magic eye doctor

Chapter 760 Give Away

Chapter 760 Give Away (1 More)

The Eastern monks were angry, and the vampires of the Gange family all looked at the Earl. Seeing the Earl's reaction, they knew that they must not fight with the Eastern monks.

Because Count Casio's expression didn't seem to be pretending, Shao Xuan said generously: "Count Casio, we are not unreasonable guys, give your Excellency an hour to investigate."

The Eastern monk didn't panic on the spot, Count Cassio was secretly relieved, and hurriedly asked the housekeeper what was going on, the housekeeper was about to cry: "Your Excellency Count, the gold at home was stored in the cabinets of the warehouse by weight a long time ago, this time it is directly If there is an error, it must have been a problem at the time of casting or before the collection, and it is not our own fake."

"Go and pick up another box." Casio's first thought was, "Fortunately, it wasn't a fake made in his hands." The second thought was "They don't necessarily believe it." He believed that the Gange did not temporarily fake it, but Dongfang The monks may not believe it.

The butler hurriedly took the two young people to the underground warehouse to extract gold. He had just walked from the living room to the corridor when he saw Count Bastian and Count Ryan hurried over, and hurriedly ran back to the door of the living room to report: "Count Your Excellency, Lord Bastian and Lord Ryan are here."

Casio turned on his auditory system, and it wasn't surprising to hear Count Bastian saying he wanted to come over and have a look. He pretended to be very happy: "Ah, please quickly invite the two counts," he said, and asked the Eastern monk again. Explanation: "The Oktoberfest is a grand event in Europe, and there are many people from the blood clan to join in the fun. The two blood clans who came are very warm and friendly people at the Gange Manor."

"This is the manor of His Excellency the Earl, we can do as we please." Xuan Shao didn't look back at the Earl of Cassio with a meaningful smile, and smiled meaningfully.

Hua Shao is willing to be a green leaf, and the place where he does not need to express his opinions is determined to be a foil, and it is all resolved by Master Xuan.

The Oriental cultivator looked like he had already seen through it, sitting and watching his performance. Casio was ashamed, and he continued to pretend to be stupid if the other party didn't pierce him.

The butler reported that the earl had guests coming, and stood at the door, waiting for the two earl gentlemen to arrive, acting as a doorman, leading the two earls into the living room first.

Bastian hurried into the living room, looking around as he walked: "Casio, I heard that some friends from the East are visiting you, so I'll join in the fun, where are the friends from the East? Ah, what a handsome gentleman, Bi Ryan is also handsome, this is the most handsome gentleman among the young Orientals I have ever met, ah, there is also a beautiful and lovely lady, lovely Miss Oriental, hello, I am Bastian von Edward-Ha Busburg, Jury, welcome the lovely little angel to my house when she has time to travel to Switzerland."

When he looked around, he saw the young people in the east, his eyes stayed on the faces of the two most handsome young people for two seconds, then he focused on the girl squatting on the ground, and went straight to the girl, expressing his friendship with enthusiasm.

Ryan's three views were refreshed by Count Bastian. He learned today that Count Bastian has mastered the essence of Huaxia Kingdom's "talking to people, talking to ghosts". This on-the-spot reaction, He was convinced of his ability to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

Casio almost slipped, when did Count Bastian... really be so amiable and warm and friendly?
The corners of Xuan Shaohua's eyes twitched imperceptibly. Is that old vampire... Was Erha reincarnated, so Erde is so distinctive?

? , question mark question mark, a long series of enlarged and bold question marks flashed in Le Yun's mind, who will tell her when vampires became so unethical and graceful?

When the two vampires came in, she turned her head to look at her leisurely, and what she saw was an amiable old vampire, a young, handsome and charming young vampire. When she saw the old vampire pretending to be surprised, she was full of nonsense. shocked.

She knew that some people in China were very good at pretending, but she didn't expect that a vampire who called himself elegant and noble would also become so down-to-earth in order to achieve his goals.

A few black lines floated from the sweat on her forehead, and Le Yun wiped her forehead silently: "Two flying counts, you don't really want to drink my blood, why did you come here? Four of the counts, as well as the owner of the manor, Count Cassio, went to hunt me down in the Alps a few days ago. , and the helpers of the four counts of the blood clan, it is a good opportunity to capture me as blood food, when will you act? The nine counts of the blood clan will round up me together, and the success rate of catching me alive is still very high."

