magic eye doctor

Chapter 754 Shooting

Chapter 754 Shooting
When country D was still in the middle of the night, it was already dawn in China, and the new day was also Monday, September 9th.

The second trial of Zhao Li and others' case was held that day. Yan Shao didn't want to see the faces of the scumbags. However, no matter how he didn't want to meet the scumbags, he still went to the court.

The second instance of the Zhao family's case was heard in the Beijing Supreme People's Court. The old ladies and gentlemen of the He family who did not have to go to work rushed to the court one by one. Mr. Chao went to the research institute, and Mrs. Chao went to observe. Many people in the noble circle in Beijing also had representatives to observe. Second trial.

Liu Lao and Teng Lao still accompanied their old friends to the court. Yan Lao was very thin, but his health was not serious. He felt ashamed and still dared not sit with the He family.

There are still many observers, and it is full of waterfalls.

When the Zhao family and Jia Ling were taken to the court, except for Jia Ling, there was not much change. The six members of the Zhao family seemed to have not slept for a few days, and their faces were haggard.

Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, was carried by the bailiffs into the courtroom and immediately looked at the auditorium. He didn't see the Chao family's little Yisun secretly relieved, but the next moment he saw Yan Xing and He Ziqiong's mother staring at him eerily. , the father and son looked away in fright, not daring to look directly at the direction where the He family was sitting.

At nine o'clock, the second trial officially opened.

Because Jia Ling's brain was damaged and turned into a fool, because she did not answer questions during the trial, which caused bad reactions, the prosecutor took the initiative to announce the reason to the public, saying that Jia Ling was sent back to the cell after the first trial and banged her head against the wall in the middle of the night in order to avoid legal punishment. She self-harmed. After being sent to the doctor, she had a slight concussion in her brain. Jia Ling took the opportunity to act stupid and never spoke again. If she still pretended to be stupid and refused to answer questions in court, the court would regard it as acquiescence.

During the trial, the appellant Zhao's family could not produce any new evidence to prove that he stopped committing crimes or repented in the middle. Therefore, the second trial was actually just going through the motions and repeating the process of the first trial. In the long run, the evidence will only be more and more abundant.

The trial proceeded step by step and in an orderly manner. Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, and Zhao Zongze cried and complained for himself, but he could not produce any evidence, and was directly dismissed by the presiding judge. The father and son of the Zhao family wanted to play tricks and harass, but the presiding judge and members of the collegial panel did not hesitate. He was expelled from the court on the grounds that Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong and his son were in contempt of court and the law.

The trial was adjourned until the adjournment, and the trial continued in the afternoon.

Without Zhao Li and Zhao Yixiong's disturbance, the trial went smoothly. Zhao Zongze, Zhao Danxuan, Guo Furong, and Mrs. Zhao did not have any evidence to prove her innocence and could not deny the facts.

Before the court closed in the afternoon, the second-instance trial was over, and before the court closed, the court announced that the second-instance trial was over, and the verdict was scheduled for Wednesday.

Seeing that the Zhao family had no hope of getting out of the crime and could not stand firm, they were "helped" out of the court by two bailiffs; Jia Ling's brain was damaged like dementia, and she did not argue for herself from beginning to end.

After the second trial was over, the He family waited for the day when Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, Jia Ling, and Guo Furong were shot.

When the Huaxia Kingdom is in the evening again, the D country is still at noon.

The Oktoberfest in Munich was still lively. At noon, the youth who stayed at Duden's house in the Xuan family called back home, and also received Ah Fu's request to visit Young Master Yan and find a little beauty. The Xuan family received the news and calmly told Ah Fu said that if Young Master Yan came to ask anything, he would directly reply that the little girl went to the mountains to study medicinal plants, and the return date was uncertain, and she would contact him when she came back.

The young Xuan family waited at Du Deng's house until the young master, Hua young master and others returned when it was almost dark, and then conveyed to Yan Shao that the wind was strong in Europe and the weather was hot, and it was suggested that the Xuan master should return to China for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Xuan Shao Wangtian: "Country D has a Mediterranean climate, not too hot, not too windy, it's the golden season for travel."

Everyone: "..."

Young Master Xuan pretended to be stupid, what could they say?Of course, don't say anything, go to drink when it's time for the Oktoberfest, sleep when it's time to go to bed, and just wait for the little girl to come back.

When it was dark, the Oktoberfest in Munich ushered in the most beautiful feast at night, and the nocturnal animals in the deep mountains of the Alps were also ready to forage.

