magic eye doctor

Chapter 758 Negotiations (1

Chapter 758 Negotiations (1
Little heartless!
Being rudely thrown from the Futian Cave by the human little girl, the little fox secretly mourned, he was so kind to the little girl, helped her work as a cow and a horse, helped her teach the little monkey, and don't be rude and cute To make her happy, she actually doesn't pity Xiangxiyu at all... No, she doesn't pity Xiangxihu at all, just throw him out like this, aren't you afraid of losing him?
Fortunately, the little girl still had a bit of conscience, so she didn't throw him into the sky, about half a foot from the ground, and landed lightly. Seeing the broken trees around, she couldn't help but scold the creator of the figurines. Now, it is immoral and shameful to destroy the forests that animals depend on!

The sky outside was not yet bright, but it was not far from dawn. The little fox jumped lightly with a small porcelain bottle in his arms, jumped to cover himself among the leaves of a large branch that had been smashed, and then burst out of the grass. Jump, reach a place, pull out the cap of the medicine bottle and pour some powder, then run to another direction to pour the powder, then change the ground, change several places in a row, then jump back to the fallen tree and wait.

The scent of the scattered medicine diffused and enveloped the area of ​​three or four li of Fangyuan. Soon, birds and mice were stunned one by one, and a few bats lurking in the trees were not spared. fall on.

The little fox ran away, got into the bushes to pick up bats in the distance, ran around in the woods for a while, quickly picked up eight black bats, threw them in a pile, and calmly called: "Little girl, it's done, you can come out. La."

Sending the little fox out of the space, Le Yun paid close attention to him secretly, ready to answer him at any time, and when he called her, she walked out of the space with the little gray gray sleeping on top of her head.

It was still dark, and the woods were still gray.

Turning on the flashlight, Le Yun looked around and pouted the corners of her mouth in distress. The vampire with the big fist was so abhorrent, it destroyed so many trees, what a pity!
A little fox grabbed his trousers and swayed, looked over, and threw a few bats at the same time. He was very happy, grabbed the little fox and slapped it on his face and said, "Little fox, you are too smart, you know. What am I worried about, it's great, I'll make you banana pancakes when I get home."

Being bitten twice by the little human girl, the little fox hugged her head shyly, and the little human girl kissed her whenever she disagreed, so shy!

The little fox was shy, Le Yun sat him on her shoulders, took out a cardboard box and packed a few bats, sprinkled a handful of medicinal powder to make them fall asleep, and threw them back into space. Vampires and bats have a common language, Bats in all likelihood are flying vampires who stay to monitor the vicinity, and must let them rest for a while.

After dealing with the bats, I took out the handsaw, and excitedly ran to the fallen tree to play the tree. It was a pity that so many trees rot in the woods. The space can be used and the branches can be used as firewood.

The little human girl has a tendency to be the king of garbage, and the little fox is also super speechless, squatting on her shoulders and watching her sweating profusely after she is busy, exhaling silently, she really can't count on the little girl To be a tall goddess, she is still suitable to be a down-to-earth little cutie.

Le Yun didn't have time to guess what the little fox was thinking. She sawed the tree into sections and moved them back to the space one by one. If she didn't saw the sections or cut off the branches, it would get stuck where she couldn't move it. Back space, so it has to be tidy up to move out.

At the dawn of the day, the little fox who could not see the sun was sent back to the space. Because Xiao Huihui had not returned to nature for too long, he was very happy to play, let him play for a while.

There were several downed trees, all of them were removed, and the stumps were covered with weed leaves. Then, I went to find the tree that was smashed by the vampire last night. A total of more than a dozen large trees were collected, and the wood and branches were also lined up. heap.

After collecting a large amount of wood, Le Xiaoxue’s heart was bright, and he chopped tall and straight wood in the dense woods, usually the thickness of a bowl or the thickness of bamboo. It is used for planting racks, too thick can not be used, too thin can not bear the weight.

Cut back a batch of wood, go to a place with water, dig a hole in the woods, pour the poo in the commode into it and bury it as fertilizer, brush the commode, wash and change a few sets of clothes to hang in the space, clean up , find the right direction and walk out of the mountain.

