magic eye doctor

Chapter 718 Another 2 Champions

Chapter 718 Regain two championships

Young Master Yan's duty is to be a bodyguard for Little Lolita. He doesn't want to be fully exposed to the public. He wears a sun hat and sunglasses to cover part of his face every day. In the eyes of others, he is a very strange being. Free shuttle to the field where the coaches come and go, let's say it's a coach, he has never done what a coach should do.

At this moment, Young Master Yan is pinching and washing the little students' feet like a nanny. He has a serious attitude and good service. Coach Ou is also shocked. When women meet, why do you become a 24-year-old filial and warm man in seconds in front of Le classmates?
Looking at Young Master Yan, who carefully and meticulously rubbing the little feet of his classmates, Coach Ou flashed a sentence in his mind: One thing falls to another.

Forgive him, no matter how precious and clean Young Master Yan is, when he encounters Classmate Le, he must be a coward. Who says Classmate Le is excellent in medical skills, saved Young Master Yan's grandmother, and helped him protect his mother and grandmother Zhaoxue and Yan Shao should be a bull and a horse for Classmate Le even out of gratitude.

Coach Ou thought about it secretly, but he didn't know that Yan Shao didn't think about repaying his kindness or responsibility at all. He only had one thing in his mind: Little Lolita's feet are so soft and cute!
The first time I saw her showing her tender and tender feet, I wanted to pinch and try the feel. Today, I finally had the opportunity to successfully pinch the little feet of Little Loli. Feel.

Yan Xing was overjoyed as he carefully helped Little Loli to wash her feet, her eyes behind the sunglasses were burning like fire, she really wanted to take a few bites!

To tell the truth, if Little Loli stomped her foot on his face, he wouldn't be angry, but there were people around him. He was embarrassed to put Little Loli's foot on his face, and reluctantly gave up the rare opportunity.

It was the first time that Little Loli asked herself to help her wash her feet obediently and docilely. Yan Xing couldn't help herself, she helped her wash one foot, put it on her lap to dry, then helped her wash the other, and put it on her lap again. , and then took out a tissue from the bag to help her wipe off the moisture from her pink and tender feet, and put on socks for her.

Little Loli's feet are too tender, too white, and too cute, and he is selfish. He is not willing to let others appreciate it, not even the coaches. Fortunately, Shao Shao couldn't enter the arena today, otherwise he would not be able to help Little Loli. A chance to wash your feet.

Yan Xing clumsily helped the little Loli to put on the sock, and only helped to put on the socks for one foot. The little Loli put on the other scorpion by herself, took her own shoes, and did not give him a chance to express. .

Putting back her shoes, Le Yun stood up numbly, accepted Teacher Ou's kindness to pour mineral water to wash her hands, and washed the claws that had digged her feet. She took out her own bottled water from the backpack carried by Handsome Yan, and added Water lost through sweating.

The young members of the Beijing team were resting after running. The other athletes were four or five laps slower than Classmate Le, and they were still running on the track. Therefore, when Classmate Le took a break, they could jump around, and the girls in front of them ran. Just got to the final sprint.

In order to compete for the runner-up and the third runner-up, several girls sprinted with the strength of their milk and crossed the finish line one by one. The girl of the Geng family, Geng Jingxin, worked hard, but in the end, she was still slightly inferior, and was probably one behind the second runner-up. The distance of the fist is over the line, ranking third.

The [-]-meter long-distance runners ran the entire distance one by one. The slowest runners still didn't give up and insisted on running the last lap. When the last runner crossed the finish line, the women's [-]-meter race was over. After adjustment, Le Yun went to the backcourt athlete's lounge to change clothes with her small backpack.

Yan Xing insisted on the principle of not letting the little loli out of his sight. He followed the little loli every step of the way, and looked at her as he walked. The athletes wore sports pants like boxer shorts, the tops were vest style, and the little loli was small. The clothes are one size larger, which could cover the waist originally, but because the upper circumference is too full, the clothes appear slightly smaller, revealing a thin waist.

