magic eye doctor

Chapter 802 Breaking the Secret (1

Chapter 802 Breaking the Secret (1
Le Yun's words rolled over everyone's heads like thunder, and the village committee building was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Father Le's eyes were red, and he scolded loudly: "Wu Lingling, you bitch!"

Father Le rushed forward, just wanting to kill the man surnamed Wu to dispel his anger. He was so strong that Zhou Qiufeng hugged him and was dragged forward. The brothers grabbed Yueqing tightly to prevent him from being impulsive, and Chen Dalian helped stop Yueqing.

"Let go of me, Wu Lingling, you bitch who kills a thousand knives, I fuck your whole family of women, your mother sells horses, you call me crippled and I will tolerate you, you call me a worthless useless I will tolerate you, you have no conscience, You have bullied my girl to such an extent, it is unacceptable for you not to die, I will kill you today before I surrender myself."

Le's father was distraught. The Le family had only one child in Lele before, such a weak seedling. The two elders worked hard to save their lives. They didn't expect that they would be murdered by Wu Lingling in the village. How could they bear the hatred of killing their daughter.

Yueqing was furious, and the villagers recovered from their stunned stupefaction, but they still couldn't help the hairs on their backs. Zhang Ke's wife is so scary!
Yan Xing can't wait to kill the woman with a single shot. That woman actually did such a despicable thing to the little Lolita, scum, kill her!

The words of Le Jia's short-lived ghost aroused public outrage. Sister-in-law Wu was so frightened that she flicked cotton on her legs and denied it: "No, I didn't...I didn't do that kind of thing..."

"Facts are facts, you can't deny it even if you want to, and what's more," Le Yun was not prepared to knock on one thing, and continued: "During the Dragon Boat Festival when I was four years old, I went to catch loach. , I didn't find you, you followed me to the muddy pond, and while no one picked me up and threw me into the muddy pond, you took a bamboo pole and pushed me into the pond, and pressed me into the mud, trying to suffocate me.

Everyone in the village knows what a rotten mud pond looks like. I am so small, I can't survive if I am pushed into the mud. You saw someone running away, Aunt Feng heard the sound and ran to the pond to find me and rescued me.

Wu Lingling, murder pays for life. You deliberately murdered me and didn't kill me. It's an unaccounted for murder. What are you going to pay for this debt? "

"Wu Lingling, you are not human!" Zhou Qiufeng, who was holding Yueqing originally, burst into tears, let go of Yueqing and rushed out. Not to mention that Yueqing wanted to kill Wu, she also wanted to kill that bitch.

During the Dragon Boat Festival that year, she passed by the rotten mud pond in the paddy field area of ​​Meizijing Village. She heard a faint cry and ran to find Xiao Lele struggling in the mud. There once was a grown man who got stuck in the mud and died without getting up. Xiao Lele is so small, if no one passes by, he will survive.

Sister-in-law Liu and sister-in-law Zhao couldn't see it well, so she rushed forward and hugged Zhou Qiufeng, preventing her from beating Zhang Ke's wife.

Grandma Zhou Man was trembling with anger: "Wu Lingling, you will be struck by lightning...five thunderbolts..."

Grandma Zhang's face was pale, no matter whether Wu Lingling had done something that harmed Le Yun, from now on, everyone thought she had done those shameful things, and every household would guard against her.

Zhang Ke, who was huddled in the crowd, opened his mouth, and the sweat on his back flowed layer after layer.

"It's not me, it's not me... I didn't throw Le Yun into the pond, she slid down by herself." The villagers' eyes fell on her as if they saw a poisonous snake, and Sister-in-law Wu explained in horror: "I really didn't think The heart that killed Le Yun, I stabbed her with a needle, never thought of killing her."

The scalp of the villagers is numb, Wu Lingling really pricked Xiao Leyun with a needle, what a vicious woman!
"You didn't kill me that time, and I was on guard against you. Every time I saw you from a distance, I would avoid it early, and I would check whether you were nearby before going anywhere. You couldn't find a chance to hurt me. , When I was six or seven years old, your mother and daughter coaxed Zhou Chunmei to come forward and let her coax Grandma Zhou and my dad to teach me to swim. Grandma Zhou and my dad believed in Zhou Chunmei, and let her take me to the river to play with confidence, Zhou Chunmei Take me to the place agreed with Zhang Jing, every time I want to leave, I can’t go, Zhang Jing and Zhou Chunmei drag me into the water, push me into the water, almost drown me a few times, my fate, Every time I can always escape from the tiger's mouth."

Le Yun was still turning over the tent, Zhou Chunmei couldn't even sit still, trembling all over: "Le Yun, don't do my business, Zhang Jing and her mother asked me to take you there, they just asked you to drink a few sips of water. I don't know they want to kill you, I really don't know..."

