magic eye doctor

Chapter 776 Inevitable 1 fight (3 more

Chapter 776 The Inescapable Beat (3 More

The uncles and nephews of the He family didn't specifically tell Xiao Longbao that Mr. Yan was here, lest Xiao Longbao be caught in the middle and Mr. Yan appeared again. They didn't explain, and decided to see what Mr. Yan wanted to do first. Anyway, no matter what, They would not let Yan Lao enter the villa to see the ancestors.

Yan Xing heard the call of prestige, and saw his grandfather coming from behind the ceremonial staff, he was slightly startled: "Grandpa?"

The uncles and nephews of the He family didn't make a sound when they saw Mr. Yan coming over.

Yan Ming walked slowly towards his grandson, seeing the young people of the He family staring at him with all precautions, his heart was sad, and two lines of turbid tears flowed from his eyes. They were all guarded by the He family for three points.

He knew that it was impossible for the old and young He family to let him see his mother-in-law, and he didn't want to embarrass his only grandson, so he walked slowly to his grandson and handed over the box in his hand tremblingly: "Xiao Longbao, you... help I will hand this over to your grandma after the banquet, saying that the unfilial son-in-law wishes her a long life."

"...Okay, Grandpa." Yan Xing accepted the entrustment, he could not bring Grandpa in, because Grandma Grandma would be sad to see Grandpa, and he didn't want Grandma Grandma's birthday party to be unhappy.

The captain held the little loli, and Lan San took the box smartly.

Yan Ming handed the gift box to his grandson, turned around with tears in his eyes, faced the villa, knelt down slowly, kowtowed silently, stood up tremblingly, turned around, and walked forward along the road.

Yan Lao Yao kowtowed to the ancestors, but the He family's uncles and nephews did not stop them. Their ancestors could afford this head.They were relieved when they saw Mr. Yan leaving on foot, afraid that he would fall on the road or be scratched by a car, and stood watching, and soon saw the car that brought him back to pick him up.

Aunt Jin received Mr. Yan and drove down the mountain without saying a word. Yan sat in the back seat and shed tears silently.

Yan Xing's heart was sour, but he didn't say anything after all. Grandpa's past mistakes were undeniable facts. The past was like a thorn in the hearts of great grandmothers, uncles and aunts. Even if the thorn was pulled out, the wound would still be there. He won't be a peacemaker, because some pain can't pretend to forget.

"Ten sister, please help me put away the gift box first, and I'll give it to Grandma when the time is right." When he walked in, he saw Lan San still holding the gift box, think about it, and ask her sister for help.

"Okay." He Mingqing responded, took the gift box from Xiaolongbao's peers, followed him into the villa, took the gift box to the second floor, and carried it to the first floor. All difficult.

He Xiaosi climbed into the cheetah car, drove forward more than ten meters, stopped at the place with street lights on the outer wall of the villa, took out the key, and went back to the door of the villa.

Soon it was time for the banquet, and there were no guests. Mr. He Er and his nephews and nephews were still guarding the hall door. When he saw Xiao Longbao's tall and straight tiger body from a distance, he shouted happily: "Mother, Xiao Longbao is back. already."

The hanging hearts of He San and the others who accompanied the ancestors were also on the ground. Xiaolongbao finally came back before the banquet, so that the descendants of the He family were really together, which also represented the happiness and longevity of the ancestors. Full of children and grandchildren.

Ancestor He stared at the door happily: "Is the little doctor here? Zi Rui, go and have a look."

"Hey." He Zirui responded happily and hurriedly walked out.

The whole audience was waiting to see if the grandson of the He family would come back. When they heard that the grandson of the He family had come back, even the whispering conversations became quiet one after another.

The eight elders of the Chao family stretched their necks, and Elder Li and the others also turned their attention to the door, wondering if the little powder dumplings had come.

The beautiful young man from the Chao family stood up without hesitation, and Xiao Xiao and a few others hurriedly asked, "Brother Bo, what are you doing?"

"My sister must have been kidnapped by Yan Shao, I'll pick up my sister." Chao Yubo calmly walked around the table, Yan Shao took their little Lele to the hospital, Yan Shao came back, and no one called at home. Come over and say that the little guy is home, indicating that Yan Shao's cheeky must have used some tricks to abduct the little dumpling as a guest.

Many: "..." Did they hear it correctly, Brother Chao used the word "guai"?

The members of the Hejiaqi generation who were accompanying the VIP were unanimously sad. Brother Chao seemed to be dissatisfied with Xiao Longbao, and Xiao Longbao might have to be beaten.

The elders of the Chao family also heard Bo Ge'er speak, and agreed that Bo Ge'er would pick up the little dumplings. The little dumplings belonged to their family, and being brought in by Young Master Yan always felt a little weird.