Even though she is a bit short, her legs are long enough to describe her. Her skin is fair, delicate and smooth, and her body is hot. No matter where she goes, she can attract the fiery gaze of boys and the jealous gaze of girls.

Going from outside the sports field to the lounge at the back of the gym, the gazes of all men and women fell on Little Loli. Yan Xing felt very bad. Little Lolita was eaten tofu with her eyes, and she lost her life!

I felt uncomfortable and couldn't say it outright. I was secretly embarrassed by the knife, but wearing sunglasses, the lethality was too low, and it was useless. After holding it for a long time, I couldn't hold it anymore. Men's sportswear, okay?"

"Why?" Le Yun walked on her own way with short legs, and heard handsome Yan's reply in a low voice. Shuai Yan has been working tirelessly as a sidekick these days. Gotta give some face.

Little Loli didn't get angry because of her suggestion, Yan Xing quickly explained the reason: "Some people feel so annoying when they see your eyes."

"That can't be helped. The official competition is not a child's play. You can only wear regular sportswear." Le Yun was also depressed. She didn't want to wear a swimsuit-style sportswear, but the team uniforms of the athletes of the Beijing team were regular and standard sports. Wearing clothes and showing your arms is also normal.

Yan Xing stopped talking. The athletes in the Olympic Games were all vest-style sportswear. This is the case internationally. Naturally, it cannot be said that it is too revealing.

Around the stadium for a while, Yan Shao accompanied Little Loli through the passage for the athletes to travel between the lounge and the arena. The beautiful boy was already waiting there. The beautiful and delicate boy received the small and cute dumplings and hugged the little guy in his arms. After ravaging her head, she took her pink paws to the lounge to change clothes.



The women's [-]-meter result was freshly released, which once again shocked all beings. The coaches in various provinces and cities were stunned and hated at the same time. They wanted to snatch that little athlete from the Beijing team, is that okay?If not, can they beat the coaches of the Beijing team? !

The competitions of each project were carried out as scheduled, with awards interspersed in the middle. After Le Xiao received the prize, he went to watch other people's competitions with his beautiful young brother.

It’s a long day with nothing to do, and a busy day with something. The sports meeting is probably because people’s emotions are high, and it always makes people feel that time passes quickly. The blink of an eye and the night become the past tense, and a new day comes before people know it.

When the light shone on the earth, it was also September 9th, the penultimate competition day of the university group track and field competition of the Student Games. Le student had two competitions that morning, the 14×9-meter relay preliminaries at 30:4 a.m., and the 400-meter competition. The three-level jump in the women's first division.

Because the two events are very close together, the coach took Le to go to the relay check-in first, and then to the long-jump check-in office, and communicated with the judges for a while, and took the students to the relay preliminaries first.

There are 17 teams in the relay race, which are divided into three groups. The Beijing team draws lots in the second group. The coaches who have studied various tactics originally arranged for Lexuan to run the last pole, and Lexuan has a triple jump competition, so she cannot delay her individual competition. , let her run first.

The relay race started, and the competition in the first group was fierce. When the second group entered the field, the relay team in the same group broke into a cold sweat instantly. The Beijing team had an amazing lineup. No.5000 in the 800m preliminaries.

So at the beginning of the race, the first runners of each team ran with all their strength to avoid being pulled too far away, but when they met Le Mooren, the little flying man of the Beijing team, no matter how hard they worked, it was useless. She spread her feet and ran like flying, and handed over the baton to the second baton at a distance of nearly 40 meters.

The Beijing team's runners are all good long-distance runners. Except for Miss Geng and Classmate Le, the other two are from the Zhili Sports University of the Ministry of Physical Education. Naturally, they will not be weak when they have an advantage. The relay team handed over the baton at a distance of about 30 meters, and then the third player maintained a distance of nearly 20 meters and handed over the baton to the fourth batoner. Ms. Geng, who was in charge of the last baton, lived up to the efforts of the three previous partners. Opportunity, to maintain a distance of more than [-] meters to complete the last stick, and let the Beijing team advance to the final with an absolute advantage.

After finishing the first run, Le didn't stop for a moment. She took the relay number and gave it to the coach and ran to the triple jump field. She hurried quickly and arrived three and a half minutes before the final, so it didn't count. absent.

