magic eye doctor

Chapter 755 Make them despair

Chapter 755 Make them despair

Xiao Longbao wanted to see the father and son of the Zhao family for the last time, but no one from the He family stopped him. Xiao Longbao had too many grievances in his heart.

A group of people quietly watched Xiao Longbao walk towards the place where the criminal was shot. The more they watched, the more sad the old men and women felt. Xiao Longbao's 20 years of misfortune from birth to adulthood were caused by those who killed thousands of knives. He was sure in his heart more bitter than them.

The bailiffs and court supervisors were confused when they saw the handsome Young Master Yan walking towards the prisoner. Is Young Master Yan going to say goodbye to the Zhao family?Those guys have done bad things, and he can let go of his prejudice and see them one last time before they are shot, which is really kind.

The armed police have tied the four prisoners with ropes, identified the prisoners, and waited to be executed.

The captain of the armed police who was supervising the scene saw Young Master Yan, salutes the army, and motioned for the two armed police brothers who were carrying Zhao Yixiong to come over and let Young Master Yan go over and say goodbye to his scumbag.

The two armed police soldiers cleverly ran to the captain's side, so that Young Master Yan could have a good chat with his scumbag father.

There are weeds growing on the loess slope, and the ground is also uneven. The weather is also good. The autumn sun is shining brightly. There should be a lot of ghosts hidden in the desolate place.

Yan Xing followed his calm steps, walked to the scumbag step by step, squatted down, looked at the scum who was kneeling, turned his face, looked at himself with panic, and his heart was full of sunshine, revealing a shallow touch. Brilliant smile.

Guo Furong was not far from Zhao Yixiong. When she saw Yan Xing coming, she was so frightened that her soul almost dissipated. She was sure that Yan Xing was not walking towards her, so she lay down softly. The two armed police supported her and kept her in a kneeling position.

Hearing that Yan Xing wanted to come and talk to him, Zhao Yixiong still had the last trace of expectation, thinking that he would promise to let Zhao Zongze go when he was dying, so that he could leave in peace so as to repay his father and son's blood relationship, but he did not expect that. Seeing his smile, he instantly felt like a bucket of cold water was drenched in cold air, his teeth chattering, "You"

He wanted to scold "you unfilial son", but he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"Do you have any last words to explain? I will try my best to help you do things that don't violate your conscience and principles. If grandma behaves well and can be released early, I will give her old age, and I won't let her be displaced and have nowhere to go." Yan He speaks in a volume that others can hear, but his heart is full of sneers. He has lost his grandmother, mother, and a happy family. How could he allow the scumbags of the Zhao family to be released from prison alive one day? ?
Grandma scum may not be the first mastermind, but she is also an accomplice who participated in the whole process. Even if grandma scum has a little pity, even if she can't stop it, if she discloses some news to his mother or his grandmother, maybe there will be another ending, but old guy From beginning to end, he helped her husband, son, and mistress to conceal the truth, and also helped send poison to harm others.

The scumbag grandma has not been sentenced to death, and he can't protect her. She is old, and the probability of dying of old age in prison is as high as 90.00%. ,
As for Zhao Zongze, the execution of the death sentence is suspended for two years. First let him suffer enough to be near death, and then let him die. Even if the death penalty can be changed to life imprisonment, it doesn't matter, he will endure in prison anyway.

Yan Xing hides a little devil in his heart, but on the surface he speaks to the scumbag with sincerity and grief. His reputation is something outside his body, and he disdains it. However, he still needs to do the superficial work he should do.

"Young Master Yan is really kind." The court supervisors sighed with emotion. Zhao Yixiong poisoned Yan Xing's mother and grandmother. At this time, he also asked his biological father if he had any last words.

Zhao Yixiong was frightened when he saw the sneer on Yan Xing's mouth, but he still refused to give up the last chance and begged: "You... let Zong Ze go..."

"When a person is about to die, his words are also good. I know you love Zhao Zongze. Besides this, what else do you have to say..." Yan Xing moved his head down, blocking the view of others, pretending to listen to the scumbag's last words He looked like he was leaning against the scumbag's ear and said softly: "Zhao Yixiong, you want to beg me to let him go, but I'll tell you clearly that it's impossible! You and the illegitimate son of Xiao Sansheng, the little slut, can't run away either, you, you, Just sit down and wait for them to reunite with you!"

