magic eye doctor

Chapter 759 Negotiations (2

Chapter 759 Negotiations (2
The call from the cultivator of the East made the chief of the Gange family uneasy, and it also made several earls in the Ganger manor uneasy. The blood clan alliance meeting has not been held in time, and the girl from the East has taken the first step. What should I do?
A few earls were anxious, no longer able to calm down, nor in the mood to drink red wine. They gathered a group to discuss how to deal with it. After deliberating for a while, they unanimously decided to invite Bastian of the Setite clan, Ryan and Amai of the Levano clan. The three earls of John of the Ka tribe came to discuss important matters.

After sending communications to the three earls, Arturo and the others waited anxiously.

Bastian, Ryan, and John were drinking at the beer dinner. They received a request from Casio and Count Arturo to invite them to an emergency meeting immediately and rush to the Gange manor to discuss matters. , No matter how big of a prejudice you have about certain clans, you must temporarily put aside your personal opinions at this time, and unite to think about the future of the blood clan.

The three earls, two old and one young, turned into bats and flew from Munich to Ganger Manor in about five to 10 minutes. They landed on the lawn in the central courtyard of the castle built by the Ganger people on the top of the hill. The old butler of the Ganger people led the people After waiting for a long time, he greeted the three earls and led the way to send the guests to the parlor.

On their way to the living room, Casio also personally came out to welcome the earl of the three blood clans and accompany the guests to the private living room to discuss.

Arturo and others were in the living room. When the master Casio led the counts of the three clans over, the gentlemen stood up one by one and said hello to Bastian. Bastian is currently one of the two oldest counts in the blood clan. Older than Count Arturo, almost eight hundred years old.

Count Bastian was a scholar, a true scholar, with curly blond hair, fair skin, dark blue eyes, and always looked like an amiable old gentleman.

The most senior earl among the vampires is rare... well-behaved, Bastian nodded graciously: "Sit down, children, Aidela, tell me why you and the Zmish clan are going to provoke the oriental monks, To provoke Oriental girls."

The named Count Aedela felt bad for a while. Why didn't Count Bastian ask the Gange people, but instead grabbed him and questioned him?

"Your Excellency Bastian, I don't quite understand what you mean." He didn't want to be the one to blame, and politely and politely expressed that he didn't want to answer.

Count Bastian sat in the seat of the master of the living room under the personal guidance of Count Cassio, and looked at Count Aedela of the Lesemba clan very calmly, and even spoke in a calm tone:

"As far as I know, it was you and old Aubrey who reached an agreement to secretly attack the Oriental girl. You did not come forward. Instead, you encouraged Earl of the Ganger family to go to Huaxia to test the Oriental girl and the Oriental cultivator family. Count Da was caught by mistake in the Huaxia Kingdom, which caused a series of things to happen. If you don't provoke the Oriental girls, then the Oriental girls will definitely not make magic potions for the blood clan. Therefore, tracing the cause and effect of the incident, the Lesenba clan and The Zmish people are primarily responsible for the arrival of the oriental maiden in Europe and the death of Count Siro of the Bruch family."

Bastian pointed out where Guan Jian was, and the counts of the other tribes did not say anything, and they were quiet enough to pretend that they did not exist. They also wanted to blame the two blood clans who caused the trouble. Because of the lack of evidence, they had no choice but to ask the cause and effect relationship. .

Earl Lyon and Earl John sit next to Earl Bastian. They are all neutrals and do not participate in any alliance of the blood clan. They will only participate in the temporary alliance of the entire clan when it is related to the rise and fall of the entire blood clan. big meeting.

Count Aubrey, the head of the Zmish clan, was still in Africa and was unable to return in time. There was no representative of the Zmish people present, so he escaped the unfavorable scene of being the target of public criticism. .

