Chapter 791

Zhou Qiufeng was stunned, did she say that everyone can't break up with each other?Looking at Yueqing's aggrieved eyes, he was amused. The child's father was hurt so badly before, but now he has become very sensitive and glass-hearted.

"When did I say I didn't want to live with you?" Zhou Qiufeng glared: "I told you to meet her, but I didn't tell you to go with her. Of course, I'm not that generous, you dare to bring back that kind of woman. If you dirty the ground at home, I will shoot you out immediately, and even Lele will not help you.

Lele said that if one day she becomes famous, that woman dares to look for her, and the old and new accounts will be settled together. Lele also said that if you dare to protect that woman, you are willing to go with that woman and she will not stop her, and she will raise her younger brother. I, there is still that woman in your heart who wants to continue the relationship with that woman, and I will not stop me. I will lead Lele and Leshan, our mother and son, to live happily. "

Grandma Zhou was idle and had nothing to do. She was sitting and peeling beans. Hearing that her girl was so fierce, she glared at her speechlessly, but said nothing.

"Xiaofeng, you and Lele can't leave me, I never thought about rekindling the old relationship with that woman, she hurt Lele, my parents and my mother hurt so badly, even if I were made of stone, my heart would still hurt, How can he be so stupid." Thinking of the suffering that his parents have suffered for many years, and the misfortunes suffered by Lele's birth, Le Le's heart is sore and painful, as well as inexplicable grievances, his eyes are hot, and there is something he wants to get out of.

"You know who she is, so you don't want to be soft-hearted towards her," Zhou Qiufeng said very generously: "You go and have a look first, maybe she will spend time with her waiting for Lele to come back. It's impossible to give up at Lele, and only Lele can make that kind of person give up. Le Shan is about to wake up, I can't accompany you to see that guy for the time being. After feeding, put Leshan to sleep and then go to the village committee."

"Well, then I'm leaving. If I don't come back, you and Mom will cook and eat, so you don't have to wait for me." Zhou Qiufeng was not angry with himself because of that life, and half of Le Dad's inexplicable grievance disappeared.

Zhou Qiufeng directly urged him to hurry up and go to the kitchen to cook by himself.

Le Dad took his old-fashioned mobile phone, put on a straw hat outside the house, and went straight to the village committee.

Watching Yueqing leave, after a while, Grandma Zhou asked, "Xiaofeng, are you really relieved that Yueqing is going to see that woman like this?"

"Mom, what do I have to worry about?" Zhou Qiufeng laughed: "I still know Brother Le, he used to be kind to that woman, but he was deceived so badly, even if that person was shameless. If you want to get back together, it's just for Lele's past sins. Brother Le can't forgive him. Besides, there is still Leshan now. He is a father with sons and daughters, and he can't do such unconscionable things as abandoning his wife and children. "

"I'm afraid that his ears will be soft, and that woman will say something nice, and he will be soft-hearted."

"No, don't worry, Mom."

My girl doesn't worry, and Grandma Zhou doesn't care. Anyway, Xiaolele doesn't recognize that woman, and Xiaolele doesn't recognize her mother, so what kind of onion is that woman.

When the village chief Zhou called Father Le, Grandma Zhou Man took the big broom and went straight to the village committee. She was very angry. That chicken woman tortured Chen Hongying and Le Hong back then, and she dared to come to the door. Yueqing has no elders, does it?
Zhou Papi called the village chief and waited for the village chief Zhou and Yueqing to come over. Aunt Pa was not in a hurry to make lunch, and stood at the door with a spatula.

Several villagers also waited for Yueqing to come over, and saw what Yueqing had to say. They didn't wait for 5 minutes before they saw Zhou Man's grandma rushing in with a big broom. Zhou Bapi and the others were stunned.

Aunt Pa's eyes widened, hey, she only held the spatula, while Sister Man Man copied the broom. Sister Man Man was even more powerful than her. Seeing Sister Man Man rushing to the front in a rage, she hurriedly called out, "Sister Man Man."

"Where is the woman called Lele's mother?" Grandma Zhou Man grabbed the broom and killed him in front of Zhou Papi's shop.

Picking up the auntie's spatula with a wave: "Sister-in-law Man, yep, it's that shameless bastard with a red dress."

Wang Cuifeng had observed the villagers secretly, and when she saw the villagers were looking in one direction, she also peeked quietly. When she saw an old woman coming over, she didn't take it seriously, thinking it was a woman who came back after posting something.

