magic eye doctor

Chapter 729 Resentment (2

Chapter 729 Resentment (2
Boss Wu played at Lejia in the afternoon. At six o'clock in the evening, Yueqing's house had dinner. He ate breakfast and went home with his wife. He also packed a basket of green beans and beans.

Tan Xingxing did not stay overnight at Wang Cuifeng's residence. He drove his son to school in the middle of the afternoon, bought some clothes and shoes for his son on the way, and gave him 1000 yuan in pocket money.

Dad was willing to send him to school. Wang Shengxuan was very happy. He accepted the things his father bought and pocket money, went to the school gate, said goodbye to his father happily and ran into the school.

After sending the child to school, Tan Xiaoxing drove back to the KTV entertainment city, went to the manager's office first, and sent Wang Cuifeng's picture of himself to the manager's brother, asking him to help the human flesh search for information: "Da Er, please help me find this person's information. ."

Big Er was watching a small adult movie. When the boss came in, he paused first, and when he received the picture, his eyes lit up: "Ah ah, Boss, where is this best girl from? Don't check it, just accept it. Next, custody can attract a large number of customers.”

"This person is from North E, not here to be a princess. Someone asked me to check her. You are good at this. Help with checking. The more detailed the better."

"No problem, leave it to me, hey, only 15 years old? What does this name read?"

"Read le, happy music, you can take your time to find it, there are still a few days left, and you can find useful information and give it to me."

Tan Xiaoxing left the matter to his brother, and went to find a place to be happy. The boss left, big ears holding the phone, and continued to watch small movies, the more he watched, the more excited he became.

The freshmen's military training of Qingda University will be completed on the 15th. The freshmen who have completed the military training will inevitably follow in the footsteps of the previous one. Their skin is tanned, and it is rare that there are a few who are not tanned, because they are tanned like Africans. In the first weekend after military training, they seldom run around, either in the library or in the dormitory, or in contact with classmates.

Ren Shao Wang Er Shao Feng Shao Duan Shao [-] Shao was afraid that he would lose face in front of Xiao Lori's learning god, and he would not have time to eat, drink and have fun on weekends, so he went directly to the library to study by himself.

The four handsome young masters also met many companions in the library, such as tomboy no less, Tantai young master, and beauties from the Helian family. Probably the younger generations of the ancient Xiu family have similar ideas, and they don’t want to be better than the fairy doctors. That little loli is better, at least not too far.

The four Jun Shao who studied hard did not stop work until it was dark and went to eat in the cafeteria and then went back to the dormitory. When they returned to the Xueba Building, they smelled the usual tempting incense. Li's dormitory, where the lights are dark, Xiao Loli should not have returned.

"Xiao Yao, is your uncle back?" Feng Shao asked Wan Cheng Er Shao with a cute smile on his face. If you want to know the whereabouts of Xiao Luo Li, it is estimated that Wan Cheng Er Shao is more well-informed than them.

"I don't know. Anyway, I didn't go back to Beijing with the team yesterday. I heard that I went to Jiangnan as a guest." Being called Xiao Yao, Wang Er Shao secretly sighed resentfully. The word "little", why did the people in the dormitory also give him the word "little", so he couldn't be called the youngest?

Ren Shaofeng and Shao Duan have little understanding. Hangzhou is the real Jiangnan in name. The local boss of the Gu Xiu family is the Si family, and there is a branch of the Yu family. When Xiao Luoli comes to Hangzhou, she must be the owner of the Si family or the Yu family. Zhiyi invites the little beauty to play.

Guessing that Little Loli hasn't returned to school, and the four of them don't study where the aroma comes from. They go back to the dormitory to take turns to take a shower, and then study again until eleven o'clock, and rest on time.

Meimei slept all night, Si Jun Shao got up early, went to eat breakfast, and went to their respective departments to take classes.

That day was the first day of the freshmen’s official class. The freshmen who had been trained in military training and finally ushered in the cultural class were in high spirits and rushed to class full of energy. The dark-skinned figures were active everywhere, which made the old students change when they were born, and feel old. .

Yan Shao was also very serious about being a good student in the morning, going to overturn the tasks of the students and reporting to the class.

Chao's classmate Li Shao, Xiao Shao and others also set off to go back to school early in the morning. When they arrived on the way, classmate Chen was separated from the others. He returned to Xie Da, and Xiao Shao and others went out of the school together before they went their separate ways.

The beautiful boy had not returned to school yet, so he went out for a few days, so he naturally went to class first, swiping his face to the teachers and reporting.

Le Yun, who was huddled in her dormitory, spent three hours of sleep in addition to meditating last night, and spent the rest of her time taking care of her space crops. With her unremitting efforts that almost broke her old waist, she finally took care of her space crops.

In order not to affect others, she got up at the dawn of the morning to buy vegetables, came back early, and went downstairs to pick up the courier when the school was in class.

When she ran to the courier point and showed a lot of couriers displayed on her mobile phone, even the staff at the courier station felt a little dizzy and silently helped her find it.

