magic eye doctor

Chapter 751 Another Count

Chapter 751 Another Count

Count Ciro's anger value is soaring, but it has not yet reached its peak. The speed of his shot has reached the limit, so fast that there is not even a sound of breaking through the air, and each punch is powerful.

Intimidating the enemy does not underestimate the enemy. Le Yun doesn't know much about the special abilities of the blood clan. She observes secretly, and also knows that her small body is not strong enough to withstand his punches. She turns around deftly and swoops away. , dodging the incoming punch.

Looking back, seeing the dead vampire's pale face, he smiled and curved his eyes: "Mr. Vampire, there is an old saying in our country that 'If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of you', I remind you again, if you don't save yourself, your heart will be corroded. , the previous vampire didn't listen to me and insisted on working hard with me. When his heart was also threatened, he had to rush for his life to amputate his limbs to save his life. At this time, he didn't know where to hide to recuperate."

Ciro's first punch missed, and he continued to accumulate anger. He threw his fists again, the second punched past, the girl dexterously avoided, and jumped behind a big tree. He punched the third, almost smashing. Arriving at the big tree, the huge fist brushed past the tree, and the power shook the big tree a few times.

"Damn it!" The three punches in a row didn't hit the human girl, Ciro jumped at him, and his anger finally climbed to the top, his eyes turned blood red, flashing a sinister light.

There was a faint flash of electric current in his eyes, and when he turned his eyes to the girl, a silver electric light flew out, shooting at the human girl like lightning from the sky hitting the earth.

Le Yun observed the vampire and found that his anger was getting more and more angry, and his eyes were abnormally red. He guessed that he was most likely turning on the special ability of vampires, and he was always on guard. When his eyes were cast, he knew danger, like a rabbit. Jumped away, rushed to another tree to avoid.

"Buzz-" The vampire lost his sight, and the silver electric light fell partly on the trunk and partly on the bushes, making a sizzling sound, accompanied by the smell of scorched trees and grass.

"Fortunately, I ran fast!" Le Yun, who ran to hide behind the tree, shushes with lingering fears. If that kind of electric current hits her, she won't necessarily split herself into a zombie, but it may cause paralysis and make her move slowly. Oneself will suffer.

She only sighed, sensing that the vampire was chasing after her, and ran away. That guy didn't listen to the advice, refused to amputate, and was so mad that he wanted to kill her.
Another reason was that he refused to amputate his limbs, so let him chase after him. The faster he ran, the faster the blood circulation, and the faster the medicine invaded his heart along the blood circulation.

She wanted to give the vampire a chance, but he didn't want to cherish it. She decided not to be a good person in the future. She would kill all the cultivators who had bad intentions on her, and killed those who couldn't... oh, think of another way to kill them. Then wait until there is a chance to do it in the future. Anyway, it's just a sentence: if you don't do it for yourself, the gods and the earth will be destroyed. She doesn't want to hang up, so she can kill all the guys who want to kill her, and find a way to kill those who can't!

The arc went empty twice, and Count Ciro chased him angrily. He took off his coat and shirt and threw them away while running, so that the unknown liquid on the clothes would not get on the skin and cause festering. At the same time, he also took out the Swiss knife he carried and chased the girl while chasing the girl. Cut the flesh on the face, so that the unknown liquid does not corrode the eyes.

The speed of the human girl is extremely fast, and relying on her short stature, she deftly used a tree as a shield to hide from the wall.

His bloodline ability is the arc.

The bloodline ability of vampires is all kinds of strange, and the manipulation methods are also all kinds of strange. The Count Ciro of the Bruch family has the ability to arc, but he can only use his eyes to control the arc, and then he can see and reach the arc.

Moreover, the activation method is also a bit different. His special ability needs to be activated when he is angry, so to activate the arc ability, it can only be activated after the rage value rises to a certain height. The higher the anger value, the stronger the arc strength.

Count Ciro, who was chasing after the human girl, lost more than a dozen shots in a row, his anger became more and more fierce, and he chased fiercely, and the electric arc in his eyes also increased. .

