magic eye doctor

Chapter 778 This is embarrassing (2 more

Chapter 778 This is embarrassing (2 more

At the He Family's dinner party, the elites in Beijing were almost three-fifths. If you add those powerful families who let their family members be their representatives, it would be four-fifths, which means that except for the rich, just grab any one is the official Xun family. family.

The rich are also the business partners of the He family, or the partners of the relatives and friends of the He family. The dinner is also a gathering of the rich and the powerful. Under such circumstances, mutual toasting is naturally less, and it is impossible for a while. At the end, the lively atmosphere of the dinner continued unabated.

Just as the toasting crowd in the corner of the banquet was drinking and complimenting each other, an old man had just finished a sip of wine, and there was a flush on his face. He opened and closed his mouth before making a sound. Just as he wanted to cover his chest, he slammed away the person who was drinking and talking to him, threw himself forward, and threw himself on the table, his face buckled into a dinner plate.

When he slammed forward, the person next to him tried to help him but didn't stop him. When the old man was lying on the table, the glass in his hand also fell to the ground, and the tall red wine glass fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

The sound of the wine glass falling to the ground was almost at the same time as the people's exclamations, and the people's calls were more mixed, which also suppressed the sound of the glass breaking:

"Yang Lao Yang Lao-"

"Master Wang-"


The crowd in twos and threes exclaimed, Wang Ju and Mrs. Wang were even more anxious, and everyone went to support the old man.

There was chaos over there, and the He family found out that the nearest third He Qishi, the oldest He Qiwu, and the He Qiwu sisters and brothers moved and ran to check what happened.

At the same time, Wang Wenhao, who was socializing with young people, also heard someone calling Grandpa during the riot, and he also hurried to the place where the crowd was commotion.

Because the sound in that corner was too loud, almost the entire hall could hear it, and the voices in other places were lowered, secretly watching what was going on there.

The people who were with Yang Lao and Wang Ju helped Yang Lao, only to see the food scraps on Yang Lao's face, his eyes were closed, his lips were blue, and his face was purple-red, and there was a rapid snoring sound from his nose.

Yang Lao's symptoms are clearly not like falling asleep, but like the most basic clinical manifestations of alcoholism.

"Dad, wake up, say something-" Wang Ju and his wife sat down with the help of others, and helped their father to wipe off the stains.

"Quickly ask if there is a doctor or nurse present."

"Inform the master."

"It doesn't look good, so call an ambulance."

"Isn't there a little girl Chao, please ask the little girl to help you see it."

When the seven or eight guests saw that Yang Lao didn't look very good, they immediately became anxious. If there was something wrong with Yang Lao, those of them who were present must have some suspicions on their backs. They didn't want to be unlucky for no reason.

When Wang Wenhao arrived, he heard the hurried shouts of his parents, got into the crowd, saw his parents supporting his grandfather, sweating profusely, and rushed over to help, trying to awaken his grandfather's consciousness.

Sisters He Qishi and He Qiwu rushed to the scene and heard the guests talking. They asked while walking forward. The guests saw the host family come to make way for the He family brothers and sisters to approach the middle area, and told them that Wang Ju's father was drinking. Sudden coma after drinking.

I heard that the old man Wang Yang, one of the three kings in Beijing, had a problem drinking. He Qiwu said nothing, and asked the third sister to call the emergency number to call a car to pick him up. He looked closer and found that Yang Lao had blue lips and red cheeks, which was clearly alcohol. If there are signs of poisoning, please take care of Wang Ju first. He runs to the main table to discuss with the old man and the brothers.

He Qishi called the ambulance according to what his eighth brother said. Wang Ju's father had a problem at the He family's banquet. No matter whether there was any problem, the He family would send him to the hospital for examination. Wang family and guests.

He Qiwu of the He family ran to the main table, and the people around the father and son of the Wang family were a little relieved.

There was a riot at the banquet, and the young and old of the He family soon knew that the old man He San first appeased the old mother, let his daughter-in-law and sister-in-law take care of the mother, and took He Qiwen, He Qili, He Qishu, and He Qiying to deal with it, and he just walked to the guest seat. On the way to see He Qiwu in a hurry Come here and ask about the situation first.

He San heard the general passage, and his heart was gloomy. He turned back and hurried back to the main table, went to the Chao family's beautiful young man's side, and discussed softly: "My great nephew, Wang Ju's father, one of the three kings in Beijing, is drinking too much. There may be alcohol poisoning, can you wake up the little doctor, please help the little doctor to come back."

