Chapter 672

Coach Zheng took the little classmates to the room where the girls lived. There were 7 girls in the Beijing team and they lived in a large room. Considering the youngest classmate Le, he let classmate Le occupy a bed exclusively.

The girls who arrived earlier had almost packed up their belongings. When they saw the coach brought a white and tender little loli, soft and cute like a little white rabbit, the six girls swarmed up. The curious patted the head of the team and the poked one. Poke her tender face.

Everyone is not malicious, just seeing the little loli who is smaller than them and shorter than them feels novel, and it feels unreal to touch it.

Classmate Le suffered another tragedy and was almost broken.

Professor Zheng smiled and let the girls communicate with the little classmates. She checked whether the luggage placed by the little girl had any potential safety hazards.

When the six girls were 16, 17, and 18 years old, their playful nature did not change, and they only let go of the little loli when they were addicted to their feet. They chatted and communicated with each other. Name and which competitions you have played in, and which event you are in charge of in the junior competition.

After playing for a while, the coaches called all the members to go for a physical examination. The team members should bring the medical examination report from the hospital when registering, and experience it when reporting the competition. During the competition, there will be random inspections. It is strictly forbidden to take banned drugs. Once banned drugs are found, they will be disqualified from the competition .

The physical examination point is located in the gymnasium, take the bus to go there, take the bus back to the hotel after the physical examination, wash and then go to the designated hotel for dinner, after which the athletes rest and go to the gymnasium tomorrow to familiarize themselves with the venue.

While classmate Le was busy with physical examinations in Wei City, Zhang Jing in Bao City also ended a pleasant trip and returned to the hotel.

Because Xu Wenxun went to his parents to reunite with his family naturally, and had no time to accompany him to travel around the mountains and waters, Zhang Jing did not want to stay in the hotel.

When you go to Baoshi, you must go to the Mausoleum of Emperor Yandi. Zhang Jing ate the rich breakfast provided by the hotel in the morning, carried her own bag and traveled lightly, took a taxi to the scenic spot of Emperor Yandi Mausoleum, and then walked around to see the scenery.

A girl traveling alone will always attract attention, especially classmate Zhang, who is not bad, dressed in bright clothes and carrying a brand-name bag. Seeing her traveling alone, many young men approached her.

Zhang Jing observed it for a long time, and formed a temporary joint tour team with a small group of three young men who looked like local tyrants, and happily toured the Emperor Yan's Mausoleum.

As the only woman in the four-person team, Zhang Jing enjoys all kinds of care. Except for the fact that she has to walk by herself, the three men take care of the rest. The young men buy water, ice cream, ice cream to cool off the heat, fruit and snacks. At noon, young men also treat guests. In a word, she didn't spend a dime.

The four of them traveled until about [-]:[-] p.m. and returned home happily. Zhang Jing returned to the hotel to wash and rinse happily. She was about to have dinner with the three companions she had met temporarily, but Xu Wenxun called her and said Immediately go to Wei City, he will pick her up at the hotel.

When she was going to Wei City, she naturally couldn't go to dinner with others. Zhang Jing sent a WeChat message to tell her temporary friends that she couldn't have dinner together. She immediately packed her luggage and waited for Xu Xun.

Xu Wenxun took a taxi to the hotel and asked the driver to wait. He went upstairs to pick up Zhang Jing first. Seeing that she had packed her luggage, she thoughtfully helped her to go downstairs to check out.

"Don't you spend a few days with your parents?" Zhang Jing was very surprised, Xu Wenxun didn't say that he would go to Wei City to watch the game the next morning, why did he change his mind temporarily?
"I want to spend more days with my parents and my mother. I didn't book the hotel before, but I didn't want to book it in advance in the afternoon. Maybe it's because there are a lot of people going to Wei City to watch the game, and the rooms in the upper-level hotels are tight, so I have to go there in advance to watch the game. Look, I have inspected the environment of the family hall before checking in, and if I go later, I am worried that there will be no good hotels near the gymnasium."

Xu Wenxun explained as he walked, and asked casually, "Did you go out shopping today? You like Baoshi. After the youth competition, we will go all the way from Xishi, and we will go back after playing for a few days."

"I went out to play for a while. Baoshi is very beautiful. You are going to participate in the sports meeting after school starts. You have to go back to school early to prepare, and then come to travel when you have free time."

"Alright, wait until the game is over."

Xu Wenxun took Zhang Jing downstairs, finished the check-out formalities, and took the taxi he ordered outside the hotel to the high-speed rail station. He bought a ticket and set off when the bus arrived.

He bought a train ticket. The journey took an hour and forty minutes, and it was more than seven o'clock when he arrived in Wei City. Although it was not completely dark, it was not too early.

The two took a taxi from the high-speed rail station to the hotel closest to the Weishi Gymnasium, and ran to ask. It was a hotel that received athletes, sports guests, and reporters. It did not accept individuals, so they had to change places, and changed two hotels in a row. Couldn't check in either, it's not that there are no individuals or there is only one room left.