Oriental girls have one meaning: those who should have come have not come, and those who should not have come have come instead.Her hidden meaning, Count Lyon understood, Count Bastian also understood, and Count Cassio also understood. Several of Count Arturo, who were sitting a few rooms apart, swooned in shock. Floating into the air with a face full of disbelief, the Oriental girl knew that they were next door? !
Casio felt a sense of panic again. The Oriental girl knew that he had been in the mountains, and who was going to the mountains that night?He and Count Arturo arrived, and the girl had disappeared from the woods. How did she know who was behind?

The Oriental girl pointed out what the blood clan counts had done straight to the point, and encouraged them all to arrest her alone, indicating that she had a conspiracy, and she must have deliberately stimulated them to act, and then gave the Oriental cultivators an excuse to attack the blood clan in a big way.

None of Arturo and Ares wanted to see the cultivator of the East, and they didn't even have the slightest intention to meet, and no one moved, as if they didn't hear what the girl said.

The Oriental girl did not follow the rules of the card, and the words she said were not in the same channel as her own topic. Basti installed a foolish stun and quickly explained to the blood clan counts: "Misunderstanding, lovely lady, the blood clan counts are because of the reception. I went to the forest only when I thought that my family was in danger, and I didn’t specifically go after the young lady. If they knew that my oriental friends were traveling in the Alpine forest, they would not disturb the young lady.”

"Really?" When someone came out to be a peacemaker, Le Yun glanced at the manor owner lightly, and asked a question in a light description, and then she didn't go further.

"Yes, yes." Bastian nodded hurriedly, and went to the Oriental girl with precautions to show his kindness and friendliness.

Lean, who was a little behind, looked at Bastian, secretly distressed, and said that anything related to the girl was trouble, and Count Bastian wanted to arrest him, and the girl might remember this time. , placing him in the ranks of unfriendly vampires.

Feeling bitter in my heart, I still slapped my face as a fat man, and greeted the young Dongfang very happily: "Hi, friends, we are meeting again, the little girl you are talking about must be this lovely and beautiful lady, I hope to have a chance to invite the lovely lady for a drink. ."

"It's a coincidence, we met again." Hua Shaoxuan also greeted the young vampire earl with a smile. The vampire earl of the Lefno clan is really... Knowing how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and also know how to avoid important things. Knowing who they are, Knowing who the little beauty is, she can still sit quietly with them at the Oktoberfest to drink and chat.

"Yes, what a coincidence, how about going for a drink later?" Count Ryan walked indifferently to the young people in the east, walked to the opposite side of the youth, stood not far from Count Cassio, and admired the items on the ground.

"Today, we will come to Count Casio's house to pick up some items. After checking, we will bring the items to catch the plane. We are short of time, so we can't go to the Oktoberfest to celebrate. Next time we have the opportunity to drink together."

"Ah, I'm really shocked. I hope we have the opportunity to drink and travel happily next time." Ryan shrugged regretfully, looking at the gold bars on the ground: "What happened to those gold bars? Are they not pure enough?"

The fact that some counts were chasing after her in the deep mountains was exposed by the Oriental girl. Bastian felt a little powerless. The Oriental monk said it without hesitation, indicating that she was not afraid of the blood family at all, even if there were a group of earl-level vampires now In the manor, she is not afraid.

She is not afraid, which shows that she has enough medicine in her hand.

Oriental girls are not afraid of vampires, but they are afraid of her. Just as they did not know how to open the topic, Count Ryan cleverly mentioned gold bars, and he immediately answered: "Is gold bars impure? A little research and a little experience in identifying precious metals.”

Casio immediately welcomed the identification.

Earl Bastian quickly moved not far from the Oriental girl, held two gold bars up to the light, squinted his eyes, weighed them with two fingers, and said, "There is something wrong with these two gold bars. A piece of gold needs about 22 grams less to be enough for 5 kilograms, and the purity of a gold bar is only 90.00% 90.00, and to be more accurate, it should be about [-]% [-].”

