magic eye doctor

Chapter 788 Chapter Family

Chapter 788
Mid-Autumn Festival gifts, urban and rural areas are the same, Beijing and China's wealthy circle of people who are close to each other also send Mid-Autumn Festival gifts to each other, usually moon cakes, why don't you give moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival?

A few people who lived in the same compound with Mr. Li, Mr. Yang, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Xiao, Mr. Luo, etc. went to deliver moon cakes to them, and they were shocked to find that the old men were not there, especially the one who lived in the compound with Mr. and Mrs. Li found that the owner was not there. At home, I returned empty-handed. Although the other old masters were not at home, there were children and grandchildren at home, and they were received by the master. Only then did I know that the old man went to Chao's house to find a little girl to eat, not to mention how envious.

Secretly received a wave of envious and jealous old men, sent away the old and young He family, still relying on the Chao Er family chatting and playing chess, drinking afternoon tea in the middle of the afternoon, eating pumpkin pie made by small dumplings, all old eyes thief bright thief Bright, still dissatisfied, clamoring to eat that banana pancake.

The banana pancakes made by Xiaofendanzi were given to the He family, but they didn't taste it. The old and young foodies said that they had been greedy for a long time, and the beautiful teenagers took pictures of the foodies' gluttony requests. The old men ran to the kitchen to complain, okay? , even if the door is not open, the little fan dumpling didn't answer even half a word.

The old man who had been shut down, smelled the aroma from the kitchen, and drool three thousand feet straight down. The villain inside ignored him and stood outside for a full 10 minutes before slipping back to the living room in despair.

Mrs. Wang wanted to stay at Chao Er's house for another night, but there was a vinegar jar at home, and she had to go home, carrying the moon cakes and biscuits brought by the beautiful young man, and left her little grandson to lose. Chao family.

Qing Lao Yang Lao Xiao Lao Luo Lao and others were jealous at first, and then they all shouted to go home. The beautiful boy offered moon cakes and biscuits to a few.

After getting the moon cakes and biscuits, the faces of several lovely old men turned green. They just wanted to see if they could get a Mid-Autumn Festival gift from a small powder dumpling when they returned home. It turned out to be true, but they didn't really want to go home. , but they said they wanted to go home and gave them gifts. They were embarrassed to stay and resigned.

So, in the end, only the Yue family Taishan Taishui, the third Jun of the Chao family, and Xiao Shao, Li Shaoluo, Shaowang, Er Shao, and four snacks were left, and the snackers were happily waiting to eat.

When classmate Le was making moon cakes at Chao's house, Gu Xiu and Gu Wu's family were also preparing items for the Mid-Autumn Festival. For Gu Xiu and Gu Wu's family, New Year's Eve and Mid-Autumn Festival are the reunion days for the whole family. Generally, they can go back, but not both. Hui, try to have a reunion dinner on a certain festival.

The most happiest of the ancient Xiu family are the Hua, Si, Ji, Jiang, and Zhou families. The doctors from the Immortal Doctors received the consultation. The difficulties of their families have become a thing of the past. This Mid-Autumn Festival is full of joy and the atmosphere is natural. Also more intense than previous years.

The Xuanyuan family is equally happy. The most talented young patriarch of the Xuanyuan family has solved even the only minor problem. His cooking skills have improved with each passing day, and his cultivation has become more and more stable. The seniors of the Xuanyuan family are particularly happy.

In particular, the elders of the Hua and Xuanyuan families and the treasures of the town house learned from the young people who accompany the little girl to Europe that the little girl has a space talisman for carrying things, and they were so surprised that they could not sleep on the first night. Immortal doctors used magical powers in front of their children, indicating that they recognized their family and trusted their family. This was tantamount to a good opportunity for the family to thrive for hundreds of years in the future.

Some people are happy, some people are worried. The young master of the Helian family learned that the children of the Helian family who entered Qingda have not yet seen the immortal doctors. The Xiu family sent to the capital either the young master or the prospective young master, or the heirs and grandsons, and the Helian family sent to the capital a descendant. Would the Xianyi family think that the Helian family despised her?
Or, would they think that the children of the Helian family wanted to compete with her because they applied to major in medicine, so they listed the Helian family as an unfriendly family?

Especially when he learned that the children of the Ren family were entertained by the Immortal Doctors when they entered the school, which made him doubt that his guess was justified. For example, the disciples of the ancient tomb sect and the children of the Duan family in Lishi had met with the little girl, the ancestors of the Eight Swords. The disciple and Young Master Yan were also brothers and sisters. The Sleeping Beauty in Tantai's family was rescued by a little girl, so the four close to the water tower can be understood.

But the Ren family boy has never heard of having a personal relationship with the little girl. It must be because Ren Shao is both the direct grandson of the Ren family and the direct disciple of Bai Guanyun. When he entered the school to visit the little girl, the little girl felt that she was given due respect. with due respect.

Young Master Helian felt that it was necessary to discuss with the elders the candidates for the Helian family to send to the capital and the candidates to visit while the entire clan was in full force during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

And a certain little loli, who has received much attention in the practice world, doesn't care much about what happens to the ancient Xiu family or various sects. She feels that everyone has no grievances, and there is no need to care about each other's private lives.

Therefore, Lexiao classmates who soaked in the kitchen wholeheartedly made dough, made moon cakes, made banana pancakes, made potato biscuits, made roujiamo, and made steamed buns.

