magic eye doctor

Chapter 790 Scared

Chapter 790 Scared

What is Sunny Day Thunder?

So, that's almost it.

When Zhou Papi and a few villagers heard the woman say it was Le Yun's mother, they were more shocked than being struck by lightning. Their brains were buzzing, and only one voice echoed: Lele's mother... Lele's mother... …

The echoes were so violent that they slammed into the stars, and they all opened their mouths and turned into stone statues.

Really, they never dreamed that Lele's mother would come to the door. They guessed it was from the Hu family's side, and they guessed it was from Chen Hongying's family, but they didn't expect it to be Le Yun's biological mother.

Back then, that woman stole all the savings of Lehong, Chen Hongying, Yueqing, three and fled, and deceived the miserable Lejia. She was so poisonous and conscienceless, they thought that woman should never have the face to appear in her life.

Who would have thought that the woman would still come to the door, how could she have the courage to say that she is Lele's mother?

The villagers looked at the enchanting woman and couldn't help standing up. Even the people who were leaning against the wall or door frame stood up straight, just like seeing a monster with multiple heads and several legs. The woman at the door of Zhou Papi's shop has a straight and determined look.

When his mother was paying, Wang Shengxuan ripped open the wrapping paper and ate the ice cream. Hearing his mother say who's mother, he guessed that the one in his mother's mouth was his elder sister. His hands were shaking. Hang your head down and eat your own ice cream.

When the woman sobbed as she spoke, and wiped her eyes to cover her mouth and nose in sadness, the villagers recovered their minds one after another from the situation where they didn't know what to think.

Before they could completely sort out the shock of Lele's mother, Zhou Papi's wife rushed out of the room and shouted, "Zhou Papi, where is the woman who said it was Lele's mother?"

After being yelled at by his wife, Zhou Papi's scalp became numb for a while, and he turned his head to look. His wife was still holding a spatula, and without hesitation pointed to the woman standing at the door of the store: "Wife, this person is here, and this woman said it was Lele. mother."

Zhou Papi's wife also has a fiery and hot temper, and because of her man's nickname, she was called "Aunt Pa" by the villagers. Who is "Aunt Pa", you have to say her original name, to ensure that a lot of people will be deceived, and you can't remember who that person is.

Aunt Pa rushed out of the back room, turned like a spinning top to the door, pointed at the woman with a spatula, and asked aggressively, "You said you were Lele's mother, are you sure you're not pretending to be?"

Wang Cuifeng was wiping her eyes when she heard a woman making a roar of Hedong lions. She raised her eyes and looked into the canteen. When she saw a man running out with a shiny spatula, her eyes shrank, and then a woman rushed to the door, blushing. Eyes replied: "I'm really Le Yun's mother. Back then in the hospital, I was shocked and anxious because of Yueqing's broken leg. The child was born prematurely and was out of breath. Yueqing's parents like children so much, I feel shameless. Seeing Yueqing and the others, he quietly hid in his hometown to sit in the confinement, and did not dare to inquire whether the child survived, only himself....

All these years, I have never forgotten Yueqing, nor did I forget that child. It was not until... two months ago at the sports meeting that I accidentally heard the name of Leyun and saw Leyun who looked like Yueqing. I dare not believe that I was born back then The child may still be alive, so I specially asked someone to inquire and confirmed that Le Yun is the daughter born to me and Yueqing. I immediately rushed from my hometown. Which child is not my mother's heart and soul. My flesh and blood have been separated from me for 15 years. I... I I really want to see my baby..."

Wang Cuifeng choked and tears flowed out. It was only at this time that she realized that the person who was sitting had stood up at some point, looked at herself with a bad look, and her heart trembled. What were their expressions?
The woman who appeared out of nowhere was wiping her eyes, and Aunt Pa stared at it to see what flowers she could come up with. Hearing her crying with tears and snot, she couldn't hold back, "Pfft" He laughed: "You fucking can tell jokes, I was amused by you. You stole all the money from Lejia, and ran away with wild men with more than 7 yuan you stole from Lejia. Now Let’s say you went home quietly for confinement and you’re overwhelmed, hehe, how could you have the face to say you’re Lele’s mother? What qualifications do you have to say you’re Lele’s mother?”


"Not ashamed."

"Mana's next door."

"The shameless one ran and said it was Lele's mother? If it was me, I would find a rope to hang myself."

