Chapter 693

When the grandson confessed, Zhao Li lowered his head deeply and said nothing. Zhao Yixiong's face was pale, but he gritted his teeth and did not defend.

When Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Danxuan fainted, the judges asked the bailiffs to take the bailiff to the back hall for first aid, and the trial continued. They asked Zhao Li's words to prove the authenticity of Jia Ling and Zhao Zongze's confession. He confessed; only when he was asked where the chronic poison was prepared and whether there was still any poison, he kept his mouth shut. Finally, he had to confess that he used the study as a secret dispensing room, and the poisonous drugs and raw materials he prepared were destroyed before he turned himself in.

The judges asked Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Li what they said, how they and Jia Ling planned to poison Yan Xing, how many times they poisoned each year, and which poisons they used.

Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong wanted to deny that he had not poisoned Yan Xing. Jia Ling cooperated with the Zhao family in order to prove that he was forced and lured. He was cleared of the suspicion that he was not the mastermind. The process of prescribing medicine for Yan Xing is also confessed in detail. At first, it was because the He family attached great importance to Yan Xing and the Zhao family had some scruples, so they only gave a little chronic poison. When Yan Xing was in his teens, Zhao Yixiong also took control. Feixia Group tried to kill Yan Xing but couldn't poison him, so he survived.

He also explained why Yanming was not poisoned in the first place. The reason was very simple. If Yanming died, the Yan family would belong to Yanxing. Only if Yanxing died, the old lady of the He family would be gone. If Yanming was killed, the Yan family would not be. For other direct descendants who have the right to inherit the inheritance, the family property can fall into the hands of Jia Ling, who is the step-wife, and then the property of the Yan family can be given to Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan.

Zhao Li hated and poisoned Jia Ling. As long as Jia Ling insisted not to admit it, no one could do anything. However, Jia Ling fully admitted that he and his son could not escape, and even grandson Zongze and Dan Xuan became insiders, so it was impossible to take them out. .

Zhao Yixiong was angry and hated, and his hands and feet did not obey.

When Jia Ling was recruited, the judges asked Guo Furong and Zhao Zongze about the Zhao family's plan to murder Yanxing and the details of the process. Guo Furong admitted it tremblingly, and Zhao Zongze also gave a few additions.

Those few supplements explained the well-deserved gods' complement, and added the details of the Zhao family's plan that Jia Ling did not know about. After all, the Zhao family's father and son still kept some of the plans from Guo Furong and Mrs. Zhao, but not from Zhao Zongze. The purpose is to let Zhao Zongze go. Coaxing Jia Ling to cooperate fully, Zhao Zongze knew more secrets than Guo Furong.

After asking Jia Ling's words, Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Danxuan were also woken up by first aid.

Zhao Danxuan's line of defense collapsed, and weepingly confessed that she was an insider, and would never admit that she participated in the murder of Yan Xing and the old lady of the He family.

The judge asked Mrs. Zhao again. The old lady was so frightened that she lost her voice because of her age. She had a weak line of defense. Even if she was not a key figure a few days ago, she was still tormented psychologically. Now that the most hidden facts have been exposed, how could she resist? Stay, I've got it all.

Jia Ling and the rest of the Zhao family recognized it, Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Li were powerless to face reality, and they admitted in frustration that they had always wanted to kill Yan Xing.

After the court has investigated several issues, it is less than half an hour before the end of get off work. The presiding judge and the members of the collegial panel discuss and announce the adjournment of the court. The trial will resume on the 28th. Of course, in the middle of the time, it is necessary to re-examine, such as sending Wang Qianjin for inspection. , to study the victim Yan Xing's medical report again, and to go to Wang Qianjin's grandparents to collect evidence, and to go to the place where Zhao's family lives and Jia Ling's place to search again for hidden chronic poisons.

The court adjourned, and the observers left.

Even though the He family members were full of anger in their hearts, they wished they could kill the Zhao family members and Jia Ling, but they couldn't bear it. The auditors who were sitting in the back row were about the same, surrounded by their ancestors and the little doctor before going out to court.

Old Yan sat dumbfounded. He didn't respond when the court was adjourned, and the crowd still didn't respond, like a piece of wood. When Aunt Jin and Old Liu forcibly lifted him out of his seat, he returned to his senses in a trance. Friends, look at the empty courtroom and the sparse auditors walking out, weeping, but weeping silently.

