magic eye doctor

Chapter 799 Grabbing Attention (2

Chapter 799 Grabbing Attention (2
Le and Xueba's flight landed at Shishi Airport at ten o'clock. After getting off the plane, they went outside the terminal to meet with the staff of the rental car company, and received two vans, which were mainly used for luggage.

The car was contacted through online rental, and the performance and safety of the car were checked, as well as whether the procedures were complete. The handsome guys confirmed that they were satisfied with the car before accepting it. After waiting for more than 20 minutes for the luggage to come out, a group of people set foot on the road. The path of rice.

Because it was the first time for the handsome guys to take the road from the airport to Fangxian, and they were not familiar with them. Classmate Le sat in the passenger seat of the first car to guide the way. Shao Yan naturally took the job as a driver with an extremely strong advantage. Don't worry about my sister, I firmly sit in the back seat of my sister's car. A few handsome guys also insisted on sitting with my friends, so Yan Shao's car turned into a passenger car, and poor Lan San followed behind in a van with some luggage. .

It was almost twelve o'clock that we arrived at Fangxian County. We got off the car and entered the county on the high-speed. Instead of going to eat, the handsome guys didn't want to eat fast food in the county.

The car entered the county and stopped at an intersection. Luo Ban, Li Daniu, and Du Miaoshu were already waiting at the intersection, waiting until the car stopped in front of them, when they saw the smiling girl in the passenger seat, they realized who had called them. arrive.

Classmate Du rushed outside the car door, waited for the big-breasted little loli inside to get out of the car, first rushed over, pulled the person in his arms, and ravaged her laughing Mimi, and kneaded the face of a pink little loli, or Luo The class couldn't stand it any longer, so he rescued Classmate Le.

Le Xiaoxue, who was almost spoiled, gave her little belly a scowl. She turned around and took out six packs from the box in the passenger seat to distribute among the three, one for each person, one for seafood, and one for her homemade mooncakes.

Luoban Li Daniu Du accepted the Mid-Autumn Festival gift, because Le was still in a hurry, they didn’t leave her in a hurry, and they didn’t leave her alone, so they told her to go home quickly, contact her when she was free, and watch her car go away. Yi Shao went home happily with the gift from classmate Xiaole.

To tell the truth, Le Yun originally planned to have lunch in the county town when she came back, and get together with her little belly. That little belly was going to work during the summer vacation. It is still uncertain whether she will work part-time during the winter vacation. She won't go home on New Year's Day, and she will also go home on Mid-Autumn Festival. She rarely has time to have a meal together, but she had to reschedule because of a group of small attendants.

Little Loli got back into the car, Yanxing drove straight to the main road, out of the county, and onto the urban and rural road leading to Jiudao Township. On the way, she was thinking secretly, whether to send her scumbag to Mei Village to find her. tell her.

Lan San received a message from his teammates at twelve o'clock, saying that a woman named Wang arrived at Little Loli's village with her son, and then gave him the news, because Shao Shao and others were all sitting in the back, and he did not find a suitable opportunity to tell her. .

Thinking and thinking, Yan Xing just thought about it all the way, but after all, he couldn't help but not remind Little Loli.

During festivals, the traffic jams in big cities are like dogs, and the traffic on urban and rural highways in small counties is not too stressful.

The car enters the township, walks slowly along the township street, and then turns at the intersection of Meizijing Village and drives onto a relatively narrow road. When turning a small turn again, you can see a corner of the floor in front of the village committee building, and drive a few meters over the two houses. As soon as they reached the floor, the situation in front of the village committee building was clear at a glance.

"She's here?" Seeing a large group of people in front of the village committee building, Le Yun's face turned from sunny to overcast from the passenger seat.

"Yes, it is reported that we will be there at eleven o'clock." Yan Xing calmly drove into the floor and ran to the village committee building.

"Little Loli, who's here?" Several handsome guys couldn't understand what little loli and Yan Shao were playing.

"A scum who chose to give up my life when he was pregnant with me. When he saw that I was promising, he came to recognize his relatives. I have to deal with personal affairs today, so I can't take you to my house immediately." Backpack, fingers can't help but force, you don't have to think about it, many people in the village know that her scumbag is here, and they are all waiting for her to come back, and some people are waiting to see her house lively, hehe!

