Chapter 767
Yan Xing quietly looked at Little Loli's complexion, and she felt a "squeaky" in her heart. Little Loli's micro-expression was very bad. The two lying down this time were afraid of bad luck.

Lan San really wanted to ask how little Loli was doing, but was afraid of interrupting her consultation, so she held a backpack like a hopeful stone and waited eagerly for Little Loli's reaction.

Everyone waited for a while before they heard a clear and sullen voice: "Bring medical tools, syringes, gloves, glass tube-shaped sample bottles for blood drawing, two measuring cups, and hot water, alcohol, iodine, etc. Alcohol, whoever smokes goes outside to smoke and collect a pinch of ashes."

After scanning the patient twice, after analyzing the fluoroscopic images of the human body and the various colors of the human body from head to toe, Le Yun's frowning brows did not relax, she gave a casual command, stretched out her feet and hooked a bench that had been removed to sit down. , close your eyes and continue analyzing your collected images.

Hearing the little girl's opening, several people looked at her in unison, and found that the little loli had brought the bench and sat down, as if she didn't want to say anything. No one dared to ask what was going on. Professor Kang immediately asked the special care to help. The most commonly used items such as syringes, glass vials, gloves, etc. that the little girl uses, and then call the assistant to get the iodine measuring cup and other items.

Because few people at the scene did not smoke, Lan San stuffed the backpack he was holding into the captain, ran out of the ward in a hurry, went to the nurse station to ask for two blank papers, and ran to another floor to find a man who was smoking and asked for it. To light a cigarette, blow it quickly and collect the soot.

Special care Professor Yikang's instructions to pick up medical supplies and return quickly, only bringing back the most commonly used syringes, gauze, gloves, glass tube sample bottles for blood drawing, disinfectant, medical cotton, tape, and a disposable cup. boiling water.

When the most commonly used medical tools were sent, Le Yun temporarily stopped thinking, without turning her head, she hooked her fingers in the direction of handsome Yan, signaling him to come closer.

A certain little girl hooking her fingers is... alluring?random? , Professor Kang struggled for a while, but couldn't think of an adjective. He looked at Comrade Yan Xing with a little bewilderment. He thought that Young Master Yan's face would be very dark, but he was disappointed. Young Master Yan didn't even have eyebrows. Move, hold the backpack and move to the little girl at a speed of 12 minutes, and pass the backpack forward.

Yan Xing didn't feel anything wrong with Little Loli's hooking and summoning. When Little Loli was in a bad mood, she dared to punch him directly. Hooking her fingers was already a good temper, so he was very calm. Quickly sent the backpack over, he knew it well, Little Lolita told him that it was impossible for him to help him, and it was only because he needed her belongings.

Yanren was very aware of the current affairs, did not pretend to be stupid, and Le Yun didn't give him the right look. She turned around and opened the big backpack, from which she proposed to carry the small backpack containing her belongings, put on gloves, opened the backpack and took out two pills and crushed them into powder. Comes in several glass vials.

Lan San took the ash and half of the smoke that was still emitting sparks into the ward. Seeing the little girl rolling the powder, she stood beside the little girl silently.

"Don't snuff out the cigarette butts, it's useful to keep them." Le Yun saw Brother Bing bring the cigarette ashes, and after packing the powder, took the white paper and poured the ashes into a glass vial, and then smashed half of the medicine and rolled it out. Mix the powder together, add a little water and mix it into a paste.

Lan San waited silently with a cigarette butt.

Little Loli put soot and medicine, sucked boiled water with a syringe and added it to several glass vials containing medicine powder, diluted the medicine powder, and inserted the syringe into the patient's vein to draw blood in the room full of medicine fragrance. Immediately cover the wound with medicinal mud mixed with soot, and then drop the drawn blood into two glass bottles. After disinfection, puncture the patient's leg to draw blood, and then apply the ointment.

A blood sample is drawn from one patient and another, again from the arms and legs.

When the little girl took blood from the leg of the second patient and applied the medicine, a measuring cup and iodine were also delivered.

Professor Kang tried hard to steal the teacher to see how the little girl tested for poison. The little girl had a calm face. She first smelled the diluted blood in a glass bottle with medicine, then poured medicine powder from a bottle, analyzed and observed it, and added Iodine, and observation analysis.

Finally, the little girl poured the collected blood and potion into a beaker, added alcohol, mixed the red liquid in the beaker thoroughly, and then placed it on the ground. She calmly took the cigarette butt in the hand of a handsome guy and blew it. To spark the cigarette butt, place the cigarette butt on the surface of the liquid in the beaker.

Professor Kang's eyes widened for fear of missing the details; Yan Xing was a little nervous in secret, for fear that the beaker would explode, he shoved his backpack into Lan San, and emptied his arms, ready to pick him up if things went wrong. Little loli stay away from danger.

The cigarette butt that was still burning in Little Loli's hand was close to the liquid. Because of the alcohol, the liquid surface was ignited, and a "chi" flame appeared. The firework was blue and red, and it was faintly green and purple.

