magic eye doctor

Chapter 777 A Distinctive Guest

Chapter 777 A Distinctive Guest
The people in the noble circle at the He family banquet have a common purpose: to see how high the relationship between the righteous grandson of the Chao family and the He family has reached.

Therefore, from the very beginning, I had been looking forward to the appearance of the Chao family, and the guests who were close had been paying attention to Mrs. He's attitude towards the guests, and found that Mrs. He was only special to the Chao family's youth, and she even gave gifts. I have to say that it was An intriguing event.

When the Chao family came, they didn't see the little righteous grandson of the Chao family. They were looking forward to the grandson of the He family and the little righteous grandson of the Chao family. Many people thought that the little righteous grandson of the Chao family would wear a beautiful dress like going to the birthday banquet at Zhou Xin's house. In the hall held by the grandson of the He family, all the guests fell into deep thought.

When the little righteous grandson of the Chao family arrived, Mrs. He Tai stood up to greet her in person, which made everyone's mind turn countless turns in an instant. Even the high-ranking deputy head of state gave Mrs. He Tai's blessings, but she did not get up from the old man, and was the only child. When the girl arrived, she left the seat to greet her in person, and also gave away the dowry jade bracelet given by her grandfather's family. Her attitude was respectful and loving. It was simply... It was hard to guess the mystery.

Throughout the whole process, Mrs. He Jiatai only treated the Chao family brothers and sisters differently, which shows how precious the Chao family's little righteous grandson is in the eyes of the He family.

People in the elite circle are smart. In their eyes, no one can say it clearly. Some people have been transferred back from other provinces, or have been away from Beijing before.

Others were thinking about it, the Chao family Sanjun and his wife and Wang Shimu were eagerly waiting for Brother Bo to bring his sister over, and when the brothers and sisters came to surround them, they were very distressed when they saw the little dumpling covering their eyes with a cloth, and secretly greeted the grandson of the He family. Yan Xing threw away the N-eye knife.

"Xiao Bo, hug your sister to me, don't tire you." Chao's father saw a small dumpling in his son's arms, and wished he could grab his daughter over to take care of him.

"Dad, Xiao Lele is not very happy today, I'd better hold her, otherwise she wakes up and gets angry, and you won't be able to coax her." Chao Yubo refused to give his father a chance to express himself, and refused his father to steal his sister from him.

"How do you know that the little dumpling is unhappy?" Chao's father felt very aggrieved when he couldn't grab his daughter. His son took his sister and did not give him the love of being a father. The son who grabbed the little dumpling with Laozi was not a good boy.

"Dad, I can tell by the shape of Xiaolele's lips whether she is happy or not. Xiaolele pouted, which means that she is not happy. She is in a good mood. Even if she falls asleep, there is a smile on the corner of her mouth." Chao Yubo gently Leaning over, he showed the face of the little powder dumpling in his arms: "Dad, don't grab it, see if Xiao Lele is pouting, yes, now Xiao Lele still wants to hide her face, it means that she dislikes the sound Too noisy."

The Chao family Sanjun and his wife looked over, just when they saw Xiaofan Tuanzi put their face in front of Brother Bo, they were speechless. The little villain can express his liking when he is asleep.

"Yes, Xiao Bo, take your sister to sit." Chao Yi touched the hair on Xiao Tuanzi's forehead, not to grab his niece. He expressed his sadness. He was the only one at home who never hugged Xiao Tuan, and his brothers always Showing off how cute and well-behaved the little dumpling was when he fell asleep made it a little difficult for him not to be jealous of his younger brothers.

Mrs. Wang didn't grab anyone, Xiao Lele is very small, and it may be possible to hold her for a minute or two, but let her hold her all the time, she may not be able to hold her, it is better to let the teenager take care of the little guy.

A few parents touched Xiaofandanzi's face and head, knowing that she was just asleep, and returned to their seats slowly. They were not panicked because Xiaofandanzi was blindfolded. Xiaolele used to help from the hospital. When I go home from surgery, I always say that I need to apply medicine to protect my eyes. This time I only returned after applying medicine, which means that it may be more energy-intensive than the previous operations.

