magic eye doctor

Chapter 691 Punch Out

Chapter 691 Punch Out
When the witness came over, Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, Zhao Zongze, and Jia Ling glared back fiercely. As soon as she said something, the faces of the few people changed abruptly. The eyes they stared at the little girl were more vicious than a sharpened knife.

"I didn't conspire with them, it's none of my business..." Wang Yuxuan shivered with fright when she heard that she was involved again, even her legs were shaking.

The clerk asked the witness Wang Qianjin to be quiet, and the witness Le Yun continued to provide evidence.

"When the criminal suspect confessed, he admitted that they gave Ms. Yan Feixia drugs to make people infertile. Similarly, the criminal suspect also used the same method on Mayor Wang's niece. Wang Qianjin ... is poisoned by drugs, it is impossible Pregnant again..."

"No-" Wang Yuxuan screamed when she heard that she couldn't have another child, and wanted to jump up, but the sky was dark and she fell down.

Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, Zhao Zongze, and Jia Ling hated the girl who testified. Seeing her eyes flashed fiercely, she could not wait to swallow her alive.

The bailiff was quick to catch Wang Qianjin. The presiding judge informed the bailiffs to take Wang Qianjin to the back hall to ask a doctor for first aid. He continued to ask, "Are the witnesses sure that the evidence you said is true?"

"Yes, it's absolutely true," Le Yun nodded firmly: "Wang Qianjin was pregnant last year, and the child was not saved. It wasn't a flow of people or an accident. It was because the suspect used drugs on Wang Qianjin. The reason for doing so must be the same as the reason why she was reluctant to let Ms. Yan Feixia get pregnant.

The drug the suspect gave Wang Qianjin to beat the fetus was not only an abortion pill, but also a contraceptive pill, one of which was cinnabar, which is mercury sulfide, or mercury. "

She paused, looked at the Zhao family and Jia Ling, and shrugged: "The criminal suspects should not look at me with that kind of cannibalism. As a descendant of traditional Chinese medicine, in the name of my traditional Chinese medicine, don't say that you threaten me with your eyes. I, even with a gun pointed at me, I will never give in, I must tell the truth.”

Zhao Zongze heard the witness tell the fact that Wang Yuxuan was pregnant and miscarried. His muscles were shaking like an electric shock, his mouth was open, but he had difficulty breathing.

Zhao Li and Jia Ling seemed to have been drained of blood and lost the slightest strength.

Zhao Yixiong Zhao's old lady, Guo Furong, was sweating on her forehead, her breathing was short, and her eyes were flustered.

The auditors were already dumbfounded. The Zhao family wanted to marry Mayor Wang, and secretly let Wang Qianjin have an abortion.
The He family: "..." Wang Qianjin and Zhao Zongze colluded to become a traitor, and they conspired behind the scenes to destroy Xiaolongbao's reputation. The Wang family and Wang Qianjin must not have expected such an end. This is called self-inflicted sin.

The members of the collegial panel were very calm, and one person asked, "How did the witness determine that Wang Yuxuan's infertility was done by the criminal suspect?"

The Zhao family was shocked, yes, who can be sure that Wang Yuxuan could not have children because they did it?

"Because, the infertility pill that the suspect gave to Wang Qianjin is the same medicine that Ms. Yan Feixia gave," Le Yun did not change her face, and calmly gave the reason: "The suspect was pregnant when Ms. Yan Feixia was pregnant. At that time, she was given contraceptive pills, even if she wanted to abort the fetus, she also wanted to make Ms. Yan infertile for the rest of her life. Ms. Yan was more fortunate to not have a miscarriage. The reason why she saved the child was because Yan Xing was very strong when she was still in the embryo. Absorb some of the medicines as nutrients to help his mother reduce the burden.

Of course, Ms. Yan's first child could not be prevented from becoming pregnant. After all, the suspect was heavily drugged, and she was given the drug again when Ms. Yan was confinement.

Because his mother was drugged, Yan Xing came out of his mother's womb with fetal poison, and because his mother was given sterilization pills during confinement, the milk contained harmful substances, so the victim Yan Xing still has some fetal poison in his body Toxins, hair and nails had residues of toxic substances absorbed from his mother.

The criminal suspects probably thought that what they had done was unknowing and could not be exposed. A certain part of the data in Yanxing's experience report must be the same. "

The He family listened to the little doctor saying that Yan Feixia had been given infertility pills by the Zhao family, and her face was blue with anger. The only remaining brothers of the He family were angry and angry. They only had one sister, and the younger sister only They have a daughter, Feixia is their only niece, they are afraid of melting in their mouths, afraid of losing them in the palms of their hands, their niece is their pampered princess, and she was so mutilated by the Zhao family. Teach them how not to be angry or angry?
The four daughters-in-law of the He family were trembling with anger. They had daughters, but only one niece. The four aunts were too late to fight for favor. The Zhao family regarded their precious child as a mustard, and they were so angry!
The brothers of the Qi generation who were present in the He family gritted their teeth with hatred. They only had one cousin. They grew up playing with them since childhood. When they got married, they took turns carrying the Yan family to Zhao Yixiong. Thinking of the suffering of my cousin/cousin, the brothers can't wait to cut Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong and his son alive. Tens of thousands of knives are not enough to dispel their hatred.

Old Ancestor He pressed his third son hard, firmly controlling the urge to kill the Zhao family, his eyes were red, his eyes were like fire, and he wanted to burn that group of scum who were inferior to beasts.

Yan Ming covered his chest and stared at the front in a trance. There was no focus in his eyes, and a person was like a shell without a soul.

Yan Xing was sad for her mother, and how unfortunate her mother was, she unexpectedly met a man with a wolf-hearted heart, so that Fanghua died young and her life was ruined.

The people in the auditorium were breathing very lightly, and it felt like they were listening to a book. There really are such vicious people in this world, not in TV dramas.

"..." The witness was talking eloquently, Zhao Li was so angry that he wanted to explode, he hated to the extreme, his eyes were red, and he roared with hatred: "Little short-lived ghost, you ruin my major affairs and ruin my life's efforts, and I will not be a ghost. Let go of you, you must die!"

The bailiff grabbed Zhao Li's arm vigorously: "Zhao Li, be quiet! Be quiet!"

threaten?Le Yun curled her lips in disgust, and did not directly attack the scumbags of Zhao. She has been scared since she was a child, but she is not afraid of being scared. Being a successor of traditional Chinese medicine can make the scumbags of Zhao show their fox tails. They can really turn into ghosts when they die. , she can still beat them to pieces.

"Criminal suspect Zhao Li, what do you want to do when threatening witnesses in court?" The witnesses did not speak, and the judges of the collegiate panel could see that the witnesses were not threatened by the criminal suspects in court, and solemnly warned the criminal suspects to be honest.

Zhao Li was startled, swallowed the surging resentment, and lowered his head. A little girl who is still young has let his life efforts go to waste. It's hateful!
 The second update, is the baby very diligent, please praise~
(End of this chapter)

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