"Lele, is your scumbag here?" Chao Yubo understood in seconds, his warm face did not change, his eyes condensed with evil spirits, Lele didn't want to mention his scumbag, he still knew the reason.

"What, the woman who abandoned the little Loli still has the face to come to the door? Kill him!" Xiao Junyi said angrily: "Little Loli, this kind of thing is indispensable to Xiao Ge, I will help you if you want to file a lawsuit, and she must be ruined, plus compensation. Gotta go bankrupt.”

"And me, my relatives work in the court."

"My family also studied law."

"My grandfather has an old scholar friend in law."

After the beautiful young man and Xiao Shao said that, Luo Shao Li Shao Wang Er Shao also understood in seconds, his grandfather's scum who abandoned Xiao Luoli still has the face to recognize his relatives?beat to death!

Obviously can't kill him, Yin kill him!

The academic bullies were indignant. Those who abandoned their children were the most abhorrent. They had to be killed and mutilated so that they could atone for their crimes.

"You remember, I didn't say fighting, you can shout orally. No matter how angry you are, you can't shoot first. Brother Xiao, it's best not to wave your fists at any time. You are a lawyer, and you are only responsible for defending." Chao Yubo specially instructed a sentence.

"Understood." The eyes of the four school tyrants lit up, and Brother Chao meant that when Little Lolita was finished, if they had a chance, they could still help Little Lolita to vent their anger.

Yan Xing couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, he was sitting here, couldn't the scholars see him?With him and his teammates, there is no place for the heroes of the scholars.

Le Yun clenched her hands tightly into fists, took a deep breath, breathed again, adjusted her emotions, and tried her best to act like she didn't know anything.

There were a lot of people on the village committee side, and Yan Xing did not back up or make a bend, and drove straight to the village committee building.

The people in front of the village committee building saw the car coming, and couldn't help being excited. When the van approached, they saw the girl Lejia sitting in the second seat. Many people shouted, "Yueqing, your girl is back." "Lele is back." , Grandma Zhou Man and others stood up.

Dad Le also saw clearly that his little padded jacket was on the second seat, and ran to pick it up excitedly.

Hearing the excited shouts, Wang Cuifeng also knew that her daughter should have arrived, so she stood up and craned her neck to look at the first van.

Seeing Little Loli's father rushing out, Yan Xing stopped at a place about four meters away from people, jumped out of the car quickly, rushed to Father Le and shouted, "Hello Uncle Le."

When he got out of the car, Xiao Shaoluo, Li Shaowang, two young masters, four school tyrants behind him also opened the car door, jumped out of the car in a hurry, dashed forward quickly, rushed up, rushed up, and ran young. Uncle brushed his face in front of him and shouted cheerfully, "Hello, Uncle Le."

At the end of the day, the beautiful young man got out of the car from the door on the side of the passenger seat, and helped her sister open the car door. When her sister came out, he spread his feet and ran, and he followed behind.

Lan San fell behind, got out of the car by himself, and followed the beautiful boy not far behind, watching the captain and a few young people grab their faces to brush their faces, his heart collapsed, and the glorious image of their captain's tall and heroic was gone.

As soon as the van stopped, a few handsome young men jumped out of the car. The villagers almost looked at them. Those young people were really dazzling, with bright smiles, and they dazzled like the sun when they ran.

"Ha, Xiao Lele's friend."

"I was here last time."

"One or two..."

Village Chief Zhou, Liu Lu and the others laughed together.

Before Le Dad ran to the van, he was surrounded by young people who were rushing to run, and was blinded by the young man's smile. He smiled naively: "Hello handsome!"

"Uncle Le, do you miss us? We miss you all the time..."

"Uncle Le, we will remember you every day after we go home..."

The young man twittered to express his thoughts and seized every opportunity to brush his face.

Le Yun rushed to the back of the young Xuebamei, squeezed in, and rushed to her father: "Dad, Dad, the little padded jacket is back."

"Lele, Lele's little padded jacket—" Seeing the child rushing over, Le's father quickly hugged the girl, hugging the intimate little padded jacket that was thrown into his arms, his eye sockets were hot, the small padded jacket belonged to him, and no one was allowed to rob it!
"I knew that, Uncle Le would not see us when he saw Little Loli."

"I run so fast, I just want to get ahead and brush my face in front of Uncle Le."

"Ah woo, little Loli, can we brush our faces next time, and then you show up."

