magic eye doctor

Chapter 721 The source of the disease (1 more

Chapter 721 The source of the disease (1 more

The little girl stopped at the door, turned her clear eyes to look, and Patriarch Si greeted with a smile: "Little girl, come and taste the tongue, I only have half a catty of the tongue this year, I can't bear to invite him when others come. drink."

Instantly became the focus, Le Yun refused in her heart, being stared at by people feels like being stared at by a lion, it is really not a good thing, if it is surrounded by crowds in other places, 36 tricks are the best policy, and it is better to come to Si's house Of course, those who are seeing a doctor cannot leave.

Hearing the old man from the Si family asked him to enter the hall for tea with a smile, he walked over the threshold of the bluestone flower strip with a smile: "Seniors, please take a seat, don't be polite, old Si, you always say that it is the best tea, it must not be bad, I am sure If you want to try it, if the taste is not good, I will not obey it, and I have to pester you to compensate me for a few taels of good tea."

"Hahaha, is the little girl trying to cheat on my tea? This is not good, I only have less than three or two left, and I will keep the goods privately, and I will never give them."

"Then you always secretly pray that tea is not to my taste. If I miss you, even if you rob me, you will rob some of it. If you don't give it to me, just stay here and don't leave, tear down the walls and pluck tiles, and take down the beautiful wood carvings that I like. make it their own."

The little girl is lively and energetic, and jokes with her ancestors. The eyes of the elders of the Si family are full of laughter, and Si Yujiang also smiles with wavy lines on her face: "Oh, does the little girl want to change her career to become a house demolition expert? The walls of the Si family have been around for hundreds of years. , can't stand the dismantling, so be merciful."

"Don't worry, I won't dismantle the main wall and main beam, I will dismantle the accessories for decoration, sandalwood strips, and what kind of tables and chairs can be removed, a set can be sold for hundreds of thousands at least, and three or five sets can be moved. I have the money to sit, eat, drink, and have fun, and that's what people say, either don't open, open and eat for three years."

"Look at this little girl. If she is willing to visit a doctor, she will be able to eat for ten years. She even likes the table, chairs and benches in our house. Spring breeze, go back and pack a few sets for the little girl and see how she takes it home."

"Okay, old ancestor, I'll ask someone to pack it later, and I'll get the boxwood tables and chairs in the Fifth Courtyard." Si Chunfeng agreed solemnly, and everyone in the Si family heard that the boxwood from the Fifth Courtyard was packed. Tables and chairs are given to little girls, all of them are overjoyed.

Si Xian accompanies the little beauty and giggles when the owner says which set of tables and chairs to pack.

Everyone in the Si family looked happy, and Le Yun asked curiously and shamelessly, "Do you think a certain set of tables and chairs has a story?"

Xin Wushao explained with a smile: "The little beauty doesn't know anything, the Si family has a set of boxwood tables and chairs. The raw materials were picked up from the water during the high tide of the Qiantang River. A small chair also weighs a hundred pounds."

"Well, I get it, Patriarch Si is too embarrassed to beat me to death, in order to protect the family's wealth, so he made a bad move and wanted to crush me with a table, which is the most poisonous man's heart. By the way, it will be empty later, please Xin. Don't take me to see that peculiar table, I'm curious what the material is so heavy."

The elders were delighted, and the owner of the Si family shouted: "I am wronged, I chose the most distinctive set of tables and chairs."

Si Yuanmao ignored the complaining nephew and led the little girl to the Arhat bed. Si Mei Nuan greeted the little girl herself.

Le Yun took off her shoes on the pedals, sat down on the Luohan bed, and put her backpack on the side. Just as she sat down, an elder from the Si family held up a silver basin and asked the little girl to clean her hands. Xin Wushao brought a towel to her. The little girl wipes the water stains.

Si Mei Nuan accompanies the guests to sit on the Arhat bed, and starts to brew the tongue. The owner of Si Si leads people to sit on the mats on both sides.

After washing my hands, Le Yun tasted the sparrow tongue collected by the elders of the Si family. The tea was brewed in a glass cup. The tea buds were as small as sparrow tongues. After brewing, they were divided into upper and lower layers.

The tea soup is bright yellow and green, the tea fragrance is elegant and lasting, and the aftertaste is sweet after a sip.

Que tongue should be soaked more, the first brew is sweet and fire-like, the second brew is more fragrant, the water is mellow, the third tea has a mellow aroma, and the fourth brew...

Brewing for five times in a row, the mouth is full of fluid, the fragrance is left between the teeth, and the breath is like a blue orchid.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Le Yun couldn't hold water in her stomach. She didn't drink anymore. She thought that the best tongue is just like that, and it's not as good as the rough leaves of ordinary tea from the tea tree she planted in her space.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Little White Rabbit put down the cup and stopped tasting it for a long time. Simei Nuan also knew that the little girl did not like the tea ceremony, so she pointed to the juniors in wheelchairs and asked, "Little girl, look at the children in my family. , but a genetic disease?"

Le Yun looked at the eight wheelchairs lined up in a row, one was paralyzed from the waist down, one was paralyzed on the left side, one was paralyzed on the right side below the armpit, one was paralyzed from the thigh below, and the other was paralyzed like a vegetative person, three of them were or hand paralysis. Or different degrees of hemiplegia of the feet.