Liu Lao helped Lao Yan and left, Yan Xing was poisoned by Jia Ling, Lao Yan became an indirect accomplice unknowingly, and the pain in his heart was as deep as the ocean, it was bottomless. Blame him, I'm afraid it will directly crush him.

He didn't persuade Lao Yan, but only accompanied his old friend. After all, he ate the little girl's pills and was entrusted by her to help him stare at Lao Yan. He had to do it. Of course, even if the little girl didn't entrust him, he would Staring at Lao Yan, lest Lao Yan has three strengths and two weaknesses, and then he will suffer Yan Xing again, and his youngest son will have to scratch his cheeks and lungs for Yan Xing's affairs.

Le Yun walked out of the courthouse with the He family, and first ran to tell Grandma Chao and the second aunt and grandmother that there was something to do, so she would not go back to Chao's house, let them go back first, then slip back into the crowd of He's family to arrest handsome Yan, and let the He family go first. Walk.

The old and young He family didn't ask anything, because it was noon, and there must be serious traffic jams on the road, so go to the hotel where you reserved the seat for dinner.

Being pulled out of the crowd, Yan Xing was a little puzzled: "Little Loli, what's wrong? Did you find any suspicious people nearby?"

Le Yun bared her teeth: "Brother Yan, can you stop suspecting that I'm being followed all day long? I asked you to be the driver. Let's go to the place where Zhao Liumeng lives."

"You suspect they are hiding something?" Yan Xing's eyes lit up.

"I always feel that your scumbag grandpa is lying. Maybe the things he used to harm people were not directly destroyed, but were hidden in some secret place. Anyway, the Prosecutor's Office will send a team to search again. You might as well talk to the Prosecutor's Office. Speaking of which, let's go and have a look."

"Okay!" Yan Xing didn't say a word. He called the attorney who entrusted him and told the attorney that Xiaoyi Sun of the Chao family wanted to go to the villa where the Zhao family lived, and asked the attorney to inform the public prosecutor.

The attorney and the public prosecutor both walked from the back of the court. They had already walked out of the back. When they received a call from Young Master Yan, they immediately went to explain the situation to the prosecutors of the procuratorate. The prosecutors immediately contacted the evidence collection team and asked them to join Young Master Yan. Go to Zhao's villa to search for evidence.

Yan Xing waited for the attorney's response and made an appointment to meet outside Zhao's villa in the afternoon, and then relayed the response from the procuratorate to Little Loli, and then asked, "It's noon, why don't we go to dinner first?"

"I'm not going to eat at the big hotel you booked. You go to accompany your parents, I'll go for a walk by myself, and notify me when you leave." Thinking of the meal scene where she was treated like a guest by the old ladies and gentlemen of the He family, Le Yun Tired of not loving.

"I'm going to find something to eat with you." Yan Xing didn't want to go to the hotel to eat, he also wanted to be alone. If he was with Little Loli, it would be better than being alone.

"I didn't see Handsome Liu today." Le Yun walked towards the parking lot with her short legs. Today Handsome Liu didn't come to watch, nor did the mother and daughter of the Geng family.

"Xiang Yang was urgently recruited by the team to go back to the mission last night." Yan Xing couldn't help raising the corners of his lips. That guy Xiang Yang kept yelling that he was bored, and then he decisively sent him to perform the mission. There were quite a few guys last night. He poured bitter water to him and said that his superiors were too unkind, knowing that the school was about to start and he would be assigned a task, etc.

Le Yun Wangtian, sorry to see, Liu Shuai had just had time to play with his sweetheart, but he was assigned a task again. Presumably his tears would flow into a Lop Nor lake.

The corners of Little Loli's mouth were curved, and she must be snickering secretly. Yan Xing didn't reveal her schadenfreude. Li found the car and drove to find food.

The road conditions are still good before the official departure time at noon. In order to avoid the road section that is most prone to traffic jams, Yan Shao first detoured and walked slowly in the direction that was convenient for Grandpa Slag's residence. Road to restaurant.

In the courtroom, because of all kinds of shady confessions made by the scumbags of the Zhao family, Yan Xing's mood was very gloomy, and he had no appetite at all. There was a cute little loli holding a bowl and eating with relish. Her eyes were sparkling, and she was satisfied when she saw the little loli. The appearance of the food he eats will not look like chewing wax.

When Classmate Le and Young Master Yan found a place to replenish energy, Wang Lingyun also returned to the family living compound of the unit after get off work. He changed his shoes at the entrance and entered the living room. When he saw his old father looking over, he greeted his father and put his handbag at the door. on the small cabinet.

