magic eye doctor

Chapter 855 Respecting the Elderly

Chapter 855 Respecting the Elderly (1 More)

The time in Huaxia is faster than that of Europe. When Yi is still late at night, the sky in Huaxia is already bright. That day is October 10, which is also the annual Double Ninth Festival.

That day was the birthday of Chao Jiamei and Li Jia Dabo. The two families planned to let the two Yubos who were born in the same year, the same month, and the same day celebrate their birthdays together, so as to save them from blessing each other. Therefore, in the early morning, Li Zheng and his wife accompanied the old man. The wife took her son and ran to Chao Er's house. Later, Mr. Chao, Mrs. Chao and the third daughter-in-law brought their grandson.

Chao San, because that day was the Double Ninth Festival, he had to accompany the leaders to attend some activities to respect the elderly, as did Chao's young grandfather and Li Shao's grandfather.

Chao Yi also wanted to visit the widowed old man, etc. Mrs. Chao was with him, so he didn't go to Chao Er's house for the time being.

Xiao Geluo arrived in the middle of the morning, He's family, He Xiaoshi fifteen, He Xiaoshiliu, and Wang Ershao didn't arrive until after ten o'clock, and they celebrated their birthday together; Deng Shao arrived at eleven o'clock at the latest Arrived later.

The first thing a few young people rushed to Chao Erye's house was to ask Little Lolita, and learned that Little Lolita had gone to Europe to study plants. Celebrating a birthday, but that little loli slipped away, it's not kind.

Little Lolita wasn't at home, so the youngsters didn't get entangled anymore, they played happily, and caught the two little birthday stars talking and tossing all kinds of things.

Chongyang respects the elderly, and Young Master Yan also returns to his grandfather's house in the morning, spends half a day with him, and then returns to He's house after lunch. Even if his grandson can only accompany him for half a day, Mr. Yan is satisfied.

The elders and ladies of the He family were so happy to see Xiao Longbao come back, they pulled him to his side for a loving meal, which made the brothers and sisters of the Ming generation of the He family sweat.

After two o'clock in the afternoon in Huaxia Kingdom, the genius of Yi Country began to light up, because it rained again in the middle of the night last night, the city was full of humidity in the morning, and the sky was also gray.

Miaomiaodan has not been sleepy since early morning, opened his eyes until dawn, got up early in the morning, went downstairs, pretended to look at the scenery, walked around the riverside street, and then returned to the tavern to investigate.

Le Yun still sleeps until 06:30 before getting up. First, clean the water stains and sanitation in the living room, go to the living room and drink a cup of oatmeal with Miro, go downstairs to have breakfast, and after breakfast, go upstairs to bring a small backpack, and put A bag of things was transferred into the backpack bought from shopping and went downstairs.

Milo drove the car from the backyard and sent the children to the National Academy of Arts.

Miao Miaodan was having breakfast and drinking red wine in the tavern. She spotted the girl and the young man going downstairs to have breakfast and then went out. After observing that the two of them didn't bring any big luggage, she wondered even more, where did Auston go?

If Auston was knocked unconscious by a thief, the owner of the tavern would call the police, but the young man obviously didn't see a thief.

If a girl knocks someone out and hides him, the time between when she turns on the light and when she opens the door to the young man is very short, where can she hide a person without being discovered?What do you hide people for?
If the girl first hid Oston in the middle of the night and then destroyed the body, there would be some noise, but she didn't hear any sound after last night, and she didn't smell any strange smell. It is possible that Auston was still hidden guest room?
She was also sure that she saw Oston disappear at that time, and it was impossible to escape. From the time the girl and the youth opened the door to talk until dawn, the girl did not leave the room.

Miao Miaodan didn't know whether to follow the girl and the young man or stay near the tavern. After thinking about it, she decided to stay nearby to see the situation.

Mi Luo drove Xiao Lele to the Academy of Art and then drove home by himself. The child must have a lot to say after meeting her sister, and it is inconvenient for him to be around.

The ground is wet everywhere, the sky looks like it is going to rain, and it is still early. Le Yun arrived at the most famous art academy in Florence. There are not many tourists. The academy is open, and some places require a fee to enter and visit. Many people rush Looking at the famous "David" statue, there are several people waiting in line to visit inside.

Looking at the well-connected places, she walked a little farther away, took off her backpack and looked for something, then secretly transferred two bags of things from the space into the backpack, and then took out her mobile phone to make a call.

