magic eye doctor

Chapter 769 Life is very fragile

Chapter 769 Life is very fragile

Director Qin went to work in the morning and went to the operating room. After he was busy with the operation, he heard that the little girl was going to operate on two sergeants who were severely poisoned and fainted in the afternoon. Time to be ready to watch.

Professor Kang completed the second operation. At noon, he and Director Qin went to the hospital to cut a few willow branches for disinfection, and pre-arranged the operating room for the little girl. After lunch, he arranged for a nurse to send the two soldiers into the operating room first. All surgical supplies have been delivered, and the little girl will be ready to work when she arrives at the hospital.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Director Qin and Professor Kang were secretly waiting for the little girl. The hospital received several patients. Had to go to the operating room.

After Director Qin finished an operation, the first thing he did when he ran out of the operating room was to see if the little girl was coming. When he saw that the lights in the operating room were still off, he was relieved and waited for half an hour. , wait until Young Master Yan informs that the little girl will be here soon, please arrange for military patients to enter the operating room.

However, there is a saying called "good things come with hardships", when he thought he could be the only bystander to be an assistant to the little girl this time, he was called to the emergency room again by a phone call-the hospital received a suspected belly Severe patient with aortic dissection.

Because Director Qin is an expert in cardiovascular department, it is natural that he is indispensable. Director Qin went to the emergency room to see a doctor. Based on years of medical experience, the patient was diagnosed with abdominal aortic dissection. Based on the patient's clinical symptoms, it may even be abdominal aortic dissection. Aortic rupture, without further ado, go to the operating room immediately.

Yan Xing did not contact the hospital to prepare until he could see the hospital building. After hanging up the phone, he drove his car into the General Hospital of the Army, stopped in front of the inpatient building, and picked up Little Loli with Lan San to accompany her. Enter the building and take the elevator upstairs.

The way to the hospital went smoothly, and there was no traffic jam. They arrived just after five o'clock, and it was still half an hour before the day shift staff got off work, and the medical staff were also very busy.

Lan San is familiar with the floor and internal structure of the hospital. When he arrives at the operating room floor, he will be the guide. He will lead the little girl to the operating room arranged by the hospital, and press the doorbell. I came here, I was overjoyed, I turned on the sterilizing lamp, and changed my blue clothes. At the same time, I conveyed to the two officers that the doctors in the hospital were incapacitated. At present, there is no doctor who can be a helper. Assign people to be assistants.

It doesn't matter to Le Yun whether there is an assistant or not, as long as the necessary things can be supplied in place, so there is no dissatisfaction with the current situation, kill the bacteria, put on the blue surgical gown, and enter the operating room inside.

The operation arranged by the hospital was still the same major operating room as last time. The two sergeants had instruments attached to their bodies, and all kinds of medical instruments were neatly stacked on the operation cart. Only the blood bag had not been delivered yet. In the instrument cabinet specially kept by the security department for blood bags, they can be transferred to the operating room at any time when needed.

Classmate Le asked the special nurse to rest first. She took her own medicines and ointments from Handy Lan, the handyman, and placed them on an empty surgical cart. Then she took out some jade products from the big backpack and arranged them, and prepared them again. Pharmacy.

Special care knows that you may need to run errands by yourself while waiting for the operation, sit on the spot, and relax your hands and feet.

Yan Shao and Lan San silently guarded Little Lolita to prepare the concoction, resolutely keeping a distance of no more than three steps without getting in the way.

Director Qin did not know when the little girl arrived at the hospital. He instructed the medical staff to perform rescue operations, and he prepared the main surgery. However, the patient was still in the emergency room and had no time to be sent to the operating room when the signs of life disappeared, and the medical staff carried out emergency rescue. To no avail, half an hour later, the medical staff declared that the patient's rescue was invalid.

The patient is still very young, only in his thirties. He is a senior white-collar worker in a certain company. The family members have not arrived yet, and only colleagues from the company help with the funeral.

Because the patient died before entering the operating room, Director Qin made the most basic communication with the personnel who brought the patient, and the follow-up matters were handled by the specially responsible personnel. He rushed to the place where the little girl performed the operation and ran to the operation. When I saw that the operating light was on, but the word "in operation" was not displayed, I quickly rang the bell.

Lan San moved when he heard the bell, saw that it was Director Qin, and opened the door to let him go.

Director Qin rushed into the disinfection area to sterilize, and then rushed into the operating room. Seeing that the little girl was still dispensing medicine, he felt relieved that "we finally caught up", and he approached and observed humbly.

Le Yun quickly took the test-tube bottle, sucked the medicinal juice, and then dripped it into other tube-shaped bottles, while asking, "Professor Qin, is the operation completed so soon?"

"The patient's abdominal aortic dissection is ruptured, and the condition is too dangerous. There is no time for surgery and rescue. The person will be gone before entering the operating room." I can't stop feeling pity in my heart. For such a young person, if you don't have it, it will be gone. Life is very fragile. You should do it and cherish it.