Wang Lao was hospitalized for more than half a month after the heart bypass operation in the hospital, and was discharged more than ten days ago. In order not to be mad at some stupid woman, he did not go back to the compound, but went to his eldest son's house to recuperate. No one was angry with him. , There is a son and daughter-in-law taking good care of her, and her complexion is much better.

Seeing his eldest son come back from get off work, Wang Lao nodded, put the newspaper on his lap, and asked casually, "Boss, did Wang Yuxuan's affairs have any adverse effects on you?"

"A little bit," Wang Lingyun said truthfully: "I talked to me above, and it meant that I had condoned Wang Yuxuan, and there is not much hope for promotion."

Wang Lao felt unhappy in his heart. Wang Yuxuan is not the daughter of the boss, so how can he be blamed for the boss?He was just trying to get his eldest son to justify his reasoning, and he couldn't bear the loss of being dumb. When he heard his son's phone rang, he didn't speak.

Madam Wang was in the kitchen, and she didn't go out when she heard her father-in-law and husband talking, busy cooking.

Wang Lingyun answered the phone, and after listening to a few words, his originally calm face changed suddenly. He pursed his lips and said nothing. After about seven or eight minutes, he hung up the phone. His whole body seemed to be exhausted, and his shoulders collapsed.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Wang Lao saw his son holding the phone, his face full of anger, very puzzled.

"Dad, my last hope for promotion is also lost in the hands of Mom and Wang Yuxuan." Wang Lingyun clutched the phone tightly, and the temples on his forbeared face throbbed suddenly.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with your mother and Wang Yuxuan?" Wang Laozuo stood up, his chest pulsing with anger.

"My mother and Wang Yuxuan were involved in the murder of Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze's family. The Zhao family not only killed He Ziqiong and Yan Feixia, but also tried to kill He San's mother. Last September, the old lady of the He family was critically ill and it was the Zhao family who did it. , the thing that murdered the old lady of the He family was that Zhao Zongze borrowed the hands of Wang Yuxuan and my mother to make a gift and sent it to the He family when they went to visit a doctor. Now, the matter has been exposed."

Wang Lingyun seemed to have exhausted all his strength to briefly explain the cause, and he could no longer think of a reason to forgive his mother and niece. At the beginning, he persuaded his mother not to let Wang Yuxuan and Zhao Zongze get together. The Zhao family's character was uneasy. The mother also scolded herself badly, scolding him for not helping Wang Yuxuan introduce young talents, and she was jealous that Wang Yuxuan had found a young man from a rich family. Now, hehe-

In my heart, I finally understood why he sometimes handed them cigarettes in private with Chao Shengguo and He Qiying, but none of them refused to smoke. It turned out that he was afraid that he would be used to give them poisonous things.

Wang Yuxuan's infertility pill was calculated by the Zhao family and she deserved it, but how innocent is he?
His mother and niece were involved in the Zhao family's murder case, even if they were calculated by the Zhao family, no need to say it clearly, even if you think with your toes, you will know that others will feel bad about him from now on, and they are afraid that his family will be calculated again one day. Bring something to their house by his hand, or dig up other people's relevant secrets from him and sell them to others.

He is not afraid of God's opponents, but is afraid of pig teammates. He has a mother and niece who are holding him back, and others will definitely regard him as a pig teammate behind his back, and will guard him everywhere in the future.

Wang Lingyun was so angry that his heart was bleeding, and he hated his short-sighted, self-righteous mother. If her mother was not so strong, she should not always think that she was right. He was so embarrassed.

"..." Wang Lao's ears were buzzing, and his chest was about to explode with anger: "So it is! No wonder the He family stopped seeing your mother and Wang Yuxuan after beating up the old lady. It turned out that they discovered your mother and Wang Yuxuan. Became the dog leg of the Zhao family!"

He gritted his teeth and said the three words "dog leg", Wang Lao's heart was blocked so much, he could hardly breathe for a while, he opened his mouth to breathe quickly, and sat down heavily, his face changed sharply, becoming old and blue, No wonder the He family swept Fu Zirong and Wang Yuxuan out of the house in July. Just imagine, who would tolerate the people who almost killed their parents swaying in front of their eyes?

"Dad—" Seeing the old father fall and sit down, Wang Lingyun, who was full of anger, was startled, and hurriedly rushed to the old father's side to help the old father smooth his back: "Dad, don't be angry, this is life, wait until you retire. At the age of my body, I'll just retire."

