Chapter 768

When Xiao Luoli heard that she wanted her help, she only had cold eyes on herself, but now she was ignored, Yan Xing was always depressed, what did he do?

No matter how heartbroken, I didn't dare to complain that Little Lolita did something wrong, didn't dare to complain, she silently hugged the big backpack that Lan San stuffed, and Lan San followed Little Loli's butt out of the ward, and went down the corridor to the elevator.

There were people coming and going in the corridor outside the ward, and there were people in the elevator. Le Yun didn't speak. When she walked out of the building, she saw that no one was nearby. She looked at someone Lan beside her: "Hey, do you have all your documents?"

Lan San leaned forward and gave his smiling face: "Little beauty, my ID card, sergeant's license, driver's license, health certificate, etc. have all the necessary documents."

"The documents are complete. It should be no problem to go to the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens near Qingda University through the back door, right? I'm going to pick several plants in several places in the garden, including the areas that are not open to the public." Le Yun put her hand on her forehead to block the sun , Silently pouting, I was planning to go to Grandma Chao's house when I came back from country D, but now I can't make it, I really want to kill the Yanren guy.

"No problem, with our captain here, it's not a problem to go anywhere in the capital." Lan San barely patted his chest and assured that with their captain leading the team, not to mention going to the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, but to the national leader The place where people live is also a matter of issuing certificates.

"It's really so powerful. Is it okay to go to someone else's house to see the couple's bridal chamber?"

"Dang... oh, little beauty, if you didn't bring such a fool, you almost made me lose my image." Lan San instinctively wanted to answer "of course" first, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he shut his mouth smartly, scared for a while. With a gloomy face and a bad mood, the little loli is a bomb from time to time, and will dig a hole at any time. Fortunately, he responds quickly, otherwise he will fall into the hole.

Yan Xing's face was not very good, and he protested dissatisfiedly: "Little Loli, I have no voyeurism, nor do I have the bad hobby of peeking at other people's bridal chambers."

Yanren came out to speak to show his presence, but Le Yun didn't hear it, walked over to Cheetah and let the two handsome guys get in the car first.

Yan Xing hurriedly helped Little Loli open the back seat door, Lan San went to the cab to be the driver, he just sat on it, Little Loli bypassed Yan Dashao, opened the passenger door and climbed into the car.

Lan San was... surprised, what the hell did the captain do, so Zhao Xiaoluoli disliked him so much that he didn't want to sit with him anymore. The captain was properly a loner.

Yan Xing, who has become a lonely family, is depressed to death, and can't catch Lan San to change his car at the back, so he has to sit in the back seat by himself. , determined not to sit with him.

Little Loli is in a bad mood, whether it's Young Master Yan or Handsome Lan who wants to find something to talk about, but is afraid of saying too much and making mistakes. If any sentence is offended by the little girl, it will lead to bad consequences, so she has to be bored. language.

Tomorrow is the National Day. Many tour groups rush to the capital. The streets and alleys are more lively than before, and the traffic is more congested. Even if you miss the rush hour, it will take only a few minutes and two hours to arrive at Qingda and Qingda. The avenue between the Gardens of Ten Thousand Gardens.

When approaching the main entrance of the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, classmate Le went to the store to buy a food bag. Lan San drove the car to the road outside the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens for a while, but could not find a place to park, so he simply drove the car to the gate of the garden. Outside parking, anyway, with a military license plate, you can park anywhere, and you can use the privilege if you need it for work.

Although Little Loli didn't tell herself to go to the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens, Yanxing was embarrassed to let Lan San be in charge of all matters. She ran to the front to communicate with the management personnel, and had a phone call with the management person in charge, and communicated for a few minutes to complete the garden. The management, then and Lan San led Little Loli into the park by a staff member, and then went to the area that was not yet open to the public.

The once splendid Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens was looted, leaving behind broken stones and ruins. Looking at the devastated place is only heart-wrenching. Since ancient times, the weak country has only been beaten, and the incompetence of the Manchu Qing government has left only the people of today. Anger at the former robber and hatred for the incompetence of the Qing Dynasty.

The ruins of the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens are not for admiration, but for people to remember the history, not to forget the national humiliation, not to forget the historical lesson that the weak will be beaten, and always remember to be strong, only a strong country has the right to speak, can it not be. bullied.

There are no open areas, many places are overgrown with weeds, deserted, and somewhat desolate and lonely.