Arturo, Cassio, Philip, Ciro, Ares, and Adela had six counts hanging on the tree for a whole day. They didn't detect any trouble, and they still refused to give up, and continued to hang on the tree to keep watch.

The vampires stayed for a day, and Le Yun stayed in the space for a day. Everything else was fine, but the problem of Lhasa made her a little embarrassed. Even if she didn't do Lhasa often, she always had to go to the toilet every day to deal with the useless things in her stomach. You can hold it for a day, but holding it for too long will cause disorders of the new and old generations, which is not good for your health.

If the vampires didn't leave, she couldn't go out to solve the problem of going to the toilet. After thinking about it, she reluctantly made a bucket as a toilet. Cover the barrel with the lid.

The commode was placed on the side of the dragon's blood tree with its back facing the medicine field and the ice coffin, so as not to be seen by the little fox and little Huihui when going to the toilet. Sorry, it's embarrassing not to hide.

To solve the problem of going to the toilet, nothing else is a problem. It is also convenient to take a bath. There are basins and buckets. You don’t need to take a bath with soap.

Anything can be solved. Le Xiaoxiao is happy to stay in the space. As for the vampires, they can stay as long as they like, let's see how much patience they can have.

The vampire's patience is very good. He stayed for a day without any movement, and kept vigil at night. After one night, he still didn't find it. During the day, he still hangs on the tree as a bat. After a day passes, the world is peaceful, and he continues to keep vigil at night.

The six counts hang quietly on the trees, the mountains in the Alps are quiet, the nocturnal animals are preying on them, and the diurnal animals are immobile.

When the Alps are still sleeping, the land of more than 900 million square kilometers in China welcomes the morning light again. Countless mountains and rivers are beautiful in the morning light. Chickens and dogs are barking, cars are ringing and bells are ringing. .

In the He family, all the people who were supposed to go to work were on leave. All men wore blue shirts and black trousers, and all women wore white and black skirts.

The He family rushed to the court in several groups. The young people reserved seats in the court first, and when the old ladies and fathers came, they all sat together, occupying several rows, plus in-laws and close family members, there were more than 100 people.

The He family had a strong formation, and there were quite a number of observers. The seats were all full, and even the aisles were full of citizens who came to observe, and almost [-]% of them were observers who had attended the first-instance trial.

Before the court sentence is pronounced, it is still the normal procedure of the court trial.

The six members of the Zhao family were in a panic, walking like stepping on cotton. They were carried into the courtroom by the bailiffs.

Zhao Li was escorted to the court and saw the He family cried out in tears: "Yan Xing, spare your brother, please give him a way to live, don't sentence him to death, Yan Xing, your father and I can't live anymore, One life for one life, we gave your mother your grandmother's life, please let Zhao Zongze go, he has nothing and will not affect you in the future, please forgive him, please..."

He couldn't help crying, and Zhao Yixiong also cried and shouted: "Yan Xing, your grandfather and I died, you avenged your mother and grandmother, please let Zong Ze go, he is your brother..."

The Zhao family did not count Xiaolongbao all the time. Ancestor He was furious, angered, and scolded: "You killed thousands of Zhao family dogs, you killed my daughter and my grandson, and poisoned my Xiaolongbao for more than [-] years, and now I don't know how to repent. Xiaolongbao, who is always calculating and persecuting me, you are a wolf-hearted, ruthless, and scorpion-hearted thing. It's cheap to shoot you. You black-hearted and dirty people should be cut with a thousand cuts, and you will have to pay oil when you die. Eighteen levels of hell under the pot will never be supernatural."

Zhao Li and Zhao Yixiong made trouble as soon as they arrived at the court. The bailiffs grabbed the prisoner's hand, gave a stern warning, and took the person to where they should stand.

The bailiffs were pressed on their shoulders and pulled back with their hands. They had to stand up straight, and the Zhao family and their son did not dare to shout.

Old Ancestor He was angry and scolded, He San quickly helped his mother back to comfort him; Old Yan sat aside and lowered his head deeply. It's too late.

When Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong cried and begged Yanxing to let Zhao Zongze go, the onlookers watched silently, that father and son are unconscionable, they only have illegitimate children in their eyes, and they will not end well anyway, so they will not say anything. It's good to see the bad guys get their revenge.

The courtroom was in good order. At 08:30, the presiding judge and members of the collegial panel appeared in court. In the second trial, there were more members of the collegial panel than in the first trial. There were eight jurors, and there were nine judges together with the presiding judge.

