Chapter 752
The bloodline power of senior blood clans is all kinds of strange, the bloodline power of Earl Ares is not a special ability, it is pure body power, the power bursts out, knocking down a giant tree with one punch is trivial, and a full blow can knock down a reinforced concrete building.

Other families of the blood clan can laugh at the appearance of Earl Ares of the Norphile clan, but they dare not laugh at his bloodline ability, because Ares’s pure body power is the most primitive power of the vampire itself, and the heart of the earl is not afraid of swords. Destruction, but his power can break the heart of the same rank earl.

Ares knocked down a big tree effortlessly, and there was also a space left free of debris, which was convenient for flying. He swept straight away, and ran to the front to intercept the path of the human girl.

"You're just a stinky mouse, and auntie can't stop with you!" She clearly felt that the vampire ran ahead to intercept it, and Le Yun yelled angrily. The guy used his mighty strength to constantly smash trees. Smashed down, when she has nowhere to hide, they can fly in the air, and she becomes the meat on their chopping board.

Being scolded as a stinky mouse, Ares' pupils turned red, he smashed a tree with one punch, emptied an area, and then went to contain the human girl, no matter how she ran, as long as she was within a certain range, at the speed of a vampire, He still didn't believe that the circle could not surround her.

There was a Ares clearing the road to intercept the front, forcing the human girl to flee in one direction. Shiro was much easier to chase, and took time to observe himself. He found that several holes had festered on his left waist rib and left thigh. Immediately chase and gouge out the meat with a dagger.

There are two flying vampires chasing after each other. They are nocturnal animals, and Le Yun still needs a flashlight to illuminate the road. The disadvantage is obvious, and it is much harder to run, so she can only run desperately.

After running for a while, she circled in a half-circle, and she felt distressed when she heard the constant breaking of the big tree. The trees in the deep mountains are all primitive sub-forests. Breaking a tree means less green, and, That guy is destroying the forest. If the environmental monitoring satellite finds something strange, the official investigation will be carried out, and the environmental monitoring of the Alps may be strengthened in the future.

After another seven or eight minutes of running, he successfully escaped the siege of two vampires, got behind a tree to avoid an electric arc attack, and shouted while running: "Smelly mouse, I won't play with you anymore, I'm leaving .”

Deliberately saying hello to the two vampires, Le Yun flew around another big tree, ran a few more steps, and returned to space at an unparalleled speed.

In an instant, a person and a flashlight disappeared from the woods, and there were still traces of low vegetation stepping down where she disappeared.

When the human girl said she would stop playing games, Ciro thought she was going to use that weird and unknown potion, and stopped subconsciously to avoid being splashed by the drug; Ares also thought that the human girl was going to use some kind of killer weapon, such as They attacked with modern pistols and the like, and rushed towards the girl excitedly.

When one person stopped and another flew, the flashlight suddenly went out, and the two vampires looked in the direction of the girl, and suddenly realized that the breath of the human girl suddenly disappeared!

The two counts lost their minds for a moment, what happened?

After being lost for a while, Ares and Ciro rushed to the direction where the girl had stayed at the fastest speed, and rushed to the place, only to see traces of trampling on the vegetation under the tree, but the girl disappeared.

Their sense of smell is well developed. When searching nearby, there is no smell of the latest blood of human girls within a radius of two miles, nor within three miles, and farther... No, there is no girl's breath within the range that their sense of smell can search.

Ares swept up, slammed out of the branches, and floated in the sky to search, but the girl's breath could not be found in the air.

He circled in the air for a few times, and once again passed through the branches and fell to the place where the girl disappeared, Daiyu shouted: "I can't find it, how can I not find it, what a hell!"

He jumped violently, raised his fist and smashed a tree. The tree with a circumference of seventeen or eighteen centimeters was cut off by the fist, and it fell with a bang. one tree two...

Every time you punch down, a tree will fall to the ground, one after another, seven or eight trees will fall to the ground in a blink of an eye, smashing countless branches, because the tree falls outwards, and there is a small piece of sky in the middle. You can see the night sky dotted with sparse stars.

Ares smashed down one tree after another, and swept down a few low plants, but still did not find the missing human girl, even more irritable, who is that girl?

There is a kind of ninja monk in Asia R country. He can hide his whereabouts with the help of plants and escape with the help of animals. However, he is sure that when the girl disappears, there are no small animals around and the tree is destroyed. shape.

Not a ninja, how could a good person disappear out of thin air?

Ares is confused. In any case, he can't accept the fact that a human disappears under his nose but can't find a trace. This is unscientific!
Ciro used his own abilities to search the surrounding area and couldn't find the girl. He continued to scout the situation on the spot with a very bad spirit. Ares actually destroyed trees. He hurriedly flew into the air and avoided it.

