magic eye doctor

Chapter 801 Strong shot (2

Chapter 801 Strong shot (2
Father Le still had tears on his face. He was bitten by a woman named Wang and wiped his face: "I used to believe everything Wang Guifang said. When my leg was broken and Wang Guifang stole all the money from my family and ran away, I found out what she said." It's all lies, and you are not Wang Guifang, so it is even more unbelievable."

Wang Ershao shrunk his neck, oh my god, he just yelled a few words, doing bad things with good intentions, as if complicating things and causing trouble for little Lolita, will Bo Geer kill him?
The three handsome young men who waved their arms and slapped their hands also put down their arms, ready to hear what other tricks the woman could have. The beautiful boy was next to his sister's side, and he was stroking her head with one hand to calm her about to explode.

The most enviable thing is Le Shan, who is firmly held by her sister, even if others are arguing, he nestles in his sister's warm embrace without hearing anything outside him, and just sleeps.

"Yueqing, you have a guilty conscience, you dare not let your child do a paternity test, you don't want your child to identify as his mother, so you fabricate lies, saying that I induced labor, that I strangled the baby, that I stole your family's money, your family Splash all the dirty water on me." Wang Cuifeng found a little space, and yelled again: "Oh my God, there is such a scumbag man in the world who has slept with me for several years. I helped him have a baby, and he didn't break up at all. Fei, don't let me see the child, don't allow the child to recognize me, the child doesn't even recognize his own mother, oh my god, what crime did I have to do..."

Father Le was shaking with anger. The woman was as poisonous as a snake and scorpion strangling the child to death and still didn't know how to repent. She was still insulting his dead parents. He was so angry that his brain was going to explode. He couldn't help but rush forward. He hugged Yue Qing's arm, and when he was about to rush forward, he grabbed it tightly and dragged him back when he was hard.

There is a scum who is still insulting grandparents, Le Yun's heart is full of anger, and he gritted his teeth a few times before suppressing the anger, lest he can't help but poison her to death and get blue veins from anger Luantiao: "You want to go back to your house and cry. My grandparents have passed away for many years. I don't need you to cry here. You think my grandparents are gone and there is no proof. You can insult my grandparents here, right? Tell me You, the doctors and nurses who performed Wang Guifang’s abortion in the hospital are still alive, I have their contact addresses in my hand, and I can ask them to testify in court at any time, proving that Wang Guifang induced labor and strangled the baby.”

"I didn't insult the old man who died in the Le family. I was forced to induce labor back then. I have difficulties. Le Yun, I am really your own mother. No matter what happened back then, you survived. The child fell from the mother's body." The blood on the blood, which mother does not feel heartbroken, if I am not forced to corner, how can I induce labor, you survived, I came to you happily, I just want to make up for you for the rest of my life, how can you not ask anything , Never listen to my half-sentence explanation, how can you deny your own mother, even your own mother, you are not afraid of lightning strikes..."

Women act out of control when they have no reason. Young Master Xiao and his friends look at each other and look at you. They are all shameless. I have seen shameless people, and I have never seen such shameless people. This woman is simply a VIP among garbage people, don’t King of faces.

The scumbag mother is so shameless, Le Yun almost laughed angrily: "You are not Wang Guifang who was pregnant with me for seven months, why should I recognize you? Randomly drill out a cat or a dog and say it is my own mother. I will recognize my relatives, so how many do I have to raise?" Damn. There are so many vicious people in the world, and Thunderbolt is the kind of scum who is not as good as a beast by strangling babies, how could he attack a miserable person like me who was killed in the womb before I was born."

"Wang Guifang is my fake ID. I am Wang Guifang. You say I am not Wang Guifang. Let's do a paternity test to see if there is any blood relationship."

"Yes, yes, you can find out if it's your real mother or not by doing a paternity test." After waiting for a long time, Sister-in-law Wu finally waited for the opportunity, and immediately agreed: "Le Yun, mother is always mother, no matter what mother does, you have to Give her a chance to make amends, right?"

"I think my mother is right. Mothers love their children. No matter what mistakes they made in the past, they must be given a chance to correct themselves." Zhang Jing echoed her mother's words: "Le Yun, didn't you envy others with mothers when you were young?" , Why does your mother refuse to recognize her right in front of your eyes, do you think she ran away with a wild man, making you feel ashamed?"

"A son never thinks his mother ugly, a dog never thinks his family is poor, no matter how ugly or evil, mother is always mother, a person who can't even forgive his own mother, is he still human?" Grandma Zhang said to her daughter-in-law and granddaughter to help out.

"That's right, I don't even recognize my own mother, and I read the books in the dog's stomach." Chen Wu finally had a chance to speak, and he also strongly agreed with the words of the three women of the Zhang family.

Village Chief Zhou glared at everyone Zhang, but didn't curse anyone. Grandma Zhou Man sneered: "The feeling is that your mother didn't strangle you when she gave birth to you, so you have the opportunity to make sarcastic remarks here."

Chen Wu shrank his neck and remained silent.