The beautiful young man from the Chao family carried his sister back to the place where he was sitting. Xiao Shaoluo and Li Shao were very happy. They helped move the chairs and waited for Brother Bo to sit down. Even Wang Ershao, who was sitting across the table When I ran to, a few heads squeezed close, watching the earth-shaking changes in the pink and tender little loli when she fell asleep and when she was not asleep.

"Don't get too close, Lele hates noise around her when she sleeps." The little friends were so enthusiastic, the beautiful boy had to pour cold water, sit down, and then move the little sister in his arms to help her pick up the backpack.

A lot of people were scrambling to help. When a few hands touched the backpack, a certain sleeping little loli was unwilling, and immediately hugged the backpack tightly, turned over, and even took the bag and hid it in her brother's arms.

A few handsome young people were dumbfounded, did they despise them?
"My sister is very guarded when she sleeps and doesn't like others touching her bag," the beautiful young man smiled and rolled his eyes, patted Xiaofan Tuaner's back lightly, and touched her head again: "Lele good, hold her while sleeping. The bag is not comfortable, give the backpack to my brother."

Soothe it for a while, then gently untie the backpack and hand it to Brother Xiao who is closest: "Brother Xiao, help me take this to my father and my mother for care, there are fragile items in it. , take it lightly."

"Brother Bo, I'll help protect you, okay?"

"Brother Xiao, don't take the credit this time. This is Xiao Lele's most important property. My dad will take care of the backpack. My uncle and second uncle will also supervise my dad, so that they don't drink too much."

"Understood, I'll tell the old men and ask them to help keep an eye on them." Xiao Junyi understood in seconds, holding a backpack as an errand worker.

Li Shaoruo looked at the beautiful young man speechlessly, and Brother Chao fought hard not to let his parents drink.

Wang Wenhao also went to the He family with his parents to congratulate Mrs. He Tai on her birthday. He did not have a strong relationship with the younger generation of the He Jiaming generation, so he did not receive any invitations from the He Jiaming generation. On the left seat, he did not enter the invitations of the He Jiaming juniors. Guys' seats.

Hao Shao was very depressed when he saw that Shao Shao and the others were very close to the Chao family boy. He posted that he wanted to invite Chao Shao and the little girl from the Chao family to a party with friends and pre-invite the Chao family brothers and sisters to his birthday party. Nothing.

Shao Shao guarded Little Loli's backpack, walked along the passage between the tables to the third Master Chao, and gave the backpack to Minister Chao: "Uncle Chao, Brother Bo has told me that this backpack is the best of Lele's little dumplings. Your precious belongings, you must take good care of them, don't touch them. The old men also help supervise some, whoever supervises the merits, maybe the little dumplings will make good tea for you when they are happy, and make delicious stews for you. Pork pancakes and BBQ pork buns.”

"Stinky boy, you can go."

"Boy Xiao, hurry up, we'll keep an eye on Chao San."

The old men nearby were happy, and directly banged the Xiao family boy.

With a sullen face, Li Lao ordered directly to his son-in-law: "Chao San, give me the bag to keep for Xiao Lele, you like to be greedy for cups, it's easy to make mistakes."

"Lao Li, you are a national-level cadre anyway. How can I let you do this? Chao San, give it to me. I'm a soldier. It's more than enough to protect a bag." Mr. Xiao stopped Mr. Li and took the lead in grabbing the credit. .

"I'm also a soldier, so it's best to give me protection." Luo Lao was not far behind, his words declined, and Qing Lao, Yang Lao, Zhou Lao and others all scrambled to say that it was the most suitable for their protection.

The old man Chao stared silently, you group of old boys robbed the child's bag, what about your face?
Chao Shenghui didn't hold his daughter, so he managed to help keep the bag and a lot of people came to snatch it, his face changed, he put the backpack in his arms and refused to give anything: "Old man, Brother Xiao said that I would let you We supervise, I didn't say that you will keep it for you, and if you grab it again, I will not say good things about you to the little dumplings in the future."

All the old people threw away an eye knife, stinky boy, but also knows how to threaten people!But the threat worked, and they were still looking forward to the little brothers and sisters going to their place to play.

The group of old people stopped shouting, and the third master Chao happily extended the straps of Xiaofendanzi's backpack and hung it in front of him. He also deliberately placed it next to his wife to protect his girl's bag with his wife.