The father and daughter are deeply in love and have no chance to express themselves. The four school tyrants look up to the sky with sadness. They desperately try to smear their faces in front of Uncle Run Le in front of Little Loli. Steal Uncle Le's attention.

The young people are complaining. Brother Liu Lu Zhou and others almost burst into tears. Those handsome guys are quite funny. When they were in Lejia in August, they would run over to Yueqing and Zhou Qiufeng to brush their faces whenever they had a chance. The young man who had been photographed was photographed back, but the young people became more and more frustrated.

Several young people with picturesque eyebrows, full of gods and jade, bright smiles, youthful flying, standing together like a painting, the villagers look at this, look at that, or a sentence: this is so handsome, this is also handsome, this is good Jun, this is also very handsome...

Grandma Zhang has never seen the young people before. When you see the faces of the young people, their mouths are wide enough to fit a watermelon. The young people are so good-looking, they have more temperament than stars.

Zhou Chunmei looked at it again, no matter how many times she looked at it, those handsome guys were all so handsome.

Zhou Tianming stared, depressed and wanted to hit the wall, he was so handsome, where would he put such a face.

Wang Cuifeng stared at the van, and when she saw a few young people, she was stunned. It was so... so handsome. Everyone Le Yun knew was so handsome, no matter who she was her son-in-law, it would make her face bright.

"You second-hands, you always want to brush your face, but don't ask for it." The beautiful young man came late, watching a few foodies being ignored, showing no sympathy for his little friends.

Lan San stood beside his captain and shed tears of sympathy for the captain. The captain must be very heartbroken when he ran to brush his face before he was familiar with it.

"If you don't brush your face first, Uncle Le can't see us at all, even if we look handsome."

"Sure enough, it's useless to be handsome in Uncle Le's family."

The four Jun Shao touched his nose, Yan Shao looked at the sky, it was useless for him to be so beautiful, not to mention the foodies who were a little worse than him. He failed to brush his face, and it was no wonder they succeeded.

"Wow—" The young people were surrounding a father and daughter, and Xiao Leshan, who was being held by his mother, gave up and burst into earth-shattering cries.

"Oh, why is Xiaoleshan crying?"

"Shanshan don't cry, my sister is back, don't cry..."

The baby cried and cried, and Grandma Zhou hurriedly coaxed her and wiped her tears.

When Le Yun heard her younger brother crying, she immediately got out of her father's arms, jumped beside her father, rushed to the crowd standing at the door of Zhou Papi, and shouted "Grandpa Man", "Grandma Zhou" and "Grandpa Cheng Wu" as she ran. ", there are many people, and the voices are strung together in a string of shouts.

Lejia girl ran forward, and everyone saw that she was wearing a red dress, the collar was very small, only a part of the neck was exposed, two arms, the skirt covered the knees, and the slender legs were exposed, and she was wearing a pair of sandals.

The place where the girl of Lejia should not be exposed is not exposed at all. The skirt is very beautiful. It looks like it is very expensive. The girl's face is white and tender, and the girl in the skirt is as beautiful as a lotus flower.

Many people looked at Zhang Ke's girl. Zhang Jing also wore a red skirt with a low collar and a wide neck, with a straight chest and bloody lips. Compared with the girl from Lejia, well, even they thought Zhang Jing Very tacky.

Xiao Lele ran to see her brother, Chao Yubo said hello to Fourth Uncle Le again, and the young people embraced Fourth Uncle Le to the village chief Zhou and others.

Zhou Qiufeng hugged her son, Xiaole was good at waving her arms and kicking her feet, and she was very powerful. She couldn't even coax her. When she saw Xiaolele running over, she decisively turned the child's hand: "Lele, beat your brother. Stop, this kid still refuses to sleep honestly since he was noisy at noon."

Hearing his brother's loud voice, Le Yun's heart ached, how could he be willing to beat his baby brother, carefully took it over and hugged him in his arms, regardless of 21, first kissed his brother's face, then his eyes: "good Good don’t cry, my sister hugs, my sister hugs me so I don’t cry, the boy cries so loudly, his face is ashamed, don’t cry, ummm, don’t cry, this is a good boy, have you thought about it Sister, if you miss her, please show her a smile, wow, Leshan is getting more and more handsome, let me have a good one."

