from his pocket. The badge hangs around the neck.

Liu Xiangyang also followed suit, silently took out his work badge and hung it around his neck, and went to the hotel with Coach Ou for a small walk.

There are more than 760 young athletes who went to Wei City to participate in the All-Olympic Youth Athletics Competition. Each team has several coaches. Teams with hundreds of people cannot have a separate room. Several athletes share a hotel room.

In order to facilitate the delegations to take care of and manage the athletes of each team, the organizer has done a lot of work in advance. After getting the team's entry list, they also counted the male and female athletes of each team to make the best arrangement, and try their best to arrange the representative teams. People live next to each other. The dormitory for boys and girls may be separated by a wall, or they live opposite each other, and it is convenient to find someone.

Coach Ou led the classmates into the hotel, took the elevator upstairs, went to the floor where his team was staying, and went straight to the girls' dormitory.

There are more than 500 athletes participating in the National Games in the capital, including 17 youth teams and [-] youth teams participating in the youth track and field competition.Because the teenagers are relatively young, a total of four coaches were sent to accompany the team, three men and one woman.

Coach Ou is not the team leader, but the assistant team. The reason why he was able to successfully join the team is that two members of the small detachment are from Qingda School, one is a student, the other is a student from the middle school affiliated to Qingda University, and two athletes All of them won the best results or broke records in the track and field games for college students or middle school students in the capital, and were selected as the capital delegation to participate in the youth competition of the National Games.

Athletes from the middle school students of Qingda University participated in the Asian Junior Athletics Championships and achieved good results in the top five; Le student did not participate in the Asian Junior Athletics Athletics Competition because he was not up to the age limit, nor was he assigned to the Death Junior Championships. The National Athletics Federation Center and the National Sports Department also hoped that Classmate Le practiced at the National Games before participating in international competitions, in case her first time participating in an international competition would affect her growth.

Coach Ou took Le to the dormitory, called the female coach who was checking the girls' luggage arrangements, and handed Le to the female coach to take care of him.

The female coach, surnamed Zheng, leads the track team. She is over half a century old and looks like she is in her forties. When she saw the cute girl led by Coach Ou, her eyes widened and she asked in a suspicious tone. : "Xiao Ou, are you sure the little guy you brought here is 15 years old?"

After a pause, he added: "Xiao Ou, if you tell me that this is a 12-year-old diver, I will definitely not doubt the authenticity."

Coach Zheng also knew that on the day of the founding of the capital delegation, there was a young track and field athlete who was absent due to family affairs. She was a cute little girl who had just turned 15 years old.

There are more than 500 athletes in the Beijing delegation. They are of different ages. The youngest athlete is only 12 years old. His surname is Yuan. Born in January 2003.

She is not the youngest athlete, Le Xiao said she was very happy. When she saw the coach staring at her face with green eyes, her heart trembled again. Don't tell the grandma-level coach who wanted to pinch her face!

"Hello, coach, you will have to take care of it for the next period of time." Although he was afraid of being pinched in the face, he had to bite the bullet and greet the coaches with a big smile, hoping that the coach would see her smiling so much. For the sake of sincerity, don't pinch her cheek.


Professor Zheng pulled the little girl with a smile and looked at Coach Ou: "Leave it to me, you can go!"

"..." Coach Ou smirked: "Don't ruin the little classmate, this kid's brother is a mad girl, and these two guys are also responsible for this kid's safety, things about this little guy will come at any time. Find me or both of them in my dorm."

Coach Ou happily threw the two powerful gods around him, and stepped aside, um, if there is a hail of bullets, please spray the two young men with sunglasses, don't target him, he is also an innocent person.

Coach Zheng looked at the two-sunglassed youth with a work badge in surprise, and then looked at Coach Ou. He didn't ask anything, and nodded to indicate that he knew.

Yan Xing gave the big backpack to the little Loli, and solemnly reached out and rubbed the little guy's head: "When you need to leave the hotel, remember to ask us to accompany you. If you need to buy anything, let me know, and we will deliver it for you."

Seeing this, Liu Xiangyang quickly leaned forward and reached out to rub the little loli beauty's head; "Little beauty, remember to call me Brother Liu if you want to eat, I'm guaranteed to be there whenever you need it."

The attack on the top of the little beauty's head was successful, Liu Shao quickly withdrew his hand, a warm smile like a spring breeze hung on the corner of his mouth, and his heart was overjoyed. Touching the top of the little beauty's head always felt so good!
Being attacked by two handsome guys on the top of her head, Le Yun glared fiercely. They saw that there were a lot of people here, so she was embarrassed to raise her fist, didn't she?
Being glared at by the little loli, the two young Jun Shao did not notice the warning in her beautiful eyes, smiled and nodded to Coach Zheng, carrying their luggage and followed Coach O to the dormitory to clean up the bed.

Coach Ou took Liang Junshao to the coach's dormitory, a double room with two beds, he and his companions occupy one bed, and the other is shared by Yan Shao Liu Shao.

Yan Shao Liu Shao originally acted as a special person with the Beijing city representative team and did not care about the accommodation problem. The brothers quickly packed their luggage and moved out of their laptops to start work.

(End of this chapter)

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