"What's so good about the little girl's backpack? You, the well-informed old people, can't help but want to grab it and protect it." The elders calmly stopped fighting, and Elder Wu asked jokingly.

"The child's back is full of medical supplies." Elder Li replied with a smile.

"It must be a precious thing, can Mr. Li say it so that I can also open my eyes."

Li Laoyun smiled lightly: "We haven't seen the little guy's backpack, the little guy's medicine is worth thousands of dollars, what if we take it out and break it, so, we elders didn't think about inquiring about the little guy. What's new in the guy's backpack, even my grandson and his sisters don't look at my sister's bag."

"Haha, the little girl from the Chao family's backpack is so mysterious, I can't help but want to take a look at it." Accidentally brought up an unpopular topic, Wu Lao smiled and rounded up his field.

"I'm going to disappoint Mr. Wu. Without the consent of my little Lele, I can't show Mr. Wu." Mrs. Li spoke in a soft voice, gentle and amiable.

"That's right, you can't peep into other people's privacy. This long holiday, the little girl is at Chao's house for the holidays, so she should go back to her hometown..." Mr. Wu immediately changed the topic.

The beautiful boy from the Chao family threw out a backpack, causing a small disturbance, but he himself didn't care what happened to the old men over there.

Little Loli is going to sleep, Luo Shao Li Shao wants to rub her head, but he doesn't dare to take action, no one is chattering, and he is a quiet and beautiful man.

Relying on the fact that he was Little Loli's nephew, Wang Ershao patted her head before running away, and went to hang out with the little friends invited by He Xiaoliu. He wanted to have a table with Xiao Shao. There is no place for him.

The He family's grandson Yanxing and the Chao family's little righteous grandson were almost the last group of people. They didn't see any guests afterward. It was only two minutes before the time of serving, and a couple rushed there.

Those two were also the latest guests. When they sat down, there was only one empty seat at table 66, which means that there were actually dozens of people who brought extra people to the He family seat, because there were originally six tables at table 66. A seat for family members and in-laws to help greet guests.

When it was time to order the dishes, the staff in charge of the dinner were on time to order the dishes. The He family guards outside the gate closed the gate of the villa and returned to the main building lobby together with the etiquette. Ancestor He also served the table.

The elders of the He family acted according to the plan in an orderly manner. Some people went to add tables. The old man He San led a few juniors to transfer seats. The first to go was the place where the elder brother of the Chao family sat.

All the young people stood up unanimously when they saw Mr. He San coming, but the beautiful young man of Chao family could only apologize because he was hugging his sister.

He Zirui walked over to the elder brother of the Chao family and made a modest gesture of invitation: "My nephew, please move to our ancestor's side and sit down."

"Master, it's very suitable for my sister and I to sit here. You're welcome. We have He Xiaowu here to greet his brothers." Facing the highest courtesy of the He family, Chao Yu Borong was not surprised and smiled slightly, like the sunshine in March , Like the beginning of the snow lotus, it is holy and elegant, and it warms people's hearts.

He Zirui bowed again: "Great nephew, you don't accompany the little doctor to go to our ancestors. These children in our family dare not sit down tonight and have to eat while standing."

"Xiao Chao/Brother Bo, we don't want to stand up to eat." He Xiaoba and his little fifteen brothers unanimously asked the beautiful young man of the Chao family to hold their feet high.

"In this case, it's better for me to be respectful than to obey." The old and young of the He family insisted on taking his sister to the main table. Chao Yubo guessed that it was impossible not to go. .

Mr. He San led the younger generation to personally accompany the Chao family brothers and sisters to the main table, arranged to sit in the first position on the left hand of the ancestor, let Xiaolongbao and Xiaoshiwu accompany him, and then brought someone to the seat to say hello.

The He family only invited the Chao family brothers and sisters to the master's table, and did not invite anyone else, not even the old man and the old lady of the Chao family had that honor.

The beautiful young man sat down beside Mrs. He Tai with his younger sister in his arms, Yan Xing and He Mingming poured him a glass of juice and water; the Chao family brothers and sisters were beside him, and ancestor He smiled and poked the little doctor in the face, poking the little guy Hiding her face in the boy's arms, she and her eldest daughter-in-law, who was by her side, smiled blindly.