It's a rare weekend, and it's rainy again. Miss Chao Er didn't go for a run in the morning, so she decided to sleep late, get up later to eat, and call her beautiful young brother at noon. It was the younger brother who called. He picked up the phone and found that it was Xiaotuanzi's call. He answered in surprise: "Xiaotuanzi, cute Xiaotuanzi, you are finally willing to call your sister, you are a good boy who respects the elderly!"

After getting through the phone, Le Yun heard a series of crackling words coming from the other end, and when the satyr sister finished speaking, she yelled lukewarmly: "Sister Fu, I'm here to accompany you to celebrate the Old Man's Day. In front of the museum."

"Hey, stinky little dumpling, stop coaxing me, I still believe you when you say you're in Minda University." Chao Yufu stuck out his tongue into the air, smelling Lele, he actually teased her, it's not cute at all.

No one would believe the truth, Le Yun looked at the sky: "Sister Fu, what I said is true, I was at your school, and it rained after [-]:[-] last night in Florence, which lasted for an hour and ten Minutes, it rained again at [-] o'clock in the middle of the night, and now there is still water on the ground, and the sky is gray, um, wait a minute, I will take a video that you can tell the real from the fake at a glance Look."

Hearing the laughter of the second sister, Le Yun knew that she still didn't believe it, took a mobile phone to take a video of the iconic statue at the entrance of a building, and sent it over: "Sister pervert, you don't believe it, don't When I came out, I left. I originally brought you the biscuits and dumplings I made. If you don’t want to eat them, I’ll take them to your friends. I’m here this time to help a foreign friend with a follow-up visit, and I’ll make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow.”

Chao Yufu didn't believe that Xiaofentuanzi would show up in Florence, but when he saw the video, he sat up screaming, Xiaofentuanzi said he was going to leave, and yelled, "Xiaotuanzi, wait for me, I'll be there soon Come out, if you dare to leave, I will never end with you!"

While yelling, regardless of the surprised eyes of my roommates, I changed clothes in a hurry, changed into sportswear, rushed to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth in two minutes, and turned my bank card. I stuffed my student ID card into my tote bag, stuffed my umbrella, grabbed my phone, and put on my shoes while running.

He ran to the door and put on his shoes, opened the door and rushed out, then closed the door, and then rushed out of the school building at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint, took a shortcut, and rushed to the square to look around.

After looking for it, I saw Xiaofen Duanzi, wearing a blue sportswear, staying next to a pier of a row of arched buildings, holding a camera and taking pictures in a "click click".

When he found the cute and tender little dumpling, Chao Yufu was so happy that he wanted to fly, and rushed all the way. There were still more than ten meters away, when he saw the pink and tender little guy turned his head, patted himself, and even pointed at himself With a small grin, it's indescribably cute that way.

Before Sister Fu's people arrived, Le Yun smelled her breath, turned around after taking a few landscape photos, Sister Fu was still in red sportswear, her hair was tied into a ponytail, she was carrying a bag, her face was full of scorching sun With a smile, galloping like a galloping horse, the roc spreads its wings and flies.

Chao Yufu rushed forward in a hurry, rushed close to Xiao Budian, and hugged the petite pink dumpling in his arms: "Xiao Tuanzi, pink and tender little dumpling, you really came to see my sister, my sister loves you the most!" You!"

Being hugged and pressed against her chest by the pervert Fu, Le Yun squeezed her head out with difficulty: "Sister Fu, you squeezed so hard that my face was deformed."

"Knead the face back after it's deformed, as long as the biscuits you brought don't break." Chao Yufu was in a good mood as he ravaged the pink dumpling.

"Sure enough, they came here for biscuits, not because of me." Her face was brutally murdered, so Le Yun had to take off her backpack and stuff it to Sister Fu. The reason why she is not tall is probably everyone's expectation. She is short, Everyone can touch her head and pinch her face, and play her like a baby.

"No way, our small dumpling is a hundred times more important than biscuits." Xiaofen dumpling stuffed a bag and slipped away. Chao Yufu, holding the bag, chased after Xiao Lele and took Xiao Lele's slender little jade hand, and walked to a round arch There is a place where you can sit under the shaped corridor. Sit down and talk first before deciding where to go.

After sitting down, Miss Chao Er opened the bag Xiaotuanzi gave her, and looked excitedly, there was a bag of dumplings, a box of biscuits, two toasts, and a sealed bag of tomatoes inside.

When he saw the tomatoes, he knew they were the ones that Xiaotuanzi brought back from Mount Shennong. Xiaobudian even crossed two continents to send her non-polluting fruits. She was really the most caring sister in the world.

