Chapter 719
The 16th was Saturday. When the closing ceremony of the National Student Games was held, many families in the capital’s noble circle took advantage of the weekend to visit Mr. He San and gave Mrs. He Tai a birthday gift in advance to show their respect.

Mrs. He Tai will turn [-] years old on the National Day. Mrs. He Tai is a revolutionary veteran with meritorious service and the widow of one of the few revolutionary fathers. The He family is also a leader in various industries and has contacts with the He family. Of course, people who don’t want to be rude can’t be rude. Those who want to give a birthday gift first are not precious, but only meaningful.

Entering September, many families in Beijing visited Mr. He San one after another on weekends, and the He family didn't take it at all. The gifts from each family were non-violating human favors, and they all accepted them with a smile.

He San and his wife, their sons and nephews received visitors at home, while watching the closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Student Games, chatting and chatting about sports.

Thousands of college students and athletes gathered in Hangzhou from all over the world waved goodbye after the closing ceremony and went their separate ways. Only a few delegations will leave tomorrow. The athletes of the Beijing team rushed to the station, T City and H North City as soon as possible. Several other delegations are also in the same direction, peers.

In order to provide convenience for the athletes of the National Games and Student Games, sports fans and athletes who are watching the scene, the railway department has temporarily opened several trains or added carriages on several of the busiest railway routes to meet people's travel needs. So don't be afraid to buy a ticket.

Classmate Le brought the trophy and other things to the beautiful young brother and Coach Ou back to Beijing, and she and handsome Yan went to Si's house as a guest.

Xin Wushao and his family watched the daily competition during the competition. They felt that it was only natural for the little beauty to achieve good results. If the Xianyimen did not win the first place in the competition, wouldn't they be weak?

Just like people from the ancient family of ancient Xiu and ancient martial arts, if they become athletes, they must be the best. Under normal circumstances, the descendants of ancient families will mostly not become professional athletes based on the principle of low-key, unless they really like a certain sport. Give up practice to become an athlete;
There are many side branches or concubines of the old family who have been mobilized professionally, and almost all of them have won awards in international competitions. Retiring is like ordinary people.

The Si family sent a total of five cars to pick up the little girl Le, and Xin Wushao accompanies her sister-in-law and Yan Shao in the back seat. The Si family prepared their own special snacks and fresh seasonal fruits. Le classmates carried the snack bags and ate them all the way.

The little beauty was too reckless, eating snacks happily, Xin Wushao and the bodyguards were very happy.

The Si surname is divided into many surnames, such as Yu, Xin, Fei, Xia, Ouyang, Sikong, Tan, Zou, Zeng, etc. The original Si surname population is not much.

The foundation of the Si family is in the south of the Yangtze River. It has also moved and dispersed several times due to historical reasons. After that, the direct lineage still returned to the place where they lived in the south of the Yangtze River. Now they live at the foot of the famous mountain in the south of the Yangtze River. A village and town that seems to have nothing to do with Dayu Village.

Xin Wushao and his party set off from Hangzhou and headed to Si's home without any rush or slowness. When they were still on the road, Coach Ou and others rushed to the high-speed rail station to have lunch first, and checked in at 12:12. , take the high-speed rail to the capital at 50:[-] and return to Beijing.

When the high-speed train of Meijuan and others departed from Hangzhou Station to Kyoto, the Sijia motorcade carrying Little Girl Le also arrived at the foot of Kuaiji Mountain and drove onto the village road leading to Sijia Shiju Village.

There are thousands of rocks competing for beauty in Kuaiji Mountain, thousands of ravines competing for streams, and the grass and trees are hazy like clouds and the beauty of Xia Xia. One color.

The characteristic of the houses in Shao City is the Taimen, which is a closed and independent courtyard with a certain scale.

The traditional residential pattern in Shao City takes Taimen as the orthodox. The buildings in the Si family’s residence are almost all Taimen. Although they are not as beautiful and rich as the buildings in the famous Taimen Ancient Town, they are not as majestic as the residences of dignitaries. However, most of the buildings are For the old buildings of the Zhu Ming period and the Manchu Qing period, the bricks and stones of the same color are paved, which looks low-key and simple.

Looking around at the entrance of the village, behind the modern buildings, there are white walls and black tiles. The bright, clean and elegant buildings stand quietly. The water flow drawn from a distance shuttles through the village.

Because the roads in the village are narrow, vehicles can only travel on the main road. When they stop at a fork in the road, a few young people from Si's family drive the car away. , walked through a few alleys and alleys, and arrived at a quaint grand gate. The gate of the gate is not carved or carved, only bluestones are inlaid, but it can't hide its vastness and mulberry feeling.

The door under the door is inlaid with a layer of copper shells, nailed with copper nails, the mouth of the copper beast is holding a doorknob, the bluestone slab of the ring platform door has been washed clean, and some jasmine and rose petals have been sprinkled, which has a light fragrance. Assault.

Xin Wushao accompanied the two distant guests just outside the gate of the big platform. The heavy door slowly opened from the inside. The courtyard inside the door was divided into two rows of young scholars who were about [-] years old. The two young people holding the Buddha Chen opened the door , A bookish middle-aged man in his forties wearing a training suit stood with a smile to welcome guests.