Fortunately, his special ability is an electric arc, not a fireball. Otherwise, sparks will fly and wildfires may occur.

The place she chose, Le Yun still had some idea in her mind, she used a flashlight to illuminate it, and used the trees as a shield to run away from side to side.

Ciro digs the flesh on his face and palms while running. When he cuts the flesh, he washes the wound with the blood of the heart, so that the virus covers the surface of the wound and protects his body.

After finally removing the rotting flesh on his face, he cut off the flesh on his palms and elbows. He felt the unidentified liquid on his legs and waist and ribs also scorching pain. Shiro became more and more violent, and his body muscles swelled up, like a man. It jumped up like a cannonball, frantically chasing the humans in front.

His speed increased instantly, and he shouted angrily: "Damn sick man of East Asia, stop for me!"

Humans can't see at night. They have to use a flashlight to illuminate the road. There is light, and it is easy to know where she is. The strong man is like a King Kong. Small trees and bushes swayed to the sides.

He became more and more frantic, and the arc became stronger. Every time the arc fell to a place, a purple-black imprint would be left on the tree after being struck by lightning. Two small animals also suffered a disaster and were stiffened by the arc that fell from the sky.

Le Yundong hid in Tibet to avoid the arc attack, and when she heard a vampire swearing at someone, she also scolded back unto be outdone: "You are the sick man of Europe, your whole family is sick man! Your clan is a group of half-dead monsters, you are A stinky rat who is only fit for living in the sewers, a sinner abandoned by God..."

"Sick man of East Asia, I'm going to kill you!" Being scolded by the girl with an oriental face as a sinner, Count Ciro was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and the arcs in his eyes swooshed wildly.

The arc hit the leaves, sending out bursts of scorched smoke.

The speed of the vampire is getting faster and faster, and Le Yun can't even look back, she runs on her calf, scolding as she runs: "European stinky mouse, sinner forsaken by God, if you have the ability, you can chase after me. You are strong, even I can't catch up, you are a big melon!"

"You stop, damn it, you stop..." Being scolded by a weak and ignorant human being Muggle, Ciro was furious, and he didn't care about the burning pain in his waist and thighs and the rotten smell coming from his body, he went all out to chase The girl, vowed to capture her alive, bite through her neck, drain the blood, and shred it a little bit.

The speed of the vampire can be improved again and again, and Le Yun also runs as hard as she can. Even if she is very fast, the vampire can fly, and some places fly directly and rush over. Many times the distance is very close, which is extremely dangerous. With trees as shelter, she didn't know how many times she was electrocuted.

Rao is her cleverness. Even if she didn't suffer at present, she was chased like a rat running across the street. There were several dangers, but fortunately, because of her shortness, she was able to escape.

So, one ran wildly in front with a flashlight, another one dragged a body as strong as a small hill and ran wildly in the back, one after another, chasing and running in the woods.

Because of the disturbance of humans, the woods under the night have lost their tranquility, and the small animals and perched birds are also flying in disorder. The treetops on the ground are in chaos.
When the beasts were flying in the forest, a large human-shaped bat flew from the night sky to the vicinity and rushed to the uneasy place. He quickly flew to the top of the woods where various sounds were heard.

In the woods, Le Yun, who was running around, smelled a new smell in the air, and was so angry that he wanted to scold people. He lost his whole family, and another flying vampire came!
Zombies are nasty creatures, and flying corpses are even more nasty.

Flying vampires are the worst!

Angrily jumping from behind one tree to another, Le Yun secretly pondered countermeasures. Her potion is terrifying, but the premise is that the potion must be thrown on the vampire to be effective. , For flying vampires, they are fast and it is difficult to throw medicine on them.

The potion is currently a decoction, which is only suitable for dealing with a single vampire. She can succeed by taking advantage of the unexpected attack before throwing the medicine on the vampire.

To put it bluntly, the two vampires in the front and rear are underestimated enemies, so she has the opportunity to plot against them. If she has taken precautions, she will not be so easy to hit the target with medicinal soup.

In terms of the time since the death of the first vampire, if a vampire came from Munich or nearby towns after receiving the warning sound from it, it would be almost there. The third vampire in the sky must have also heard the signal from the vampire. to help boxing.