She was so frightened that she began to cry as she spoke.

Brother Zhou was so angry that his hair stood on end, and he still had to press Yueqing firmly to hold his younger sister, preventing her and her brother-in-law from killing him.

Zhou Papi and the others are almost running out of brains.

The beautiful boy hugged his younger sister against him, gently stroked her head, and silently comforted her tormented heart.

Xiao Shao, Luo Shao, and Li Shao also reached out to touch little Lolita's head to comfort her. Wang Ershao glared angrily, staring at a bad woman. Li didn't restrict their actions, didn't kill her, and they didn't have to mess around anymore.

Sister-in-law Wu's legs were weak, she couldn't sit still, she leaned to one side, and the aunt next to her stood up quickly to avoid it. She just fell to the ground with a bang and hit the bench again, tears flowed from the pain, and the powder on her face Washed out by sweat and tears, one line was light and the other was white, it was horrible.

"So your legs are weak? The important thing is yet to come," Le Yun raised her eyebrows, "Wu Lingling, how did my grandfather fall off the cliff? How did your father-in-law Zhang Da die? Do you remember?"

"No, I don't know, I don't know, don't ask me, it's none of my business..." Sister-in-law Wu sat down with her legs weak, but when she was asked two questions in a row, she stood up and ran away.

Grandma Zhou and Grandma Zhou Man wanted to catch her but failed. Aunt Pa took a few steps away. She was so far away that she couldn't stop her.

Grandma Zhang stood up in shock: "Le Yun, why did my man disappear?"

Zhang Ke was originally sweating, but when he heard the topic of his father's death, he was so frightened that he couldn't even break out in a cold sweat.

The one surnamed Wu wanted to run away, but Le Yun rushed out even faster, and rushed to Miss Wu like a gust of wind: "Don't run away, the debt is not settled yet."

Little Lolita jumped out, Yan Xing almost followed her like a shadow, followed by blocking a certain village woman, glaring at the woman.

"Le Yun, I was wrong, I shouldn't have treated you like that, please let me go, I will compensate you..." Sister-in-law Wu was frightened when she saw Le Yun and the young man beside her blocking her way. He had to take two steps back, begging for mercy in horror.

"Killing people to pay for their lives and debts to pay back money are justified," Le Yun smiled and stared at her enemy who had been hiding for several years, pointing to the truth: "Wu Lingling, you brought my grandfather down the rock, and my grandfather planted plants on that rock. Dendrobium, he went to pick it, with a rope tied around his waist, you untie the rope my grandfather tied to the tree, let my grandfather fall..."

"No, I didn't! You're spitting blood." Sister-in-law Wu yelled, taking several steps backwards, her legs were weak and precarious.

"There are witnesses, and there are three of them, and your father-in-law is one of them." Le Yun did not let her go, and chased after the victory: "Your father-in-law thought you were going on a date with a wild man, so he secretly followed you to catch him, but he didn't expect to see you He felt ashamed in his heart for doing something outrageous, so he went to Xiayanyan to find my grandfather and carried him back, saying to the outside world that he saw my grandfather couldn't walk halfway and carried him back.

Your father-in-law was afraid that outsiders would know that his son and wife had killed someone and put him in jail. From then on, the whole family could not hold their heads up in the village. They knelt in front of my grandpa and begged my grandpa to let you go. It was also because your father-in-law felt guilty that he looked at you coldly. Look, Zhang Ke always listens to you unconditionally. You always make Zhang Ke quarrel with his father by blowing the pillow, which makes his father depressed.

To catch an adulterer is to catch both. Your father-in-law has been looking for evidence, and finally caught you sleeping with a wild man. Not only are you shameless, but you also said that you are not afraid of your father-in-law telling Zhang Ke, because Zhang Ke will not believe it, and you are shameless Tell your father-in-law and the wild man to come and sleep with three of them..."

"" Grandma Zhang pointed at Wu Lingling, her whole body was like chaff.

"You're talking nonsense, you made things out of nothing, it's not my reputation..."

"Damn, you've got a guilty conscience, so you deliberately messed around to divert other people's attention," Le Yun spat out contemptuously, and then poked at someone's vital point: "I want you to tell me about the wild girl that your father caught sleeping with you that time. The man's name? He's here. That man's son is about the same age as Zhang Ke. He is on good terms with your father-in-law on weekdays. Because of this, your father-in-law catches you and you are so angry that you vomit blood. Wait for him to go home , because you ran to complain to Zhang Ke that your father-in-law was trying to moles you, and Zhang Ke believed that your bedside talk was making trouble with his father, so your father-in-law was so angry that you two spurted blood to death."

"I didn't..." Being told the fact that his father died by spurting blood, Zhang Ke couldn't help thinking of the moment when his father fell down. His father sprayed a mouthful of blood, like a spray of water, and fell to the ground. Big mouthfuls of blood gushed out of his mouth, and he died before he could be sent to the hospital.