Zhang Jing went out to play all day and ran around in high heels again. She was so tired that her legs were about to break. She was embarrassed to say that when she went to another hotel and heard that there was only one double room left, Xu Wenxun still decided to look for it again. , When she walked out of the hotel, she took the initiative to suggest: "Why don't you stay here, it's getting dark."

"But there's only one room." Xu Wenxun's eyes flickered, and he was very embarrassed: "Although we are in a... love relationship, being alone is not good for your reputation."

Zhang Jing's face was hot, she lowered her head, and said in a small voice, "It's alright, those who are clean are self-cleaning, and the body is not afraid of the shadow, so you don't need to care about other people's eyes."

"...Well then, just stay for one night and see if anyone checks out tomorrow, or go to other hotels to see if there are any rooms." Xu Wenxun pretended to be a difficult compromise, holding Zhang Jing's hand and walked back to the hotel Reception hall, reservation and check-in.

Zhang Jing kept her head down, her face blushing and her heart beating fiercely. She took the elevator to the floor and was led into the room by the waiter, but she didn't dare to look up until Xu Wenxun checked the room and sent the waiter away, then she looked up with a blushing face and was shocked to find that there was only one On the bed, his face burned: "Why... why is there only one bed? Isn't it a double room?"

"Double rooms in big hotels generally have a 1.8-meter bed, which can accommodate two people. The bed in a large room for multiple people is only 1.5 meters or 1.2 meters wide." Xu Wenxun explained with a smile: "You sleep on the bed at night, and I sit on the sofa. Lie down on the seat, you are tired from walking, you are sweating, go wash up, we will have dinner when you come out."

Hearing the explanation of why there is only one bed in the double room, Zhang Jing was so ashamed of her own ignorance, she lowered her head and walked quickly to the bed, thinking about it and feeling wrong, she walked to the luggage cabinet, found a set of clothes and went to the bathroom , I was very shy when I was taking a shower, and it took a long time to get out of the bathroom.

When Zhang Jing came out of the shower, Xu Wenxun stood up, helped her pick up the bag on the bed, walked over and held her hand naturally: "Let's go to dinner, I have reserved a box."

"Yeah." Zhang Jing felt her face get hotter, and the well-behaved and docile Ren Xu Wenxun held her hand intimately.

Xu Wenxun led Zhang Jing out of the guest room, took the elevator to the restaurant floor, and was led into a separate small box by the waiter, which was very delicately arranged, and some tableware was placed on the table.

The waiter in the box took care of the lady and took the seat, and then notified the food delivery, and brought a candlelit dinner table. The waiter lit the candle, put on the background music, turned off the light, and took the food delivery waiters out, allowing a couple to enjoy their sweet time. .

The candlelight is faint, the crystal wine glass reflects the light, the stars twinkle, the aroma of red wine is dense, and the music is so soft and sweet, which makes people feel unreal.

Facing a table of exquisite dinner, Zhang Jing was at a loss and didn't know what to do with her hands. She thought of Xu Wenxun's pursuit of a romantic candlelight dinner that she was willing to spend time on, and her heart filled with sweetness.

As for the bag, she had inquired from side to side. It was not Xu Wenxun who took the fake one to deceive her. He also hired someone to buy it. his self-esteem.

Ying's mother said that you can't lose watermelon for sesame seeds. No matter how handsome the person Le Xiaoyezhong knows and doesn't catch a cold with her, it's useless no matter how hard she works. It's better to catch Xu Wenxun.

Although Xu Wenxun is not as handsome as the people Le Yun Xiaoyezhong knows, and maybe not as hard as those people in the background, but he is good to himself. When she enters the Xu family gate and becomes a rich wife, she will still be able to stand out in the village and make the villagers kneel and lick,

Zhang Jing also felt that it was more appropriate to catch the talents in front of her first, and she looked even more shy when she looked at the young men beside her.

For his own purpose, a candlelight dinner was specially arranged. Xu Wenxun would not waste the opportunity, he skillfully held up the red wine glass, showing a charming smile: "Xiao Jing, toast to our acquaintance."

"...Okay." Zhang Jing panicked for a while, blushed and looked at Xu Wenxun holding the red wine glass. Following her example, she raised the glass carefully, clinked with Xu Wenxun, who was waiting for her, and raised her head to drink.

Zhang Jing raised her head and drank too fast.

Xu Wenxun raised the glass to his mouth when he saw Zhang Jing choked, put down the glass and walked to the opposite side to help her gently stroke her back: "Xiao Jing, are you alright? Is red wine bad to drink?"

"'s all right." Zhang Jing was choked with a red face and a thick neck. Thinking of how rustic she looked in front of Xu Wenxun, she felt ashamed.

