magic eye doctor

Chapter 779 Blindfolded can also acupuncture (1 more

Chapter 779 Blindfolded can also acupuncture (1 more

The face scene was a little embarrassing. The beautiful young man rescued the scene and smiled apologetically to Wang Ju: "Sorry, Wang Ju, my sister didn't get enough sleep, she is in a bad mood, and her words are a bit rushed, don't take it to heart."

"It's alright, it's alright, if there is Lao Chao, please help me with a few words, and ask the little girl to diagnose and treat my father." Someone went down the steps for himself, and Wang Ju hurriedly stepped down the slope and stepped down.

"I'm not going to do it," Le Yun said with a pouted mouth, cutting the way first: "Brother Chao, it's useless for you to help Mei Yan, he knows he has an alcoholic liver and still doesn't quit drinking, and now he drinks alcohol and has cirrhosis of the liver. I don’t want to treat a patient who commits suicide, I only help him sober up and detoxify some of the alcohol and poison.”

Wang Ju was speechless once again.

Everyone: "..." The little guy is about to go crazy again.

"Lele, don't be angry, my brother doesn't help others. Our little Lele is the cutest. Hurry up and use the rejuvenation technique to wake him up, and you can sleep at ease." As the only person who can coax her sister, Chao Yubo resolutely obeyed her wishes, lest Xiao Lele get angry and leave if he disagrees.

"Well, I see, Father Chao, please give me a bag." Le Yun sniffed and opened her mouth to shout, "Hey, unbutton his shirt. Bear boy He Xiaoliu pour a cup of warm water. "

The little guy called himself, Chao's father immediately handed over the backpack, and then looked at the young people of the He family in surprise, um, the youngest sixteen in the He family was called a bear child by the little dumplings?
The old and young of the He family were very calm, and He Xiaoliu ran away, defending himself while running: "Little doctor, please don't add strange prefixes to me, I'm not a bear boy, I'm obviously a handsome guy."

"He Xiaoliu's prefix with the word "bear child" is also very good." Mrs. Wang laughed unkindly. Her little padded jacket is a cow. .

"Well, it's pretty good, it looks more lively." Elder Li also agreed.

"Yes. It's also interesting to add the words 'handyman' in front of Sun Yanxing, the grandson of the He family." Mrs. Wang was very happy, and she was really strong from her own side.

"Mother Wang, please don't be rude." Yan Xing listened to Xiao Luoli's words and unbuttoned Yang Lao's clothes and became the object of ridicule. He was extremely sad. Have a little face.

The ladies of the He family laughed out loud, and Ancestor He raised his eyebrows with a smile: "Xiao Longbao, don't be ashamed, the prefix that the little doctor gave you is what you suffer, anyway, I will give you to the little doctor as a gift. Handyman."

"Grandma, I'm your great-grandson." Yan Xing suddenly felt that the world was dark.

The old and the young of the He family were happy and wanted to make Xiao Longbao happy when they heard the elder brother of the Chao family shouting: "Lele, Lele, don't go to sleep again, you can sleep after you finish your work, Lele, you are ready to go to work. what."

Everyone looked at the Chao family brothers and sisters in shock, and really saw the blindfolded little guy holding the bag and hanging his head, clearly looking like he was about to fall asleep.

"Brother Chao, the water hasn't come yet, let me sleep for a while." Little Loli nodded her head down.

"No, Lele, you can't sleep when you are working or studying, Xiao Lele, you said that, you can't break your word and get fat." The beautiful boy rubbed his face, touched his head, and pinched his nose at the little powder dumpling who was hooking his head and wanted to nod his head. Don't let her doze off.

"Bad brother..." Forced to wake up abruptly, Le Yun raised her mouth unhappily, held the bag and put it away, opened the zipper, took out the emerald jade box with gold rims, and opened the box to get the needle cover.

Everyone was amused by the brothers and sisters. When they saw that the little guy was blindfolded, he was looking for something as neatly as his eyes were open, and they all stared blankly.

Le Yun's brain is very confused, but the doctor's intuition is still there. She finds the needle cover, spreads it out, touches the few remaining needles, puts the needle cover on her arm, and purses her mouth in anguish: "Medical The needles were used during surgery and have not been sterilized, and the last few needles could not be kept.”

The old men didn't know how to comfort them, and they didn't know how to coax the little guy, staring blankly.

"Don't be annoyed Lele, I'll beat Young Master Yan to show you in a few days."

"Well. To beat him so that his grandmother doesn't recognize him."

"Okay, beat him so that Mrs. He doesn't recognize Mrs. He, and the He family can't recognize him. Don't sleep, Lele, the bear boy He Xiaoliu is here with water, and you can start work immediately."

The beautiful young man could tell from his voice whether the cute little Lele wanted to doze off, talk with her, and prevent her from falling asleep again when she is free.

Wang Ju's forehead was in a cold sweat, and when the Chao family's little Yisun was blindfolded, or when he was still confused, is it really okay to stick the needle like this?Because it was the He family, he didn't dare to question the little righteous grandson of the Chao family, and was frightened.

Yan Xing quickly unbuttoned Yanglao when he was talking with little Lolita, letting Yanglao's chest come out. Yanglao has been well maintained. An old man in his 70s has the skin of a man in his 60s or [-]s.

He Xiaoliu ran to the water dispenser to get a cup of warm water, returned as fast as possible, ran to the little Loli, squatted down, and handed the glass of water to the little Loli: "Little doctor, here comes the water. La."