"Life or death, doctors can't save everyone. We do our best, but we have a clear conscience." Le Yun was stunned. Abdominal aortic dissection rupture is indeed extremely dangerous. Aortic dissection tumor or aortic dissection has just appeared. There is still hope for rescue. Once aortic dissection ruptures, it is difficult to say. The risk of thoracic or abdominal aortic dissection is too high, and many patients may not be able to get off the operating table.

"Yeah, even if I understand, every time I see a living life disappearing from my eyes, I still... feel heartache," Director Qin smiled bitterly and turned to the topic: "Little girl, what kind of poison is between these two?"

"It is very complicated. Among them, biological and chemical mixed toxins, a variety of toxins can damage the brain nerve center in a short period of time, causing blood necrosis, systemic organ failure, loss of function, etc., but they are extremely unstable, indicating that the biochemical toxins used by the other party are Still in the experimental stage, these two soldiers unfortunately became one of the test subjects.

In addition, it is not known whether one of the two was infected or injected with flesh-eating bacteria, and because he was infected with biochemical poison, he suppressed the reproduction of blood-eating bacteria to a certain extent. This is also an accidental discovery, which is worth studying. great value. "

The little girl stated calmly, and Director Qin's eyes lit up: "Little girl, can you let me take some blood samples for research later?"

"Okay, I can do it when I say I can take a sample. These two guys are very fragile and can't stick needles indiscriminately."

"I understand, I'll find a sample bottle." Director Qin happily slipped out of the operating room and ran to the nurse's station, holding a set of test-tube-shaped glass sample bottles and returned to the operating room.

Little Loli didn't want to talk to herself, Yan Xinglan didn't dare to provoke her, and she never dared to ask what poison the two lying down were. As a result, they didn't dare to ask. Director Qin came to ask, what's up with Little Loli? Just talking, let the two handsome guys feel deeply sad, and the little loli treats them differently!

The hearts are stuffed like two handsome guys with a few balls of cotton. They can't complain about their suffocation in front of the little loli, and silently think they are the air, um, as long as the little loli is willing to save people, they will suffer a little cold violence. A few white eyes are nothing, a manly man can bend and stretch, this grievance will not hurt the bones or the flesh, just suffer.

The two handsome guys convinced themselves that they felt much better. While silently observing, Professor Kang finally came running after the operation. When he entered the operating room and found that the little girl had not started work, he was very fortunate that he came in time.

He was very fortunate, but Professor Lu, who came over after hearing the news, was restless. He worked overtime last night to perform surgery, so he made up for sleep during the day, and he would work a night shift tonight. Starting tomorrow, it was his turn to rest. There is an operation to be done after the class goes to work, so he can't watch the little girl do the operation.

The old professor was very, very depressed, until the little girl said that she would have bone surgery at noon tomorrow, and he could still be an assistant. He immediately recovered and went to work before the night shift.

Less than 10 minutes after Professor Lu left, Le Yun completed the preparation of all the medicines to be used, and notified the special care personnel to send a certain type of blood into the operating room an hour later, and specified the amount of blood, and then asked to close the door of the operating room It is strictly forbidden for random people to enter.

The little girl instructed to close the operating room door to prove that the operation was going to be performed soon. Lan San quickly locked the door and turned on the "operating" light in the operating room, so as to prevent the errands from ringing the bell indiscriminately.

In the same way, he and the captain didn't need to say anything, set the phone to vibrate, and the sound to the lightest; Professor Kang, Director Qin and the special care staff also didn't need to say, set the phone to mute.

Director Qin, Professor Kang asked which patient to operate first, ran to the patient's bed, turned off the equipment except the oxygen ventilator, lifted the thin quilt on the patient's body, and unplugged the various instruments to connect the pipes.

The onlookers understood the rules very well. Le Yun saved her saliva, put on gloves, and pushed a surgical tool cart to the patient who suffered severe lumbar spine injuries. After adjusting the angle, she took the medical needle cover out of the jade box and hung it on her shoulder. He took two more pills and fed it to the patient, then fed him two bowls of medicinal soup, sealed the blood around the heart to protect the heart, took the needle in both hands, and quickly punctured the patient.

In the flying needle technique she used, gold and silver were intertwined. With a slight sound of breaking the air, the slender gold and silver needles were stabbed in sequence on the patient with some edema, first at the heart, and then all the way from left to right. Drop the needle and make a beautiful needle path.

The last few needles are punctured the patient's head, one needle at a time, the penultimate needle is punctured at Baihui point, and the last one is punctured at the center of the eyebrows.

After puncturing the patient, Little Loli held a large sample bottle on the side of the operating bed, moved the patient's hand to the edge and let it hang in the air, took the scalpel and stabbed the middle finger of his right hand to bleed the blood from the human finger. It flowed out, very dark, and the bloody smell was mixed with a strange taste.

Lan San has something to do. His task is to guard the sample bottle that receives the sergeant's blood. If it is almost full, take another bottle to receive blood, and seal the previous bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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