When I heard the old woman ask myself, I couldn't help but look straight in the eyes. The woman was wearing the floral clothes worn by the elderly, with thin hair in a bun at the back of her head, and her face was a little black and red. She was a very earthy old woman.

She couldn't figure out what the old woman had to do with Yueqing, so she stood and watched.

Grandma Zhou Man looked at the place where Aunt Pa pointed, and she saw a woman with a blood-red mouth and a face like coated lime. The skirt was very short, revealing two bare thighs. The woman put her bag on Zhou Papi's. There was a tall boy beside the wall of the building.

Seeing the demon-like woman in the demon, Grandma Zhou Man was so angry that she took the broom and turned around in three steps and rushed in front of the fox spirit. She asked angrily, "You said you are Lele's biological mother?"

"Yes, I'm Le Yun's biological mother." Wang Cuifeng straightened her waist, Le Yun crawled out of her stomach, even if it was logical, it wouldn't change the truth. When it comes to blood, no one can compare She kisses.

"Shameless chicken!" The woman was still triumphant, and Grandma Zhou Man was so angry that she waved her arm and slapped her.

She had wanted to slap the shameless woman for a long time, but when someone stood in front of her, of course she slapped it rudely, but she suddenly shot, and the slap slapped the woman's face heavily.

Slam, Wang Cuifeng's left face was firmly slapped, and a hand called out. She was originally subconsciously biased, but because there was a wall behind her and there was nowhere to retreat, she was slapped in the face.

Slapped one by one, her face was burning hot, Wang Cuifeng covered her face and became furious: "Old woman, are you crazy? You dare to hit me, wait for my daughter Le Yun to come back and see if our mother and daughter can't beat you to death."

"It was you!" Grandma Zhou Man slapped out and slapped her backhand a second time.

Slap, Wang Cuifeng took another hit on her right leg, she was almost mad, she jumped up and wanted to fight back: "Old woman, I let you, you are still addicted, others are used to you, I am not used to..."

As soon as she jumped up, Grandma Zhou Man slapped the shameless woman with a big broom: "Damn, you are an immortal, you lied to my nephew Yueqing more than ten years ago and stole my brother Lehong's house. Money runs away, and you still have the face to say that Lele was born to you, that your mother is such a jerk, that my mother will kill you and beat you to death, you shameless bitch."

There are several kinds of brooms in rural areas, one is made of sorghum, one is made of palm bark, one is made of grass with brooms, and the other is made of thatch flower poles. Find a place to dig a few times, sprinkle some broom grass seeds, do not occupy land and do not need to fertilize, take back and make a broom, which is convenient and simple.

The big broom at the village head Zhou’s house is also made of grass. It is used to sweep the concrete road under the eaves and outside. The broom is very large and the straw is thick. It is almost like a thin tree branch when it hits people.

Grandma Zhou Man slapped and beat the woman wildly with a big broom. There were several times when the woman's head and face were photographed. The woman covered her face, and the old man slapped her legs. She wanted to grab the broom, but the old man swept her eyes and face, If a woman wants to protect her face, the old man can pump her legs and feet a few times.

Wang Cuifeng was beaten and screamed. She could not protect her face and legs. After a few blows, she left her son and ran towards the spacious place. The old woman chased after her and beat her. She could only jump around because she was wearing high heels He didn't run very fast, and suffered several more blows.

Wang Shengxuan was terrified at first, leaned against the wall in horror, huddled into a ball, and wrapped his head and face with his hands.

The villagers near the village committee building heard someone howling, and ran out of the house to the village committee building to watch the excitement.

Wang Shengxuan covered his face for a long time, because he was not beaten, he dared to let go after a long time. When he saw an old grandma chasing after his mother to beat her, she ran and screamed. Don't hit my mom, okay, don't hit my mom..."

Grandma Zhou Man slapped the woman when she disagreed, but it bluffed Zhou Papi and others a lot. When they saw Grandma Zhou Man copying the big broom and chasing the woman, the group of people were stunned again.

The old man was too sturdy, and their eyes were straight. When the child brought by the woman was crying and chasing after Grandma Zhou Man, and others also ran over, everyone had to pretend and immediately went to fight.

Aunt Pa ran the fastest, chased after Grandma Zhou Man and persuaded: "Sister Man, don't fight, don't fight, don't fight, just educate..."

He persuaded and pretended to block, but in fact, he was trying to stop Grandma Zhou Man, but instead grabbed the woman's arm and made Grandma Zhou Man's broom hit more accurately.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts—" Wang Cuifeng was beaten to the leg, and the pain was burning.