When the flames rose, there was still a pungent smell, a sulfurous odor, a strong blood odor, and a very strong stench. There was no way to distinguish the smell, and it just rushed to the nose of the person.

"Ah chirp,... Ah Qi-" Several people onlookers did not expect such a move.

Several bystanders covered their noses and wiped their eyes. Even if the smell was strong, no one was willing to leave the ward.

As the creator of the figurines, Le Yun herself was choked too hard, with sour tears rolling in her eyes, covering her nose with one hand, and throwing the cigarette butt into the ashtray above the small cabinet beside the hospital bed with the other to extinguish it.

The colored flame burns for about 1 minute and weakens, and soon there is only a little bit of burning left. It looks like a liquid spontaneously igniting. The color is the color of natural gas. After a while, the last flame goes out, and the liquid in the cup is poured It also undergoes a qualitative change, resembling the "rainbow wine" in the bartending, the color is divided into several layers, light blue, emerald green, red, milky white, gray, ink, the color is distinct, but very cloudy.

"My God!" Professor Kang saw the color in the beaker, but he didn't care about the smell. He ran to the place where the beaker was placed and squatted down. He was not afraid of dying to observe closely. He wanted to pick up the beaker, because it was too hot to touch it. It's like it's stuck to it and can't be torn off again.

Lan San and Yan Xing were also taken aback. They really didn't expect such a miraculous change in a cup of mixed liquid in the hands of Little Loli.

"Professor Kang, you're so close, you've inhaled too much poisonous gas and lay down, don't blame me for not reminding you." A professor approached excitedly to study the colored liquid, Le Yun reminded slowly, picked up the Place the holder of the glass test tube specimen bottle on the ground, and take the syringe to extract the colored liquid.

"It's all right, I'm sure I won't die with you here." Professor Kang squinted, and there was a great doctor in front of him. Not to mention taking a few breaths of poison gas, but drinking two mouthfuls of poison, I believe she will also save him. Yes, don't be afraid at all,

"I've never been too lazy to save a guy who was looking for his own way."

"If I lay down in honor of my corpse, I would also die for the cause of medicine. If I don't judge a martyr, I would also die in the public service. If I don't leave a name for the past, I will be praised orally for three or two years."

"Professor, if you want to lie down, please go and finish the surgery you should have done first. Don't lie down if you want to be lazy at this time. Then the people here will arrest me again, and I won't do it."

"Hahaha, this is a good idea. The two here need your help. I won't be lazy this time. Next time, I can try to find a reason to lie down when I don't want to go to work."

The little girl was in the mood to make a joke, explaining that the two lying dead bodies should still be saved. Professor Kang laughed very happily. He was secretly rubbing and preparing to ask the assistant to find another doctor to help the top shift perform the operation. He was watching the little girl's operation by himself, and the phone rang out of time. Come, it was the one who urged preparations for the operation. It was so sad at the time. He hadn't found the top person yet, could he not be in such a hurry?
"Professor Kang, it's time for you to go to work. I have to go back to school to get medicine. I'll go back and forth, at least in the afternoon before I can start work. Please send someone to prepare several sets of glass test tube specimen bottles, two sets including measuring cups. For the specimen tank with larger container including the beaker, notify the blood bank to prepare about 15000 ml of blood for these two people, and at the same time, prepare spare false bones according to the previous osteosynthesis operation, and the operating room should be wider."

The little girl said that the operation would not be performed until the afternoon, and Professor Kang was immediately happy. Now he can wait for the onlookers to learn the scriptures with peace of mind after the operation. Hearing the instructions of the little genius doctor, he was ashamed to ask: "Little girl, do you need so much blood? "

"The blood of these two people has been completely wasted. I want to drain their blood and wash them with blood at least twice, so the blood must be prepared enough, more or less."

Little Lolita said that the blood of the person should be drained, and the backs of several people present were stretched. Brothers of the same blood type come to donate blood."

"Damn, you have a good sense."

"Hey, little beauty, my consciousness has always been very high." Being honored with the status of "hands-on", Lan San takes it for granted. Anyway, when Little Loli is happy, she calls them "handsome guys" and "handsome uncles". When he is unhappy, he is a "handyman" and a "handyman".

Professor Kang wanted to ask in detail what else needed to be prepared, but there was another call from the operating room to urge him. He asked the assistant to write down what the little girl said and notify the nursing department to arrange for staff to prepare, and hurriedly went to the operating room to work.

Le Yun extracted and sealed the poisons in the beaker one by one, and put the syringes, glass vials, gauze, etc. that could be taken away in a bag and put it in a bag for the handyman named Lan to hold: "It's good, it's the same as if it's broken. kill you."

The fierce one said something to the handyman, and smiled friendly to the special nurse and the doctor who performed the routine examination of the patient, turned around and left with his little hands behind his back and his short legs.

Lan San immediately stuffed the backpack to the captain, and carefully protected the venom samples extracted by Little Loli. Those are research samples that are related to the lives of the two soldiers and must be protected.

The little girl dared to kill the young man. The special nurse and the doctor smiled and sent the little girl and her handyman away. They continued to make basic inspection records.

(End of this chapter)

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