The two young people who pushed the door open joined the young people in the queue. There were 12 people on one side, 24 people in total, holding Buddha dust, brooms, water bowls, flower baskets, incense burners, and wishful wishes respectively.

When the door opened, Le Yun scanned the people in the patio and was surprised when she saw the welcome formation. Is it really good for the Si family to arrange such a high-standard ceremony team?

Because Yan Xing was going to visit the ancient family, Yan Xing did not wear sunglasses. Standing on Xiao Luo's left hand side, when he saw the Si family's formation, his eyebrows trembled slightly. The Si family's reception was very grand.

"Little beauty, Young Master Yan, it's my uncle Si Hanfeng, please come in." The family door opened, and Xin Wushao invited the two distant guests to move.

There is a saying that the guest follows the host, and Le Yun is not polite. She lifts her foot and walks to the Sijia Taimen, steps on the petals to climb the steps to the door of the Taimen, and lifts her right foot to enter the threshold first.

The young master came with the guests, and the young scholars in the door sprinkled water in front of them, swept the ground with brooms, and sprinkled petals.

When the door opened, Si Hanfeng was already walking out to greet the guests. Seeing that his nephew accompanied the guests to cross the threshold, he took two steps to greet the two distant guests again, with hearty fists: "Little beauty and Yan Shao have come from afar, Si's family. I am deeply disturbed by not being able to leave the village to meet you, Si Hanfeng would like to welcome the two great drivers here on behalf of the entire clan.”

"Sis, you are very polite, I take the liberty to interrupt, I am ashamed." Yan Xing politely clasped his fists and gave a salute.

"Senior is polite, Si Shao welcomes you nearly [-] miles away, and the younger generation is flattered." Le Yun returned the salute, and Shi Xuanran met with the principal of Si's family.

"Little beauty is too modest, the two of you please fast forward, my elders have been waiting in the atrium for a long time." Si Hanfeng smiled and invited the two little guests to go inside.

The young man from the Si family trotted forward, sprinkled water, swept the floor and sprinkled the petals.

When the uncle came, Si Xian resolutely gave way, went to Yan Shao's left hand side to accompany Yan Shao, the uncle personally entertained the little beauty, and helped the little girl and Yan Shao and Wu Shao to carry the backpacks and followed behind.

After passing the door of the second courtyard, six middle-aged and elderly people greeted them inside. After entering the third courtyard, another six people entered the courtyard. The fourth entering the courtyard was greeted by four people on the patio at the entrance. This time, the guests were invited in. East Hall.

The Sijia Taimen enters the deep seven courtyards, and the left and right verticals are also seven.

There are also two old men and one middle-aged man in the east wing. One old man has white eyebrows and white hair. He leans on a black-red unicorn animal head crutch, wears a short cyan flower jacket, wide-leg pants, and round-mouth cloth shoes. He is the former family of the Si family. Siyu River;

Supporting the old owner is Si Chunfeng, the current owner of the Si family, and on the other side of the old owner is the previous owner of the Si family, Si Yuanmao, who looks like a rare age, and is also walking with a cane, dark red.

There are several middle-aged men standing outside the main hall in the east wing, all of them are restrained and ordinary.

Si Patriarch accompanied the previous two seniors to wait in the main hall of the East Wing, listening to the footsteps from far to near, according to the footsteps, it can be seen that Yan Shao's footsteps were calm, and the forefoot was slightly heavier than the heel when he landed. His steps are light, and his steps are well-proportioned.

Si Hanfeng and the clan elders accompanied the two young guests along the corridor to the main hall of the East Wing and first turned sideways, while Le Xiao glanced at the eight gate gods outside the door with a flat gaze, and went from right to left to the left hand side of the entrance. A middle-aged man I counted cupped his hands: "If this junior doesn't look away, this senior must be the only old Simei Nuan senior among the Sijia plum characters."

Xin Wushao was confused by the inexplicable sentence of the little beauty, did the great-great-grandfather play disguise again?
The three in the main hall: "..." Embarrassed, the ancestors are playing guessing games to amuse children again?
When the disguise technique was seen through, Si Meinuan laughed and stepped out calmly: "Little girl has good eyesight, I've walked all over the family like this, and almost no one can see through it, but you can tell the truth at a glance."

"Your old disguise is superb, and most people must be hard to tell whether it's true or false, but the younger generation is born with a sensitive nose and smells the disguise medicine." Le Yun winked meaningfully, and reached out to ask for help: "You old please. "

Everyone in the Si family sighed silently, and Si Xian stretched out his hand to help his great-great-grandfather with great sadness: "Old Ancestor, you are teasing your little grandson again.

"Our family's A-Xian is very daring and can't be scared to death." Si Mei Nuan put her hands on her grandchildren's hands and strode up to the little girl who looked like a little white rabbit. Chin, he asked with great interest: "Little girl, guess how old my old man is?"

"You have used the disguise surgery, you can't see your face, and you can only guess from the skin of your arms and neck that you are not less than your expected age. If you keep feeling your pulse, you will probably know your old age and longevity."

The little girl, like a little white rabbit, has bright eyes and teeth, smiles like a spring breeze, Simei's brows and eyes are calm, and she stretches out her hand to feel her pulse: "Touch it, hand to you."

(End of this chapter)

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