There were 12 people in the triple jump final, and the order was determined by random drawing by the computer. Le Xiao's serial number ranked fourth, and stood in the preliminaries to observe the first few players.

The participating athletes are all sports masters among college students in various provinces. Everyone is not weak, with a score of 12.3 meters or more, and the best score is 13.74 meters. That is a student from a certain provincial sports institute. No.1.

A certain athlete's performance was a bit better than her performance in last year's college autumn games. Le Yun secretly calculated the data on the field, her height, and the amount of effort needed, and when it was her turn to play calmly, Start and jump at the signal of the referee's flag.

The first jump, 13.95 meters;
The girls were stunned.

Coach Ou's eyes twitched, and when he saw the little guy returning to the starting area, he muttered in the viewing area: "Xiao Le, be more serious with me, dare to hide your clumsiness, I will catch you to train every day, and if you perform well, I will go back and give you a big lobster. Celebrate."

Everyone was speechless and jumped out 13.95 meters away, or was it hidden?
"People are still trying to jump." Le Yun muttered, and when she went back, she wanted to tell Brother Chao that Xiao Ou bullied her and squeezed her strength, so she wouldn't ask Teacher Ou to share the delicious food in the future.

The girls present thought...the hearts of both the teacher and the student have been chopped off, abuse people, that little flying man was born to abuse people!

The referee signaled the semaphore again to signal the athletes to continue.

Classmate Le started, took off, took a leap, and the second jump, 14.70 meters.

The crowd was stunned, and sure enough, the first jump was clumsy!

There was the last jump, the little flying man returned to the starting area, started, took off, lightly flying like a bird in the air, flew forward a long way, and landed in an independent posture of a golden rooster, and then the other foot quickly stepped forward half a step, steady Stay, then leave the bunker.

The third jump crossed the 15-meter level with a distance of 15.30 meters.

That leap broke the Universiade record, broke the national record, and broke the Asian record.

Girls who haven't played yet: "..." This is incomparable, right?

The coaches of the athletes: "..." Really want to beat the coach of the Beijing team, why don't you invite other coaches to put a sack on him at night?
After completing three jumps, Le Xiaoxiao walked out of the competition area to see the coach. Coach Ou also felt the gloomy malice from the surrounding coaches. He suppressed his excitement and led the little classmates away from those who were jealous and jealous of him, and discussed in private. It is appropriate to reward a few large lobsters.

Because the Beijing team's classmate Le is the record-breaking king, when she broke the record again and won the triple jump championship of the women's A group, the athletes in the provinces were no longer shocked, but "just knew it" expression.

The track and field events of the university group ended in a fierce competition on the penultimate day, and then ushered in the last game day of the sports meeting, and the competition in various competitions also turned white.

In the 20000-meter race walking race that morning, the bear boy He Xiaoliu was vigorous and won the first place. Talented student Jun also fought hard to win back the championship in the 1500-meter final. The Beijing team won two gold medals again.

The enthusiasm of the crowd also rose again on the last day of the competition, and the emotions of the athletes were also aroused. The competition for many events was particularly fierce, probably because they were in good condition, and there were several amazing results.

On the last night of the competition, the Beijing team regained the champion of the women's 400-meter relay, the men's team won the first place in the 100-meter relay, and the team won two gold medals.

After all the competitions were presented awards. After all the awards were presented, the track and field competition in the university group came to a perfect conclusion, because the last ball game in the afternoon was also decided. In this way, all the competitions in the National Student Games came to an end.

At [-]:[-] on the second day, the closing ceremony of the National Student Games was held at the Hangzhou Gymnasium. Some leaders of the state, the leaders of the State Sports General Administration, the municipal leaders of the organizer, and guests from all walks of life attended to present various awards to outstanding athletes and teams in various provinces and cities. .

At 10:[-], the closing ceremony was over, and the grandest student sports meeting in the country, which had been held vigorously for several months, came to a successful conclusion. The athlete delegations from various provinces and cities left Hangzhou and returned to their hometowns one after another with honors.

(End of this chapter)

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