When the management sent the two officers to their destination, they did not follow. Yan Xing and Lan San followed Little Loli. Wherever she went, they followed, she turned right, they would never turn left, she went south, they decided Don't go north, she stops, they won't go.

When the little loli stopped seriously for the first time, she walked into a forest and faced a tree with a waist of fifteen or six centimeters. I don’t know what tree it was, but it was Changbi with round small leaves. arbor.

Yan Xing looked up, not knowing what Little Loli liked about it.

Find the target Le Yun, move the backpack, move the bag to the back, tie the clothes around the waist, start for the run, run to the ground about one meter away from the tree, jump up and dash forward , jumped onto the tree, hugged the tree pole, and climbed up the tree.

The height of the little loli leaping into the tree was about 1.6 meters. She was agile and dexterous like a monkey. Lan San was dumbfounded when she saw it. Oh my god, little... little loli can climb trees!It's amazing that such a pink and cute girl can climb trees.

Yan Xing was very stuck and annoyed. He just stood here. Little Loli didn't ask him to climb up to help when she needed to pick anything. How much did she dislike him?Even if he doesn't ask him to climb the tree to pick anything, he can still be called Lan San. What do you mean by not asking them to do it for you?
Le Yun, who climbed up holding a tree pole, has no mind-reading skills. If she has mind-reading skills, she will directly send the Yan people thousands of miles away. A big man and a chicken's stomach love to dig into the horns, so why not kill him and keep it?
The advantage of not having mind-reading skills is that she doesn't know what other people are thinking, so she jumped up with the tree pole in her arms, climbed to the place where the tree was split, and then climbed up with the tree skills, all the way. Climb and climb to the top of the tree, stand firm, take out a food bag from the bag, pinch the young leaves and teeth of the branches, pick off the young leaves of the branches closest to the top of the tree, and tie the bag. Knot, drop the tree directly, and then drop the tree by yourself.

A bag flew down from the tree, Yan Xing quickly ran over to pick it up, patted the non-existent ash, and helped him to carry it in his hand. Seeing Lan San staring and admiring the posture of Little Loli sliding down from the tree, his face was slightly Hei, dragged Lan San away with one hand, and the little loli was very ecstatic when she stepped down from the tree, her chest rubbed against the tree, it was easy to make people think crooked.

Lan San, who was dragged away, was confused, what is the captain doing?Don't let him watch, what if a little loli accidentally jumped off the tree and fell?
Confused, he was dragged out of the bushes and asked for advice humbly: "Boss, what are you doing? It's very unkind to leave Little Loli behind."

"In the future, Little Lolita climbs the tree and goes down the tree. You or other people are present and hurry away. If you get too close, be careful that she doesn't like you and beats you." If you're so close, if a little Lolita goes away, wouldn't she be punished by others? see light?Even for the brothers in his team, Yan Xing didn't want Little Lolita to be seen, and he didn't want the eyes of his brothers to eat Little Lolita's tofu.

"Well, I see." Lan San seemed to understand, but still obeyed. The captain can do whatever he wants. Anyway, the captain has more contact with Little Lolita than them, and understands Little Lolita better.

Le Yun, who slipped from the tree to the ground, heard Yan and Lan whispering to someone, and had the urge to send Yan people to swim in the blessed sea in the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens. Go to his grandfather, she is So unreasonable people?Yanren are smearing her!
I was in a very bad mood, so I ignored the two goods and started running, not to the tree path where the Yanren stood, but to a small hill.

"..." Yan Xing was waiting for the little Loli to come over, and found that she was running away by herself without making a sound. She suddenly felt bad, and the little Loli must be angry!

He couldn't control that much either. His long legs were intertwined, and he rushed out like the wind, chasing after the little loli who had slipped away.

"Hey, you don't bring this!" Lan San's reaction was half a beat slower, and he became the one who was left behind. He quickly got up to chase, and wanted to cry a few times while chasing. Yeah, what's all this called?
He said that the process of accompanying the captain on the task is simply heart-wrenching.

After chasing and running for about 3 minutes, he felt that the task of the little loli known as the "Little Flying Man" at the booth was simply heart-breaking!
That little loli is known as a scud, and its running speed is so fast, so fast... Even their captain can't match it. The captain is at least 20 meters away from the little loli.

The hill was overgrown with weeds, and Lan San's face was scratched by the thorns. He couldn't care, he continued to chase, and chased for more than two minutes. Little Loli stopped, not knowing what she was doing, he hurriedly chased after him.

