magic eye doctor

Chapter 722 Treatment (2 more

Chapter 722 Treatment (2 more

The elders of the Si family do not doubt the diagnosis of the little girl. If they were not mutilated by others with invisible means, after the unremitting efforts of the Si family for several generations, the root cause of the family's violent death and frequent accidents at the age of [-] will be found. Suggestion-type black tactics are baseless, which makes them useless no matter how hard they try.

It is also not surprising that the little girl said that the spiritual suggestion still needs to be carried by them. The spiritual curse is not poisoning or incurable diseases. The drugs are weak, and they can only use spiritual consciousness to counter it.

Originally, they had already thought about how to counteract the spiritual suggestion, but when they heard that the little girl was willing to make Qingxin pills for the Si family, they couldn't help being overjoyed, and the joy just came to their hearts, and then they heard that the little girl could restore or improve several people who were paralyzed. , The elders made no secret of their surprise. The sudden death or accident of each generation of the Si family's elites greatly damaged their strength. To save one is equal to one more hole card.

The elders who have been paralyzed or have paralyzed parts can't hide their excitement. The paralysis of the trunk and limbs has made them crippled. Allowing them to heal or improve is like a new life to them, even if not healed, allowing them to take care of themselves is a gift.

Si Patriarch was overjoyed, stood up excitedly, and asked eagerly, "Little beauty, what do you need to prepare?"

"There are no special requirements, just prepare water for hand washing, boiling water for disinfection, and lay a few mats in the spacious middle of the room for a few elderly people to lie down and sit on."

"Young little girl, wait a moment." Without any special request, the family owner Si and Si Hanfeng personally took people to prepare boiling water, pots, towels and other supplies.

To prepare over there, Si Yuanmao, the old master of the Si family, ordered the boys to bring fruits, cakes, and dried fruits for the little girl to taste.

The big family works efficiently, and the items are in place quickly. Warm water and boiling water are placed in the kettle, as well as basins, buckets, tweezers, gauze, towels for hand washing, trays for medical tools for the little girl, and stainless steel for disinfection. Bowl.

Si Patriarch personally instructed the young people to spread out the mats in the center of the main hall, or hug or support the seniors in wheelchairs to sit on the grass mats, or let them lie down first.

"Help the seniors to take off their clothes, leaving only the close-fitting trousers. I have limited gold needles and silver needles. The points are allocated. The first three people will come first." Yun is also ready to go to work.

Take off your pants?The expressions of the old and young men of the Si family were stagnant for a few seconds. Their clothes must be taken off, but they are just pants... Look at the little girl who is more pink than the snow dumplings, a group of elders are embarrassed, and a few young people even have red ears.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, and it's not completely naked, and she still has a fig leaf." Seeing the hesitant expressions of Si's family, Le Yun guessed that they felt embarrassed, so she calmly lifted her backpack and moved off the Arhat bed and put on her shoes.

"Uh—" Xin Wushao's ears burst red, he lowered his head and walked forward, took off his shoes beside the mat, and went to help a clan elder unbutton his clothes.

The younger generation didn’t bother, and the elders of the Si family suddenly felt that they were too conservative in some aspects, and they didn’t care about being shy. A few people helped and helped the old patriarch and the two clan elders to undress without making a sound. Fold the clothes that the elders took off in a square and put them in a corner, and then back away from each other.

The elders of the Si family could sit down, and the one who was completely paralyzed was supported by the younger generation to maintain a sitting position; the master of the Si family and others have been fascinated by the little girl's medical skills for a long time. Form two and a half circles to watch.

The elders of the Si family were enthusiastically watching, and Le Yun had a black line. Are they performing acupuncture and moxibustion?Acupuncture has no secrets anyway, they don't mind if they like to see her, take off their shoes, squat down in front of the old master Si, put the tray cushioned with soft flannel in front of them, put the jade box with the needle cover on it, and then take out the operation. Knife sets, two small jade bowls, jade spoons, copper pounding bowls and several bags of pills, some cute and small bottles and jars.

Put the medical tools in place, wash your hands, wipe them clean, take the pills in your palms and crush them into powder and put them in the pounding body, then add the contents of the bottles and jars and pound them, and put some in jade bowls. Cover the pounding bowl with a towel, add the ointment to the jade bowl, mix well, and pour a little boiling water.

The little girl's pills have a strong and fragrant fragrance, which is refreshing and refreshing. Everyone in the Si family inhales the fragrance while admiring the little girl's busy work.

After concocting two bowls of medicinal soup, Le Yun took three pills and gave them to the three people who were about to receive acupuncture and let them swallow them, and then asked the Si family to drink a bowl of soup for the two elders who were more severely paralyzed in the Si family. Put the needle cover on your left and right elbows, and pinch a few needles with your left and right hands.

The young people of the Si family personally served the elders to drink medicine. After drinking, they rinsed the jade bowl with water and then fed it to the elders to drink. Then, rinse the bowl with water, wipe it clean, and put it back into the tray containing the medical tools.

Si Yujiang didn't get the medicine soup, and looked at the two nephews with a trace of jealousy. The medicine smelled so good, it must taste very good, I really want to drink two sips.