Aidela was very angry and aggrieved, and complained unwillingly: "Your Excellency Bastian, I have no agreement with old Aubrey, and this has nothing to do with my clan, it is a distant relative of the Zmish clan. They asked the Tsmi people for help, saying that an oriental girl killed several old people in their family, and hoped to get the help of the main clan to kill the oriental girl in revenge. Old Aubrey was not in the family, and it was little Aubrey who asked me to help investigate the oriental girl. I had something to do at the time and didn't have time to help with the investigation. It happened that Count Ada came to me, and when we were chatting, he talked about the matter of the Zmish tribe. Count Ada heard that the blood of the oriental girl was very pure, so he was very interested and went to China to travel. I didn't incite Count Edda to deal with the oriental girl. I didn't know that Count Edda would go to the oriental monk's house to catch the oriental girl. Your Excellency Bastian, I never thought that Count Edda would be so... impulsive, I'm innocent ."

Aidela felt very wronged. Earl Ada is a vampire who has lived for hundreds of years. How can he be so stupid? He is so stupid that he went to the Eastern monk family to catch a girl. Isn't that delivery to your door? He's too stupid to have anything to do with him.

Count Aedela was pushing the responsibilities, Casio's face turned black with anger, and he scolded Aida and his son to the ground. Those two idiots were used as gunmen, but he couldn't find Count Aedela openly and honestly. Trouble, pissed off.

"It wasn't you who encouraged Count Edda to find the Oriental girl, and it was you who revealed the news. You still have to take part of the responsibility." Count Bastian is not easy to lie, he doesn't pursue the details, and just puts on a hat: "Let's talk about it. This time, it was also the vampires of your Le Senba family who provoked the oriental girl, summoned the blood clan to reinforce the same clan, and even the unfortunate death of Count Ciro.

Today, regardless of how the Tzmish and Lesenba tribes take responsibility, make preparations first. When the Eastern monk family comes to the manor tomorrow, the blood family will negotiate with the Eastern girl, and strive to calm the girl's anger and prevent her from taking revenge on the blood family. "

"Just do as you say." Arturo and Philip Counts unanimously agreed. Count Bastian is a scholar and a wise man, and he knows how to minimize losses.

Although Aidela was uncomfortable, she could only obey the majority. Without excusing herself, she discussed with the counts to predict what the Eastern monks would do tomorrow, and what they should do to gain the greatest advantage for themselves.

In the evening, Bastian, Lean, and Earl Yochao also stayed in the Gange manor, so that the oriental monks could be adaptable when they came tomorrow.

When the blood clans held a meeting, Le and Xuan Shaohua drank tea leisurely, slept happily, slept comfortably, got up early in the morning to have breakfast, and then took a taxi to the Gange clan. manor.

The young people went to find something to eat early in the morning. Duden Yanni hadn't woken up yet. The owner and his wife slept until more than seven o'clock, and then happily went to the Oktoberfest to meet people from all over the world.

The Ganger family sent little vampires to scout outside the manor early, waiting for the Eastern monks. Before 08:30, the little vampires reported that the Eastern monks were coming, and Earl Cassio, Earl Bastian and others immediately took action , Get ready to talk to the oriental cultivator.

Count Bastian and others were not ready to show up for the first time. Count Cassio entertained the oriental monks first, and waited for the handover of the compensation from the Ganger family to the oriental monks, and then talked about other things.

Xuanjiahua's family did not dispatch all of them. Xuan Shaohua's family took six people each, including 15 of the little girl, and took five taxis. The taxi drivers were also very responsible, sending the guests to the castle on the hill. Then go down the mountain along the Panshan Highway and wait at the foot of the mountain.

Of course, the hill on which the Ganger family built the castle is not too high, so it is more convenient to communicate.

The steward of the Ganger family brought the young clansmen to greet the oriental monks in the square outside the castle gate. He did not dare to be slighted, let alone slander others. He respectfully invited the oriental guests into the castle.

The castle was restored and built according to the old style. It has a minaret with a beautiful style. The interior of the castle is also European style. There are round arches and round arch windows everywhere, which makes people feel that time travels back to the Middle Ages in Europe. .

Young Master Xuan Shaohua is very calm, um, they had a lot of knowledge in their teens, they have traveled in Europe and America, and they have seen ancient buildings and people of different skin colors all over the world, so they are not curious about everything they see.

