magic eye doctor

Chapter 732 Throwing the Hot Potato to the Yanren (2

Chapter 732 Throwing the Hot Potato to the Yanren (2
Yan Xing showed his military speed, got dressed in just one minute, wrapped up the wet underwear and put them in his backpack, hurried out of the bathroom, and saw the little girl sitting where she was reading again, holding a book and gnawing madly, beside her There are also two cute blue puppet animals. If you ignore the smell in the air, the picture is very beautiful.

This is not the time to be stupid. He doesn't have time to enjoy the quiet appearance of little Loli when she is reading. He runs to the pile of books, unfastens the belt from the pants he has changed, and ties it up, stuffs the clothes in his backpack, and rushes to the balcony to get a mop. , and then go to the bathroom to carry buckets of water, adjust half a bucket of washing powder water, and take a rag to the living room to kneel down to scrub the floor.

Looking at the dirt she had discharged, she felt disgusted. Little Loli could read as if nothing happened, and she didn't scold him for being dirty, and she didn't blame him for dirtying her dormitory. The doctor is kind-hearted and a person with medical ethics really is The most beautiful person in the world, the angel in white is well-deserved.

The stains and impurities stick to the board and have the stickiness of glue, which is difficult to wash. However, it is the smelly impurities discharged from the body. Even if you are kneeling, you have to wash it off. Yanxing works very hard to clean up the dirt and shovel. Get up and pour it out, and scrub the floor again and again.

It took more than 40 minutes for one person to clean the floor, wash the rags and mop to dry on the balcony, and then look back to find the phone. Oh my god, it's five o'clock soon.

Yan Xing silently moved to Little Loli and asked weakly, "Little Lolita, I can cook, how much rice do I need to cook?"

"Tonight, I have my mentor, my mother, Coach Ou, and my brother Chao. Did you come back when you were young? If you come back, you will be counted as one point. If you don't come back, you will be excluded. How much rice do you need? If you cook less, you will eat air." Le Yun closed the book with a slap and put it aside, and stretched leisurely.

"Hey, I got it, I need a big pot." Yan Xing's eyes lit up, and he rushed into the small kitchen like a whirlwind to wash the pot and wash the rice. He almost thought that the little loli would blow him away, but he didn't expect that not only Boom, let him call Xiang Yang over, Little Loli is the cutest little angel.

Handsome Yan is unreliable, and Le Yun has become accustomed to it. She moved her hands and feet, took out a glass tube bottle, sprinkled some powder in every corner of the house to clear the odor in the air, put away the bottle and put it in the glass tube bottle. The seat cover, carried the medical tool to the bedroom, and then transferred it into the space. From the space, he took out something in his hand, took the mobile phone to the living room, and sat at the dining table waiting for handsome Yan to come.

Yan Xing was very fast, washed the rice, wiped the bottom of the pot, put the inner pot into the electric rice case, then moved to the living room to connect the power supply to cook the rice, after finishing the work, slipped over to the little loli and dragged a hand Sit down on the chair.

The handsome guy came, and Le Yun didn't talk nonsense. She took out a box in the bag and pushed it in front of Yanren: "I picked up another thing in Shennong Mountain, and the research results speculate that there are nine out of ten things I picked up last time. It should be the same species, you can take it to the professionals to fiddle with it."

"You..." Yan Xing originally thought that Little Loli was going to settle the bill, but she unexpectedly dropped another bomb. He was bombed and lost his temper on the spot. He jumped up in shock and stared straight at Nen De. Like a scallion-white little loli, her speech is also a little awkward: "Little loli, you... do you know what you mean?"

"I know, isn't this the part that might be missing from the last time?" Le Yun gave the uneasy handsome guy a look with an expression of "you're making a fuss": "However, this thing is soaked with water, and it's a bit odd. Parts are broken, and it's up to the luck of the researchers to find something useful."

The little loli was calm and light, saying something was as common as saying "this is a Chinese cabbage", Yan Xing's heart could hardly bear the impact, her face changed several times, she slowly sat down, took a deep breath. With a breath, he managed to calm his surging mood, and stretched out a generous hand to move the box closer.

With his hands on both sides of the cardboard box, he felt hot as if he was covering a fireball. At that time, he didn't dare to open it. He took two deep breaths before carefully opening the lid of the box. An electronic integrated board full of dense parts.

He wasn't sure that this integrated board was the same as the last one, but his heart couldn't be calm: "Little Loli, when did you pick this up?"

"It's when you went to my house to give my brother the full moon gift, and we picked it up when we went into the mountain."

"You..." Yan Xing was stunned again, and after holding it for a few seconds, he asked the second question: "Where did you pick it up? Why didn't we find anything after searching the coordinates for miles?"