The buns have vegetarian stuffing and seafood stuffing. They use the raw materials given to her by the He family. The vegetarian stuffing uses fresh matsutake mushrooms, bamboo fungus and morel mushrooms. The seafood stuffing is also fresh. The seafood stuffing should not be stored for a long time, so only make Servings for evening and tomorrow morning.

When the oven is free, we also do grilled seafood.

So much so that in the evening, Little Loli was finally willing to open the kitchen door. The kitchen was full of food, and a few snacks were happily helping to carry them, some of them to be cold, some to be chilled, and some to be moved to the dining table.

The old men and the old ladies in Chao Er's house didn't say a word. They grabbed the little powder and devastated them and sent them to take a bath. When she washed away the smell of soot, they came out to have a lively dinner, and in the evening it was another big table.

The foodies who were raised with stubborn mouths finally became addicted to food again. Not to mention how happy they were, the old and young of the Chao family did not forget to take a picture and send it to Ah Fu. When I have time, I make transoceanic calls to bombard the parents in turn.

When a group of foodies, old and young, were happily digesting their food with their sullen stomachs, Le went to the small warehouse to pick up the samples. On the surface, they only carried two large boxes and went back to the second floor. When they returned to the bedroom, they locked the door and opened the computer connection. On the wireless network of Er Bo's house, log on to Q to read the email.

Someone Yan sent a few zip emails, downloaded and decompressed it, disconnected the wireless network, read the information given by someone Yan, and read the thick information at a speed like ten lines at a glance. All faces were black, scumbags and scumbags. Mom's best relatives are not ordinary scumbags, they are the best scumbags.

The scum mother has two sisters named Wang Cuixiang Wang Cuiyu and a younger brother Wang Longsheng. The scum mother's younger brother has a good name, but unfortunately it is not a dragon, but a worm. He is very good at fighting and playing ruthlessly. He has cut people and been imprisoned for two years.

The parents of the scumbag used to be social gangsters, but now they are old gangsters, professional peddlers who make money by cheating others, and they are not ashamed but proud of it.

Scum mom's two older sisters live with people who eat social meals. Scum mom's second sister, Wang Cuiyu, first married a young gangster and had a daughter. Later, she was sentenced to life for hacking to death by the man, and she divorced and found a street fan sucker. , and gave birth to a son and a daughter. The young couple were arrested for drug trafficking for five or six years, but they were released and still mixed society.

The scumbag eldest sister Wang Cuixiang first eats the meal of youth, and then hooks up with an old gangster who has some status in the underworld as a mistress. When the old gangster hangs up, she marries the old gangster's youngest son. Fortunately, she probably has some means, and her stomach is also eager to give birth to two sons. , actually kept the position of the main room and was not kicked. The man is now the boss of the black street in a certain area of ​​Chong City, and her status has also risen.

Her scum mother is now a mixed society in Guangzhou City, and she is also the lover of a drug dealer. She is a drug dealer, secretly working as a call girl, gambling, and the money she makes from men is spent on the card table. In other words, eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling are all five poisons.

That family is full of bad deeds, and it is hard to write about it.

Looking at the information, Le Yun finally understands why Yan said that to destroy the scum, it is not just one, but it is appropriate to do it all at once. With the character of the family, they will not do it all at once, even if her scum mother dies, those people will definitely There will also be all kinds of extortion.

When she calmed down, her goodwill towards Yanren picked up again. That guy still has a conscience to stop her from letting her temper. If she killed the scumbag in anger, it would really bring herself a lot of trouble, although she It can also be cleaned up, but it is really possible to fall into the pit of people with ulterior motives and be drenched in dirty water.

Now Yanren's teammates have found out the details of her scum mother, so that she will not be smeared, and Yanren promised him to help her eliminate the scum, and she can still do her own thing as planned.

The prejudice against the Yan people has been reduced so much, Le Yun secretly pondered, or, for the poor sake of the Yan people, give him more moon cakes?
After reading the information, put it away, go back to the space to take care of the crops, and fiddle with the medicinal materials. The scumbag is a drug addict, and it is a loophole that can be exploited. She is going to develop a drug so that when it encounters drugs, it can aggravate the harm of drugs and cause the illusion of overdose death. .

The scum mother was so cruel to her at the beginning, and now she still wants to disturb her life, but the scum mother is not benevolent or righteous, and she doesn't need to talk about filial piety and conscience. If you want to disturb her happy life, no matter who it is, destroy it!
Le Yun only left the space when she was busy enough to sleep, stayed outside for a while, then returned to the space to meditate, and then continued to make the concoction.

The young and old foodies in Chao's house are very conscientious. They didn't interfere with what Xiaofendanzi was doing at night, and they ate biscuits for supper before going to bed contentedly.

Yan Xing first went back to the station to communicate with the superiors, opened up some joints for his plan in advance, and then packed up and went back to He's house. In the evening, he had a lively reunion dinner with his relatives. He got up at three o'clock in the morning and drove to Erye Chao's house. They picked up Lan San on the road, and they arrived at Chao Er Ye's house to light up the lights, and they also caught up with Chao's family for breakfast.

After the meal, Xiao Shao Li Shao Luo Shao Wang Er Shao took N more luggage, and happily accompanied Xiao Luo Li with the Chao family boy for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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