Floating in the air, the air circulated, he felt that his left hand was particularly unnatural, and when he held it up in front of him, he was surprised to find that the festering flesh on the middle and index fingers had been gouged out, but it could not stop it from continuing to fester. The position of the first section of the two finger bones was unknown. When was it actually corroded, and a small hole was exposed on the phalanx.

Originally, he was skeptical about the girl's words that she would cut her flesh and amputate her limbs if she wanted to save her body. At this moment, when he saw the hole in the phalanx, he felt fear in his heart. The human girl didn't lie, her potion was really a magic potion!

Vampires have immortal bodies, and ordinary medicines are ineffective against them, including strong sulfuric acid, which can't help the racial viruses in their bodies. Only magic potions can destroy the defense power of vampires.

After a brief hesitation, Ciro didn't hesitate any longer, and he snapped a corroded finger, squeezed it hard, and snapped one of his own fingers together, abandoned it without any pity, and pulled it again The other one was held, Qigan pinched it, and also abandoned it to the ground, and then quickly covered the fracture with the blood of the heart and the virus.

Ares, who was in a state of irritability, heard the sound of "click" and looked at Count Ciro. Seeing that he broke a finger bone and lost it, he thought he was crazy, and was about to ask why, when he saw that he broke another bone, He shouted in surprise: "Siro, are you crazy, you cut off your own fingers, and what's wrong with your face?"

It wasn't until this moment that he found that Earl Ciro had several pits on his face, and it still looked like he had just cut off the meat. While speaking, he looked at Earl Ciro seriously again, and suddenly found that Ciro was not wearing a shirt, his trousers were torn, and there were The cloth was still shaking.

Ares jumped up and flew to Earl Ciro. He could see Ciro's appearance clearly from close observation. Ciro's left waist was also shaved off a lot, his left thigh was also sunken into a big hole, and there was a place for his left elbow. Almost to the bone.

"Ah, Ciro, are..." Even though he had seen many bloody scenes, Ares was stunned by Ciro's appearance. Ciro is an earl, who can cut the flesh off him layer?
After pinching off two phalanges and throwing them away, Ciro checked his left waist, left thigh, left elbow and palm to see if there was anything that was not cleaned up. Hearing Ares' exclamation, he explained gloomily: "I This is the result of the Oriental girl just now."

"That human being? Are you kidding me? You can't catch someone when she approaches you to cut the flesh?" Ares repeated, a face that seemed to be suffering from muscular dystrophy and whose facial features seemed to be crowded together appeared in disbelief expression.

"She didn't approach me. Humans use a potion, a corrosive potion that can destroy the body of the blood race. Fortunately, I cut off the potion-stained flesh so that it did not continue to corrode."

"You said that humans hurt you with potions? That's impossible, potions can't hurt the blood race, unless..." Ares bit the words fiercely, always flashing bloodthirsty eyes with horror: "Unless... Humans have magic potions in their hands, this is impossible!"

Ciro ignored Ares' horrified expression and revealed the truth cruelly: "It's a magic potion, she herself admitted that she made a magic potion, and said... this is just the most common magic potion. Because this potion is too terrible , I just wanted to kill her."

"Kill her, but she... is gone," Ares subconsciously flew a few meters high, observing the surroundings vigilantly, for fear that a human girl would suddenly appear and pour a magic potion on herself.

After a few seconds, he exclaimed again: "Magic potion, the person is gone, I remember the girl she said she was leaving, my God, human... That human can't be a space mage, right?!"

"No..." Ciro subconsciously exclaimed, and instantly flew several meters high. Space mages refer to mages who control the laws of space. They can open space passages and move from one place to another.

Ares also seemed to be tricking his feet, and then soared several meters into the sky, and then flew into the night sky higher than the treetops. When he was floating in the air, he was also worried about his own guess. If the girl is really A space mage can also use magic potions. Then, there is nothing in this world that can stop her. She can go wherever she wants, kill anyone she wants, and no one can escape the pursuit of death.

"What should we do now?"

"Will she get revenge on us?"

Unable to find the girl, the two counts were terrified. They joined forces to chase after the girl. They even treated her as a blood-eating beast and wanted to suck her blood.


Thinking that the girl might take revenge on them, the two counts were even more panicked, and again swished several meters high, far from the ground.

The two stayed in the air for a while, and unanimously decided to stay in place and wait. First, wait to see if the girl will emerge from the place, and second, wait for the arrival of other blood clans who received the death call to reinforce, and the blood clans will discuss it together. In a big way.

(End of this chapter)

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