The elder brother of the Chao family is the elder brother of a certain little girl. There is a reason for what he wants to do. All the guests watched the young man of the Chao family, who was as beautiful as Wen Yu, walk out, and no one could pick out the thorn.

The old and young of the He family were waiting for Xiao Longbao to come over. When they got close, they found that Xiao Longbao was holding a person. They were all startled, and turned to an epiphany. Xiao Longbao must be holding a little doctor!
When the handsome young man in blue approached, it was true that Xiao Longbao brought back the little doctor, who was wearing sneakers, a casual shirt, and a backpack in front of him.

When they got to the door, the young and old from the He family gathered around, Huo Ran found that the little doctor was covering his eyes with a cloth, and there was another small disturbance, so Yan Xing had to explain it again.

Just when the men and women gathered to watch the little doctor, the little loli who was being hugged got angry, stretched out her legs and kicked people, kicked her feet, and kicked He Xiaojiu and He Minglue who were around her feet.

That kick was too sudden, and He Minglue didn't even have time to hide. He was kicked in the left chest. At that time, he kicked back four or five steps with an "Ouch".

"What happened?"

The men and women of the He family were dumbfounded, why did the little doctor kick people up?

"Second uncle, fifth uncle and grandmother, little Loli doesn't like to be watched when she's asleep. Ninth brother should be too close, so he was kicked." Yan Xing was sweating coldly, little Lolita was still so angry, sleeping Even if you get angry, you still kick people when you're not happy, is that okay?

"Why didn't the little doctor kick you?" He Minglue, who finally stood firm, touched the place where he was kicked. He was so handsome, how could Little Loli go down and kick him? broken.

The old and young He family had a "same question" expression on their faces. Mrs. He Wu originally wanted to pinch the little doctor's face, but it was not easy to do so, for fear that she would get angry and kick people.

"Who said not to kick," Yan Xing pouted bitterly, "he kicked me several times in the car, and when I took her out of the car, I was kicked, and I told her to take her to see her brother before she would let me hug her. Otherwise, whoever approaches and kicks whoever."

Lan San laughed sullenly. When the elders of the He family came around, he wanted to remind him not to get too close to avoid getting kicked, because the elders and children of the Chao family were also in the He family. I held back and said nothing.

"Don't you say the little doctor fell asleep?" He Qican looked at Xiao Longbao and the little guy in his arms in surprise. Is the little doctor asleep or awake?
"Yeah, people are asleep, but she also kicks people." Yan Xing forcedly explained that Little Loli was not in the same temper as ordinary people. When she saw the third uncle coming, she shouted respectfully, and at the same time looked at her. When he arrived at Chao's house, the beautiful young man also walked slowly, and he was very reluctant. He didn't want to let Little Loli go.

He Zirui rushed to the door and saw the big and small people around Xiao Longbao looking strangely at home, which was quite funny. When he got closer, he saw the child in Xiao Longbao's arms, and was also frightened: "Xiao Longbao, what's wrong with the little doctor's eyes? thing?"

"Second Uncle, Little Loli's eyes were red and swollen because of the operation. She took medicine to protect her eyes and covered them up." Yan Xing was tired. Little Loli could scare a lot of people by covering her eyes, even his relatives. It is also this expression, so that others will not know how far they will associate it when they see it.

"The little doctor is so tired, what are you doing here? Quickly invite the little doctor in." He Zirui glared at his nephew and grandson and urged him to accompany the little doctor into the hall.

Mr. He Er and others asked Xiao Longbao to carry the little doctor to the front. They were surrounded by the side or the back, and everyone avoided the little doctor's feet, lest she kicked people.

The guests in the hall were waiting to see, and found that Young Master Yan was carrying a person into the hall.

The ancestor of the He family was excitedly waiting for Xiao Longbao to accompany the little doctor in. When he saw Xiao Longbao coming back with someone in his arms, he was in a hurry. He couldn't sit still and stood up.

Old Mrs. He Da, Mrs. He San, was busy supporting her mother-in-law, and she felt very strange. Xiao Longbao asked the little doctor to do an operation, but the little doctor was tired again.

The Chao Family Sanjun and his wife, and Mrs. Wang remembered Xiaofan dumplings in their hearts, and immediately left their seats and waited outside to see what happened to the little guy.

The beautiful young man walked around Mrs. He Tai and others for three or two meters. Seeing someone in Yan holding his sister, the whole person was not very good. The surname Yan was too much, and every time Xiaolele became tired.

Feeling unhappy in his heart, he trotted and hurriedly ran in front of a group of men and women in the He family, giving Yan a certain look without giving face: "Young Master Yan, give me my sister."

Regardless of someone Yan, he stretched out his hands to pick up the small powder dumplings: "Lele, Xiao Lele, I'm brother, brother hugs."

