magic eye doctor

Chapter 800 Old Account

Chapter 800 Old Account (1)
The show is coming!

A certain woman howled, and Grandma Zhang was overjoyed. After waiting for so long, she finally got to the main event.

Sister Wu's mouth turned up, her ex-girlfriend, wife, and Yueqing's backyard were about to catch fire; both her mother and stepmother were there, let's see what Le Yun would do.

Zhang Jing moved the bench, ready to watch someone tear the frame.

Village Chief Zhou, Grandma Zhou Man and others turned to a certain woman. They originally thought that the woman would howl when Xiao Lele got out of the car, but they didn't expect that she didn't say anything at the time, and it was really strange that she only howled at this time. Lele screamed first when he first appeared, that was to seize the opportunity, and now, the effect may be discounted.

Le Yun hugged her younger brother and turned around, seeing the woman on the right side of the gate of Zhou Papi, her pupils contracted slightly, she was embarrassed to call herself mother? !

When she was still in the car, she saw the woman and boy sitting on the right side of the gate of Zhou Papi's house. She knew that the woman was the scumbag who once strangled her life. The scumbag's face was swollen and could not be seen clearly.

If the scumbag doesn't show up, she can still control her hatred. When she sees someone, she can't help but hate in her heart. How can a rotten scum be qualified to call herself her mother?

She strangled her life back then, but now she comes to her again, thinking she is trash, throw it away if you want, and pick it up if you want?
Staring at the woman, hatred surged in my heart, it was this woman who made grandpa and grandma spend the rest of their lives being ridiculed and scolded by others, it was this woman who made grandpa and grandma go into debt, and finally broke down and both died early. The day when she can't see her birthplace, let her live in the shock of her child's desire to raise her but not her relatives.

Thinking of the grandparents who passed away early, Le Yun felt like a knife in her heart, and her hatred was even stronger.If you don't kill the scumbag, how can you be worthy of the grandparents who died early, how can you be worthy of the world's benevolence, righteousness and filial piety!
Wang Shengxuan has been staying honest. At first, he didn't know who his sister was. When he saw a middle-aged uncle who beat his mother hugging a beautiful girl, he guessed that the girl was the girl born by his mother. He didn't dare to. Out loud, just staring.

To tell the truth, sister... very beautiful, if he really has such a sister, he likes it very much.

When I saw the girl he was supposed to call my sister hugging a baby, I was very jealous. If my sister treated him like that, I would be so happy. When my mother beat him, my sister protected him, and when others bullied him. Sister comforts.

Looking at the gentle appearance of his sister holding the baby, his heart hurts and his eyes are sore. He also wants her sister, and wants to be the younger brother whose head is touched by her sister.

When he heard his mother cry suddenly, Wang Shengxuan was so frightened that his whole body stiffened.

The beautiful young man took his friends to give the villagers some cigarettes. He heard someone screaming over there, calling it Lele's mother, and humbly said to the villagers, "Sorry, it seems that someone has troubled my sister, I'll go take a look first. ”, turned around and ran back with the little friend.

The handsome guys are always exercising, and their running speed is not slow.

There was a commotion over there, and the villagers, who didn't care about the smoke, rushed to the door of Zhou Papi's house, and a large group of people rushed to form a large encirclement.

Wang Cuifeng cried and stood up, holding up her face for others to see: "Le Yun, I am my mother. For various reasons, my mother separated from you 15 years ago. For 15 years, my mother didn't know whether you were dead or alive. My mother came to see you." It was only a few days ago that I found out that you were alive and healthy, and my mother was very happy. I immediately asked someone to find out your whereabouts and came to see you. My child, my poor baby, my mother finally saw you, my precious daughter, let my mother see you, Mom always thinks about you in her dreams..."

"Lele, don't believe her, she's talking nonsense." Dad Le reacted and stood beside his child in two steps, and Zhou Qiufeng followed quickly, lest Yueqing's temper would come out again.

"I know, Dad, don't be nervous, I'll ask her a few words first," Le Yun suppressed the surging hatred in her heart, suppressed the clamor of "kill her", and took a deep breath.

Le Dad didn't speak, and was still very nervous. Zhou Qiufeng hugged the man's arm to comfort him and prevent him from suddenly rushing out to do something.