The He family accompanied the ancestors and returned when they saw the old man. Only the old lady He Da He Sanliang sat with the ancestor and the Chao family boy, and everyone else stood up. When they heard that one of the three kings in Beijing Yang Lao may be alcohol poisoned, and everyone's expressions changed.

"Master, I'll try my best. My sister is very angry when she sleeps. If I wake her up, please take care of Mrs. He and Mrs. He. If I can't wake up, I can only apologize." Chao Yubo When I vaguely heard He Qiwu's words, I knew that the He family might need Xiaolele's help.

The beautiful young man promised to call his sister. The He family was grateful and waited with anticipation. Someone fainted due to alcohol poisoning at the ancestor's birthday banquet. Send it out in a good manner, and there will be no shadow in everyone's heart.

The beautiful young man lowered his head, moved the little loli girl in his arms, put one of her hands between him and her, made her lie on her back, pinched her nose, pinched her face, and scratched her ears: " Lele, Lele, someone fainted, please help and save someone, Lele, someone is seriously ill, please help, Xiao Lele, life is at stake, please help and save someone..."

The person who slept soundly was scratched, his nose was almost wrinkled, his face was wrinkled, he wanted to shrink into a ball and hide his face, but he couldn't turn his body, and his movable hand waved, grabbing the hand that scratched his dream .

Little Lolita waved her hands around, her wrinkled face showed she was very impatient, and the He Family members were terrified.

The beautiful boy continued to scream persistently, poked her in the face, and rubbed her little nose.

The little girl was so annoyed by the scratches, her mouth was pouted, and she was about to cry: "Brother Chao, Brother Chao, there is a bad guy who disturbs me to sleep, beat him to death, beat him to death."

The little fan dumpling's voice was delicate and looked like she was about to cry. Chao Yubo was helpless and only pinched her cheek: "Lele, Xiao Lele, it's your brother who is calling you, get up and do me a favor, okay? Someone fainted. , you need us Lele to save lives, save people like firefighting, Lele, can you help save people? Lele, Xiaolele, Lele Xiaodanzi, hurry up and save lives..."

"No, no, no, ask someone to help me, I want to sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep..." The little girl who was about to cry grabbed the hand that was pinching her cheek with her movable hand and pressed it so that she could not move.

Judging from his tone, Chao Yubo knew that Xiao Lele was still in a confused state, so he grabbed her hand, continued to pinch her pretty nose, and poked her pink face: "Lele, good Lele, do me a favor, help me. Man, if you don't save that guy, you may die, Xiao Lele, please help me, Xiao Tuanzi, just help my brother once..."

He persevered, and the person who was too annoyed to stand up sat up on his back, removed his stuck hand, hugged her quiet hand, and shouted angrily: " Who is the bastard who doesn't faint in the morning and doesn't faint at night, and even fainted while auntie was sleeping and ran to see auntie for help, beat him to death, beat him all to death!"

"!" The little doctor sat up angrily, and the old man of the He family was startled. Hearing her angrily cursing, everyone was stunned.

This temper is not ordinary!

He Mingzhi wiped his forehead, uh, no wonder Brother Long Bao was cowardly no matter what she said in front of Little Loli Little Doctor, because he was afraid of her going mad.

"Lele, it's your brother who asked you for help, are you going to kill your brother?" Xiao Kawai was woken up, and she went into a frenzy every second. Chao Yubo was so angry and happy, he hugged his sister who was sitting on his lap and touched her. His head reassured: "Lele, don't be angry anymore, why don't you save people first? If you save them, my brother will beat you up."

"Brother Chao is a bad brother," said Le Yun, who was still in a daze, full of bad news, her head was touched, her frizz smoothed out, her nose wrinkled, and she sniffed the air: "Brother Chao, where are you now? Ah, a lot of people, um, a lot of perfume, Chanel, Cologne, Orchid... Are you in a big hotel, call an ambulance to save people, I'm going to sleep..."

"Don't sleep, don't sleep, Lele, don't sleep, this is not a hotel, it's Yan Xing's great-grandmother's house, it's He's house, today is Yanxing's great-grandmother Mrs. He Tai's [-]th birthday, someone fainted at the banquet, Suspected of being poisoned, Lele happy to help." Hearing that Xiao Lele wanted to fall asleep again, Chao Yubo immediately poked her in the face, abruptly preventing her from sleeping.

Le Yun, whose head was full of chaos, mumbled dully for a while, and evenly scratched her still very confused brain: "Yan's great grandmother... Oh, it's the birthday of the old birthday star of the He family, okay, go get that Someone dragged over, doing errands, hurry up, slow down, delay my sleep, and kill you."