The two young men were dressed in suits and leather shoes. They were graceful and unrestrained. The young guards were also imposing. Classmate Le was still wearing a casual shirt, carrying a bag that she never left, and a bright smile on her round face.

The more beautiful the Oriental girl's smile, the more... terrified the Ganger family was. For fear that she would not be happy to throw the medicine, she almost trembled and led a group of guests to see the earl.

The vampire's castle is very beautiful, and the reception staff is very well-organized and can't fault it. Le Yun secretly scouts while walking, analyzes the smell in the air, and silently counts how many high-level vampires there are. The vampires should have a party at a certain host's house, there are many meetings. The kind of earl that flew, one, two, three... Silently counted, um, the one who chased her that day was also there, and the other four high-level vampires who ran to the forest that night and stayed there for a few days also.

Ouch, vampires like that, what do they want?
Was it going to attack her in groups to silence her, or was it just a coincidence?

Le Yun secretly calculated how much she had to lose in order to keep her invincible position, and how many potions she needed to lose to keep the vampires down.

Just when she was secretly making a budget, the butler of the Ganger family invited the guests to a living room. Casio led four young people to wait for the guests in the hall. When he saw Xuan Shaohua, he politely welcomed the guests to the manor.

The vampires are very friendly, Hua Shaoxuan shook hands with the host with a smile, and deliberately did not introduce the little girl, but followed the host to arrange seats for the guests.

The Oriental cultivator did not introduce the girl to himself. He was obviously digging a hole for himself and trying to frame himself. The Casio gentleman asked, "Mr. Xuan, Mr. Hua, which family in the East is this beautiful girl?"

"This is one of our friends. She is still a child. She is a little timid and shy. She doesn't like to be too public or talkative. She likes European architecture. She came to the manor to broaden her horizons. Please don't mind Count Casio, Mr. Earl, please—" Xuan Shao smiled and asked the host to sit with him, but he didn't introduce the little beauty.

Casio wants to vomit blood, is the girl cowardly?Cowardly, she still dares to kill vampires in the Alps?Dongfang cultivator opened his eyes and said nonsense like the truth, what could he do?

Silently, Casio swallowed a mouthful of old blood, and the gentleman sat down with the guests. In order to make the guests feel at home, the Ganger family deliberately made the reception room similar to the reception room of the Oriental Huaxia Kingdom, with a coffee table between the two tables. way to arrange.

Xuan Shaohua asked the little girl to sit in the middle, and they guarded her in the middle.

Young waiters serve tea with tea.

The Gang's family is courteous, and the young people are not polite and drink tea calmly. They dare to drink it because there are little girls, and they are not afraid of the vampire families secretly teasing or tricking in the house. If the little girl is not accompanied, they must ask Be careful, beware of vampires conspiracy.

Count Cassio entertained the oriental guests, and Count Bastian turned on the sound detector in another living room and listened to the sounds of various places in the castle.

They listened very carefully, no one spoke, and all of them were quiet.

Young people in the East who drink tea drink black tea elegantly. European black tea and Asian black tea are different due to the geographical environment and other reasons, and the taste is also different.

After drinking a few cups of black tea, Xuan Shao said straight to the point: "His Excellency Count Casio, we are here for the compensation in the agreement, please His Excellency Count to hand over to us, we have to catch a plane to return to China after getting the compensation, this time is tight, Come back to the Earl's house again to visit and be a guest."

Something is wrong!
The oriental monks never mentioned that the girl was hunted by vampires in the deep Alps, and did not take the opportunity to make things difficult. Casio not only did not feel relieved, but instantly became highly nervous. The oriental monks did not take the opportunity to extort, but there was only one possibility: they were brewing a bigger deal. Conspiracy, maybe hold a monk meeting after returning to the country, and then attack the blood clan in a big way, then you will be able to obtain greater benefits.