There are more than a dozen couriers in total, and they can’t be moved all at once. After finding a few large items, she first sent them back to the dormitory before carrying them. She transported the couriers back to the dormitory in three times, and then sat down to disassemble them. There were several boxes of preserved eggs and dried eggs sent from home. Beans and eggplants, there are Y South fruits sent by Yang Tuhao, and air express by Tuhao Miro handsome guy.

Seeing the four big boxes sent by the handsome Miro, Le Yun felt an urge to jump. According to her prediction, 100% of the big boxes were dolls, and the other two boxes might be clothes, wine, fish sauce, grapes, etc. of.

Unpack the heaviest courier first, a box of dried fish, raisins and caviar, a box of wine, the box is full; the other box has a suitcase, which contains shoes and four handbags, two Just a small wallet-style handbag, two large handbags, clothes outside the suitcase, and several books in pure Latin, Italian translations.

Then I took apart a large box that was two meters long, and there was indeed a fluffy lump of hair. I dragged it out of the box. It was an oversized snow-white long-eared hooligan rabbit. The handsome Bimiro bought it at the mall. The long-eared rogue rabbit who came to send her was a few sizes bigger, not counting the rabbit's legs, its body was taller than hers.

"You bastard, do you think I'm a little white rabbit?!" Seeing the oversized rabbit with a three-petaled grin, Le Yun went crazy, and Milo, the bastard who loves to buy and buy, sent puppets to toss her and bully her. She can't get out of the country, can she?

Her bed has been occupied by an oversized bear, and now there are multiple oversized long-eared rabbits. That handsome guy wants the puppet to drive her to sleep on the street.

Silently murmured for a while, poured out the cards in the box, stuffed the rabbit back into the box and threw it back into the box, and then opened another courier. It was still an oversized puppet, a doll called Stitch, and the blue cartoon animals had He has a big round head, big ears, big eyes, and a mass of white on his belly.

Hold out the blue cartoon doll and bring out a small one. There is also a small one in the box, one big and two small. Three blue cartoon dolls look very cute.

"I..." Le Yun was about to jump like thunder, but when she saw the little animal with big blue ears, the blown up hair fell back halfway, and she couldn't swear if she wanted to swear. Who in the world buys this cute cartoon puppet?
With a sigh, I took out the two small ones and put them on the pile of books as decorations, put the big ones in the box and threw them back into the space, and then looked at the cards. The beautiful cards had a smiley face painted on them. The Games have made great achievements in succession, so please give me a congratulatory gift.

Finally, there is a line note: In addition, after the customs confiscated my two medicated meals, there will be no international express delivery for a long time. Last month, a customs director personally sent me an email to ask my friend when he would send me delicious food again. Something, I was speechless.

"It's a cat!" Le Yun first wanted to "fuck off", but muttered to herself, and then laughed unkindly. That customs commissioner must have been sent by the monkey to make a joke, right?
The courier she sent to handsome Milo was very smooth at first. After the new year, the first time she sent it before she went to Y Nan Province successfully arrived in Yi country, but it was detained by the immigration customs in Rome, and she sent it again after returning to Beijing. , still confiscated in Rome, and then never sent.

When I think of the detained medicated meals, my liver hurts. Those two medicated meals were carefully matched space products, but they were all confiscated. The Roman Customs' approach is simply inhumane.

It is presumed that the director of customs accidentally discovered the courier and detained it for inspection. The food couldn’t help but tasted, and then became addicted, so I remembered it, and later sent the courier from the same address to the same place and person. I intercepted someone's courier, so I ran to ask Milo when there was a courier, and of course confiscates it and kills it.

Le Yun can fully understand the resentment in Milo's heart when he found out who had stolen the courier when he received an email from a certain director. [-] points of consolation value, so I am in a good mood, and I will definitely not call that guy, let Mi Luo Tuhao, who has a girlish heart, be depressed.

Psychologically balanced, I packed up the courier, divided the preserved eggs into several portions, and then distributed them to my brother Manyue to go to her family. I kept a small portion for myself in the small kitchen, and other hiding spaces were also hidden. Some, clothes and shoes are all hidden first, fruits are divided into several parts, and space is placed first.

Pack up, hold two cartoon blue elves sitting on the yoga mat while doing exercises while scanning books, trying to recharge yourself.

Classmate Le was studying hard. It was late at night in the country of Yi. Milo was sitting on a reclining chair on the balcony of his tavern in Florence, basking in the moonlight, with red wine in his hand, and his eyes on the computers and mobile phones that were placed side by side, thinking excitedly. The child has returned to Qingda University, and the courier has also shown that he has received it. This time he specially added a note to explain whether the cute Lele child is jumping like thunder or bursting with laughter?
Milo wanted to know the reaction of the child Lele. Just thinking of the cute look of her blowing a beard and staring at the stuffed toy with her cheeks puffed up, she felt happy, and it made him feel that life is full of fun.

He was itchy, but he still steadfastly refused to make a phone call. It was fun to be unknown. He could imagine the expression of Lele's children, and his mood was beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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