magic eye doctor

Chapter 692 Civil turmoil

Chapter 692 Civil turmoil
Wang Yuxuan was dizzy in the courtroom, and the bailiff took her to the back hall to find a doctor. The back hall was a conference room where the judges temporarily adjourned the court to discuss the case.

The bailiffs brought Wang Qianjin, who had fainted, and the two doctors in the back hall swiftly put the person on the ground to lie down, and did first aid by pressing the chest and pinching the person.

Because Wang Qianjin was too angry and her emotions were too high, her breath stuck in her chest and she fainted, letting the suffocated breath go out, the airway was unobstructed, and people would be fine.

Wang Yuxuan woke up leisurely, stared at the ceiling with her eyes open, turned over naturally after a while, until she saw a pair of feet, suddenly woke up from a confused state, hurriedly sat up, and saw two doctors in white coats, A few bailiffs, chaotic brains were empty, and turned to slowly recall what happened.

After three or four minutes of recalling, she finally remembered why, and cried bitterly at that time: "No, it's impossible, I'm not infertile, I'm not..."

After crying a few times, hearing a voice, and looking around, she got up and ran towards the door leading to the courtroom.

When the bailiff saw that Wang Qianjin was about to run, he grabbed the person, and without any hesitation, handcuffed her with a click.

"Let go of me, let me go, I'm going to ask clearly, I want my lawyer, you let me go..." Being caught and unable to run away, Wang Yuxuan yelled angrily.

The prisoner was too noisy. In order not to affect the normal interrogation in the court, the bailiff set up Wang Qianjin to leave from the side door and stood outside. If there was a need for Wang Qianjin to appear in court, he would go back.

Wang Yuxuan couldn't break free from the shackles of the bailiffs.

When Wang Qianjin was clamoring to go to the court to find out, only a small voice came from the door, only the bailiffs near the door heard it, and it did not affect the normal court hearing.

After the witness girl finished her statement, she was threatened by the criminal suspect. The courtroom was so quiet that you could hear a needle falling, which also made the observers refresh their understanding. Those who are dead or innocent should be shot.

People in the know were shocked by the shamelessness of the Zhao family, but also by the stunts of the Chao family's little righteous grandson. She was able to find out that Colonel Yan had fetal poison, and she could also judge from the residual poison on his body that Yan Feixia was tortured. What kind of poison has been given to people, and it can be found that Wang Qianjin has also been manipulated by the Zhao family. How exquisite should the little girl's traditional Chinese medicine be, to what extent can it be achieved?

After a while, everyone thought of another question. If Mayor Wang's family was also one of the targets chosen by the Zhao family, what would their expressions be?
They remembered that Mrs. Wang took her granddaughter and her granddaughter's boyfriend to banquets in the past two years, and made connections for Zhao Zongze, and also widely published invitations for the granddaughter's prospective grandson-in-law to prepare for the wedding. At that time, Mrs. Wang praised her grandson-in-law one by one He kept talking about being young and promising, being filial to his elders, being humble and polite, in a word, Zhao Zongze is a young talent who is not inferior to Yan Xing, and his future achievements will definitely not be worse than Yan Xing.

If old lady Wang knew that Zhao Zongze was chasing her granddaughter because of her eldest son and gave her granddaughter medicine, would the old lady faint from anger?

Everyone secretly speculated, and there was a little excitement. The old lady Wang was showing off everywhere, but now she was slapped in the face, and she deserved retribution.

The criminal suspect calmed down and continued the trial. The argument on whether the Zhao family could win leniency for surrendering himself was put on hold, and the court investigation was conducted again to investigate what the witnesses said and the facts confessed by the criminal suspect Jia Ling.

After the court investigation, the witnesses can go back to the gallery, Le Yun immediately got out of the way, walked happily to the fence, waited for the bailiff to open the door, walked out quickly, passed in front of handsome Yan, and sat down in her seat.

Ancestor He was grateful in his heart. He put a soft catkin of the little doctor in his hand and held her little hand lovingly. The little doctor applied justice and eliminated harm for the people. He also gave great help to the He family and Xiaolongbao. .

When the witnesses returned to the court, the presiding judge first asked Guo Furong whether what her mother said was true.

After several days of court trials, she was struck by fear one after another. Guo Furong's will collapsed. When asked if what her mother said was true, she ignored the warning from her father-in-law's fierce eyes and nodded hastily: "It's true, what my mother said is true. Yes, Zhao Yixiong told me about his and my father-in-law's plans before, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law also said that they didn't like Yan Feixia. They said that women should have children at home and wait for men, and show their faces and do business to make men lose face. , is a man who doesn't like that kind of strong woman. They say that as long as I am obedient, I can enjoy prosperity and wealth, be a rich wife that everyone envies, buy whatever jewelry I want, and travel wherever I want.