When Zhao Yixiong heard the previous sentence, he thought that Yan Xing was soft-hearted, and his heart filled with surprise. The next moment he heard that Yan Xing wanted to send Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan to reunite with them underground, he screamed in horror, and he could no longer sit and kneel. He collapsed to the ground, sweating like rain.

The fear of death was still in his heart, and he was hit by a huge panic. His teeth were stiff, and he couldn't even make a sound.

"You remember your illegitimate son with all your heart and you want me to bail him out. Your last words demand that I can't do it. Let's... the father-son relationship will end here." Throwing down a bomb frightened the scumbag, Yan Xing pretended to be Disappointed, he let out a long sigh, said something in a volume that everyone could hear, stood up, and walked slowly towards Grandpa Scum.

The armed police were far away from the people supervised by the court. When Zhao Yixiong screamed, they did not doubt that Young Master Yan would do anything out of the ordinary. They heard Zhao Yixiong begging Yan Xing to let Zhao Zongze go. What was said that made Young Master Yan extremely disappointed to refuse, Zhao Yixiong couldn't accept it, and because he was about to be shot, he felt fearful and couldn't sit still.

The He family stood quietly and waited, and no one called out to Xiaolongbao.

The armed police were not in a hurry. Anyway, the execution only took a few minutes. When they saw Young Master Yan walking towards Zhao Li, the armed police who were holding up Zhao Li also avoided, and the other two armed police flew to Zhao Yixiong and supported him. , check the rope for looseness.

Zhao Yixiong was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't get up even if he tried to crawl. He was held up by the armed police. He couldn't even lift his fingers. His eyes were full of despair and his face was ashen.

When Yan walked towards Zhao Yixiong, Zhao Li stared there, and when he saw Zhao Yixiong paralyzed, he guessed that the conversation had failed, and when he saw the young man who was more beautiful than a woman approaching, he was terrified. He looked at the young man and watched him walk to his side and squat down.

He tried to open his mouth a few times before making a trembling voice: "What did you say to your father?"

"A secret, about Zhao Zongze's secret, he can't accept the fact, so that's why." Yan Xing squatted next to the scumbag grandpa, seeing the scum's fearful appearance, he felt that even the smell of urine was not so unpleasant.

"What...secret?" Zhao Li couldn't hold back his panic, what could make Zhao Yixiong scare like that?
"I don't think you will believe this bad news, so I won't say it. Do you have any last words? If you have something to say, it will be too late." Yan Xing lowered his head and leaned closer to Grandpa Scum. , so that others think he is listening to the scumbag grandpa whispering.

Zhao Li didn't dare to anger Yan Xing, and begged in a low voice: "Xiao Longbao, please... let Zong Ze go, you promised me, we surrendered, and you will leave a trace for the Zhao family."

"I did it, Zhao Zongze is not dead, isn't it just a root?"

"I'm talking about the offspring, Xiao Longbao, it's okay if you don't forgive Zhao Zongze. I beg you to find a woman for her to have a child, even if it is a female prisoner to give him a child, anyway, leave a bloodline for the Zhao family, you guys. The gold jadeite found is the cost of raising the child, okay? Xiaolongbao, please."

Yan Xing raised his eyebrows in astonishment. Grandpa scum is really good. He can even think of letting him arrange a female prisoner and Zhao Zongze to have children. This brain is really much more useful than Zhao Yixiong. Now, he can still think about using all available conditions to plan for his grandson. He is indeed Zhao Zongze's grandfather.

"It's easy to find female prisoners, and it's not too difficult to make prisoners a temporary couple for a day or two. The question is, is Zhao Zongze able to reproduce?" After he wanted Zhao Zongze to stay, he hehe.

"What did you say?" Zhao Li's body was instantly cold, and his heart was trembling out of his throat in horror.

"You don't believe it, do you?" Yan Xing's voice was soft, with indescribable pleasure in his tone: "Let me tell you the truth, Zhao Zongze has long since lost fertility, and Zhao Danxuan can't give birth to a child, Zhao Yixiong, Zhao Zongze It's doomed."