"I don't know why, the place where I picked up the things is far from the area where you are looking for things. I have to climb over several mountains and cross two large valleys, which are more than a day's journey away."

Le Yun rolled her eyes, verbally described the distance, and then looked serious: "Don't ask me about the specific place, that place is a must to go to my grandfather and grandfather to plant medicinal materials, so that my wild medicine garden will not be stolen by others. I found that I will never tell you the specific route."

"Don't get angry, I don't ask for details, and I don't inquire about your medicinal herb garden. Anyway, as long as things fall into our hands, it's fine," Yan Xing compromised, paused and asked again, "How did you find out about this?"

"Actually, I didn't find it, it was given to me by a squirrel," Le Yun couldn't help rubbing her head: "It was almost evening that day, I was too tired to run and wanted to rest under a tree. Squirrel, it probably doesn't like strangers, throwing things from trees and hitting me on the forehead, that's what squirrels use to hit people."

Touching his forehead, he flipped through his phone: "I'm quite surprised. I found the thing that the squirrel smashed, and found it was wrapped in tape, so I picked it up. I'll show you the picture, and it looked like this when I picked it up. "

Look around, find the pictures you took and show them to the handsome guy. When I found something, it was too late to take pictures, so I threw it back into the space, and then I took pictures of it in all directions when I had time, and took it apart after taking pictures. Package.

"You said the squirrel hit you with it?" Yan Xing suddenly felt a deep sense of helplessness, "what's wrong with this world?" It takes manpower and material resources to find even a single hair. Little Lolita gets things time and time again without any effort. Is this luck against the sky?
Neither they nor others found anything of value in a carpet-like search. It is estimated that the thing was swallowed by some animal as food, or picked up as a toy, thus taking it away from the coordinates. Far away, it was picked up by the little squirrel as a toy, and finally threw it to smash the little loli.

So, by chance, Little Loli picked up something without any effort. I have to say that Little Loli's luck is simply unreasonable.

He dared to bet with the head on his neck that if the people all over the world were tracking its whereabouts to know that a squirrel gave the things to the little loli, maybe those guys would become angry and angry with the animals in Shennong Mountain, secretly giving the animals a second time Bloodbath.

To tell the truth, Yan Xing's heart is shocked. No one else can grab anything. Little Lolita picks up a piece for nothing. After a year, he picks up something of the same material. Loli's good luck, really, there is nothing in this world that is more hated than good luck. I really want to ask little Loli, is she reincarnated by the god of luck, so she is so lucky?
Silently slandered for a while, even if she was full of doubts, she didn't ask her why she didn't hand it over at that time. Little Loli didn't hand it over to him, presumably still considering the safety of her family. If she gave it to him, he and Xiangyang would definitely Will even allocate one person to send something back to Beijing.

Once they return to Beijing, they will definitely be discovered by people who are always watching the movements in certain areas of Shennong Mountain, and thus guess that they may have something to gain, which will also lay a safety hazard for the Le family.

On the other hand, the little loli has a big heart, and even took it to Qin Province to participate in the sports games. No matter how big their hearts are, they dare not take risks, and dare not run around with things.

"Yeah, the little squirrel didn't like me and hit me with it. I picked it up and found that it was very similar to the first time I picked it up, so I kept it. After many studies, it was confirmed that it was the same kind of broken thing as the first time I picked it up. Now it's over to you, don't blame me if you can't find useful information, after all, it was picked up, and the quality is not guaranteed." The rare treasure is hers, and the hot potato was thrown to Handsome Yan.

"You, luck is so good that it makes people jealous, I will send it where it should go, and I will give you feedback at that time." Little Loli threw the things to herself without caring at all, but Yan Xing's heart was only tender. Little Loli actually trusts him. She has any strange things that should not be checked by security and let him cover it. If she has things to hand in, she will also hand over to him. into his hands.

"And this, it's some kind of medicine you want, it doesn't seem to be needed, but I'll give it to you," Le Yun gave Yan Shuai a packet of medicine powder in the bag: "As for you, apart from the poison that penetrated into the bone marrow, other The poison has been removed, and I'll wash your body for you by the way. At present, ordinary poison can't kill you, so you can do whatever you want. I'm busy researching medicine, and I'll come here to eat again. I'll dissect you as a specimen. "

"Little Loli, don't be so fierce, you won't be able to survive after the autopsy, or keep me as your errand valet." Little Lolita won't let herself eat, Yan Xing is cowardly, how can this be?If I knew earlier that I wouldn't let the little loli detox herself, then there would be a reason to come here often to eat. Now the opportunity is gone.

Little Loli glared at herself fiercely and got up to choose dishes. He didn't dare to make her angry anymore, he packed the medicine powder and box and stuffed it in his backpack, quietly acting as a beautiful man waiting for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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