There must be one or the other. Two flying vampires have come one after another, so the time of the other vampires' arrival will not be too long.

Le Yun gritted her teeth angrily, killed a thousand-knife vampire, and formed a team to bully her, right? When she comes up with a real magic potion, they will feel better.

The human girl was walking around in the bushes, but she couldn't catch it. Ciro was so angry that his nose was crooked. He chased after him. , just chasing and killing girls.

Following the smell, it was the earl of the Norphile tribe, Ares, who did not attend the temporary alliance gathering of the blood tribe and rushed to the Alps first.

His route into the mountain happened to be the place Le passed by yesterday and during the day, so that Count Ares took a lot of wrong paths when he followed the smell, and when he found the place where the blood clan issued the death call, it was later than Count Ciro, and then followed the smell. Along the way, it is natural to fall behind.

Flying over the woods, Count Ares circled around to do preliminary reconnaissance, and he despised Count Ciro of the Bruch family. the faces of high-ranking vampires.

He flew half an arc, pinpointed the direction the human girl was heading, and swooped down from the air, 'crashing' through the staggered branches and leaves to the trees, and deftly avoided the branches , fly down to a height of six or seven meters or three meters above the ground, so as not to be blocked by branches.

Floating into the woods, he could also see the situation clearly. A few meters away, a human girl jumped between the trees with a flashlight. Count Ciro was chasing the arc behind him. Appears extremely clumsy.

Ares smelled the strange smell on Ciro, flew high quickly, swept away from the night sky, went around a few trees and chased behind the human girl and floated in the air before Ciro, saying hello while flying: "Hi , Sir Ciro, it seems that it is difficult for you to catch that blood food alone, how about we divide this blood food equally?"

"Okay." After countless laps, he couldn't catch up with the human girl. Ciro's liver was about to explode with anger. Even if it was really bad to share the prey with other blood races... it would be a shame to him. He decided to temporarily cooperate with Ares.

"As a latecomer, if you catch blood food, I will let you eat first." Ares made a happy decision, and Ciro is so polite, so he can't be too stingy, and be generous.

Le Yun, who had sensed the arrival of an earl-level vampire early on, raised the hairs on her whole body and entered the highest alert state. She noticed that the moment he got into the woods from the air, he immediately changed his walking direction.

When he noticed that he was chasing after him, he used a tree to block his body and took time to turn around to take a flashlight to look at the newly arrived Earl-level vampire. He was floating in the air, wearing a black jacket, half-curly hair, and he looked very ugly.

Seeing that face, she had already put the vampire and the vampire clan in her mind. He should be the cursed Nopher clan of the vampire clan. There will be changes in appearance, and they will become ugly, and they will be ridiculed by the vampires for this.

"Bah, who I thought was, it turned out to be a stinky mouse from the Norphile family, a shameless fellow, you want to drink the blood of your aunt, dream it."

Guessing which vampire it was, Le Yun snorted without a word, turned around and ran away with all her strength. There were two flying corpses behind her. If she didn't run, she still waited for them to eat?

The human girl was fluent in German, her words were clear, and she understood what she meant. Ares and Ciro were furious and flew up to hunt down humans.

"Damn, when I catch you, you'll be dead!" Ciro was so angry that his hair stood upright, and he reminded him while chasing: "Your Excellency Ares, this human being is very cunning, don't underestimate her."

"It's just a little human, look at me." Ares chased in the air and saw Ciro's arc go in the air again, galloping forward, running to the left front of the human, throwing a fist, that fist hit A tree, the big tree snapped from where the fist hit.

The waist of the tree was twenty centimeters thick. When it was broken, it made a loud crackling sound and fell to the ground, causing other branches to break. It fell and blocked the road in one direction.

Le Yun, who was running wildly, couldn't hold back the cold sweat. What a powerful strength. The previous corpse was punched, but the tree didn't break. This punch passed, and the tree was directly broken. You can see how terrible the strength is, and I don't know what he has. Without supernatural abilities, if she could still control fire and water, she would have to suffer a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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