magic eye doctor

Chapter 731 I have no voyeurism (1

Chapter 731 I have no voyeurism (1
Yan Xing was in a trance after being stabbed at the acupuncture point by Little Loli, and he lost consciousness for a short time. He didn't know who he was or where he was.

After a while, the pain returned, and his head exploded with pain. If someone hit the top of the head with a hammer, the pain would be so painful that one would want to die immediately to avoid suffering.

After a while, the pain in the limbs and bones attacked the senses wave after wave, just like a saw frame pulled around the body in a tug of war, the flesh and blood vessels were broken section by section.

That kind of pain was a notch higher than the pain when Little Loli gave him acupuncture and poison extraction. If it was severe pain last time, it was severe pain.

Yan Xing has never felt the pain to reach the level it is now. This kind of pain is probably the kind of pain that makes people want to live. If not, at least it is infinitely close to the truth.

He twitched in pain, and at the same time felt that his body was hot here and frozen there. Some parts seemed to explode, some parts contracted, and some parts were like being pulled by noodles, constantly being pulled for an elasticity test.

The feeling was indescribable, and he tossed it over and over again. He gritted his teeth and controlled himself not to cry or shout, but he couldn't control the uncontrollable trembling of his body.

While handsome Yan was suffering, Le Yun stood and observed, scanning the changes in his body, and taking out the needles at the right time. One or two needles were inserted every once in a while, and more than a dozen needles were added to handsome boy Yan. He picked up the scalpel, raised it and dropped it, pierced the thumbs of Yanren's left and right hands, and threw away the scalpel lightly, holding the syringe and glass vial, sitting on the side of handsome Yan, etc. He detoxifies.

Soon, blood gushed out from the place where Yan Shao had the needle and where the fingers and toes were cut. It was normal at first, it was dark red, and soon it became dark purple. It is very thin and jelly-like, very similar to fat juice.

Le Yun took a syringe to collect the poisonous blood. The toxin was forced out of handsome Yan's body and was very turbid. It was not pure poison, but it could still extract useful poisonous components, and it was also waste when collected.

Don't think that waste-like poison can be taken lightly. In fact, the lethality is still very powerful. If you take poisoned mice, you will only be guaranteed to die. Poisoning mosquitoes and cockroaches will ensure that they will become extinct. Of course, if they are eaten by chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs, There is only one way to help them collect corpses and dig pits.

Little by little, I only collected two glass vials. There are still toxins. It is not easy to collect. Le Yun is too lazy to think too much. It is enough to collect a certain amount for research. Syringe cleaning and disinfection.

Yan Xing didn't know what he had become, but felt cold and hot for a while, sweating on his body and sticky face, as if his face was glued by oil and mud.

At first, the whole body was in severe pain, and the pain was so painful that he didn't know whether it was painful or not. He didn't feel the pain himself, but felt that the cold and heat alternated, as if he was in a polarized place, and he was suffering from another kind of torment.

The toxins exuded from his body made up as little as they could, slowly making his head and face covered, and then sticking to the floor from where his body was in contact with the floor, slowly accumulating.

After observing for a while, Le Yun happily left him alone, turned on the smoking fan in the kitchen, turned on the air conditioner to change the air, sat on the yoga mat with a book in her arms and gnawed a book, and only looked at the patient every five, six or 6 minutes.

Young Master Yan who was left to fend for himself, poisonous blood gushing out from the pinholes on the peak, black purple in some places, black purple in some places, and black in black. Several colors often appear alternately, sometimes occasionally. A drop or two of black mixed with blue-green blood came out, and his skin was dyed in colors, like the clay makeup of Africans.

The colored mud keeps getting thicker and thicker, such as helping him to make a layer of mud paste, the color on the ground is slowly dripping off, and the stench in the air is getting stronger and more cluttered.

The smell was so unpleasant that Le Yun was about to turn into a stinky person. She sighed silently and continued to read.

Young Master Yan has changed beyond recognition. Not only toxins, but also accumulated impurities poured out of the pinholes. It was a paste like oil stains, some were slightly yellowish, and some were mixed with fat, like spoiled **. The miscellaneous things made a big man into a mess of flowers, and it also gave off a stench, as if he had just been fished out of a ditch.

"Hum!" Seeing the gray sticks, Le Yun rolled her eyes and ran to find her mobile phone. She snapped at the clay figurine, took a dozen beautiful pictures, saved them, and hid the phone back in the bedroom. .

Save someone's embarrassing sample, put on gloves, put a tissue on the palm of your hand, pull out the needles one by one, put the recovered needles on the tissue, save a few needles to wipe clean, and then throw them in a sterilizing bottle to soak .