Because considering that she has been in the mountains for a long time, Master Xuan and Master Hua may worry about her safety. They do not stay on the road, they just run away, and only pick precious or scarce herbs when they encounter them.

Classmate Le is a scud, and she is focused on the road, and her speed is not slow. Moreover, the road she chose is a short cut. By dusk, she has reached the inhabited place on the edge of the mountain, and then she will use her speed to run wildly for a while, and then rush to the highway when it gets dark. , stopped a car going to Munich to catch the Oktoberfest evening, and hitchhiked back to the city.

The people of country D are warm and friendly, and the state where Munich is located is the most friendly and warm place in country D. Classmate Le is a girl, so taking a car is not a problem at all. The owner of the car is an elderly woman, knowing that the little girl runs alone in the mountains to see animals. I am very surprised and proud. I am proud of my country's good environmental protection and good protection of animals to attract foreign children to travel.

The owner of the car is very talkative, and classmate Le is a good learner. She understands crops and livestock. She has a good way of chatting, so she was not very familiar with German related to farming and rural life. The chat with the car owner made up for her shortcomings, and she also knew the car owner's name, a very popular name - Anna.

The children from foreign countries are very eager to learn, and the car owner is happy to teach her some habitual languages ​​of her own country. One is willing to teach and the other is willing to learn. Not to mention too much speculation, so that when the car arrives in the center of Munich, the car owner still feels unfulfilled.

Le Yun was not going to go to the Oktoberfest, got off the bus at an intersection in the city center, said goodbye to the owner, Ms. Anna, and took a taxi to Duden Yanni's house.

Xuan Shaozhu Hua Shaozhu leaves early and returns late every day, and returns to the B&B in the evening. He is determined not to go out at night. Only two young people who love to be night owls will go to the Oktoberfest for reconnaissance. return.

There was a young man in the Xuan family who was in charge of reconnaissance. They sat on the corridor on the second floor to enjoy the scenery. When they saw a taxi coming to the intersection outside Duden's house, they paid special attention. When they saw people getting off the car, they were immediately surprised. Notify the young master that the little girl is back.

Xuan Shaohua heard that a little guy who had been missing for a few days had returned. He ran out of the living room on the second floor and looked out. Ha, it's really that little loli from Xianyimen. Bag, it's the same as when you go out.

The two young men happily jumped from the second floor to the ground and waited for the little loli, and when the little guy ran back with a ding ding dong dong, Xuan Shao resisted the hand that wanted to touch her head, and asked with a smile: "Little beauty, smiling so happily, Did you find something good?"

"I haven't found any good things, but there is a chance to make a fortune again," Le Yun laughed until her mouth almost grinned, "I was chased by vampires while playing in the mountains, and was assassinated by vampires on a certain family's territory. It can't be like that, so we must talk to some blood clans about compensation. Young Master Xuan, your chance to show your ingenuity has come again."

"Hey, they still dare to plot against you?" Hua Shao was very surprised. The little beauty made the Ganger family lose an earl. Have the other blood clans learned to behave?

Xuan Shao hurriedly asked, "Little beauty, are you injured?"

"They want to suck my blood. I'm fine, but the vampires are unlucky. Let's go upstairs." Le Yun was in a happy mood and jumped upstairs happily.

The little beauty was not hurt, so Xuan Shaohua was relieved and accompanied the little guy to the second floor. First, let the little girl go back to the room to wash and wash. They first cleaned up the living room and placed fruits and snacks.

Le Yun took her backpack back to her bedroom, took a shower and washed her hair. She was refreshed and cleaned up and went to the living room to sit down, eat baked biscuits, and talk about being chased by vampires in the forest: "I was found by the first vampire on Sunday. He followed me until the night to make a sneak attack, and was killed by my counter-attack with a special drug. He sent a distress signal to his fellow clan, and two hours later, the blood clan rushed to the rescue site.

The first person to save was the flying earl. I also succeeded in sneak attack. I rewarded him with a special medicine for restraining zombies, and took him to run around the mountain. Later, an earl-level vampire came, two to one, I couldn't beat him. , had to use special means to hide.