"It's fine if you don't choke, don't be in a hurry, learn to drink slowly." Xu Wenxun gently took the paper money to help Zhang Jing wipe off the wine stains on the table, poured another half a glass of wine for her, and sat next to Zhang Jing himself. , teach her how to hold a high-footed crystal glass and put it in the most beautiful posture, and explain to her some common etiquette for drinking red wine by the way.

Zhang Jing's clumsy learning now, so much knowledge of etiquette and wine, how could she remember it, she reluctantly learned the posture of holding a wine glass and pouring it slowly to drink in a decent manner, fortunately, the dishes are Chinese and not Western, otherwise she would not have to eat them Now, learning to eat Western food can make you dizzy.

Xu Wenxun taught Zhang Jing to serve a wine glass. Seeing that Zhang Jing only learned to drink red wine, she felt a little dizzy.

There is only one bed in the hotel room, and a man and a widow live in the same room. If the husband has the intention and the concubine has the intention, can something really not happen?

the answer is negative.

Actually, on the first night, Xu Wenxun really wanted to sleep on the sofa as a decent gentleman, but Zhang Jing took the initiative to invite him.

However, Xu Wenxun did not have the expected surprise. Zhang Jing once said again and again that she had never had a boyfriend, but in fact she deceived him, and she was no longer perfect.

Thinking that he was deceived by Zhang Jing, Xu Wenxun's mood became worse, and it was very elegant to be in love with each other. In order not to treat Zhang Jing badly, he spent tens of thousands on her before and after. Who knows that Zhang Jing is an outsider. one.

A second-hand man keeps asking him to buy luxury goods and brand-name bags, always begging him to take him on a trip, wanting to see his parents, and intending to be crowned as the prospective daughter-in-law of the Xu family. Where does Zhang Jing get the confidence? ?
He also thought that Zhang Jing could afford high-end cosmetics, so he wanted to give her an unforgettable honeymoon trip, but it turned out that someone else played the rest, blinding his sincerity.

On the second day until the sun was up, Xu Wenxun woke up first, relaxed in body and mind, too lazy to move.

Zhang Jing woke up from hunger. When she woke up, she felt hungry. The feeling of being so hungry that her heart was against her back was so uncomfortable that she didn't know what was going on at first. His face was "嘤嘤", because his hands and feet touched something, he looked up in conditioned reflex and saw Xu Wenxun's face, he was a little frightened for a while, and he forgot what he was doing.

Seeing the makeup on Zhang Jing's face and the traces left on her body, Xu Wenxun asked lazily, "Are you awake?"

Hearing the sound, Zhang Jing looked at Xu Wenxun, and quickly reacted. At that time, her face was hot with shame, and she plunged into the boy's arms with a "嘤四".

Xu Wenxun didn't have any ideas at first. Some girls hugged him, but his body was more honest. He didn't want to wrong himself, so he had another fight.

After exercising, Xu Wenxun got up and went to take a shower. He came out and found that Zhang Jing had fallen asleep again and went to eat by himself. Of course, he did not forget to pack a copy and bring it back to the guest room.

When Zhang Jing woke up again, she had no energy, and it took a while to relax. Then she saw Xu Wenxun sitting in front of the window playing on the computer. She remembered that she had finally done the most intimate thing with Xu Wenxun, and she was shy and timid. He rolled up the blanket, dragged his weak legs, and took his clothes to the bathroom.

Seeing Zhang Jing finally woke up, Xu Wenxun asked with a good mood, "Do you want me to help?"

"No...don't." Zhang Jing was so frightened that she couldn't care about her weak legs, she hurried into the bathroom, closed the door, and snickered shyly, it was done!

If you want to have a harvest, you must invest your capital. Only by having skin-to-skin relationship with Xu Wenxun can you catch a rich second-generation boyfriend. After marriage, how can there be less luxury cars and houses?When she has real luxury, she can get up from where she falls.

Thinking about the future, Zhang Jing was full of energy, but she was really hungry. She hurriedly washed her head to toe to dry her hair, and immediately went out to find something to eat.

Xu Wenxun waited for half an hour to see Zhang Jing come out of the bathroom. Looking at her face, she could give five points at most without makeup. Anyway, it was not the object of marriage. Eat something packaged to fill your stomach, and then go to dinner at noon.

Zhang Jing didn't want to eat cold food, so she euphemistically said she wanted to go out for a walk. Xu Wenxun obeyed her as always, went downstairs to eat out, and then went for a walk nearby.

In the afternoon, Xu Wenxun wanted to go to the gym, but Zhang Jing didn't want to go because her legs were sore. She played outside for a long time and then went back to the hotel.

One is two, and the young men and women who are immersed in sweetness have shared the bed for the first time, and it is normal to sleep together again at night.

Xu Wenxun was still very rational. He didn't toss all night. He got up very early the next day and took a taxi to the gym early to line up to watch the game.

(End of this chapter)

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