magic eye doctor

Chapter 723 Acupuncture (3 more

Chapter 723 Acupuncture (3 more

The six generations of the Si family are in the same house. The paralyzed old man is the grandchild of the ancestor of the Si family, the father and uncle of the master of the Si family, and the grandfather of the fifth young master of the Si family. Therefore, he was the most miserable when he got into trouble and had an accident.

A paralyzed person who is like a vegetative person, acupuncture is laborious and time-consuming, Le Yun massaged him for half an hour, took back some of the needles for disinfection, let him lie down first, then went to acupuncture for the other two, and then went back to help the fully paralyzed old man pierce it. A few stitches, and went to take care of another.

Help the fifth old man to clear the blocked meridians, give the sixth and seventh old man acupuncture, help the sixth old man to clear the meridians, then pierce some needles on the eighth old man, and then pull out some needles for the total paralyzed old man , turn him over, make him face the loess and lie down with his back to the sky, then give him acupuncture on his back, massage, and stimulate the numb acupuncture points and nerves.

Acupuncture has to be interrupted for a period of time in the middle, and then go to the seventh and eighth old man, help the eighth old man to clear some of the meridians, change to acupuncture on the back, and then go back to help the fully paralyzed old man to do a Go back to acupuncture and massage, and then give acupuncture to the eighth and ninth old people.

Until the meridians of the nine old people are connected and let them adjust their breaths,
Several elderly people who received acupuncture lay flat on the mat and quickly entered meditation. After all, they had decades of practice experience, and they did not miss their homework even after an accident. , thinking about nothing, and resuming the cultivation path wholeheartedly, naturally he will soon enter the state.

The Si family, from the ancestors of the Si family to the young people, kept quiet, and they didn't even cough. If they felt like coughing, they would walk out of the main hall lightly, clear their throats at a distance, and then come back quietly.

Xin Wushao is relatively familiar with the little girl from Xianyimen. As a medicine boy, he helps the little girl to wipe her sweat, pour her hand soap and towels, help her pour hot water for medical needles, and gently help her with a fan when she does not need help. Fanfeng, taking care of her extremely well, will never hinder her.

There is a very clever junior, who knows how to help the elders share their worries, and is not annoying to the immortal doctors. Si Mei Nuan is very satisfied. Their stinky boy is still very good. I heard that a boy from the Guan Wai Lan family is not liked by the little girl. , it can be seen that the Lan family boy is not very good.

After taking care of the other eight Sijia elders, Le Yun devoted herself to acupuncture and moxibustion for the fully paralyzed elder. She did not pay attention to other things. She dredged the meridians that could unclog the old man's back, pulled out the needle, and then turned him over and made him lie on his back facing the sky. I took acupuncture again to prick his chest big point, the first needle, no response, the second needle, the third needle... the seventh needle, still no response!
The eighth needle pierced the old man Guan Yuan, and the hand of the old man who had not responded suddenly trembled. The ninth needle pierced his dantian Qihai, and the old man's body above the heart trembled like an electric shock. His legs and knees, his body from the waist up twitched violently.

Everyone in the Si family took a deep breath, but no one said a word.

Putting two needles into his knees, Le Yun turned to the old man's head and squatted down, lifted his upper body, put the hemiplegic old man on his knees, took two needles of gold and silver, and stabbed them at an unparalleled speed. into his temples.

The two needles were pierced, and the paralyzed old man seemed to be bounced by a spring, and a heart-piercing shriek came out of his mouth: "Ah-"

"Hey—" The Si's grandfather who was on the sidelines saw that his back was cold, he gasped, and then he thought of a few elders who were still adjusting their breath. The other eight seniors seemed to be asleep without any abnormality, and all those who were hanging down fell, and they quickly adjusted their breathing.

The completely paralyzed Si family member bounced about thirty centimeters, and quickly smashed it down again, screaming "Aah", his whole body twitching like an electric current, and more than a dozen needles stuck on his body trembled. Trembling trembling.

As the creator of the figurine who caused the tragic scene of the old man, he looked calm and calm, and took a needle from the needle cover on his shoulder and stabbed it into the old man's forehead like a light description. Then press the acupuncture points on his face and the top of his head, and then put a few needles on the top of his head, and press the acupuncture points continuously.

The old man's screams gradually became lower, and his whole body was still shaking. After a while, the tremors intensified. The face and limbs were faintly agitated, and sweat poured out from his body, and the sweat was yellow sweat.

After massaging for a long time for the fully paralyzed old man, Le Yun wiped off his sweat, pulled out the needle that pierced his temple, then pulled out the needle at the center of the eyebrows, and then pulled out the needle at the acupuncture point on his head, and moved the old man's head away from him to lie down. The gold and silver needles tied to his chest were dialed, and all the medical needles were taken back and sterilized with boiling water.

The fully paralyzed Si family elder was given an acupuncture and lay flat on the mat, breathing rapidly.

After Xin Wushao shrewdly poured the boiling water, he quickly took a fan to help the little beauty cool down, and asked softly, "Little beauty, what else do I need to do?"

"That's it for now, send this most serious old man to the bed to sleep, let the rest stay still, let them adjust their breath quietly, in case they are cold, cover them with blankets, and don't let them take a bath when they wake up naturally, because they feel uncomfortable Use warm water to twist a towel to wipe, and I will give you medicine to take at night. I will come back to Beijing early tomorrow morning to give acupuncture and moxibustion to the elderly. The other few are well recuperated and can take care of themselves within half a year. The most serious one... can recover part of it, and there is basically no hope for cultivation. He can only be an ordinary person. I have tested his body muscle vitality, no accidents, 15 years Lifespan is the limit."

Le Yun was cleaning the medical needles, and answered Xin Wushao's questions by the way. She has done everything she can, and the rest depends on their own efforts and perseverance. Of course, if there is a chance, let her help with acupuncture and moxibustion sessions for four or five days. It gets better faster. If you don’t follow up with acupuncture, the recovery time will be delayed.

"Thank you for your hard work, little beauty." Si Xian is grateful. It is extremely difficult to keep a few great-grandfathers and uncles in wheelchairs. They are self-aware and don't dare to expect too much.

The hard work was a little hard work, but fortunately, the acupuncture results made me feel very satisfied. Le Yun accepted Xin Wushao's thanks unceremoniously, took out the medical needle from the scalding boiling water, and poured a few more out of a medicine bottle. Drop the medicinal juice into a container for professional disinfection, put the needle in it, seal it for disinfection, put away your medical tools and put it back in your backpack, then wash your hands, find a few bags for pills, and count out a few orange pills Give it to the head of the Si family, and let him give it to several elderly people before going to bed at night.

Everyone in the Si family was grateful. The master of the Si family wrapped the pills and put them in a clean bottle. He was about to invite the little girl to the guest seat for tea. The little girl over there picked up her backpack and walked out happily. Shouting: "Xin Shao, hurry up and take me to see the magical set of tables and chairs in your house to satisfy my curiosity."

(End of this chapter)

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