The elder brother of the Chao family is calling for his sister, and the elders and children of the Chao family can’t help, staring with big eyes and small eyes and waiting. Yes, are you awake or not?

When he heard the call to drag someone over, Yan Xing was already running, and when he heard the last sentence of Little Loli, he almost wanted to hang up on the southeast branch. How did he offend Little Loli, and why did he dislike him like this.

As soon as Brother Xiaolongbao moved, He Mingli also ran with him. He almost couldn't help laughing when he heard the little beauty doctor threatening their brother Longbao, but fortunately, he had good self-control and endured it.

Because there was a little accident in the banquet, the guests first stood. When the old man He San went to invite the little girl, the guests sat down one after another. The guests who were close also gave the Chao family's little Yisun who screamed when he was awakened. After listening to it, I heard a series of words, and held back a smile.

The He family woke up their little girl to save the scene, Chao San wanted to send the backpack, and the Chao family simply went to help out. Mrs. Wang was worried about her little padded jacket and went with the Chao family. Mrs. Li, Mrs. Li, can't worry about herself. The youngest grandson, the couple also traveled with the Chao family, Yang Lao and others considered that they were sitting on the He family table, and they could be regarded as helping the He family in town.

The old man He San wanted to talk to the little doctor, but he was afraid of making the little doctor angry. How big is her temper, the little doctor is good at medicine, and her temper is worthy of getting up.

He Qiying and others saw Xiaolongbao running, and went to help Yang Lao together. The He family apologized to the guests first, and hurriedly passed between the tables and seats to the Wang family father and son, and took Yang Yang from Wang Ju and his son. The old man was carried by Yan Xing and went straight to the main table.

The beautiful boy hugged his sister for a comforting meal, moved the cute little dumpling closer, made her lean on his chest, then turned around, turned his back towards the table, and talked to her, so that she would not fall asleep again if she didn't notice.

The old lady He Da He San stood up, helped the ancestor to get up, helped move the chair, and then asked the ancestor to sit down. They and a few younger generations stood behind the ancestor.

The old man of the Chao family walked over and talked to Mrs. He Tai in a low voice. Chao San and his wife stood behind their children as backup.

Brother He Qiying accompanied the three members of the Wang family and followed Yan Xing, who was holding Yang Lao, and ran to the main table quickly. Yan Xing was not polite, and placed Yang Lao on the carpet in front of the Chao family brothers and sisters, facing the Chao family brothers and sisters. , He half-squatted on the ground, waiting for his orders.

Wang Ju and his wife and son stared nervously at the Chao family's little righteous grandson.

Le Yun's mind was very confused, but her hearing and smell were online, and she had collected a lot of information. She let go of the hand holding Brother Chao's arm, moved herself, slid down, sat on the ground, and stretched out her hand: "Hey, bring it here."

The little powder dumpling sat on the ground, and the beautiful boy sat on the ground with him, still rubbing her head with one hand to help her brush her hair.

Yan Xing knew what Little Lolita asked him to take, so he quickly moved closer to Little Loli, picked up Yang Lao's hand, and put it under a tender paw.

With the hand handed over, Le Yun held her heavy head to feel the pulse, the pulse of the patient's left hand, retracted her paw, and pouted in disgust: "I don't know how much I know about my body, you know that It's an alcoholic liver, and I drink desperately, and it's hell if I don't get poisoned and faint."

Old and young of the He family: "..."

The old couple Chao and others: "..." Little dumpling, don't want the truth, the truth will make people very embarrassed.

Seeing the subtle expressions of the Chao family, Wang Ju hurriedly explained, "Little girl, in fact, my father...he didn't drink much tonight."

"I didn't say that he was poisoned by alcohol tonight," Le Yun was unhappy, and returned angrily: "This guy is chronically poisoned by alcohol, and he has been dependent on alcohol as early as two years ago, and alcohol dependence is three If you don’t drink alcohol, you will feel tired. You will feel refreshed after drinking a few cups a day. It’s similar to taking drugs. If you don’t take pain, you will feel refreshed after taking a few sips. Do you understand?
I drink alcohol and drink alcohol, I can't control myself, I can't control my mouth and drink desperately. I didn't have clinical symptoms of alcohol poisoning before because the alcohol level has not accumulated to the critical point of the outbreak. Now it's here. Tonight's wine just crushed the camel. the last straw. "

Wang Bureau was scolded, blushed with shame, and some could not step down.

The scene was also embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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