When serving food, the main table and the guest seats are served first, and the staff keeps serving the dishes, and a bunch of people shuttle between the seats, and the aroma is overwhelming.

The feast was about to start soon, and the beautiful young man gently pinched Ke's little loli sister's face: "Lele, get up, it's time to eat, Lele, get up for dinner! Lele, there are delicious food, prawns, pigs Elbow, hairy crab..."

The young man was calling for his younger sister, and the young and old of the He family looked at it with joy. However, Little Loli Lei couldn't move, and was pinched several times. The eldest who wrinkled his nose and face was reluctant to hide his face beside his brother, and called out a few more words, villain The son seemed to be annoyed, and muttered in a daze, "Don't eat, don't eat, sleep and sleep, and sleep, don't disturb me, if you disturb me again, Brother Chao will beat him." The regiment, hid his face in the arms of the beautiful boy and continued to sleep soundly.

The little doctor is very well-behaved in her sleep, and her speech is soft and cute. Ancestor He couldn't help rubbing her brain: "Oh, the little doctor can still talk to people when she is asleep, it's so fun, can you ask her while she's asleep? Does she have any boys she likes, and who do she hate the most?"

"Ancestor, you can try to ask and dig up the little doctor's secret." The old lady He Da encouraged the ancestor.

The beautiful young man smiled Yan Yan: "This kind of secret can't be dug up. My sister fell asleep and just said little things like don't eat or drink. What she didn't want to say, even if she fell asleep, she couldn't ask. On the contrary, it is possible that she will remember it in her mind, and she will take her seat next time when she says something, and secretly write down an old account."

"It's really interesting, the little doctor has such a trick." Old Ancestor He, the old lady He Da laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist.

He Xiaowu looked strange, and watched and learned the pattern of Chao's brother and little Loli getting along. Yan Xing was so jealous... She wanted to fight with little Princess Chao on the spot, but Little Loli was cute and cute in the arms of the teenager, and gave it back to others He didn't get angry even when he poked his face. He wanted to hug and kick him to make a fuss. It was unfair to treat him differently.

The old man He San took a few juniors who could represent the He family to go around the guest table to say hello, and the dishes were almost ready.

After returning from the guest room, the hosts of the He family also went to their seats one by one. Some accompanied the guests at the VIP table, some went to the host's seat, He San and his wife, He Da's old lady, He Qili, He Qiying, and grandsons Yanxing, He Xiaowu Sit at the main table to accompany ancestors and distinguished guests.

There were eight masters at the main table, two brothers and sisters from the Chao family, a total of ten people at a table, and the person in the beautiful boy's arms was not awake, and the seats were empty.

The beautiful boy called out a few times but didn't wake up Xiaofandanzi, knowing that she would not wake up to eat, and told the He family that there was no need to reserve a seat, and that the children of the He family could be arranged to accompany the ancestors of the He family.

He San, the eldest son of the elder brother's adopted son, Xie Yiyuan, moved Xie Mingen, the eldest son of the elder brother's adopted son, Xie Yiyuan. So, Yan Xing was next to the Chao family brothers and sisters to take care of the two brothers and sisters. He Xiaowu and Xie Mingen were also second companions. Sit down in order.

After the people were seated, the dishes to be served were ready. The young and old of the He family stood up and raised their glasses. The third grandfather of He San delivered a speech on behalf of the He family.

The He family's banquet is a family banquet. They don't engage in famous stars or bands to add to the fun. It's really a pure invitation to eat.

The table was opened, and the guests were eating and talking, without any chaotic noise, and it was the most suitable opportunity for communication.

Xiao Lao drank a little soup, then drank it with a spoon, and muttered strangely: "Why do I feel a familiar taste when I drink this soup?"

Chao Yi also took a sip and smiled without saying a word.

He Qishu, who was accompanying the distinguished guest, listened to it and replied with a smile: "Elder Xiao, you are so rude, you will know that the soup is different after a few bites. This soup is a healthy soup made by the recipe prescribed by the little doctor. , Our old man and old lady now drink this soup ten days a month, and tonight the He family borrowed flowers to present to the Buddha, and treated the guests with healthy soup."