Yueqing ran to stop her, Wang Cuifeng wiped away her tears and cried with choked: "Leyun, I'm really your mother, there are too many misunderstandings between your father and I, he didn't listen to my explanation at all, and even beat me up. , in order to see you, I beat and scolded, and finally waited for you to come back, my dear, you really crawled out of my stomach, I am pregnant for ten months..."

Misunderstand?Le Yun clenched her brother's hand tightly, suppressed the urge to kick the woman, took a deep breath again, and looked at the woman flatly: "You say you are my mother?"

"Yes, I'm really your mother." Wang Cuifeng nodded excitedly: "Children are all flesh that fell from mother's body, which mother doesn't feel distressed, I have no choice but to leave you, as long as I can't leave, I will How can you let your mother take care of you when you are so young..."

The scum mother is extremely shameless, and Le Yun endured the blue veins in her temples violently, and she had to endure it: "You said that you are my mother, there is no real evidence, no one will believe it, what is your name?"

"My name is Wang Cuifeng. The king is the three-horizontal king, the emerald green Cui, the phoenix's phoenix, and the good daughter. I am really your mother. If you don't believe it, we can do a paternity test." Wang Cuifeng couldn't help but be excited, but her daughter did not Getting angry and scolding herself shows that she is eager to be loved by her mother.

"Do you have an ID card?"

"Yes, I'll show you." Wang Cuifeng forgot to even pretend to be sad. She quickly flipped through her bag and found her ID card and showed it to her daughter: "Look, I didn't lie to you."

"I see clearly, your name is Wang Cuifeng, and you yourself said your name is Wang Cuifeng, right?" Le Yun sneered.


"That's right, you are not my so-called mother," Le Yun raised her head slightly: "My dad has only one ex-girlfriend, Wang Guifang, Wang Guifang with three horizontal lines, Gui Hua's Gui, Fragrant Fang, Wang Guifang That is, the woman who has been pregnant with me for more than seven months, Dad, right? We still have a copy of Wang Guifang's ID card and the information from the maternity check at home."

Om, Wang Cuifeng was stunned, his brain buzzing.

Grandma Zhang and others were also stunned.

Le Dad opened his mouth and was so surprised that he could stuff a big watermelon.

Yan Xing: "..." Little Loli's scumbag used a fake ID card and a fake name back then, called Wang Guifang. Little Lolita didn't even let go of the little things she could use, her brain is too smart.

"No, I'm your real mother, Wang Guifang is..." Wang Cuifeng was stunned, shouting fiercely to defend herself.

"Your name is Wang Cuifeng, and I have taken the ID card to see." Le Yun smiled brightly: "It's also fortunate that you are not Wang Guifang. Did you know that when Wang Guifang was hospitalized with my dad's leg broken, I was only in her stomach for a little over seven months. Wang Guifang went to the hospital to induce labor and strangled the child's life in the mother's womb. When the child was still alive after the induction, Wang Guifang strangled the child to death.

Le Yun made a quiet statement, and after hearing the gasping voices of the handsome guys, she paused and continued: "A nurse who induced labor had seen my grandparents and felt sympathy, and asked my grandparents to see me for the last time. When my grandparents arrived with the nurse, she saw with her own eyes Wang Guifang grabbed my neck, lifted it, swayed it, and scolded me. When she saw my grandparents, she was so frightened that she threw the child away and ran away. Run and steal all the money from my grandparents' house and run off with a wild man.

I was just born at the time. Once I landed, I would definitely break my brain. My grandparents and grandparents had good hearts all their lives. Even under such circumstances, they couldn’t bear to see me fall to pieces, and they desperately rushed to catch me. It was my grandfather who tried his best to save the yang qi, and it was my grandparents who knelt in front of the doctor and begged them to save me, so that I could be saved.

Wang Guifang had an induced labor operation when she was pregnant with me, and she took back the grace of being seven months pregnant. She didn't give birth to me, she strangled me once, and killed me twice in total. I don't owe her any fertility, and I will never give birth to her. will forgive her.

Moreover, my grandparents brought my dad back from the hospital. Later, because my dad had the idea of ​​committing suicide, they went to Wang Guifang's hometown to find her and found the household name on the ID card. The family said that Wang Guifang had already died, and cursed her My grandfather went to the dead to find their family, which made their family unlucky, and beat my grandfather. Later, under the leadership of a kind person, my grandfather went to Wang Guifang's family. All collapsed.