Several villagers scolded them with contempt. The stinking woman deceived Yueqing and stole money from Lejia back then. She could even do such a shameless thing. Naturally, it is impossible to know what shame is.

The male and female villagers cursed in Mandarin with a local accent. Wang Shengxuan understood and stood beside his mother in fright.

Wang Cuifeng was also startled, no matter how guilty she was, she didn't dare to stage fright. She stalked her neck and shouted, "I gave birth to Le Yun, I am Le Yun's mother, I am not qualified, who else is qualified? What qualifications do you have to be here? say me?"

"You have the qualifications to fart!" Aunt Pa spit "Bah": "You poisonous woman, you have given Lele a mouthful of milk, you have fed Lele a mouthful of rice, you have hugged Lele Did you take a bath for Lele, and did you poop or pee for Lele? "

After asking a lot of questions, I changed my breath, and the spatula wanted to slap the woman's face: "Lele is the child who Yueqing and his father and mother fucked with shit and urine, exhausted all their strength and tried their best to feed their children, you didn't feed them. Lele has taken a mouthful of milk, never fed her a mouthful of food, or washed her diapers, feces or urine. How can you qualify as Lele's own mother?
Let me tell you, everyone standing here is more qualified to speak than you. Lele has eaten Baijia rice from our village and drank Baijia milk from our village. Everyone standing here has family members who have given Lele feces and urine. , the relatives and friends who gave birth to a baby and have milk came to our village as guests, and they all went to hold Xiaolele to ask for a few mouthfuls of milk from their relatives and friends.

I don't dare to take the credit. We just gave Lejia a little something when we were able, and when we could help take care of Xiaolele, we would take care of him. We dare not say that we are kind to Lele, but we can say that we have. Friendship between neighbors in the same village.

What about you, stinky bastard, dead liar, black-hearted woman, you have the face to tell others, what have you done to Lele? "

Aunt Pa was questioning and scolding, and her mouth was crackling like a firecracker, fast and loud, so that others couldn't find a seam even if they wanted to interject.

The villagers who listened in listened frequently. Aunt Pa was right. They used to feel sorry for the motherless Xiao Lele, so they did a little bit of help where they were able to help the Le family. At least there's a bond between neighbors.

When a wife came out to bear it, Zhou Papi stepped back two steps and stood aside. It is still up to his wife to discuss justice like this. Arguing with women is the best.

When an old aunt came out to scold someone, Wang Shengxuan was so frightened that he didn't even dare to eat ice cream, so he stood beside his mother nervously, grabbing her mother's handbag.

The ugly and fierce old woman was like setting off firecrackers. Wang Cuifeng was so stunned that she was stunned for a while, and she forgot to even reply. Only then did I realize that the old woman had finished scolding, and was staring at herself with eyes like she was going to eat people.

Being scolded, I felt aggrieved in my heart, and even being dangled with a spatula at her face, Wang Cuifeng's head was on fire, her stomach was full, and she said righteously, "Why should I? Of course it's me. Born Le Yun, Le Yun crawled out of my stomach, I was the one who gave birth to her with her, and I gave her life, can you compare?"

"You said you were born Lele?" Aunt Pa laughed and said, "You keep saying that Leyun was born to you, but you know whether it is true or not. I hope you can persist until the end and be able to say it so loudly. With a puff of laugh, he spoke to his man: "Zhou Papi, call Brother Man and tell him that a dead woman who claims to be Lele's mother is here, and ask Brother Man to inform Yueqing to come here."

"Shameless stinky woman." When Aunt Pa asked Zhou Papi to call the village chief, the villagers scolded the woman who claimed to be the mother of the Lejia girl with contempt, and sat and leaned, but there was no one Ask the woman to sit.

Someone called Yueqing to inform Yueqing that Wang Cuifeng couldn't ask for anything, and she didn't care about the old woman. She took her son to stand under the eaves and waited for Yueqing to pick her up. , bring her daughter to shake in front of them every day, and see that they will not die from anger.

The wife asked herself to call without arguing with outside women. Zhou Papi responded humbly, took out the mobile phone from the mobile phone pocket on the buckled belt and called the village chief.

Village Chief Zhou went out with the cattle in the morning, went home to cut a load of grass in the middle of the morning, went to add grass and water to the cattle at noon, and went back to the main room to tell his wife what to eat for lunch. Zhou Papi called, at first thought that someone from the village had come again and told him to go to the village committee, but when he heard that Lele's mother was here, he laughed and scolded: "Zhou Papi, you have nothing to do to catch snakes and eat. , don't make such a joke."