Guessing that the East-West cultivator might have thoughts, Casio dared to relax, pretending to be calm and enthusiastic to retain: "Mr. Xuan, Mr. Hua has come from afar, as the host, I haven't held a reception yet, please stay at Ganger's house for a few days. , let me do the best of my master's friendship."

"I won't bother Count Casio this time. The Count should also know that the Mid-Autumn Festival in our country is coming soon. We have been delayed for several days in Munich. We must go back to China for the festival first, and then come to Europe to visit our blood friends. Please make compensation for the Count. I'll bring it to you for acceptance, I don't think Mr. Earl will be prepared to temporarily regret it, right?"

The handsome young man said that he would come back to Europe to visit his blood friends after the festival. Casio's heart was a little cold, and the Eastern monk meant that he would report to the blood tribe to settle accounts after the festival and let them be prepared.

Hearing that the other party suspected that he would go back, he immediately explained: "Ah, there is nothing, I will immediately ask the child to bring the things."

Without the Count summoning people to bring things, the butler took people to collect the compensation for the Eastern monk, and soon brought people back. The young vampires were holding the paper packaging for beer.

The youth of the family brought the compensation items, lined them up in the living room, and opened the box.

The Count of Casio asked the guests to inspect the goods. Shaohua Xuan didn't care about the compensation, and asked the little beauty to check it. Le happily walked to the pile of compensation items to check his harvest.

The compensation from the Ganger family is two hundred catties of gold, five catties of diamonds, ten pieces of sapphire, and ten pieces of emeralds.

The gold is cast into gold bars, a [-]kg piece is packed in stainless steel leather boxes, [-]kg in a small box, and then packed in a beer cardboard box; diamonds are packed in several boxes, including white diamonds and blue diamonds; Sapphire is corundum and emerald is emerald.

The diamonds and sapphires are uncut, irregular in shape and of acceptable quality.

At a glance, Le Yun knew all kinds of compensation data by heart, so she took out the gold bar boxes in a hurry, held them one by one, and tested them once. A single inspection, weighed.

After checking the two boxes of gold bars, they picked out one row on the floor and pointed them to the owner and Xuan Shaohua: "There is something wrong with the two gold bars, this one is not heavy enough, at least [-] grams less; The purity of a good gold bar is [-]%. The purity of this gold bar is only about [-]%. The two gold roots are unqualified. Therefore, it proves that the Ganger family is dishonest. Please request the Ganger family according to the agreement of ten times compensation. Add ten gold bars and one hundred catties."

"Are you cheating?" Xuan Shao looked sharp at his master: "Count Cassio, I hope your explanation can convince us, otherwise, our family will see the Gange family as despising us and will never die."

The youth of Xuan Jiahua's family instantly became imposing, staring murderously at the vampires of the Gange family, posing a fighting stance.

Casio's face changed color for a second, and he quickly explained: "Mr. Xuan, Mr. Hua, noble lady, this must be a misunderstanding, the Ganger family abides by the agreement, and did not think about fooling the gentlemen, please give me a few minutes, I will go. Do testing and investigation, and then give you a satisfactory explanation."

It was pointed out that there was a problem with the gold bars, and the youth of the Ganger family also changed color. How could it be fake?

"Ah?" When Count Casio was shocked by the gold bars, Arturo and others who were collecting intelligence in the other living room were also shocked. The Oriental girl was able to visually determine the purity and weight of the gold bars?
Bastian stood up: "Lian, come with me to see, the others will wait here first."

Regarding the reaction of Count Bastian, Arturo, Philip, Ares, Adela, Philip and Count John have no problem. Count Lyon has the ability to predict, and Count Bastian has a super strong ability to metal. Affinity, he can identify the purity of gold bars, and if he goes, it can prove whether the Oriental girl is lying.

Earl Ryan looked up at the sky, why did he arrest him again?He is a neutral faction, he has long avoided matters related to Oriental girls, and he does not want to be the main person in charge.

Count Bastian didn't care about Count Ryan's unwillingness to show his face, and grabbed the young Count, thinking that he was walking too slowly, and hurriedly flew out of the living room by flying to find Count Cassio.

(End of this chapter)

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