magic eye doctor

Chapter 787 Discuss (2

Chapter 787 Discuss (2

Brother Zhou, Zhang Poluo and Liu Lu showed a question mark face. They thought that Wang Chu would refuse to admit that his father had kicked Lele, but he ran away unexpectedly. What was the reason for him to retreat?

Seeing that Wang Tzu walked out of Yueqing's house without looking back, got on a motorcycle and drove away, Liu Lu even had the expression "I'm confused" written on his face: "Who did you say gave his face, Let him have the face to come to Lejia?"

"He gave it himself," Zhang Poluo laughed. "Looking at his bird with a beer belly, I guessed that he made a lot of money in the past few years, and he was still singing poor, who would believe it."

"Anyway, they are thick-skinned and may come again."

"Come on, let's just watch the monkeys."

When the three brothers saw Yueqing take the small chair back to the main room, Liu Lu acted as a curious baby: "Yueqing, if you come back a few more times, will you forgive me again?"

"He doesn't kick Lele. I may pretend that nothing happened on the surface. Their kick almost killed my child. If I can forgive me, what face will I have to see my parents and my mother in a hundred years." The adults have grievances , It has nothing to do with children, the Wang family can hurt even such a small child, why should he sympathize with the Wang family's children now?
Liu Lu laughed loudly. Yueqing obviously meant that he would not forgive Wang Kuo, nor would he say good things to Wang Kuang's family in front of Lele. Wang Kuo's wishful thinking was about to fail.

Brother Zhou and a few were about to continue to be jealous of cucumbers when Cheng Youde also came, and when he entered the door, he asked, "I just saw Wang Tzu from Xiashuitian Village passing by this way. Did he come to look for Yueqing, or was he passing by?"

"I came to Yueqing, touched my nose, and left in a hurry."

"Have you met Wang Tso? We almost didn't recognize him just now."

Cheng Youde entered the main room of Lejia: "I met him on the street shopping at noon on the day of our country's celebration. I didn't recognize him at the time. I heard someone talking to him in the store and knew it was him. What did he do to Yueqing, and he wanted to borrow money?"

"Said it was to pay back the money."

"Oh, that must be trying to repay the money first, and then borrow a bigger one."


The buddies said a few words, rolled up their sleeves and went to work.

Wang Tiao had a bad nose in Lejia, and he didn't want to be seen by people in Meizijing Village. He rode a motorcycle along the road directly out of the village, and then walked along the village street to the end of the street and walked back to the village by a cement road.

His house is not along the street, but in the middle of the village. He turns several turns along the east bend of the village road, and walks [-] meters from a half-foot wide road in front of the building on the first and third floors. just home.

Just as the motorcycle stopped, Wang Tzu's father, Wang Yi, stuck his head out of the house on the first floor with a paper roll in his mouth. Wang Yi had five children, two sons and three daughters. Because of the large population, when the children were going to school He was ill again, so the family was completely clean, and tuition fees were often in arrears. It was not until around 2010 that his sons made money one after another before building a building.

His son is working outside, he and his wife help the younger son with housekeeping in his hometown, and let his son’s children study in his hometown to reduce expenses. His eldest son gave birth to three daughters and was arrested and sterilized. The incense of the Wang family was born desperately, and it was not until the sixth one was born that it gave birth to a handle.

In the past, when a son gave birth to a daughter, he felt that he couldn't raise his head in the village. When the younger son gave birth to a handle, he also walked with his chin up. As a result, the child found out that there was a problem with his brain, and the villagers laughed at his grandson as a fool. He lowered his head again.

Wang Yi’s generation got married early, and they all got married at the age of seventeen, eighty or nineteen. He is only in his 60s now, and his waist is bent because of kidney stones. Is it done?"

"It's a fart." Wang Tiao's face was ugly, and he carried the moon cake on the trailer driver's handle and walked towards the house.

"What Yueqing said, he has paid back his family's money, what else does he have to pick on?" Wang Yi was angry, and his tone was quite dissatisfied.

"Yueqing and Zhou Xialong turned over the old accounts and turned out everything you said before. They didn't even let me in the main room, they didn't charge anything, and they didn't pay back the money. They said they should take it for our family to buy medicine. Yueqing said that he My family will always remember the kick you kicked Leyun, Dad, you said you had to kick that little short-lived ghost when you were so good."

Wang Chuan rushed into the main room and saw his son sitting in the main room with a toy car in a daze. Even if he heard his words, it was as if he hadn't heard. Home, but it is really cursed, his father is sick again, his mother is in pain here and there, and it is not smart to have a son.

"I kicked it if I didn't like it. It's a loser, and I need to keep an old account." Wang Yi was very angry. He didn't just kick Lejia's loser, and he didn't dig Lejia's ancestral grave. Yueqing used it. Remember ten years?

"The money-losing goods of other people's families are now promising, and they have met dignitaries and dignitaries, and bought hundreds of thousands of house foundations for her without blinking an eye. Losing money is faster than making money."

Wang Tiao was so jealous that he felt sour in his heart. Back then, Lejia's short-lived ghost could choke on water, but who would have thought that one day he would soar into the sky and change from a sparrow to a phoenix. He also gave birth to five daughters, no matter if he raised them by himself. The big ones are still sent out, and none of them are materials for reading.

Thinking of my daughter, I feel even more angry. The eldest daughter went out to work after finishing junior high school, and was coaxed away by a wild man at the age of 17 and a half. The younger one failed to pass the high school entrance examination and was sent to technical school. Two back tires.

Other people's money-losing goods can earn face and house for the family, but the money-losing goods he raised are really money-losing goods. He has spent money, not to mention interest, and has not recovered a cent of the principal so far, and his son is like this again. The money lost is many times more than the money lost.

Thinking that all the money he earned was on his son, and now his money is tense, and he doesn't know when his son's illness will be cured, Wang Chuan felt bored and resentful, and was also angry with his mother and father, who was the mother and father who did not give it back. Lejia's money, now it's good, I don't know how many times the money spent is hundreds of times more than that.

Wang Yi was stunned and speechless. Lejia's little short-lived ghost has no future. Naturally, he is a loser. Now that he is promising, it is no longer a loser. Lejia uses the old things to make things difficult for their family. Their family is really only staring. share.

After thinking about it, he gave an idea: "How about we go to the village head tomorrow, and ask the village head and the village head of Mei Village to help Lejia go to talk about it?"

The village chief of Mei Village is a brother to Yueqing's father, and now Yueqing's wife is a girl from the Zhou family. It is impossible for Yueqing to deny Zhou village chief's face.

Wang Chuo didn't speak, it was a tacit agreement, he sat down beside his son silently, taught him to play with toys, and exercised his brain thinking ability.

The youngest son did not object to his idea. Wang Yi was smoking a dry cigarette, thinking about what to do tomorrow at the village chief's house to ask for help, and calculating how much it would cost.

(End of this chapter)

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