Thinking of the last quarrel between himself and his father, Zhang Ke stood there blankly, like a wooden man.

Grandma Zhang's mind became turbulent, trembling all over, she sat down slowly, her face seemed to be crying but not crying, smiling but not smiling.

Zhang Jing was stunned.

"Wu Lingling, you know that your father-in-law saw you untie my grandfather's rope and let my grandfather fall off the rock, so you tried your best to piss your father-in-law off, thinking that your father-in-law is dead and my grandfather is gone. No one knows what you did, but unfortunately, there were two other people who saw it that day, too."

Le Yun looked at Wu Lingling's stiff standing posture, and continued to state quietly: "Your father-in-law begged my grandpa not to sue you. My grandfather knew his fate was not long, so he gave your father-in-law face. Unfortunately, your father-in-law is really worthless. What he was protecting was a poisonous woman who was three times more poisonous than a five-step snake, so he took his life for it.

Wu Lingling, with so many debts, which one do you want to pay first?
Also, four years ago, in the winter of my third year of junior high school, your daughter Zhang Jing and others had to pay for the gangsters who beat me on the road. I was seriously injured and hospitalized that time. And left sequelae to this day, and my grandma was also frightened, she was so frightened that she had a heart problem, and died a few months later, you, your daughter, and your concubine’s family are half responsible for my grandma’s death, and you owe my grandma half order.

You owe my grandpa one life, your mother and daughter owe my grandma half a life, and you owe half a life to me, which means you owe my family two lives. You and your daughter dare to be so bold because your concubine is covering your head. This time, I I want to know if your concubine and his family can still cover you. "

"It's not me, I didn't do anything." Sister-in-law Wu tremblingly denied with a pale face.

"No hurry, it's not over yet," Le Yun smiled: "You and your daughter have scolded me for 15 years as a bastard, so I want to ask you, who do you think is the real bastard, Zhang Jing or me?"

"Le Yun, are you finished? Create something out of nothing, I want to sue you for defamation." Sister-in-law Wu yelled, her momentum rising again.

"You are so snarky because you have a guilty conscience, because Zhang Jing is not Zhang Ke's species, Zhang Jing is a real wild species." Le Yun laughed: "You tell me, the bigger the trouble, the better, the more trouble you make, the better." The bigger, the bigger the impact."

"You're talking nonsense." Sister-in-law Wu shouted even louder.

"You... said Zhang Jing is a bastard?" Grandma Zhang stared at Miss Lejia with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

"See for yourself how Zhang Jing is like Zhang Ke is like your Zhang family, the son of Uncle Zhang's family is like a grandfather, the grandson of Grandpa Zhang's second is like his father, and the son of Zhang Wu's family is a bit like a grandma and a father, just you Zhang Our granddaughter has no shadow of the Zhang family at all. Instead, it is like a portrait of Huang who came to work in Jiudao Township a few years ago. The 19-year-old wild species," the surnamed Wu became more guilty, and Le Yun became happier: "Wu Lingling, you are really cruel. Zhang Ke helps you raise wild species with your concubine. You are so kind to you, and you don't want to give it to Zhang. Ke gave birth to a child, so that Zhang Ke will never be born again..."

"..." Her secret was exposed, and Wu Lingling's face turned pale and green.

"What did you say?" Grandma Zhang asked with a pale face: "Le Yun, please explain clearly, what do you mean by not wanting Zhang Ke to have a child, and what do you mean by wanting Zhang Ke to die?"

"It's very simple. I've already said that Zhang Jing is not from your family. Wu Lingling has also undergone a sterilization operation. She can still be sterilized. She has undergone a sterilization operation. She wants to have a child and be reincarnated as a woman again in her next life."

Zhang Ke's family looked ashen, and Le Yun became more and more happy: "Wu Lingling, from now on your daughter can change her surname to Huang in an open and aboveboard manner. Although the hairy phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken, and the illegitimate daughter is the phoenix, your concubine's family has a big business. Zhang Jing His own father, Huang, is also a big official now, and your daughter is an illegitimate daughter, which is enough to make the city's second-generation officials and rich second-generation curry favor, and also live like a little princess.

Your concubine was known to have had an affair with a married daughter, and also had an illegitimate daughter. Do you think his black hat can still be kept?You and your concubine often have trysts at Wu's house, and it's your parents, brothers and sisters-in-law who help cover it up. Do you think his wife will directly kill Wu's house and make a mess of things when she finds out? "

Sister-in-law Wu originally thought that Le Yun was deceiving herself, but when she heard that her daughter should change her surname to Huang, the last bit of luck left in her heart collapsed, Le Yun knew everything!
(End of this chapter)

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