"I said how to drink the soup that is so similar to the health soup I drank at Chao Er's house. It turned out to be the hand of the little girl." Xiao Lao was so proud that he was so proud that he said, what kind of Cordyceps they were drinking at Chao Er's house. The taste of the soup is very similar. It turned out that it was not his misunderstanding, but the hand of the same-born little girl. Even if the recipes are not necessarily the same, they must be the same.

"Chao Er, contribute the recipe recipe, and the old man also wants one." Luo Lao immediately packed the soup, and did not forget to ask for the recipe list.

"This can't be done, the recipe can't be given," Chao Er immediately shook his head: "Luo Lao, my family's recipe list is a healthy soup prepared by Xiao Tuanzi for the physique of our family, suitable for my family, not necessarily suitable for your old, you It’s okay to go to our house to drink a few times occasionally, but it may not be suitable for regular drinking.”

In order to prevent others from asking for recipes from his family, He Qishu also made up his knife: "The little doctor said the same thing when he prescribed the recipe for health preservation for our family. Soup can keep you healthy. If your physique is different, drinking some kind of healthy soup suitable for other families may be counterproductive. The health soup prescribed by the little doctor for the old man and the old lady of the He family is neutral, but you can't drink it every day. Drink too much. It's easy to overdo it."

"Forget it, I won't ask you, Chao Er, if you eat your food, I'll grab the little girl and ask if she can give me a healthy recipe. In recent years, I feel more and more that my waist and legs are not as strong as before. "

"A man in his seventies and eighties, can he still compare with a young man?"


All the old people who demolished the stage, the first knife to repair the knife, eat happily while having fun, no matter how much they talk about it, the topic is finally brought back to the little girl. The girl helped to take a look. Finally, the old man hummed angrily and took back all the shameless and crooked ideas.

The elders were chatting, Xiao Shao and the others drank the soup silently, and they could eat whatever they wanted to eat. The few people who had been to Little Lolita's dormitory were secretly chatting, speaking in black and white, He's family's health soup is very good, but there is still no chicken and mushroom soup made by Little Loli, the fish head soup is delicious.

For the He family’s dinner, the dishes are not served all at once, but are divided into times. The first time is 15 minutes, and the second time is served. There are both cold and hot dishes. The second time is 15 minutes, and the third round of dishes is served. , and the last round.

After the waiters finished serving the dishes, they all went to the side hall for dinner and rest.

The He family went to make a toast, but the old birthday star He Old Ancestor did not go. He was represented by Mr. He Er, the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law of the fourth room, and the eldest grandson of each room, as well as Xie Yiyuan's father and son, as well as a girl and son-in-law who were married in the generation of Qi. , the He family's representative team is also quite spectacular.

Toast to the guests, first to the little doctor at the main table, little Lolita brother slept soundly in his arms, in order to accept the master's kindness in the beautiful youth, of course, it was just a matter of smearing his lips.

The first guest at the main table was respected, and then the elders at the VIP seat, and then proceeded in a clockwise direction. It took a full hour and 10 minutes to pay respects to all the tables.

After the host toasts, the guests are free to do whatever they want. All the guests came forward to toast Mrs. He Tai, the birthday star, and the young grandchildren of the He family drank it on their behalf. From the next one to the top, as a result, half of the descendants of the He family didn't play, and dozens of the guests were drunk first.

All the guests also toasted the little doctor and the elder brother of the Chao family. The beautiful young man embraced his younger sister with a full smile, and said, "Everyone loves you, I am flattered below. My sister is a child and can't drink. I used to have bad physique, so my sister doesn't allow me to drink alcohol. , everyone's kindness can only be appreciated."

The pretty boy couldn't drink, so the guests changed their respects to Sanjun of Chao's family, and Sanjun of Chao's family stood in a line and agreed to protect the little guy's backpack and not drink alcohol, so they declined it so openly.

When giving a toast to all the elders, Yang Lao Xiao Lao and others justly said that they would supervise the third boy of the Chao family to take care of the little girl's backpack, and only drink milk, so that the last person who went to toast has another wave of drunkenness. .

(End of this chapter)

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