My father-in-law also... He also said that when Xiao Broom kills Xing Yanxing, he will get the Feixia Group, make enough money, immigrate... to Canada or M, and live a leisurely life abroad. "

Guo Furong was unable to resist and confessed what she could never say. Zhao Li shouted angrily, "...You are talking nonsense! Judge, Guo Furong was frightened, she was so frightened that she spoke nonsense, I never said no. I like Yan Feixia's daughter-in-law, but I didn't say that Yan Xing would die, Yan Xing is also my grandson, how could I really do it, I really want to kill him, he is long gone..."

"Zhao Li, be quiet." The presiding judge threatened to knock the hammer on the head and continued to investigate: "Guo Furong, who made the poisonous ginger candy slices that you poisoned the old lady of the He family, Ms. An, and who gave them to Zhao Zongze?"

"My father-in-law took out those things and kept them for my mother, because my mother lives in the same compound as Wang Qianjin's house, and Ozawa went to the compound to pick up Wang Qianjin to get things by the way, and... My father-in-law and my mother said... If possible, try to talk to Yanming, and let Yanming send the things to Yanxing to the He family.

Both my father-in-law and my mother knew that Yan Xing was filial to his grandmother, and the He family also loved Yan Xing. The old lady of the He family would not eat anything sent by others. If it was something from Yan Xing, the old lady would definitely To eat, Yan Xing didn't go back to Yan's house during that time, and the old lady of He's family fell ill again. My mother and my father-in-law felt that the opportunity was not to be missed, so he asked Ozawa to send the food to Wang Yuxuan to the He's house. He heard about He's house within three days. The old lady is dying, and then she somehow lived again..."

" slut..." Zhao Li was so angry that his head was buzzing, his eyes were red, and he was so angry that he cursed.

Zhao Yixiong was also so angry that his face was blue. He was also handcuffed to prevent him from moving.

Being scolded by her father-in-law and kicked by her own man, Guo Furong was terrified and looked at her father-in-law tremblingly.

The onlookers felt chills on their backs, and the criminal suspect was vicious... It was beyond people's imagination. Those people even plotted time and time again for the victim's family to send poison to their own family. Their hearts could be punished!
Yan Ming stared at the air dully, as if he didn't hear Guo Furong's words, but as if he did, the muscles on his face twitched and twitched.

The He family almost bit their teeth in hatred. The Zhao family and Jia Ling's group of beasts first asked Yanming to feed his wife and daughter poison, and then borrowed Yanming's hand to give them Xiaolongbao's poison, and even wanted to borrow Xiaolongbao's hand. To harm their ancestors, the poison in their hearts is a thousand times more poisonous than arsenic!
Yan Xing sat up straight and put his hands on his knees to hide his hatred. Fortunately, he never took anything from Yan's house to He's house after he had learned the viciousness of the old witch. The poisonous food was sent because it was sent by Xiao Xiangyang. At that time, Xiangyang was not there. He thought it was a good dish that Grandma Liu cooked for him. After eating half of the food, he came back to realize that it was from his grandfather. He didn't eat anymore, not because he didn't trust Aunt Jin, but in Yan's house, as long as he didn't see Aunt Jin make the food, he wouldn't dare to eat it.

The judge took down the confession and asked if all the Zhao family were involved in the conspiracy to murder the old lady of the He family. Guo Furong was silent. When Yan Feixia and He Ziqiong were murdered, Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan were still young, so naturally they did not participate. Leaving the mouth, and when the murder of Yan Xing and the murder of the old He family, which of the Zhao family does not know, which does not know?
Guo Furong's silence meant that the Zhao family knew that even if they didn't participate, the judges continued to ask if there was any more poisonous ginger candy, and if they knew where Zhao Li dispensed the medicine. The wife's actions asked again how many times a year he had poisoned Yan Xing, when was the most recent one, and how he had poisoned Wang Qianjin, etc.

Guo Furong was frightened, she didn't dare to lie at all, she told everything she knew, and when it came to the end, she cried and cried out to herself, saying that she didn't know anything, and that she was deceived by Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Li. The Zhao family's bait and lure partner to harm others. She is only an insider, not the mastermind.

After the judges asked Guo Furong, they then asked Zhao Zongze the detailed process of delivering the poison to Mrs. He Jiatai, from when the medicine was taken from Jia Ling's hand, to how it was handed over to Wang Yuxuan, and how to confirm whether it was successful or not. How to give Wang Qianjin a contraceptive pill, ask who gave him the medicine, and what did the elders say.

In order to clear the relationship, Zhao Zongze did not hesitate to conspire with the elders to poison Wang Yuxuan. He explained clearly how he carried out the process, and also explained how the elders planned to send poisoned ginger candy to the old lady of the He family.

He was frightened, and when he spoke, he would fight his teeth and make a "cluck" sound. When Zhao Danxuan heard her brother's confession, she also implicated herself, saying that she was also an insider. land.

(End of this chapter)

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