Happy, Chao Yufu hugged the cute little dumpling again, tore open the bread bag, took out a piece of bread and ate it, killed one and then ate the second one, killed the two breads, opened the bag and ate tomatoes.

After eating my own simple breakfast, I was so happy that I could see my teeth but not see my eyes. I threw my backpack on my back, pulled on the little powder dumpling and took her to visit the Academy of Fine Arts and the church. After 08:30, I went to visit the museum. She is a student of the academy and took her relatives and friends to visit. Admission is free.

Le Yun is sad in her heart. She doesn't want to visit museums or exhibition halls. Seeing those shiny things and not being able to move them into the space makes her heart ache.

Visiting a museum is tantamount to experiencing the feeling of being stuck in your heart, and you can't refuse it. You can only silently endure the spiritual blows again and again, drooling secretly at the exquisite and precious collections with historical value.

No matter how long he stayed in the museum, Le Xiao’s heart was blocked for a long time. After visiting the artworks and seeing the exquisite buildings on the street, he still hadn’t recovered from the blockage.

Miss Chao Er didn't realize that Xiaotuanzi was so full of heart that she wanted to cry, because her little cute sister traveled thousands of miles to see her, and she was excited and took her for a walk around.

The two of them play happily, find snacks when they are hungry, sit down when they are tired, or go to a coffee shop for a cup of coffee. Miss Chao Er is also a shopaholic occasionally, rushing to the commercial street to buy clothes and silk for the cute little dumpling Shawls, shawls.

Sister Fu also became a shopaholic, and she couldn’t stop her. Xiao Le gave up on saving things completely and asked her to buy whatever she wanted. There was no place to burn the money, so she burned it on her. She lived in a group of people who love to buy and buy. Among the crowd, I couldn't be more heartbroken.

The two sisters wandered around until noon, ran to the park square to find a bench and sat down, called home, first called the old men and women in the capital, and the phone was connected and started the video.

He Xiaoshififteen, He Xiaoliu Shao Luo, Xiao Shao and Wang Ershao went home in the afternoon to accompany their parents and seniors. Only Li Yubo's family was at Chao Er's house. In the evening, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Chao Yi and Mrs. Qing also came back. Everyone gathered together.

When Bo Geer received a call from his second sister, knowing that Chao Xiaoer was playing with Xiao Tuanzi, a group of old men and old ladies competed to occupy the video, and came to collectively brush their faces.

The twitter video lasted for an hour. Miss Chao Er hung up the phone, urged Xiaotuanzi to call her parents, and then she went over to brush her face.

Happy dad Zhou Qiufeng has nothing to do at home. One takes care of the children, the other takes care of the work in the field or chops some firewood. vegetable.

The construction of Lejia's new house is going smoothly. After digging the foundation, we will wait for a few days to wait for it to solidify and harden. We have started to build the wall a few days ago. There are many people and the speed of building the wall is very fast. It is expected that the first floor will be poured by the end of the month. floor.

When the little cotton-padded jacket called back, Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, told her the little things, and because no one was paying attention, Le Shan also hummed a few times to join in the fun.

Le Shan is growing fast, he stood up in just three months, and is learning how to stand up by himself. Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, and his wife are working hard on early childhood education for the little rascal, teaching them how to read characters, recognize colors, and so on.

The couple are used to seeing their daughter always run away, so they were not shocked when they heard that she went abroad again. Apart from telling them to be safe, they didn't ask when they would return home or what they were doing. Anyway, they thought Xiaole Where Le is going, the purpose is to find medicinal materials.

After talking with her parents and brother at home, Le Yun called the professor and teacher's wife again, chatted for a long time, and ended the international long distance happily, then she sent a voice message to the classmates in the class, and sent a message to Handsome Yan, after that, and Sister Fu continued shopping.

It's rare for Xiaotuanzi to have time to play with him. It's still just him and Xiaotuanzi playing. Chao Yufu is in a good mood, and he drags little sister Lolita to wander around. No one can stop her. She doesn't take the place she thinks is the most worthwhile I am willing to go shopping.

The little loli turned into a little escort, was dragged around, wrinkled her nose and face wrinkled N times, and was directly ignored by a certain sister who was so excited because she could dominate her sister, and took her to eat and clean up Food, shopping.

The two sisters had so much fun that they went shopping at the night market until after nine o'clock in the evening. They returned home exhausted. They first took a taxi to the Academy of Fine Arts and sent Miss Chao Er to the school. Classmate Le took a taxi back to handsome Mi Luo's home.

(End of this chapter)

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