He cried so much that he could not wait to let the whole village listen to his loud-sounding child being kissed by his sister a few times. His tears turned into laughter. He waved his little hands in front of his eyes, "giggling", and his eyes were bright.

"Stinky boy! Only his sister can cure it." Village Chief Zhou was so angry that his teeth were itching. , if you get angry when you get into Xiao Lele's hands three or two times, you will be honest.

"When he came out of the delivery room, the first person to hug him was his sister, the first person to see when he opened his eyes was his sister, the first to help him change his diaper was his sister, and the first to take a bath was also His sister, so he is the closest to Lele." Dad Le helped to add that Leshan was born because of his sister's blessing, and it would be unreasonable for a stinky boy not to listen to his sister.

"Stinky boy has a good elder sister. If you are in the midst of happiness and don't know your happiness, you should really fight." Grandma Zhou and Grandma Zhou Man are proud and happy, Lele is so good to her brother, she is better than a sister of a fellow mother The younger brother also kisses.

Little Loli was coaxing her younger brother, and the beautiful boy and the little friends said hello to the village chief Zhou and others. Subsidy?"

The young men are all prepared, each carrying a men’s bag with a cigarette in it, just to give away the cigarettes to the villagers when they meet the villagers in Xiaoluoli Village. Although smoking is not encouraged, in the countryside, cigarettes are hard currency. Whether you smoke or not, it is also a courtesy and respect for you to give him a cigarette.

Xueba generally only put two packs of cigarettes per person. One person’s cigarettes are definitely not enough. One person scatters the cigarettes in the front, and tears the cigarette seals in the back. After the front is finished, Wang Ershao is very clever, and then goes to the car. Cigarettes in luggage.

"There is no meeting, we have nothing to do, let's talk about the sky."

"There's nothing to do in the fields now, and we have nothing to do together and gossip."

The villagers are ashamed to say that they are here to watch the fun, and they all talk about him, and they are definitely not the first guy to pierce the window paper.

Young Master Jun lined up to give away cigarettes to the villagers to say hello. Colonel Yan gave the cigarettes to the Chao family boy. He and Lan San didn’t go anywhere. Standing beside Little Loli, Ershao Wang retrieved an opened cigarette with behind the buddies.

When the young man went to smoke, the village chief Zhou and others found that the tallest and most beautiful young man had a black shoulder gauze wrapped around his left arm, and they knew that his relatives, friends and elders had unfortunately passed away in recent days, and whispered to him, "Condolences and obedience. ”, Colonel Yan thanked them for their concern one by one.

Sister Liu and other women didn't accept the young man's cigarettes. Their men could just accept the cigarettes. Grandma Zhang wanted to take them and smoke them. Seeing that the women were all confiscated, she couldn't bear the old face and refused.

Le Yun teased her brother for a party and urged him to sleep: "Shanshan doesn't take a nap because she has to wait for her sister to come home. Now that her sister is back, it's time for Leshan to go to bed. She sleeps until the evening and wakes up again. My sister will play with you, and my sister will take you in the evening. Sleep, sleep dishonestly, my sister doesn't sleep with Leshan at night."

She hugged her brother without shaking or shaking. She only patted his little shoulder or rubbed his little butt, and coaxed him a few times. Xiao Leshan had been playing for so long and was sleepy. When she actually sleeps, she will open her eyelids at first to see who is holding her, and she will soon fall asleep beautifully.

Wang Cuifeng watched Le Yun run to the crowd, ran to the woman who married Yueqing and took her stepmother's child like a treasure. She was so angry that her head was smoking and her lungs were about to explode. She wanted to rush out several times to tell Le Yun. She was her own mother, and the one she gave birth to was her own younger brother, and in the end she held back.

She is not afraid of hillbilly, but two tall men beside Le Yun kept staring at her, which made her feel very weird. They were like Le Yun's bodyguards.

She remembered that Tan Xiaoxing gave her the information to let her do her own thing. If Le Yun has a bodyguard, it means that there must be a lot of background, which makes Tan Xiaoxing also afraid, and she has to reconsider the value of Le Yun.

Until I heard Village Chief Zhou talking to the young man, it seemed that the young man was also Le Yun's friend, not a bodyguard sent by the state department. With the confidence in his mind, he opened his voice and howled: "Le Yun, mother came to see you, I My dear girl, after 15 years, mother finally sees you... Woo, my poor child..."

(End of this chapter)

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