"What did Sister Man say? That's the way it is. The old man said that there are all parents in the world. No matter how much the parents are at fault, the blood relationship can't be faked." Grandma Zhang laughed: "If my children dare to deny Me, I slapped him to death, an unfilial child who doesn't even recognize his own mother, should be strangled to death when she comes out, so as not to raise him and suffer."

"Oh, those who are not filial to their parents should be strangled to death. Your mother was ill and lay in bed for three years. She never saw you go home to serve her. When your mother died, she must have regretted not strangling you when she gave birth to you. You were not less Calling your mother-in-law old, your mother-in-law must also hate your mother in her heart for not strangling you when she gave birth to you." Grandma Zhou was angry, and pointed at someone's unfilial behavior back then.

"I..." Grandma Zhou used her dead mother and mother-in-law as an example. Grandma Zhang was so angry that her face was flushed, and she dared not say a word anymore.

Before Le Yun had time to pinch Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Zhou's grandma went up to her, and she didn't speak for a while. When the other side subsided, she turned her head to look at the scumbag mother: "You just said to do a paternity test, right?"

"That's right, a paternity test can prove that I am your real mother." Wang Cuifeng nodded hastily.

"Why should I do a paternity test with a drug addict like you? You have hallucinated from drug abuse, pretending to be my own mother to cheat money for your drug use, and still messing around here. Pooh, only a brainless person can help you talk, if I talk to you A drug addict who came here out of nowhere to do a paternity test would be a laughing stock."

Wang Cuifeng's complexion changed drastically, and she flew into a rage, rushing forward, scolding at the same time: "You are an unfilial daughter, just ignore your mother, and dare to talk nonsense to wrong me for saying I take drugs, you are uneducated, your father If I didn’t teach you well, I’ll teach you how to be a man…”

The woman rushed up suddenly, Le's father's first reaction was to protect his child, he immediately hugged the child in his arms, and blocked the woman's direction with his back.

The beautiful boy and Xiao Shao, Luo Shao, Li Shao, Wang and Er Shao are not slow, and they are protecting the little loli.

They were fast, Yan Xing was even faster, he dodged forward to block the little Lolita, took another step forward, raised his foot, and kicked the woman in the stomach.

Bang, that kick was fast and fast, and it firmly kicked the woman's belly. The woman who was rushing forward screamed "Ah", her body arched up, and she fell backwards.

Lan San rushed up quickly, and when the woman took two steps back, he grabbed the woman's hands behind her back with great agility, then hooked her down with one foot, and pinned the woman down to kneel on the ground three times, five times and two times, and grabbed the woman with one hand Hand, one hand on her shoulder.

Restraining the woman, ignoring her howling "ahhhh" like a pig butcher, he scolded in a deep voice: "Don't move, be honest!"

A certain woman suddenly went berserk, and Village Chief Zhou and the others were all in a daze. Before they could react, they heard the scream of a woman. They trembled in fright. When they took a closer look, they found out that she claimed to be Le Yun's mother. The young woman was pushed to the ground by a young man, and that appearance clearly looked like she was treating a criminal.

This time, the villagers were speechless.

Father Le turned his head when he heard the scream, and found a tall young man blocking himself and the little padded jacket, and Xiao Chao and his brothers were also protecting their children, so moved that they wanted to cry.

Being kicked and thrown to the ground, Wang Cuifeng was in so much pain that she didn't realize what was going on at first. When the pain in her knee made her brain clear up, she realized that she was being held down and shouted: "Let go of me, you want to What are you doing? Let me go, molestation, help me, there are hooligans..."

While yelling, he stretched his head and kicked backwards, and stretched his legs and kicked backwards.

Lan San was very angry, and stomped on one of the woman's legs.

Faced with Zhang's handsome face, Yan Xing calmly reached out to touch the man's backpack, took out a black-painted pistol, pulled off the safety, pushed the bullet into the chamber with a "click", and raised his hand to shoot into the air above the open area .

"Bang-" The sound of the pistol's gunshot pierced the sky, and the bullet casings jumped to the ground with a 'ding'.

The villagers in front of Zhoubapilou were terrified by the sound of gunfire, and Wang Cuifeng seemed to be strangled, and the sound of howling was stuck in his throat.

Yan Xing fired a warning shot, slowly retracted his arm, and warned the woman calmly and solemnly: "Wang Cuifeng, it was a warning just now, if you resist or run away, shoot dead on the spot."

"Ah—" Wang Cuifeng was so frightened that his pupils dilated, and the scream only came out of his throat and was swallowed by himself, trembling in horror: "You... who are you?"

"I didn't have time to say it just now, so let me explain it now," Yan Xing explained unhurriedly: "The person behind you and me is an active soldier. Student Le Yun is smart and quick-witted. At the same time, classmate Le Yun has excellent medical skills and has a wonderful hand rejuvenation technique. He has saved the lives of several heroes for the military. He is regarded as the protector of soldiers and police C. Recently, we have received information that someone intends to kidnap classmate Le Yun. We have orders from our superiors To protect the safety of Le Yun, anyone who intends to attack Le Yun will be regarded as a terrorist and will be warned for the first time, and those who do not listen to the warning will be shot dead on the spot."

The young man held a black gun in his hand, like a god of killing, and his power shook the world. The villagers were afraid of being treated as terrorists.

(End of this chapter)

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