Wang Lao was patted on the back by his son, and his breath became smoother. The anger in his heart had nowhere to vent, and his heart was burning, his face was twisted, and his eyes were red with anger: " Those two things are not enough and there are more than failures, the family is unfortunate!"

Thinking that his son could have gone further, but was implicated by the pair of grandparents, Wang Lao was so angry that his internal organs were hurting. He married a virtuous wife. He did not marry a virtuous wife, but married a curse, so in vain The boss's great future is gone, teach him how to be willing!
He was so angry that his heart hurts and his heart hurts. He took a deep breath in his heart. It took the boss's efforts to calm down.

After a while, he asked stubbornly, "Boss, is the lawyer you hired for Wang Yuxuan still following the case? Ask him to defend and try to make your mother and Wang Yuxuan the victims, so that you can avoid being implicated again."

Wang Lingyun soothed his old father, and he could only hold back the anger in his heart. Hearing that his father was thinking of himself, his mood was barely balanced: "Just now, the lawyer called, and the lawyer said that he would like my mother and Wang Yuxuan. There is nothing I can do about it. After all, the whole circle knew that you and your mother also helped Zhao Zongze pave the way. Wang Yuxuan received so much stolen money from the Zhao family. No longer accepting our family's employment to defend the Wang family, and..."

"I..." Wang Lao was so angry that he was almost out of breath. When his son stopped talking, he asked, "And what?"

"It's bad news, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it, Dad," Wang Lingyun said with a gloomy face: "Wang Yuxuan was secretly given chronic drugs, and she will be infertile for the rest of her life."

"What?" Wang Lao was shocked, and his color changed: "Who gave her the medicine? Is it not bullying the Wang family?"

"The Zhao family did it." Wang Lingyun sneered: "The Zhao family was chasing Wang Yuxuan because they wanted to kill Yan Xing and seize the wealth of the Feixia Group and the Yan family as their own, and they married the Wang family just to make the Wang family act as his own. Umbrella to help them withstand the anger of the He family.

Wang Yuxuan has no brains, and her mother is confident that her vision is not wrong, and she falls into the trap of the Zhao family in three or two strokes. The Zhao family is probably afraid that after marrying Wang Yuxuan, her mother and Wang Yuxuan will have a child with Wang Yuxuan. The Zhao family made a fortune and gave Wang Yuxuan the medicine when she was pregnant, aborted the child, and also made Wang Yuxuan infertile.

Mom should be very satisfied with the result. Wang Yuxuan is her granddaughter, and Zhao Zongze is a good grandson-in-law candidate that Mom is satisfied with. I said a few words at the beginning, and even scolded me as unworthy to be an uncle. Mom personally brought a good granddaughter and a good grandson-in-law. Go to the banquet to socialize, but not less in the limelight. "

The boss was talking about who gave the granddaughter of the Wang family a black hand. Wang Lao was so angry that he rushed into the bullfight, but he could only hold back his tone. At the beginning, he had objected to Zhao Zongze's incident, but he did not insist on it. Later, he turned a blind eye. With one eye closed, his wife took the lead, and even listened to his wife's instigation in the later period. The couple took their granddaughter and Zhao Zongze to the banquet to increase Zhao Zongze's worth.

Therefore, even if the boss blames him, he deserves the grudge against him in the boss's heart, and Wang Yuxuan's lifelong infertility caused by the Zhao family's secret was brought about by her.

After a while, Wang Lao asked angrily, "How did Wang Yuxuan find out that she has been infertile for life?"

"Little Yisun of the Chao family said in his testimony in court that Wang Yuxuan's infertility is one of the evidences that the Zhao family has been committing crimes."

"..." The muscles on Wang Lao's face twitched a few times, and then he vomited blood. If someone exposed Wang Yuxuan's lifelong infertility, they could sue him for revealing Wang Yuxuan's privacy. What can be done?
The old father didn't say anything, and Wang Lingyun knew what the old father was worried about. After the lawsuit between the He family and the Zhao family, the Xiaoyi grandson of the Chao family will only become more popular. At this time, it is undoubtedly the stupidest for the Wang family to get along with the Xiaoyi grandson of the Chao family for Wang Yuxuan's privacy. matter.

The father and son were holding fire in their hearts, but the culprit was not in front of them. There was no punching bag to let out their breath.

(End of this chapter)

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