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible..." Zhao Liru was struck by lightning, his thin body stooped down, and his whole body trembled like an electric shock. Because of despair, his face was defeated bit by bit, as white as rice paper.

"Why is it impossible?" Yan Xing smiled lowly and explained in a good mood: "You gave me medicines that destroyed the system of descendants since I was a child. Thanks to you, I have no fertility. In order to repay your gift, I smoked mine. Looking for an opportunity to inject blood into the blood vessels of your precious grandson and granddaughter quietly. The sperm warehouse was poisoned, and the sperm was all dead. In court that day, the little righteous grandson of the Chao family said that the Zhao family might cut off their children because she saw that Zhao Zongze was infertile."

"Impossible, you... When did you use your poisonous hands..." Zhao Li felt cold all over his body, more desperate than falling into an ice cellar in winter, his face convulsed in pain, his hands and feet trembled, and his upper and lower teeth were also fight.

"Ask me when I made the move, I can tell you, it was not long after you caused Wang Qianjin to miscarry. I didn't break my promise, Zhao Zongze is still alive, I left a root for your Zhao family, and Zhao Danxuan is also a half root. , I am very kind to you. I have finished what I have to say, you should go on the road early, the whole family will go on the road at the same time, and you will have company on the Huangquan road, so you are not lonely." He would not say that it was the hands and feet that were done in front of him at the detention center. Well, he won't betray little Loli, anyway, Grandpa Slag has no chance to check, he can say whatever he wants.

The scum grandfather and scum father are ruthless and ruthless, let his grandmother lose her beloved daughter and granddaughter, and mutilate him for more than [-] years. What they cared about most, he would not let them wish, and wanted them to taste despair before they died.

Grandpa scum loves his illegitimate son Zhao Zongze the most. Knowing that Zhao Zongze is infertile, and Zhao Danxuan is infertile, even if he dies, he will die unwillingly. It's hard to close your eyes, isn't it fun?

Having told them the "good news" that he wanted to tell Grandpa Scum, Yan Xing didn't want to smell the smell of urine, so he restrained his smile, stood up, turned around and strode away, never looking back.

When he heard the young man say, "The whole family is going on the road at the same time," Zhao Li's back was cold, and the fear and despair in his heart surged into his heart like a tidal wave. Not coming out.

Young Master Yan said goodbye to his relatives, and the armed police did not hesitate, and went to set up Zhao Li again and asked him to kneel.

Yan walked out of the execution site, and did not go to the He's house, but stood in the armed police team and watched the executioners closely.

The armed police team that supervised the execution of the shooting went to check it out in person to confirm that the execution could be executed, and issued the order: "Prepare-"

The armed police holding the prisoner quickly ran back to the team, the shooter loaded the bullet and pointed at the prisoner's head.

When the commander shouted "Prepare", the words like ice irritated the eardrums. Zhao Li, sitting paralyzed, and Zhao Yixiong felt something cold pointing at the back of his head. He turned back subconsciously and saw the armed police were close at hand. His pupils suddenly opened, and he shouted in horror: "No-no, I was wrong, forgive me..."

Guo Furong also turned her head to look, seeing the person with a gun pointed at her head, rolled her eyes, and fainted again.

The prisoners were terrified, but the commander did not relent. He ordered the execution, shouting: "Execute the execution, shoot!"

The order was given, and the shooters who held the gun to the prisoner's head fired without hesitation.

Four slight muffled sounds sounded at the same time, and four iron particles drilled out of the gun barrel and drilled into the prisoner's head.
Guo Furong was hit when he fell, and the first one fell to the ground. Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Li fell after being hit. Jia Ling was the only prisoner whose bullet hit the back of the head.

The criminal fell to the ground, the bullet holes bleeding profusely.

The four people who had lost their conscience finally got the punishment they deserved, and their sinful life came to an end.

The four of them fell to the ground, and Yan Ming cried bitterly: "Miss Qiong, Asia, those who killed you have to pay, they have to pay... You can rest your eyes under Jiuquan..."