The little loli stopped running, Yan Xing chased the distance to zero, and found that the little girl was turning over the leaves to catch the insects. The insects were a bit like baby silkworms, small and tender.

Lan San caught up with the captain. Little Loli picked up the last little bug with medical tweezers and put it in a bag, locked the mouth, and ran away excitedly. He and the captain followed, not far away, little Loli. Cut a tree to get juice, climb another tree to pick leaves, and pinch the tender core shoots.

Young Master Yan and Comrade Lan San couldn't help at all, they silently acted as little servants who were only responsible for carrying bags. Little Lolita stopped, they stood and waited, Little Lolita left, they chased, Little Lolita cut Tree sap, picking leaves, digging grass roots, pulling green plants, breaking some tree stems or grass roots and peeling the cores, walking and stopping, running to two places that are not open to the public, it took more than three hours to finally return home .

The two soldiers followed Little Loli out of the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens and wanted to invite her to dinner. A certain little Loli glared at the two with apricot eyes and made them lose their temper. She silently got into the car and sent Little Loli back to school.

They entered Qingda University, and the bell for the afternoon class of Qingda University had just rang. Because the class was over, there were not many people on the school road. The two soldiers easily sent Little Loli to Xueba Building.

Yan Shao wanted to follow up, but he glared at the little loli again, and was scolded, "Don't bother me, find a place to eat and stay by yourself, I will come down when I should come down." The eldest and youngest touched their noses unhappily, and watched Little Loli go upstairs with her luggage. He and his teammates went to the school restaurant for food. When they were full, they quickly returned to the tree facing Xueba Building and waited for Little Loli. Li bubbling.

And Le Yun, after the two soldiers who were stalkers, carried her luggage back to the dormitory, first took a bath, washed her hair and washed clothes, then ate space products to replenish energy, and then immediately went into the busy work of processing medicinal materials. .

In fact, her medicines are in the space, so she doesn't need to go back to school, but she has to go back because she came back from a foreign country. Everyone knows that there are some things that she can't bring when she goes abroad, and it is impossible for her to take all kinds of medicines abroad and bring them back. , so I have to go back to school.

The Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens may or may not be there. There are two kinds of medicinal materials in the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens that she needs to use. If she does not go, she can also use other medicinal materials in the space. People say it, so just drop by.

As for the two people in the hospital, if it is a general high-level paralysis or something, she will definitely get mad and not help. Every time she encounters a difficult thing, she will come to her for rescue. I thought she was easy to talk, so I always found her as a free laborer.

Because the situation of the two soldiers was beyond the scope of what the hospital and the professors could solve. For the sake of the soldiers, she naturally couldn't stand by and watch. Of course, she was unhappy, and it was inevitable to give Yanren a look.

With no one around, Le Yun has no scruples, put out her own bottles and jars, brought the medicinal materials from the space in the same way, mashed, squeezed, and blended...

One person was busy for a whole hour, and prepared a lot of concoctions, purees, and ointments, dozens of large and small jars, and all the storage space that was not needed temporarily. There were two sets of glass test tube sample bottles, a dozen or so. The porcelain bottle is the medicine that needs to be used, as well as the ointment for the eyes that I may need to apply, tidy up, pack it up, and go downstairs with the medicine and my backpack.

Yan Xinglan and the other two sat under the tree and counted the time, waiting for their hearts to get angry. When they finally saw Little Loli emerging from the stairs, they were so excited that they rushed to the Xueba Building. , rushed to the cheetah car a few steps before the little loli, and sent the smile that she thought was the most gentle and friendly.

Le Xiaoxue put a straight face and stuffed all the medicine he was carrying into someone Lan: "Keep it safe, it doesn't matter if you shake it like a spinning top or a concussion, don't shake them."

"Hey!" Lan San's scalp was numb for a while. Oh my god, does Little Loli mean that he might have a concussion and could be rescued. If the medicine goes wrong, it will be a big problem?

Little Loli wants Lan San to keep the medicine, so she must be the driver herself. Yan Xing is very aware of current affairs and goes to the cab quietly.

Lan San sat in the back seat holding the medicine like a treasure. Seeing the little loli sitting down, he closed his eyes and rested. He quickly took a break and wanted to find something to say. It's exhausting, so don't harass her.

(End of this chapter)

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