A series of necessary preliminary work was completed, the court pronounced the verdict, all the people in the court stood up, and the presiding judge announced the second-instance verdict. After a long detailed explanation, the final verdict was: after the Supreme Court’s verification and review, the second-instance trial determined the first-instance trial procedure. Correct, the facts of the evidence are reasonable, the basis for sentencing according to the law is sufficient, and the original judgment of the first instance is upheld!
As soon as the verdict came out, Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, Guo Furong, Mrs. Guo Furong, and Mrs. Zhao fainted again on the spot. Zhao Danxuan and Zhao Zongze were unable to stand up and fell down like mud. It was only by the bailiff's support that they didn't fall to the ground. Only Jia Ling was stunned because of dementia. Instead, he was the only one who could stand.

When the presiding judge read the verdict and the court declared "the court closed", the auditorium burst into applause to celebrate that the wicked finally received the punishment they deserved, and the old ladies of the He family once again burst into tears.

The court closed, Zhao Danxuan, Zhao Zongze, and Mrs. Zhao were escorted back to the prison, while Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, Guo Furong, and Jia Ling were taken directly from the court to the execution ground for execution.

When a prisoner is sentenced to death for immediate execution, the execution is usually carried out within seven days after the final judgment is pronounced. Zhao Li and others did not execute the execution immediately due to the second instance on appeal. execute the death penalty.

When the Supreme Court reviews and sentenced a felon to be executed by shooting, it generally still sends it back to the court of first instance for execution.

Zhao Li and others were in the second instance of the Supreme Court, and the high-ranking court of the first instance still executed the execution by shooting. The escort team was an armed police force with two large trucks and an armed police vehicle to maintain order.
Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, and Guo Furong were escorted into the car. Her legs and feet were weak, and she knelt down on the car. The armed police did not relax, preventing the prisoners from escaping. The guns were pointed at the prisoners.

Jia Ling is already a fool, but she doesn't know what fear is.

When the court announced that the four felons would be executed immediately, none of the onlookers felt cruel, and none of the onlookers said that the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon. Cruel, they think it's better to send them on the road earlier, so as not to waste food.

With tears on her face, the old lady of the He family hurried out of the court with the help of her children and grandchildren, got into her car, and waited for the prisoner's car to come out. It is the car of Lao Lao and Liu Lao Teng, and there are more than a dozen cars, which are particularly spectacular.

The vehicles escorting the prisoners drove for nearly four to ten minutes before getting out of the busy road, taking another branch road, and soon arriving at the execution ground.

The execution ground is a large courtyard, the courtyard is deserted, and there is no martial law when the prisoners are not executed. Outsiders can go in and see, because there are prisoners who want to be executed that day, martial law is early, and there are armed police guards.

When the vehicle escorting the prisoners arrived, the vehicles of the Armed Police were released, and all private cars were prohibited from entering.

The escort car escorted the prisoner to the shooting point, which is a loess slope. There is barren grass in front of the slope, and there are also armed police officers. At the same time, the car of the crematorium arrived one step earlier. After the shooting, the body can be taken away and cremated.

The car that escorted the prisoner was parked more than ten meters away from Huangtupo.The convoys of the He family also parked in turn. The old and young got off the car, and the armed police received them and led the He family to the safe area to watch.

Liu Lao was from a military background and was not afraid of bloody scenes, so he accompanied Lao Yan to watch.

The He family stood outside the safety line suitable for watching the executions, lined up in long queues, all with their backs straight, with anger in their eyes. They had to watch the four god-killing executions in order to relieve their hatred.

When He's family arrived at the safe area, the armed police took the four prisoners out of the car. Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong, and Guo Furong slumped to the ground and were dragged out of the car. The armed police dragged the prisoners to the execution point. The officers of the High Court, the bailiffs and the forensic doctor waited first.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I don't want to die..." Guo Furong was so scared that she wet her pants and cried, her teeth were fighting.

Zhao Yixiong was also incontinent when he was dragged to the shooting point; even Zhao Li was shaking like a sieve, and the father and son were pale.

The four felons were taken to the execution point, and the armed police released their hands and ankles and tied them with ropes. The shooters were also doing final inspections of their guns.

At the last moment of the execution, Yan Xing handed his grandma to his uncles and aunts to help him, walked to the leader of the armed police soldiers who were maintaining order, took out his officer card and showed them to the armed police, asking to say a few words to Zhao Li. .

The captain of the armed police immediately asked for instructions from his superiors, got approval, and led Young Master Yan to see the prisoner for the last time.

(End of this chapter)

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