He was envious. The two people who drank the medicinal soup were also very excited at first. They were leaned down and reminisced about the sweetness of the medicinal soup in their throats, and then their stomachs burned like fire, burning their hearts and livers. , couldn't help sweating.

Seeing the two people sweating, Le Yun, who was ready to go, shot without hesitation, and threw out the gold, silver and silver needles in her hands. An elder of the Si family.

Si Patriarch everyone watched the boss, the little girl used the flying needle technique, the Void Flying Needle. After throwing some needles, the hands staggered to take the needles and throw them again. The acupuncture points, from the face to the abdomen to the knees to the ankles to the soles of the feet, form several needle paths.

The little girl pierced some needles on the body of the two elders of the Si family, and then took the needles again and stabbed the elder of the Si family. She made a beautiful curve from the left face to the left foot, and also pierced his right arm and right abdomen. number of needles.

The young and old of the Si family were fascinated by the sight. The little girl walked to the side of the old master of Si, took a gold needle and stabbed it into the Baihui point on the top of the old man's head very quickly. Five needles are made at the dantian, the needle cover is placed on the shoulder, and the fingers like jade-cutting are stretched out to help the old man press the acupoints, starting from the dantian, going up and down, and dredging the meridians again and again.

Le Yun spent ten minutes helping the old man press acupoints to unclog the damaged and blocked meridians, pull out the medical needle from the right side to help guide the old man, turn the old man on his side, puncture his back, and then help unblock the blocked meridians on the back. .

He helped the old master of Si's family to unclog the left meridian, and let him continue to be nourished by medicines. He turned around and pierced the other old man a few times, pressed the acupoints, and relieved the infuriating qi trapped in the meridian.

Several paralyzed people in Si's family were all in a disordered, violent, uncontrollable way, and they died violently. They found that they had forcibly interrupted their cultivation early and saved their lives, but their meridians were damaged or destroyed to varying degrees, and some of their infuriating qi was lost. Some infuriating qi is still blocked in the meridians.

When the meridians are damaged, they also damage nerves, blood vessels and other tissues, and become paralyzed to varying degrees. The infuriating energy in the meridians can warm and nourish the meridians to a certain extent, and it will gradually disappear over time. Gradual atrophy and rupture will also aggravate the atrophy of neurovascular muscles and other tissues, and the paralysis will gradually increase.

For the damaged meridians, nerves and muscles and other tissues, Le Yun is also sure to restore them, while the meridians destroyed by infuriating qi have taken too long, and due to various reasons, with her current ability to rebuild hopeless and necrotic nerves and muscles The organization is also hopeless to revive, and it is not a problem to let a few paralyzed people live and take care of themselves, or else they will be blinded by the magical medical skills that she had been instilled unknowingly.

Since she was a child, she saw her father suffer from inconvenience in legs and feet, and suffered a lot of discrimination, so she felt more about the pain in the hearts of people with inconveniences. She didn't feel sorry for her own medicine. Maruko, he also paid special attention to helping the elderly to clear the meridians.

The result of being too conscientious and responsible is that after helping the second old man to unblock some of the meridians, he was sweating slightly. He washed his hands first, and put the silver needle on the chest of the old master of the Si family. Prick the needle, dredge the infuriating qi, and comb the meridians.

Help the third Sijia old man massage to clear the blocked meridians, wash hands, remove the medical needles soaked in boiling water and rinse them, then take back the silver needles behind the old Sijia old home and throw them away for disinfection, let the old man lie down and relax his limbs to regulate breathing. Then, the medical needle on the chest of the second Si family elder was sterilized, and he was put on his stomach. Acupuncture and massage were performed on his back.

After working for 10 minutes, I came to an end temporarily. I retrieved the medical needles soaked in boiling water, threw away the needles on the chest of the third Si family boss, and gave him acupuncture on his back.

Helping the third old man to unclog some of the meridians in his back, Le Yun also felt that his eyes were astringent and his arms were weak. After washing his hands, he took three pills and sat cross-legged to rest.

Si's family has been silently watching, seeing the little girl sweating and sweating from exhaustion, the smart young man uses a fan to help her fan the air. When the little girl sits down, they breathe lightly, spread out with their hands and feet lightly, and go to sit first. Waiting for the little girl to avoid stressing her by standing nearby.

Le Yun sat and adjusted her breath for half an hour before she opened her eyes. She went to work in good spirits. She retrieved the medical needles from the two elders of the Si family, made them both lie down, and pierced their chests. After several needles, the used medical needles were sterilized, and a medicinal soup was prepared again to start acupuncture for the fourth elder of the Si family.

The fourth was the old man who was completely paralyzed. He drank two bowls of medicine for him, took a scalpel, raised the knife with his hand, and used the tip of the knife to pierce a small hole in the sole of his foot and palm, and released blood from two glass vials. More than 100 needles were inserted into his chest and limbs, and more than 70 of the remaining medical needles were used to puncture the fourth old man. After that, he focused on acupuncture and moxibustion for the paralyzed old man.

(End of this chapter)

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