"Brother Man, this is true, come quickly," Zhou Papi called and said the reason why the village chief didn't believe it, so he couldn't help worrying: "I'm not joking, the woman who calls herself Lele's mother is standing under the eaves of my house, with her There is a little master, and my wife and Sanmazi are also there, my name is Sanmazi..."

He originally said that he wanted Sanmazi to testify for him, but the people sitting and standing nearby were arguing that a woman had come with a boy, and they kept saying that it was Lele's mother, and that the woman wiped her mouth. Like a monkey ass.

The dialect from the phone was as noisy as a dog fighting, and the village chief Zhou almost jumped up: "I'm a goddamn immortal, she's really here?! Shameless Sanba, who gave her face! "

The man was so angry that he scolded his mother, and Grandma Zhou Man shouted angrily: "Can you stop scolding her? You are the village chief, take the lead in scolding your mother. Don't say that I ignore you when you get criticized."

Village Chief Zhou yelled at the phone, but didn't say anything else before pressing it off. Hearing that the roommate thought it was unpleasant to scold his mother, he explained angrily: "Old lady, don't scold me first, this time I can't help but be angry, Let me tell you, Lele's mother is here, the woman who stole the money from brother Lehong's house and escaped, and has already arrived at the village committee, so you can say that I will not be popular."

"Find it as soon as you find it, what's the fire... Wait," Grandma Zhou Man didn't care at all, but after realizing it, she jumped up: "You said Lele mother, the death who deceived Yueqing's feelings A woman came to the door?"

"Yeah, it's that shameless bitch."

"He's naughty, he's a goddamn immortal, and she still has the face to come to the door?! Fuck, let's see if the old lady doesn't call her to death!" Grandma Zhou Man jumped up her feet in anger, while tugging her sleeves, she stepped out of the threshold. , picked up the big broom placed at the door of the house, and ran.

I am... my mother-in-law!

Village Chief Zhou was stunned, and his wife even scolded him for scolding his mother. As a result, the old wife got angry first, and... she was so angry that she wanted to fight with someone. How can I put it?

Seeing that the old woman ran to the village committee in a hurry, he was in no hurry. He called Yueqing and waited for half a minute to get connected there. First, he asked if he was taking care of the children. Let me tell you something bad, the woman surnamed Wang who cheated you and stole your money from your family came looking for Lele. She has already arrived at our village committee building. She shamelessly said at Zhou Papi that it was Lele's own mother. Come on, Yueqing, Yueqing... Yueqing, are you listening?"

Dad Le went to the field in the morning, and it was too hot to go home at about eleven o'clock. He went to the garden in front of the house and the back of the house for a round, picked the vegetables, washed them and prepared to fry them. When he received a call from Uncle Zhou, he thought he wanted to ask Lele. When I went home, I didn't expect to hear that someone was coming, and the whole person was stunned.

That woman... She still has the face to come to Lele? !

I never dreamed that Lele's mother would come here. Lele's father was bombarded by the news, and he couldn't even hear the village chief Zhou. Looking in front of him, he raised his ears to listen again, and asked blankly, "Uncle Man, you said... a woman surnamed Wang is here? She said she was Lele's own mother?"

Village Chief Zhou could also understand Yueqing's reaction. He was taken aback, not to mention Yueqing, to be honest, he really didn't expect that woman to have the face to come to look for relatives.

Village Chief Zhou repeatedly determined that a certain woman was here, Dad Le answered, hung up the phone, stared at the phone for a moment, turned around, and saw his mother-in-law and wife were looking at him in astonishment. Yan, it took a few seconds to explain with difficulty: "Mom, Xiaofeng... Lele's own mother... is here."

"I heard it too," Zhou Qiufeng came out of the bedroom after hearing Yueqing's strange voice, standing at the door of the bedroom, seeing Yueqing as if he had been beaten by frost, and sighed: "Me and Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zhao are also We talked about whether Lele's mother would come to meet Lele again when Lele has a promising future, we guessed that she might come, but we didn't expect her to come so quickly, it's nothing, go see her."

"..." Dad Le squeezed the phone tightly, and his eyes turned red: "Xiaofeng, do don't want to live with me and want to break up with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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