Aunt Pa pretended to stop a few times, until Grandma Zhou Man beat the woman several brooms again, and all the people watching the fun came running, so she and the villagers persuaded Grandma Zhou Man to stop.

Wang Shengxuan supported his mother: "Mom, Mom, are you alright..."

The old woman was stopped, and Wang Cuifeng was finally able to escape, because the child had long since ignored her and only wanted to hit her with a slap. When she saw that she was beaten and couldn't help, she only came to care about her at this time. Such a son would do it What?
Raise the slap, swing it halfway and put it down again, can't hit!You can't hit here, let the hillbillies see her hitting her son, and tell Le Yun that she is not a good mother if she hits or scolds her son.

Thinking of the consequences, Wang Cuifeng put down her hand, and instead she held her son and looked at her legs. There were so many red marks on her legs. She was so angry that she was about to explode. !
Grandma Zhou Man chased and beat the man for a long time, and actually beat the man quite a few times. Some people came to stop him and descended the donkey along the slope. He couldn't really break the woman's leg, right?

When someone took away the broom and wiped his face, he didn't forget to scold you: "Shameless bastard, this time I'm cheap for you, when Yueqing comes to settle the account with you, I will beat you to death again. "

"Sister-in-law Man, don't get excited. Xiaolele said that your heart is not very good, so don't get mad at this kind of stuff." Aunt Pa supported Sister-in-Law Man and saw a woman turn her head and stare at him. Pretend to be eager to persuade the old man not to be angry.

Zhou Papi and several others also insisted on persuading Grandma Zhou Man not to get angry and hurt her body.

"I'm afraid, if I get angry and have a heart attack, send me to this dead woman's house, let this shameless woman and her whole family provide me with old age, and let them provide me with delicious food and drink. It can help my son save some pension money." Grandma Zhou Man scolded and followed Zhou Papi and others to the store.

Wang Cuifeng originally wanted to scold the old woman on the street to let the old woman know that she is not to be messed with. Hearing that the old woman has a bad heart, she did not dare to scold others. After a few scoldings, she pretended to be ill to deceive herself, and then she would have a bad reputation in the eyes of Lejia's father and daughter.

She couldn't fight and scold people, and she felt very aggrieved. She helped her son to the store. Her backpack was still there, and she had to return.

Zhou Papi and a few people helped Grandma Zhou Man back under the eaves, took a bench and sat down to wait for Yueqing, and also told the villagers who came later who the woman was beaten by Grandma Zhou Man, which attracted the same villagers to gasp in shock. Voice.

When everyone saw a woman coming over, they couldn't help but want to laugh. The woman's legs were swept away by the broom, and there were many red spots on her legs. Her legs were almost comparable to the patterns of zebras. Just a little bit of skin.

The woman's face was also swept by the broom, and there were several small red marks on her face. The powder on her face was smeared with sweat.

It can be said that Grandma Zhou Man's broom ruined her makeup and made her ugly.

Her legs were aching, and Wang Cuifeng grinned in pain. She limped and limped. She was unsteady. Seeing a group of country bumpkins staring at her and smiling strangely, her heart burst into flames, and she had to endure it. He quickly took out the mirror and looked at his face. When he saw the red bloodstains and smudged makeup on his face, his nose was pissed.

No matter how angry, he didn't dare to rush up to fight with others. He took out his cosmetic storage bag, found foundation and blush, and retouched his makeup.

Wang Shengxuan helped his mother to find the place where the backpack was. He wanted to tell his mother to go but didn't leave. He was always on guard for someone who was sitting and standing and rushed over to beat him. He was afraid and broke out in a cold sweat.

Grandma Zhou Man was sitting in front of Zhou Papi shop, and asked the aunt to sit on a long bench for the child. The child must have been born by a woman with another wild man. At first glance, he looked like a child who was afraid of being beaten and scolded. Also quite poor.

Aunt Pa took a long bench from the store and sent it to the child and a certain woman. When she saw the child shrinking into a ball in fright, she put it down half a meter away: "Little boy, you didn't do anything bad, we won't hit you, bench. sit for you."

"Thank you... thank you." The old aunt put down the bench, Wang Shengxuan said thank you in a low voice, moved the bench over and placed it against the wall.

Wang Cuifeng sat down eagerly. A group of country bumpkins were not polite at all. When guests from afar came, they would not invite anyone to sit. They were only given a bench now, and their response was slow.

(End of this chapter)

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