Take back the stubble of gold and silver needles and wipe them clean, put them all in sterile bottles and seal them up, put away the medical tools, move them farther away, and then use paper money to help handsome Yan to wipe the feet, and clean the stains on his feet, so as not to prevent him When walking, there were gray stains all over the floor, and then help him wipe his eyes, and help him wipe away the impurities that glued to his eyes and around the eye sockets.

"Handsome guy, it's time to pick up the corpse again, cheat the corpse and wash it yourself." Help the handsome guy to free his eyes, and you're done, and let handsome Yan do the rest by himself.

"Hey!" When Little Loli pulled the needle, Yan Xing felt a slight pain like an ant's bite, and lay down as a corpse. Little Loli didn't give any orders, and he didn't dare to move. Fraud corpse, responded excitedly, almost ate a mouthful of stinky things, panicked and closed his mouth again, daring not to make a sound.

He thought of a carp and sat up on his back. He found that his back felt like it was stuck with glue.

Seeing that he had turned into a stinky clay figurine who had rolled out of the stinky mud, Yan Xing couldn't wait to faint, God, this is so ugly, so stinky!

Such a stinky person is so ugly, it's no wonder that Little Lolita doesn't feel disgusting when she sees it.

In an instant, Yan Xing jumped up and stood up, not caring about anything, ding ding dong dong, ran to the bathroom, rushed to it a few times, plunged in, and slammed the door.

When he closed the door of the bathroom, he realized that there was a dirty handprint on the door. Looking at his hands, there was also a thick layer of glue on his palms. He was about to collapse. Where did these stinky things come from? of?

There was something like a cream on the eyelids that was about to flow down. Yanxing quickly turned on the shower head and stood under the shower head to rinse. The sticky layer was oily and sticky to the hands. It couldn't be washed off with clean water. After a few times, it seemed that there was cream on his head, so he had to pick up a layer of soap that Little Loli used for laundry, wash his hands first, then wash his hair, keep soaping, rubbing, and rubbing a lot. It took a while to get the dirty stuff out of my head.

Over and over, after washing five or six times, I finally washed myself clean from head to toe. I leaned in front of the mirror and took a look at myself. My face was as smooth as jade, the skin was very white and moist, and my lips were also soft. Extraordinarily rosy.

Feeling it again, the whole body has changed, even the pores are transparent, the bones seem to be lighter by a few taels, the change from the inside to the outside, like a new life full of vitality.

In an instant, Yan Xing was so excited that he almost screamed in the sky, washing the sutras and cutting the marrow!Little Loli helped him remove the poison and at the same time help him wash the meridians and cut the marrow once, so he felt like a new life, and his whole body was transparent.

Thinking of the kindness that Little Loli treated him, he pulled the door excitedly, pressed his hand on the doorknob, and suddenly realized that he had no clothes on. Clothes can be changed.

This time, Yan Xing was stunned, stood there for a few seconds, silently picked up the tight pants that he had thrown aside, and washed them. He used a lot of washing powder to wash them clean. Dirty handprints, washed them away, opened a crack in the door, and looked out quietly. Little Loli was sitting where she was reading, and was blocked by the writing desk, and she could only see her feet stretched out on the floor.

In addition to those, there were a few dirty footprints on the floor.

He was embarrassed to run out to get the clothes, and after a long ideological struggle with himself, he asked Little Loli for help: "Little Loli, please help me with my backpack, please?"

When handsome Yan rushed to the bathroom, Le Yun sighed sadly at the footprints he left. She worked hard to help him clean his feet, hoping that the floor would not be covered with dirt, but the guy jumped up When he stepped on the floor again, it was dirty, causing her to wipe his stinky feet in vain.

The floor is dirty, it's too late to say anything, so don't blame someone Yan, sit down and scan the book, scan and scan, hear handsome Yan calling for help, put the book aside, get up and pick up handsome Yan's backpack and send it to him , That guy was so excited that he went to take a shower without taking his clothes. Now you know the consequences.

Seeing handsome guy Yan sticking his head out from behind the door, with a handsome white face covered with clouds, his face flushed with shame, like a newly married daughter-in-law, in order not to make the handsome guy feel ashamed, Le Yun didn't laugh at him and went to the bathroom Handed the backpack to him.

Little Lolita brought the backpack, with a pink round face and a bright smile, Yan Xing was so ashamed that she wanted to dig into the sewer of the bathroom.

"What are you afraid of? I don't have the bad hobby of voyeurism, and I won't take advantage of people's danger to rush in to see your naked buttocks." Yanren closed the door like a flower thief, and Le Yun touched her nose, dissatisfied. Complaining, turning around and going back to read, not forgetting to urge: "Hurry up, get dressed and come out to clean, I've worked so hard, you still let me stay in this smell and read, can you bear it?"

"I'm going to clean up right away." The little loli babbled, and Yan Xing blushed again with embarrassment. Hearing the last sentence, full of shame, he quickly found clothes and put them on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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