In addition to the eight, the old master of the Si family was also semi-paralyzed. He was not severely paralyzed. His left hand was unconscious, but he was rigid.

"There is nothing in the Si family that shouldn't exist, and there is no genetic disease in the blood and bone marrow. The reason why several seniors are paralyzed or semi-paralyzed is not a stroke, but because they unknowingly went crazy while cultivating." During the meal, I studied the situation of everyone in the Si family, analyzed various data, and naturally knew the reason.

"This kind of situation often occurs in the Si family for several generations, and the probability of going into trouble is much higher than that of other families. It is really abnormal." Si Mei Nuan couldn't hide her heartache. , greatly reducing the strength, but fortunately there has been no family disputes in the modern century, otherwise it will inevitably decline.

"Under normal circumstances, it is normal for one or two people in a family to go into trouble. There are external reasons for the Si family's frequent gossips."

The elders of the Si family held their breaths for a moment, and the owner of the Si family eagerly asked for advice: "Little beauty, what is the reason for this situation in this family?"

The little girl didn't speak, her eyes swept over everyone, and Si Meinuan understood her concerns: "If you have something to say, even if you say it bluntly, these are the direct line of the family, and your psychological endurance is still good."

"Then I'll just say it straight," the Si family was mentally prepared, and Le Yun was relieved, and confessed: "According to my diagnosis, the root cause of the Si family's frequent obsession is that the Si family has been given spiritual hints, and it can also be It is understood as the curse of divine consciousness."

There is no genetic disease in the Si family, and there are no unnecessary things in the gate. After her observation and comparison of the body images of the Si family, she came to an abnormal phenomenon: the youths of the Si family are in normal spirits, and the elders of the Si family follow suit. The closer they are to the age of [-], the darker their demeanor will be. Those who are over [-] years old without violent death or paralysis have a brighter demeanor.

Spiritual energy is a manifestation of spiritual power, which cannot be described in words. She can see it with her eyes. If you want to explain it scientifically, it means that the nerves and brain waves are different.

It can be seen from this that Si's family is not sick, and it is a mental problem, but it is not insanity or disorder, nor is it mental illness, but a certain symptom that cannot be explained by science. ".

The faces of the elders of the Si family froze, and Xin Wushao turned into a repeater in astonishment: "Spiritual suggestion?"

"Well, it is spiritual suggestion," Le Yun continued to explain: "Spiritual suggestion is a kind of spiritual curse, and modern hypnotism is the lowest spiritual suggestion. Generally speaking, spiritual suggestion can only be aimed at a specific object, and the targeted object will die. , the spiritual suggestion disappears, and it has little effect on others.

There must be two reasons for the situation of the Si family. One is that the person who gave the spiritual suggestion is extremely powerful, and the consciousness has reached a terrifying level. Bloodline descendants may be affected by spiritual suggestion to a certain age;
The second situation is to give spiritual hints to the Si family for several generations one after another. When three generations of the Si family are violently killed or paralyzed at a certain age, the Si family has an illusion that a certain age group is a family. Avoid being obscure, and subconsciously have a sense of fear and fear about a certain age. Over time, there is no need to give mental hints. When Si family members enter a certain age group, the subconscious sense of fear is self-generated. Unknowingly, he went into trouble and died suddenly or was paralyzed. "

All the elders of the Si family were horrified. Several generations of elites in the family had frequent accidents when they were nearly [-] years old. It turned out that they were insinuated by people. It is no wonder that they always found the crux of the problem. Family?
The head of the Si family's complexion changed a lot, and he quickly calmed down and asked for advice: "Little beauty, how to eradicate this spiritual suggestion?"

"Spiritual suggestion is a heart disease, and heart disease still needs to be treated by the heart. This has to rely on the wisdom of the elders of the Si family to solve the problem for the younger generation of the Si family. I personally recommend the use of spiritual comfort therapy to relieve the heart knot, or if necessary. Try using hypnotism. As long as the recent first- and second-generation generations no longer appear violently dead or paralyzed at a certain age, it will naturally dilute the influence of spiritual hints, and then slowly return to the right track.

The current older generation of the Si family is not suitable for hypnosis treatment. I will collect enough medicinal materials to make a batch of Qingxin Dingshen pills for people over 90 years old in the Si family. With a firm will, and with the help of Qingxin Dingshen Pills, the chance of accidents during cultivation is extremely rare.

In addition, the paralysis of the old master Si and the two seniors over there is not serious. I will give acupuncture needles to help the seniors to clear the meridians again. There are several seniors who have serious damage to the meridians and nerves and can only recover part of it. body muscle. "

Spiritual suggestion is a curse under the divine consciousness, which naturally requires divine consciousness to solve. For example, using divine consciousness like hypnosis to imply that the Si family forgets the psychological pressure caused by a certain age group, or makes the Si family think that several generations have died violently. The situation is because of a plot, if the consciousness is strong enough, it can be solved in minutes.

But the reality is that Le Xiaoxiao's spiritual consciousness has not yet reached the realm where he can control the elders of the Si family. Naturally, he cannot understand it. Forcibly using his spiritual consciousness to imply the Si family will most likely be backlashed, so he can only let the Si family solve their hearts. In conclusion, as long as they know that their will is firm and the demons in their subconscious are eliminated, it is enough to eliminate the harm of spiritual suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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