The old vampire showed his hand, and Le Yun also roughly guessed what his supernatural ability was. His special ability must be related to metal. She grinned maliciously, moved the backpack behind Mo to the front, and took out a small A bottle and a bottle of mineral water, first pour some water on the surface of the unqualified gold bar, and then pour a small amount of the medicinal powder in the small bottle and sprinkle it on the water.

When she sprinkled the powder, she quickly took two steps to the side, and the powder fell on the water stains on the metal surface, such as cold water being poured on a red-hot pot, and a piece of white smoke came out, and there was also the smoke of the metal being burned. taste.

The oriental girl was flipping through her backpack. Count Bastian was a little nervous. He wanted to stay away but was embarrassed. He bravely watched "curiously". When the girl's fallen powder reacted with water, the smell of smoke was choking. , He choked "Ah-tweet-ah-tweet" and sneezed several times, had to jump up and move aside, and choked tears in his eyes.

Count Lyon: "..." Sometimes it is not a good thing to be too gentlemanly. Count Bastian suffers for his gentleness.

When the little girl was taking out her backpack, Master Xuan Shaohua guessed that she was going to do something scary, and quietly took a step back, staying a little further away from her, so as not to suffer the disaster of the fish pond. They are very aware of current affairs, so they did not Choking, watching the old blood-sucking choked with wet eyes, silently holding back a smile, the little beauty's scenes are not easy to watch, and if you don't understand the rules, you have to pay the price.

The gold bars were still smoking, and the smoke was flickering with golden powder, forming golden smoke, and soon the sound of "buzz" faded away, and the smoke powder fluttered and fell.

When the smoke powder that obscured people's sight settled, I saw a pit exposed on the surface of the gold bar. It was probably the impact force when the pit was formed. There were several cracks around, and two cracks extended to the edges of both sides of the gold bar.

The young people of Xuan Jiahua's family were stunned, the little beauty was too cruel!What kind of chemical weapon did she make up? It's terrible!
The vampires were so shocked that their hearts were cold. Gold would corrode if it was corroded. With that powerful medicinal power, what could it not corrode?
Horror appeared in Casio's eyes. The potion can corrode gold and stone, not to mention human bones. No wonder Count Ciro was turned into a pool of blood by the potion in silence.

When the dust settled, Le Xiaoxiao walked happily and touched the cracked gold bar. The gold bar cracked from the crack with a "cha" sound, and shattered into pieces like five horses.

"Oh, the medicine that was prepared at random has no refining purity, the grade is too low, let me see, the corrosion depth is not enough, and the width is not enough, add a few more herbs to refine the purity, um, it is presumed that there are two grades of improvement. space."

After analyzing the data on the spot, Le Yun picked up a small broken gold nugget, flicked her finger, and smashed the gold nugget into countless particles.

He smashed a gold nugget, stood up with a smile, and showed his neat jade teeth at the old vampire: "Old sir, how much purity can you identify now? How many grams are missing?"

Count Bastian finally managed to calm down from the shock. Seeing the girl from the East named him for the appraisal, he had an epiphany in his heart. The girl thought that he was questioning her vision for helping the appraisal. She was unhappy, she was unhappy, and naturally couldn't bear it Live want to play medicine.

The old earl was very bitter, and the Oriental girl was too... difficult to deal with. She was unhappy and did not make others happy. She was just... very careful.

He had shown his expertise in identification before, and now he has no reason to shirk it. Count Bastian approached dejectedly, crouched down, and picked up the gold bars that were broken into several pieces. The more he tried, the darker his face became. He picked up and studied all that could be accepted for a while, and stood up with a gloomy expression: "Miss lovely, your potion is too terrible. This time it's at least [-] grams less."

"It's nothing to be afraid of. This powder is actually the most common fossil powder. Of course, it's perfectly fine to use it to melt human bones." With a smile on Zhang Yang's face, Le Yun generously explained the purpose of the powder, and then took a short step. Legs walked to the diamond box, revealing the secret carelessly:
"Old gentleman, I still have several interesting potions in my hand, one that can turn people into water, one that can make people stiff, and one that freezes people, and one that the vampires should have heard of. Slow potion, when I visit the blood family in Europe next month, I plan to test the effect of slow potion. If you are interested, you can watch it, or you can experience it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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