The two vampires couldn't find me and stayed where I was hiding. Later, there were four other vampires who heard the news and rushed to the rescue area. They stayed close to my hiding spot. I couldn't get out, so I had to spend time with them. A few days later, just last night, the earl of the traditional Chinese medicine died because of the attack of the medicine. The other vampires were probably frightened and finally ran away. I climbed out of the hiding place and rushed back all the way. "

The young people of Xuan Jiahua's family were stunned, but no one asked the little girl exactly how to hide, and even the vampires couldn't find her. She hides herself in the way of divine possession, she does not move by herself, and no one else can find her.

Hua Shao poked his thigh, um, it hurts, not listening to the scriptures or hallucinations, he stood tall and asked very humbly: "Little beauty, what kind of strange medicine have you got that can give an earl-level vampire to me? kill?"

The Xuan family's youths also had expressions on their faces asking for explanation. High-level vampires are immortal, poisons are ineffective against them, and things like strong sulfuric acid and strong nitric acid can't corrode them. The little girl used a magical medicine to kill the vampires?
"A kind of potion specially designed to deal with zombies and such strange things as flying heads. It also adds the most hated spice of vampires. Vampires can survive without traditional Chinese medicine. It's a way." Le Yun raised the corners of her mouth sternly: "There is a vampire nemesis potion, it is easy and stress-free to deal with them. After returning to China, when I have time, I will make some potions for Xuan Jiahua's family to collect, and use them to deal with seniors. Zombies and flying heads."

"Little beauty, you are so caring. You are the roundworm in my stomach. You know what kind of medicine I want to ask for. Thinking about how to buy some medicine for vampires from the little beauty, the little beauty gave the Xuan family and the Hua family a chance without waiting for him to ask for medicine. She is really a kind little angel.

Hua Shao also patted his palm happily: "I hate flying head landings in Southeast Asia. Now don't worry about it. What medicinal materials are needed by Little Beauty Pharmacy, there are a list that we can help collect and let us find them."

The elders of the Hua family's Xuan family shed tears of sympathy for the vampire family, and provoked the little girl from the fairy doctor's door.

Xuan Shaohua was very interested, and discussed with Xiao Luoli when to get compensation and when to return to China. After a long discussion, they booked a flight ticket, and then called Count Casio of the Ganger family and told the other party that they would withdraw according to the contract tomorrow. Something, please prepare the Gunger family.

When Count Casio received the call, he and Arturo and other blood counts who were guests at home had just finished dinner. He heard that it was a call from the Eastern monk family, so he hurried to answer it in person. The cute little girl is very curious about the manors and castles in Europe. Tomorrow, she will go to the Ganger family to gain knowledge. A few drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

After making an appointment with the Eastern monks to meet tomorrow and ending the call, Casio wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurriedly went to the meeting room to meet Count Arturo and others.

The blood clans are scattered in various continents, and they will not be able to arrive in a while. At present, only Count Bastian of the Setet clan in Europe and Count Philip of the Toredo clan have rushed to the city of Munich.

After arriving in Munich, Count Bastian did not live in the Gunger family's manor, and made an appointment to play at the Oktoberfest with Count Ryan of the Refuno family and John Buramine of the Amica family.

In the afternoon, Count Philip went to Munich to be a guest at Gunger's house and had dinner with Count Arturo and others. He drank red wine and listened to ancient music in the luxurious private living room of the Gunger family.

The master went to answer the phone and came back in a hurry. It didn't look like a good thing. Count Arturo asked, "Lord Casio, what's the bad news?"

"Yes," Casio smiled bitterly: "The friar from the East came to the Oktoberfest this time to discuss some contract issues with the Ganger family. The cultivator of the East will come to the Ganger family's manor tomorrow, and speculate from the other party's tone that the girl from the East... Let's play together tomorrow."

"Has the Oriental girl returned to Munich?" Arturo and Ares panicked. The girl came to the Ganger family when she returned to Munich. Will she bring a large amount of magic potion to retaliate?

"Yes." Casio nodded. When the Eastern cultivator called him, he heard the girl's voice, indicating that the girl had returned, and naturally he would also tell the Eastern cultivator's family about the blood clan chasing her. The last agreement stated that the Eastern cultivator You can freely enter and exit the Ganger family's territory. This time the girl was hunted down by the vampires in the Ganger family's activity area. The Eastern cultivator also has reason to use the topic to play the role of the Ganger family's breach of contract to find trouble with the vampires.

(End of this chapter)

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