"Yeah," Le Yun said, judging where the water cup was from the smell, and caught the cup accurately. If there was too much water, he poured it out a little to the side, put it down, and then touched the backpack, took out a bag and put it in a self-sealing bag. The green pill, opened the bag, poured out one and divided it in half, and threw half of the pills into the cup: "For the miscellaneous, take the cup."

He Xiaoliu picked up the cup and handed it to Brother Long Bao to hold it. The pills melted in the cup, and the rich medicinal fragrance wafted faintly, making people want to grab it.

The cup was taken away, Le Yun leaned forward, a slap landed on the patient's chin and pinched it, asked him to open his mouth, and threw half of the pill down his throat, then let him close his mouth, two small hands Move down his throat, press the acupoints all the way, let the medicine fall into the stomach, rub the acupoints around the stomach, and massage the major points on the chest.

Press the acupuncture point once, touch the needle cover to take the needle, use the guide ruler with one hand to remove the needle on the patient's chest, insert the needle with the other hand, insert eight needles on the chest, move it to the face, and insert two needles near his temple, the middle point under the nose One stitch, several stitches are also used up.

After piercing the needles, massage the acupoints, press the acupoints twice, pull out one of the needles, and pierce the patient's right heart.

When the needle went down, Yang Lao let out a painful snort, and his snoring-like breathing, which had been very rapid, slowly became smooth, and soon his breathing became normal, and the redness on his face also faded.

The patient was breathing smoothly, Le Yun closed the needles one by one, wrapped the used needles with a tissue, put them in the jade box together with the needle cover, put them back in the backpack, and raised the bag: "Dad Chao, help me carry the bag."

"Okay, little Lele, Dad Chao will help you manage your backpack, and you must take good care of it." Dad Chao was so happy, he held his back and carried it in front of him swiftly.

Giving the backpack to Dad Chao, Le Yun shook the gangster's head, leaned forward slightly, stretched out one hand and pointed at the patient's chest, then pointed at his dantian qi sea, and finally pointed at others.

With three fingers, Yang Lao took a long breath like a deflated ball, opened his eyes, and his eyes were still a little hazy.

The little girl was blindfolded and dazzling, Wang Ju was originally worried, but when he heard his father's breathing was smooth, he found that the back of his clothes was wet.

Mrs. Wang had been so nervous all the time that she could keep her composure by holding her son's hand tightly.

Seeing the old man wake up, the family called "Dad" and "Grandpa", and hurriedly rushed over to help the old man sit up.

"Handyman, wait another 3 minutes to feed him the water in your hand, let his family accompany him to the toilet after 6 or [-] minutes, and then send him wherever he should go." Holding Brother Chao's arm: "Brother Chao, I want to go home and sleep."

"Okay, let's go home." The beautiful young man rubbed the round head of the small powder dumplings, got up, turned around, and squatted down: "Lele, come on brother's back, brother's back."

The little loli quickly got up and lay on the back of the beautiful young brother, and put her chin on her brother's shoulder, and then there was no sound.

The little doctor was clamoring to go home, and the ancestor He also stood up; the father and son of the Wang family looked at the Chao family.

Chao's father quickly helped his son, while Chao's mother helped Xiaofan dumplings: "Lele, Xiaolele?" I wanted to ask her if she had helped her, but she didn't respond after two calls, and she couldn't help crying and laughing: "No way, sleep in seconds."

The beautiful young man held the little fan dumpling with his backhand and stood up slowly, looking at Mrs. He Jiatai: "Mrs. He Jiatai, my sister is clamoring to go home, let's say goodbye first, my sister has not woken up and has a bad temper, which may offend your distinguished guest. In the place where you are, please explain one or two things on behalf of the old man and the old ladies of the He family, and please forgive me for disturbing your old birthday banquet and guest Yaxing."

"Look at what you said, it was because we didn't think carefully and disturbed Yaxing, who disturbed the little doctor's sleep, and also worked hard for the little doctor to sacrifice sleep to visit us. The old body and the whole family are grateful, and tomorrow the old body will send the consultation fee in person. "

Ancestor He expressed his gratitude amicably, and then called the eldest son and eldest grandson of the fourth room and Yiyuan to accompany her to see off the guests, let Zirong Zirui bring other children to entertain the guests, and let Xiaolongbao take care of Wang Lao.

From the He clan to the old age, down to the Huangkou child, they all gathered at the fastest speed.

The descendants of the He family were divided into two waves. One wave stood behind He San, and the other followed the ancestors. The old lady He Da and He Xiaowu supported the ancestors and sent the Chao family along with their eldest sons and grandsons.

The father and son of the Wang family were stunned, and the guests were also stunned.

Mr. Chao and Mrs. Li Laowang repeatedly said that they didn't need to send it, but Mrs. He Tai insisted that they would do as they please.Ancestor He led the eldest grandson and great-great-grandson to accompany the Chao family out of the hall, through the outer courtyard to the gate of the villa, and apologized repeatedly while waiting for the car to arrive.

Mr. Chao and so on comforted Mrs. He Tai repeatedly, and told her not to mind the little fan dumpling's tantrums, they are old friends, you are welcome, but the other one may have a pimple because of their little padded jacket's attitude, but it's embarrassing to congratulate her. Home comfort.

After talking for a while, the Chao family's car and Mr. Li's driver arrived. The Chao family, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Wang took their two children into the car. Everyone in the He family watched the car of the Chao family go away before turning back. villa.

(End of this chapter)

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