Liu Lao sighed silently, held Lao Yan, and dragged him to the car.

The young and old of the He family saw that Jia Ling and the Zhao family were shot down to the ground, and they couldn't help crying. Still remember the ancestors.

Ancestor He rolled out two lines of tears in his eyes, holding on firmly: "The one who killed a thousand knives was shot, my Aqiong Axia will be avenged, I'm fine, you guys...have to be fine too, let's go, Go to the car and wait for Xiao Long Bao, my Xiao Long Bao is too... bitter."

"Well, mother, let's go to the car to wait for Xiaolongbao." He San and his daughter-in-law supported the old mother, turned around, and walked towards the car with their children and grandchildren. There were tears in everyone's eyes, but it was the gratifying tears of revenge.

The armed police who maintained the order of the execution ground stood in their own positions and watched quietly as the He family, old and young, supported each other towards the parking team.

Yan Xing watched the scumbags fall to the ground from a close distance, seeing the unwillingness and despair in the eyes of the scumbags just before their death, his heart felt better than drinking ice water in the big June, the scumbags were unwilling to die, It's so good, I wish them the eighteen levels of hell and never be born again.

The scum was shot. He was happy, but he couldn't be overjoyed. He pursed his lips and silently took out a prepared black gauze from the small pocket around his waist and fastened it on his left arm. Dad, is to pay homage to my mother and grandmother who have passed away for many years.

The prisoner fell to the ground, and after a minute or two, the armed police came forward to check. , not their job.

Court supervisors and bailiffs came forward, the forensic doctor conducted an autopsy, checked the pupils of the prisoners, and confirmed whether there was any death.

The forensic doctor confirmed the death of the prisoner. The court supervisors and the crematorium workers signed a contract and handed over the body to the crematorium for processing. After the handover, the armed police and the court personnel and the bailiffs closed the team and did not leave. They waited for the crematorium staff to collect the body. withdraw.

After wrapping up the black veil, after the autopsy was over, Yan Xing put on gloves, went to Grandpa Slag to help with grooming, and then went to help Father Slag to groom himself. Seeing that both father and son were dead, he felt relieved and still remained calm, pretending to look on his face. Sadly, he turned to leave.

The staff of the crematorium, the armed police bailiffs and the court staff couldn't help being moved when they saw Young Master Yan's arms wrapped in black veils. They couldn't help being moved. They understood Young Master Yan's feelings. The grandfather and father went to court for justice and filial piety, and to maintain the justice and majesty of the law;
In the same way, no matter how vicious the Zhao family's father and son are, they are still his blood relatives. Zhao Yixiong died. He avenged his mother's revenge and lost his father.

They can only sigh that good fortune makes people, and even the most tragic misfortunes in the world have been spread by Young Master Yan, and the most difficult choices have also made him meet. Young Master Yan has done justice to kill relatives for justice, but he is also flesh and blood. It is painful to see the death of a loved one with your own eyes.

After the execution of his grandfather and father, Young Master Yan was not afraid of bloodshed. He personally helped the deceased grandfather and father to clean up his appearance and say goodbye. It was really not easy, and he achieved both loyalty and filial piety.

Young Master Yan, who was burdened with the sympathy of others, walked back to the He family motorcade and got into the car of the grandmother. My darling little Longbao, don't be sad anymore, my grandma hugs me."

"Grandma Tai, I'm not sad for the scum. The scum has more to die for. I mourn my mother and grandma." Yan Xing reached out and hugged the grandmother and wiped the tears of the ancestors.

"I know, I know, you've done a good job." Ancestor He burst into laughter. Her darling Xiaolongbao is smart. She knows how to avoid disadvantages and seek advantages.

The old man He San and the old lady He San were also pleased, because it was inconvenient to say too much, and quietly waited for the armed police to close the team.

The staff of the crematorium was a professional corpse collection team, and the corpses were quickly loaded into the corpse truck. The armed police bailiffs closed the team. When the team was withdrawn from the execution ground, the armed police outside also closed the team.

After leaving the execution ground, the He family's vehicle went home, and Liu Lao also accompanied Lao Yan back to Yan's house.

(End of this chapter)

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