The beautiful young man of the Chao family stared at Xiao Longbao, and the old man of the He family pretended not to see it. Every time their family Xiaolongbao invited a doctor, the doctor would be involved. Although it was not Xiao Longbao's fault, he acted as a middleman on behalf of the military, but he was Xiaolongbao's face, so it's also what he deserves when the younger brother of Chao's family stares at Xiaolongbao.

Yan Xing was so reluctant to give up, nostalgic for the happiness of hugging the little loli, and had to give the little loli to the little princess of the Chao family. When the young boy of the Chao family reached out and hugged the little loli, the little girl wrinkled her nose, No protests.

The beautiful young man took his sister back from Young Master Yan's hand, squatted down on the spot, helped straighten the clothes on the back, and patted her head: "Lele good boy, you're exhausted, brother is here, you can sleep in peace."

The displaced little loli sniffed and put her face into the arms of the beautiful young man, making a babble-like murmur: "Brother Chao, beat up the surnamed Yan."

Everyone in the He family: "!" What should I do, Xiao Longbao seems to have offended the little doctor.

"Okay, when the vacation is over, my brother will beat the Yan Yan for you to see. Good, go to sleep, my brother will call you when we eat." Fanfan's little dumpling fell asleep and did not forget to beat Yan Shao, Chao Yubo raised his head and stared again. Someone Yan: "Young Master Yan, after the holidays, do you go back to school to beat me up, or should I bring my friends to find you?"

"Xiao Chao, that... can you stop the fight? Fighting is detrimental to Sven." Yan Xing touched his nose and shyly admitted.

The He family, men and women, young and old, look up to the sky.

"Even if you go to the horizon for this meal, you can't avoid it." Chao Yubo touched his cute sister's forehead, stood up with the little guy in his arms, and turned to the seat.

The people of the He family gathered around the glamorous young man from the Chao family and walked towards the ancestors. Yan walked on the side of the little Loli's feet and discussed in annoyance: "Little Chao, can you give me some face and solve it in private?"

"Don't worry, I won't hit you on the road." Every time Xiao Lele gets hurt, do you still need face?Ah bah, not stripping him of his parade is to give him a great face.

The old man and the old lady of the He family couldn't help laughing and laughing. I'm afraid that the mighty image of their little dragon will be gone this time.

Mrs. He Jiatai also stood up, guessing that she wanted to see Xiao Lele, Chao Yubo hugged her sister and said hello, walked closer, smiled apologetically to Mrs. He Tai, "Mrs. He Tai, my sister is asleep, I'll take my place. My sister wishes you a boundless long life and a prosperous life."

"Thank you, thank you!" Ancestor He saw the pretty boy approaching with the little doctor in his arms, and stood three or two steps away. He moved forward happily, and reached out to touch the head of the little girl sleeping in the Chao Family boy's arms. : "The little doctor is tired again."

As he spoke, Old Ancestor He retracted his hand, took off a green bracelet in his right hand and put it in the Chao family brother: "This is the dowry my grandfather gave to my mother, my mother gave it to me, and I gave it to the little doctor. , I hope the little doctor will not despise the meager gifts."

"Thank you Mrs. He, I'll take my sister over there to make her sleep well, please sit down too." Chao Yubo did not want to accept the gift. In the eyes of the public, he couldn't show the kindness of the old birthday star. .

Ancestor He Yin Yin instructed: "If you have trouble, take care of the little doctor, if you need anything, don't be polite, just tell my children directly."

The old lady He Da and others joined in one after another, especially instructing the little fifteen and the sixteen to greet the elder brother of the Chao family, and let them be responsible if there is anything that needs to be done.

The youth of the Chao family carried his sister to the seat at the back. Everyone in the He family helped the ancestor to sit down, and Yan Xing, who fell behind a little bit, saw the ancestor sitting in an even and stable position, and walked to the grandmother and knelt down, straight and upright. He kowtowed, took two steps on his knees, and hugged Grandma Grandma's knee: "Grandma Grandma, Xiao Longbao wishes you a boundless long life.

"Oh," Old Ancestor He laughed happily: "Except for the two good children, Xiaoyi and Xiaowu, who have added great-grandchildren to me, all of you stinky boys don't look for a daughter-in-law, stinky girls don't look for a husband, you say Where does my little grandson of the seventh generation, the eighth generation and the ninth generation come from?"

"Old Ancestor, you have lived a long life, and your seventh, eighth, and ninth generation grandchildren will come when you say it."

"The ancestor lived another two hundred years, not to mention the ninth generation, the No. 19 generation can come out and call your ancestor."

The children and grandchildren of the He family responded immediately.

Ancestor He touched his grandson's head, and his eyes were full of smiles: "Good boy! Get up."

Yan Xing rubbed his grandmother's hand, stood up, and then bent over to rub the face of the ancestor before standing behind the ancestor, waiting with the elders to see if there were any guests.

(End of this chapter)

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