Therefore, I don't have a biological mother, and the woman who was barely related by blood has long since died. Whether you are a distant relative of Wang Guifang, or someone from her same village, you are trying to impersonate my mother, but you are in the wrong place. "

Wang Cuifeng's brain was booming, how could it be like this?Why does Le Yun know that?Why does she still know that Wang Guifang is a dead person?

Zhou Papi and the others were all stunned. Xiao Lele also knew that she was strangled by her mother once?
Le Dad was stunned at first, then turned to "wow" and cried, and hugged his daughter into his arms: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Dad, I don't know how much pain you have endured... "

"..." Dad's tears dripped down her neck, and the tears that Le Yun endured finally burst out. She knew that there were so many cruel facts that should not have been endured by her age group. She suffered so much for her, begged for help in a low voice, and devoted all her efforts to her life, but she couldn't wait for the day when she became an adult and filial to them.

When Xiao Luoli said that her own mother induced her into labor and strangled her to death, Xiao Shaoluo Shao Li Shaowang Erxiao was more shocked than being struck by lightning. Xiao Luoli had such a rough past, and she could survive. It's a miracle, and it shows how much kindness the Le family has accumulated, and also how great grandpa and grandma Le is. Their hard work has not been in vain, and they have cultivated a genius doctor with excellent medical skills and have such a good granddaughter. , Presumably Grandpa Le Le and Grandma Le can smile Jiuquan even if they die young.

It's just, that scumbag...

Many looked at the stunned woman, huh, scum, [-] deaths are not enough, such scum should be divided into five horses and cut into pieces!

Yueqing hugged his girl and cried so hard, the village chief Zhou and others were helpless, and the villagers onlookers were dumbfounded. The result was too unexpected.

Yueqing hugged the girl and cried, Zhou Qiufeng had to appease him: "Brother Le, be strong, Lele is too bitter, you... cry again, she will be more sad..."

She wanted to persuade herself that she choked up first, but Lele actually knew how she was born. She was so young, how much courage she needed to hold on and not collapse, and to keep secrets and never tell others.

Lele's heart hurts even more, and his tears can't stop flowing. He thought Lele didn't know how she was born, or how her mother treated her. He didn't expect that she knew it long ago. It must be his parents before they died. Secretly told her, so that she would not be threatened by her blood relationship in the future and control her life.

Chao Yubo moved forward and pushed the little friends away, holding the child who didn't cry, only the shrug of his shoulders in his arms, and gently touched her little head: "Lele, don't be sad anymore, grandpa and grandma I worked hard to raise you. You are so good and smart. Now you are the best reward for your grandparents. Lele has found a new mother again. With a younger brother, grandparents must be very happy in heaven.

Lele is a good boy. There are too many scumbags in this world, and there will always be a few out of nowhere to cause trouble. We can't be fooled, and we can't be affected by the scumbags. "

The little girl in her arms was full of tears, she held back her tears and inhaled.

"This woman is pretending to be Little Loli's mother, beat her to death!" Wang Ershao raised his arms: "Little Loli is famous now, and all cats and dogs come to go to her relatives, and this kind of bastard who wants to take advantage should be beaten to death. Can, let her know that the cheap is not so easy to take."

"Yes, killing her is too shameless, she must be killed,"

"This kind of person is too disgraceful to the nation of the Great Celestial Dynasty. He was killed so as not to waste the country's food."

"Shameless, vicious and shameless, not killing people is not enough for people to be angry."

Xiao Shao and Li Shao Luo also raised their arms in response. Now they did not use force, they shouted a few times to cheer, and the language of contempt for scum is within the scope of permission.

The first reaction of the villagers watching the excitement was to take a step back, lest the young men accidentally beat themselves when they beat others.

Le Dad was crying in a mess, but he was so startled by the cries of the young people that he forgot to cry.

Wang Shengxuan looked at the young uncles who were waving their arms in horror, backed away in fear, leaned his back against the wall, and held his head in horror.

"No, no, no," Wang Cuifeng's face changed from red to white, and she yelled in panic, "Le Yun, I am really your mother. I was not 16 years old when I was working before, and I used a fake ID card and the name of Wang Guifang from the same village. , Yueqing, tell me something human, did I tell you that I use a fake identity."

(End of this chapter)

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